0:00:04.960,0:00:07.040 A: Hello everybody! 0:00:07.040,0:00:12.740 I'm doing my very first vloggy vlog vlog vloggy type vlog 0:00:12.760,0:00:15.140 And I'm real good at it as you can tell 0:00:15.140,0:00:15.780 (laughing) 0:00:15.780,0:00:18.500 Katie: She's so great, so good at it 0:00:18.500,0:00:21.180 A: I'm going to be doing the best friend tag 0:00:21.200,0:00:26.820 and if there's a whole lot of background noise and birds calling it's because it's sunset and there's a whole lot of birds out there 0:00:26.820,0:00:28.940 this is my best friend, Katie 0:00:29.080,0:00:35.000 and the voice you will hear behind the camera is also our really really good friend Tilda 0:00:37.580,0:00:38.200 say hi 0:00:38.260,0:00:39.700 oh "laughter" 0:00:40.380,0:00:47.340 Anyway, Tilda's going to be asking us, um, questions that we've just found from googling "best friend quiz" 0:00:47.340,0:00:47.840 Katie: mmhm 0:00:47.840,0:00:50.480 A: Yeah, so, how well do we know each other? 0:00:50.480,0:00:52.320 Do we know each other at all? 0:00:52.540,0:00:57.360 Katie: I feel like the questions are probably gonna be, like, some kind of Girlfriend Mag-esque 0:00:57.360,0:00:57.860 A: *laughing* Probably! 0:00:57.860,0:01:01.920 kind of thing. And they're going to be things that we've just never spoken about because we're talking about like 0:01:02.000,0:01:03.740 science or philosophy or fashion. 0:01:03.740,0:01:04.640 A: Let's see how we go. 0:01:04.640,0:01:05.140 Katie: Yeah 0:01:08.560,0:01:09.440 Annika: Jane 0:01:09.440,0:01:10.480 Katie: ummmmmm 0:01:10.640,0:01:11.760 It starts with M! 0:01:11.940,0:01:12.900 Margaret? No. 0:01:12.900,0:01:14.180 Annika: You know the first one 0:01:14.180,0:01:15.620 Katie: Margaret...Something 0:01:15.620,0:01:16.580 Margaret.... 0:01:18.120,0:01:19.260 Isabelle? Margaret J- 0:01:19.260,0:01:20.060 Margaret 0:01:20.060,0:01:22.560 Annika:- How could you not know the first one? 0:01:22.560,0:01:24.620 it's literally my screen name- 0:01:24.620,0:01:28.340 K: oh f*** VICTORIA! Victoria. Victoria. 0:01:28.340,0:01:29.000 Victoria. 0:01:29.000,0:01:31.780 Victoria... Margaret. 0:01:31.780,0:01:33.280 No that's - I'm getting that - 0:01:33.280,0:01:34.320 A: That's right! Yeah! 0:01:34.320,0:01:35.580 K: OH! YES! HA! [br]A: Was I right? 0:01:36.200,0:01:38.060 K: Yeah you were right too, oh, I just 0:01:38.060,0:01:39.540 [laughing] 0:01:39.540,0:01:41.220 K: I was like, "yeah you were right" 0:01:41.220,0:01:42.320 A: 1 point to each of us! 0:01:42.320,0:01:44.800 Tilde: OK... so one score for each of you[br]A: are we scoring? Yep, we're scoring. 0:01:44.800,0:01:47.800 T: OK, now...[br]A: I feel like I've got a sweat moustache, hang on. 0:01:47.800,0:01:48.600 [Laughing] 0:01:51.340,0:01:52.940 K: "ooh".[br]A: The Patriarchy. 0:01:52.940,0:01:54.940 [laughing] 0:01:54.940,0:01:57.880 K: Yeah! pet peeve, like, "oh just shut uuuup!" 0:01:57.880,0:02:00.340 "Oh my god, that's sooooo annoying" 0:02:00.340,0:02:04.560 Ummm, your pet peeve - um, I don't know - people walking in on you 0:02:04.560,0:02:06.300 when you're trying to film? Or- 0:02:06.300,0:02:08.920 Annika: Yes [laughs] - YEAH! Yeah![br]Katie: Yeah! 0:02:08.920,0:02:11.820 A: That - yeah! I'd say so! Okay... 0:02:11.820,0:02:14.140 [sighs]... biggest one... 0:02:15.700,0:02:22.020 K: Mine was easy, because Annika's boyfriend just did it like 5 seconds ago and she was really angry. 