0:00:00.283,0:00:09.000 This video is sponsored by Skillshare. 0:00:09.000,0:00:11.133 👻 Halloweekend VLOG 🎃 0:00:11.133,0:00:13.233 By yoora jung 0:00:13.233,0:00:15.266 Right now, I'm going to go to campus 0:00:15.266,0:00:20.516 and attend this Asian American cultural event for Halloween. 0:00:20.516,0:00:22.116 They're giving out free food, 0:00:22.116,0:00:23.533 which is the main reason why I'm going 0:00:23.533,0:00:25.250 cuz I haven't eaten anything all day. 0:00:25.250,0:00:26.583 Halloween is one of those days where 0:00:26.583,0:00:28.633 I forget about it until the day before 0:00:28.633,0:00:30.216 and then I start freaking out, 0:00:30.216,0:00:33.350 and then I never end up having a proper costume. 0:00:35.250,0:00:38.250 It's so cold. 0:00:38.250,0:00:41.733 And I also don't know where I'm supposed to be going. 0:00:42.500,0:00:45.550 taro boba 0:00:47.216,0:00:50.400 grabbing snacks & candy 0:00:53.266,0:00:56.450 food →pockets 0:00:58.183,0:00:59.050 - Fashion. 0:00:59.050,0:01:00.500 Your coat is so cute! 0:01:00.500,0:01:01.283 - Oh, thank you. 0:01:01.283,0:01:02.300 - Like you! 0:01:17.700,0:01:18.650 - Hi, Yoora. 0:01:18.650,0:01:19.816 - Hi. 0:01:19.816,0:01:20.783 - Hi, Yoora. 0:01:20.783,0:01:21.866 - Hi. 0:01:35.666,0:01:38.850 Playing Kahoot! 0:02:06.516,0:02:07.700 I got it wrong lol 0:02:16.350,0:02:17.900 LOL 0:02:20.750,0:02:21.683 hey 0:02:25.600,0:02:27.483 Thank you guys for playing Kahoot. 0:02:27.483,0:02:30.200 If you were the top 3, please come up for your prize. 0:02:31.866,0:02:34.266 more candy :) 0:02:36.433,0:02:39.850 & free chick-fil-A 0:02:39.850,0:02:42.833 Among us crew 0:02:56.250,0:03:00.900 Saturday 0:03:00.900,0:03:03.850 walking to dollar tree 0:03:24.350,0:03:29.233 Looking for a last-minute halloween costume 0:03:30.316,0:03:31.550 I'm running late. 0:03:31.550,0:03:36.016 Today's Halloween, and there's an event on campus. 0:03:36.016,0:03:39.000 And apparently, they're giving out free dining hall food, 0:03:39.000,0:03:41.900 which is like... that never happens. 0:03:41.900,0:03:44.566 So, I'm going to try to go as soon as possible 0:03:44.566,0:03:46.383 before the dining hall closes. 0:03:46.383,0:03:48.250 There's also like a trick-or-treating event 0:03:48.250,0:03:51.616 where we go to each dorm and get candy. 0:03:51.616,0:03:55.200 And... yeah, I want to do that, so... 0:03:55.200,0:03:58.550 Also, some of you guys wanted me to do a tutorial on 0:03:58.550,0:04:01.300 how to do this hair, so 0:04:01.300,0:04:03.950 I take the top two strands and twist it once 0:04:03.950,0:04:07.216 and then grab new hair, 0:04:07.216,0:04:09.266 and then twist it again, 0:04:09.266,0:04:11.983 and then grab some more hair, twist it. 0:04:11.983,0:04:17.150 I got these bunny ears from the Dollar Tree. 0:04:24.216,0:04:26.383 That works lol. 0:04:27.050,0:04:29.633 Okay, I'm just going to wear this white hoodie because 0:04:29.633,0:04:32.950 I can't find my other white, fluffy sweater. 0:04:32.950,0:04:36.850 thinks about it 0:04:36.850,0:04:39.383 No, I'm going to find my white, fluffy sweater. 