[Upbeat Techno Music] Josh: Hey! This is Josh Ferri from Broadway box. We are here with the Tony award winning best musical, Fun Home. And I'm with Emily Skeggs, who plays Middle Alison. And we're gonna do 20 questions in 2 minutes. You actually haven't seen the questions yet. Emily: No. Josh: And we're gonna start the timer after I ask the first question. Are you ready? Emily: Yes. Josh: What in here helps you get into Alison's mindset? Emily: Uh...sports bra. [Chime] Josh (laughing): What do you think of before you step on stage? Like- right before? Emily: I hope my fly is not down. [Chime] Josh (laughing): What do you love most about your Ro- your Joan, Roberta Colindrez? Emily: Oh, she's there for me, no matter what. [Chime] Josh: Wow. One word to describe your first performance as Alison- downtown. Emily: Oh my god uh- in denial! [Laughs] Josh: What about your Tony nominee experience will you always remember? Emily: Meeting really, really, cool people. [Chime] Josh: Favorite song from the album? Emily: Uh--- telephone wire. [Chime] Josh: Ohh! Emily: That was a hard one! Josh: Uh- what is something you need to have with you to get through a two show day? Emily: Water. [Chime] [Emily Laughs] Josh: Book that completely rocked your world the first time you read it? Emily: Michael Chabon's Summerland. [Chime] Josh: Beautiful. Best thing about growing up in New York City? Emily: Playgrounds. [Chime] Josh: Uh- what's your? Emily: Bagels! Pla- sorry. Josh: What's your NYC happy place? Emily: My happy- my NYC happy place? Josh: Yeah- yeah. [Chime] Josh: Oh, beautiful. Emily: Yeah. Josh: What's the first Broadway show you ever saw? Emily: Guys and Dolls when I was 4. Josh: The Nathan Lane one? Amazing. [Chime] Emily: Yeah [Laughs] Josh: Alright, play or musical that can always make you cry? Emily: This one. [Laughs] [Chime] Josh: You did some Shakespeare at Emerson. What's a Shakespeare role you're dying to play here in New York? Emily: Oh....good gawd! Desdemona. [Chime] Josh: Ohh! Outside the theater, when do you feel most creative? Emily: Uh...with a pencil. [Chime] Josh: Interesting..Oh no, ahh! Emily: Ahh! Josh: I've read that you like to cook, what's your signature dish? Emily: Ooh- I make a mean pasta- with kale and sausages. [Chime] Josh: What's your favorite spot outside of the US?