0:02:22.020,0:02:23.260 [laughing] 0:02:23.260,0:02:24.400 A: Ummmm... 0:02:24.980,0:02:28.400 You're just not really bothered by things, overly! 0:02:28.400,0:02:31.160 Katie: Except for like all the big ones, like the patriarchy - 0:02:31.160,0:02:33.420 Annika: Okay, yeah, that's not a "pet peeve". 0:02:33.420,0:02:35.420 K: Ahh.. [br]A: Are you bothered by small things? 0:02:35.420,0:02:37.420 K: Oh, no, I have one, but you wouldn't know it. 0:02:37.420,0:02:39.420 And it's not even that big anymore. 0:02:39.420,0:02:43.000 It's - I - used to be really really 0:02:43.000,0:02:47.320 like, I hated when people - actually, no I still hate when people do this, when people are just like, "what ever," 0:02:47.320,0:02:49.460 like, I hate being dismissed. 0:02:49.460,0:02:51.460 Hate being dismissed! Being dismissed[br]A: Yes. 0:02:51.460,0:02:53.460 K: And condescended is my pet peeve.[br]A: Yes. Okay. 0:02:53.460,0:02:55.460 K: related to the patriarchy.[br]A: should have - 0:02:55.460,0:02:58.160 A: [laughs] I was half right.[br]K: Microaggressions are my pet peeve. 0:02:58.160,0:03:00.960 A: Micro - yep. Okay. I reckon I get a half a point.[br]K: Yeah! 0:03:00.960,0:03:02.760 K: I'd give you a half point. I get a full point.[br]A: You get a full point. 0:03:02.760,0:03:03.720 K: I'm all about that. 0:03:08.240,0:03:10.800 K: Harry Potter...? Oh wait no that's my... 0:03:10.820,0:03:12.740 T: You're not supposed to say- A: Is it Harry Potter? 0:03:12.740,0:03:14.380 K: No, actually. 0:03:15.000,0:03:16.160 It's not... (stutters) 0:03:16.360,0:03:22.380 I've actually...and I have told you what it was before A: Yes, it was that series of books that you read when you were a kid 0:03:22.420,0:03:23.400 K: yep, yep 0:03:23.580,0:03:24.860 k: It's a bit famous 0:03:25.500,0:03:31.120 A: Yep. That has like those, she's like an awesome, she's... Is it like set in a, like in a medieval time 0:03:31.120,0:03:31.920 K: Aha, Mhmm 0:03:31.920,0:03:33.500 A: I don't know the name but it's that 0:03:33.500,0:03:36.680 K: The Song of the Lioness Quartet by Tamara Pearce, yep. 0:03:36.680,0:03:43.360 And yours, uh... Some... sci-fi that I haven't read. Or know the name of, um- 0:03:43.360,0:03:44.980 A: I- Harry Potter is a good one. 0:03:44.980,0:03:46.980 K: Okay, I said Harry Potter. [br]A: Yeah 0:03:47.480,0:03:49.000 K: It's not sci-fi and i have read it[br]A: It's definitely a favorite 0:03:49.000,0:03:51.880 K: Is that like the only fantasy you like? Because you don't like fantasy generally. 0:03:51.880,0:03:52.540 A: Pretty much. 0:03:52.540,0:03:54.220 K: Yeah, okay, Harry Potter. 0:03:57.240,0:04:00.240 K: I have told you this more than once. 0:04:01.140,0:04:01.640 My one. 0:04:01.640,0:04:03.340 A: Is this when you went into a closet? 0:04:03.340,0:04:03.840 K: Yep 0:04:03.840,0:04:05.580 A: [laughing] Can I tell them? 0:04:05.580,0:04:07.140 K: Yup, okay, yeah, just- 0:04:07.140,0:04:12.160 A: Your most embarrassing moment is when you really really REALLY had to go to the toilet once 0:04:12.680,0:04:13.500 [laughing] um, but, 0:04:14.120,0:04:18.040 and you thought you'd found a bathroom, and you opened up the door, 0:04:19.200,0:04:23.960 but it was a storage room! But it was too late, you bladder was- was it like- 0:04:23.960,0:04:25.420 A: Is that the story?[br]K: Yeah, that's it- 0:04:25.420,0:04:28.460 A: It was too late, your bladder was not cooperating, you sat down- 0:04:29.700,0:04:31.980 K: Peed. Yeah, no, [stuttering][br]A: And went to the toilet. It was not a toilet. 0:04:32.520,0:04:37.320 K: But the thing it was- It wasn't just like "Oh, it's not a toilet. I guess it'll just be a toilet!" 0:04:37.320,0:04:42.020 it was as I closed the door- it was like a really old heavy door. And it had, like, one of those old bolt locks, 0:04:42.020,0:04:46.060 and I like, went like that, and then turned around and realized it wasn't a toilet 0:04:46.060,0:04:49.500 but then I went back and couldn't open the door. And as I was like trying to open the door, 0:04:49.500,0:04:52.160 K: and laughing- I was laughing so hard[br]A: That's right, you locked yourself in! 0:04:52.160,0:04:54.040 K: I'd locked myself in. And then I peed. 0:04:54.040,0:04:55.520 A: Yeah, fair enough.[br]K: So... 0:04:55.520,0:04:58.960 K: but your most embarrassing moment, um... 0:04:59.380,0:05:01.280 There's gotta be something, um... 0:05:02.240,0:05:04.380 When you had to text me? Yesterday? 0:05:04.380,0:05:10.560 [laughing] 0:05:11.460,0:05:13.460 A: [inaudible][br]K: Just skip over that one. 0:05:14.100,0:05:16.540 K: She needed tampons! 0:05:18.620,0:05:19.720 Not tampons. 0:05:19.720,0:05:21.280 A: I needed laxatives. 0:05:21.280,0:05:23.740 K: Yeah, Annika needed laxatives so she had to text me. 0:05:24.140,0:05:25.580 I feel like that's pretty good. 0:05:25.900,0:05:27.700 [laughing] 0:05:27.700,0:05:30.060 Allright. Get it all out there! 0:05:30.060,0:05:31.300 Might edit that out 0:05:31.300,0:05:34.300 Well al... Move on to poop question [laughing] we'll own this 0:05:36.300,0:05:38.200 [laughing] 0:05:38.200,0:05:40.200 Annika when did you take your laxatives... [laughing] 0:05:40.200,0:05:43.900 [laughing] 0:05:43.900,0:05:45.000 Last night 0:05:45.000,0:05:48.200 Ok cool, Annika pooped this morning 0:05:48.200,0:05:50.200 Even sooner... even more recently 0:05:50.200,0:05:51.700 Uuh, like twenty minutes ago? 0:05:51.700,0:05:53.100 Yeah, like an hour ago 0:05:53.100,0:05:54.300 Cool, come on 0:05:54.300,0:05:55.900 I'm guessing you pooped this morning. K: Yeah 0:05:55.900,0:05:57.900 A: as a regular. K: aah 0:05:57.900,0:06:00.000 Actually you were in the toilet for quite a while this morning 0:06:00.000,0:06:00.600 Yeah 0:06:00.600,0:06:02.000 and I had the thought "Katie propably pooping" [laughing] 0:06:02.300,0:06:05.000 I was also... I were doing both... I was also on instagram 0:06:06.000,0:06:07.200 pooping on instagram 0:06:07.200,0:06:10.500 omg! i'm going to have toedit this video so much 0:06:10.500,0:06:11.500 A: No way 0:06:11.500,0:06:14.500 This is gonna go up to 250,000 people 0:06:15.000,0:06:16.100 F*** 0:06:16.100,0:06:18.100 Introducing Katie 0:06:21.600,0:06:23.900 A: Yes you talk a lot K: Yep 0:06:23.900,0:06:27.500 A: You fall asleep anywhere K: aha 0:06:27.500,0:06:29.500 Like last night 0:06:30.100,0:06:32.500 Last night I was having a conversation with you 0:06:33.000,0:06:35.500 And then 1 hour later you woke up 0:06:35.700,0:06:38.200 and we were still having the same conversation 0:06:38.400,0:06:40.400 It was like you were gotten in a time worp 0:06:40.400,0:06:40.900 I was so confused ,i was so confused 0:06:42.500,0:06:46.400 Your sleeping habits is: you get really tired really quickly 0:06:46.400,0:06:47.400 and then... 0:06:47.400,0:06:49.400 everything is the worst 0:06:49.400,0:06:51.200 and... and difficult 0:06:51.200,0:06:52.600 and then you fall asleep 0:06:52.600,0:06:55.400 wherever you are, whatever you're wearing K: Yeah 0:06:55.400,0:06:58.000 and then someone has to pick you up, bring you to bed 0:06:58.000,0:07:00.000 K: It's a big production A: and then you talk a lot 0:07:00.000,0:07:02.400 A: and you're sleeping K: yeah yep 0:07:02.400,0:07:04.400 K:Your sleep thing 0:07:04.400,0:07:06.400 Is that you 0:07:06.400,0:07:08.400 Umm have to have 0:07:08.400,0:07:10.200 absolutely zero light 0:07:10.200,0:07:11.700 at all like 0:07:11.700,0:07:13.700 everything has to be blacked out 0:07:13.700,0:07:15.300 and I'm the opposite I need heaps of light 0:07:15.300,0:07:17.600 So when we're sleeping over each other's- in the same room 0:07:17.600,0:07:20.800 It's really hard cause you need to have all the shutters closed 0:07:20.800,0:07:25.800 K: and like no-[br]A: I sleep- I sleep now with two sleeping masks, not just one 0:07:25.800,0:07:28.500 K: WOW![br]A: and a pillow over my face 0:07:28.500,0:07:32.000 Yeah that is not... That is not what I'm about 0:07:32.000,0:07:36.900 But yeah you do that, and you do need a bit of sleep to 0:07:36.900,0:07:38.900 and you have nightmares[br]A: yeah 0:07:38.980,0:07:41.540 [inaudible] ...ahh next question 0:07:47.860,0:07:50.340 can get enought of myself. Boom that was easy 0:07:50.760,0:07:52.400 yeah umm..id say pretty much the same, well.. 0:07:53.500,0:07:56.460 yeah kinda the same for you because i introduced it to you yeah 0:07:58.020,0:08:00.020 hmm....all right im just gonna say justin bieber sorry. 0:08:02.440,0:08:06.520 at the moment yeah but..not ..stutters...its just catchy, its a bit of a zinger 0:08:09.320,0:08:11.320 yeah ahh feeling myself by nicki minaj yep, yep 0:08:15.020,0:08:17.020 and beyonce A: and beyonce 0:08:17.820,0:08:20.020 yeno i do feel like i have an actual song that is my 0:08:22.560,0:08:24.920 ahh no, i do yeah i do its umm 0:08:25.760,0:08:27.760 one hand in my pocket by alanis morissette 0:08:29.260,0:08:31.260 its like... my...yeno my... 0:08:31.860,0:08:34.880 were doing good ... Yeah!! [laughter] aww 0:08:35.440,0:08:37.620 [laughter] aww *friends* Friends! 0:08:38.480,0:08:40.800 and...[laughter] 0:08:43.560,0:08:46.840 umm...you are ...Cancer...Noo thats december 0:08:47.980,0:08:52.660 no its not even december cancer is...Jan.. july ohh [laughter] 0:08:52.740,0:08:55.940 i know when you're born i just don't know star signs...umm 0:08:56.220,0:09:00.340 you're born...you would be a Gemini..no....yes Gemini 0:09:00.560,0:09:03.920 you're what ever the early october one is 0:09:04.560,0:09:08.100 ahh you loss.....what, naah you loss you don't know my star sign 0:09:08.400,0:09:12.640 I don't care about star signs ... well ...they mean nothing 0:09:12.640,0:09:18.160 yeah but its kinda part of the social calender... ahh .....Libra yess....yes alright 0:09:18.520,0:09:20.440 feel so balanced...look [laughter] 0:09:20.440,0:09:22.440 its because you've actually talked about that before 0:09:22.440,0:09:26.380 yeah! i was like...cuz every time i look at the Libra horiscope im like this is me 0:09:26.680,0:09:29.940 star signs must be real (i got there in the end)magic is real...yeah well 0:09:30.840,0:09:33.980 yeah well see how we go you just wanna win 0:09:34.720,0:09:36.720 yeah ... umm 0:09:39.080,0:09:42.240 Yeah ....um yeah [laughter] mostly ohh.... 0:09:42.500,0:09:45.700 i had to cut you out of a shirt the other day so... 0:09:46.120,0:09:48.900 it's always clothes, sewing craft related though 0:09:48.900,0:09:50.900 and i made you a bra yeah 0:09:52.200,0:09:54.200 so..i had to take all your measurements yep 0:09:55.020,0:09:58.860 that was alot of boob touching and yeah had to cut you out of the shirt the other day so there was that 0:10:04.780,0:10:07.160 that we...like own? Yeah! 0:10:07.380,0:10:11.060 your garment pants? your eme do dress 0:10:11.820,0:10:13.820 you have soo many favourite items of clothing 0:10:13.820,0:10:15.820 i do i mean it changed.Pretty much what ever your wearing 0:10:16.840,0:10:22.120 ohh...do accessories count? aright sure 0:10:22.120,0:10:27.740 because im wearing one thing that i wear a lot that is like ah umm ahhh gosh which 0:10:27.740,0:10:31.180 one is it though? um ah look at my boobs more look at my boobs more. 0:10:31.820,0:10:33.820 ohh! ...Yeah! was on the other side 0:10:34.240,0:10:39.000 ah its okay, because i wear this like everyday i wear this alot. Yeah its soo cute 0:10:41.100,0:10:43.100 *sings*it was hand made for me! 0:10:43.800,0:10:46.980 ohh its gonna be..yeah.....whatever 0:10:47.460,0:10:51.880 umm your thing umm i don't know your shoes, your naio shoes? ahh yes 0:10:51.880,0:10:53.880 i wear these ever day[laughter] 0:10:53.880,0:10:55.880 WOW! you can see my butt 0:10:57.020,0:11:00.280 and thos awsome jeans i gave you, they pretty great. they are pretty sweet 0:11:00.280,0:11:02.280 Yeah i like all my clothes, I like all my clothes too 0:11:02.280,0:11:06.140 and yeah probably my goldman pants at the moment like. yeah you wear them everyday 0:11:07.840,0:11:11.700 im gonna put a screen shot of it here....yeah 0:11:13.820,0:11:15.820 okay im just gonna make this up as i go... 0:11:15.820,0:11:18.980 you have your youtube cannel and thats all great and good and... 0:11:20.600,0:11:31.140 and you also have your own craft studio where its just like astro-turf and 0:11:31.140,0:11:37.240 and a winning molecular-biologist and you're writting all these awsome papers 0:11:37.240,0:11:43.640 and you're teaching the world to craft and do science yeah 0:11:43.640,0:11:45.640 well im gonna give you like ten points for that because 0:11:45.640,0:11:47.640 you didnt only describe both my dream professions 0:11:48.280,0:11:51.820 you also described my dream lifestyle yeah [laughter] 0:11:52.580,0:11:57.300 yeah and i included astro-turf which i feel in pretty inportant...yeah it is its a very inportant aspect 0:11:57.300,0:11:59.300 of my future carrer 0:11:59.300,0:12:01.300 yeah that theres astro-turf somewhere yeah 0:12:02.700,0:12:04.700 what about me...what about me.... 0:12:04.700,0:12:06.700 you're gonna