0:04:42.633,0:04:43.983 help 0:04:45.916,0:04:47.600 Okay. 0:04:47.600,0:04:49.716 Pants are just jeans. 0:04:49.716,0:04:52.766 Apparently, the dinner ended 2 minutes ago. 0:04:52.766,0:04:54.733 So, I missed it. 0:04:54.733,0:04:57.300 But, I heard the food wasn't that great anyway, so 0:04:57.300,0:04:59.783 [clearly upset lol] I'm not too upset about that. 0:04:59.783,0:05:02.233 [clearly not fine lol] And I'm also not really hungry, so it's fine. 0:05:02.233,0:05:03.383 I'm still going to go to campus 0:05:03.383,0:05:06.183 and check out the trick-or-treating thing that they're doing. 0:05:06.183,0:05:09.916 Let's go trick-or-treating~ 0:05:30.733,0:05:32.250 - So, this right here is our chocolate cake. 0:05:32.250,0:05:33.850 This is our coconut orange cake. 0:05:33.850,0:05:35.216 This is our red velvet cake. 0:05:35.216,0:05:36.600 And then, that's our cheesecake. 0:05:36.600,0:05:37.833 - Okay, thank you. 0:05:37.833,0:05:39.483 (I got a cheesecake.) 0:05:40.700,0:05:41.850 - Ryan?? 0:05:42.933,0:05:46.116 watching a movie 0:05:49.616,0:05:51.683 ← hot chocolate 0:05:58.583,0:06:01.400 trick-or-treating begins! 0:06:28.966,0:06:32.166 ← video game stream 0:06:40.233,0:06:41.316 - Is someone actually playing it? (the game) 0:06:41.316,0:06:43.150 - I have no idea. 0:06:48.450,0:06:50.000 - Hey, what time is it? 0:06:50.000,0:06:50.833 - 9:15pm 0:06:50.833,0:06:51.333 - Oh. 0:06:52.166,0:06:54.900 It was so windy[br](RIP audio) 0:07:13.450,0:07:16.633 Back home... 0:07:21.133,0:07:22.833 Okay, umm... 0:07:22.833,0:07:25.366 I'm going to go to sleep. I'm super tired. 0:07:25.366,0:07:26.250 Wow. 0:07:26.250,0:07:27.650 Mmk. Bye. 0:07:27.650,0:07:29.983 [Sunday] Oh my gosh. I just got free pizza. 0:07:29.983,0:07:32.466 The neuroscience department is giving out 0:07:32.466,0:07:34.883 free pizza to neuroscience majors (that's me!), 0:07:34.883,0:07:36.183 which is so nice of them. 0:07:36.183,0:07:39.300 I got one pepperoni pizza 0:07:39.300,0:07:41.666 and one cheese pizza. 0:07:43.683,0:07:45.883 Was it daylight saving? 0:07:47.766,0:07:49.633 No way. 0:07:51.833,0:07:53.216 What? 0:07:53.216,0:07:54.300 When? 0:08:02.033,0:08:05.866 I got an extra hour of sleep, and I'm still tired?! 0:08:05.866,0:08:08.133 This is unfair. 0:08:08.133,0:08:09.466 No. 0:08:09.466,0:08:12.266 Well, it's 11:30am. 0:08:12.266,0:08:16.133 Technically, it's 12:30pm, but we went an hour back. I- 0:08:16.133,0:08:19.783 Okay, the daylight savings system is so complicated. 0:08:19.783,0:08:22.950 It just happens randomly, and I'm like, "Oh... 0:08:22.950,0:08:24.350 That was a thing." 0:08:28.733,0:08:31.000 I got this new keyboard. 0:08:31.000,0:08:32.733 It lights up. 0:08:33.883,0:08:35.666 So, I've been using this to type, 0:08:35.666,0:08:38.500 and I've been pushing my laptop back 0:08:38.500,0:08:41.933 so that I'm not like... right in front of my screen. 0:08:41.933,0:08:43.750 I feel like whenever I edit, 0:08:43.750,0:08:46.616 I'm just way too close to the screen. 0:08:46.616,0:08:48.700 I'm like this close to the screen, so 0:08:48.700,0:08:51.583 by putting my keyboard in front of my laptop, 0:08:51.583,0:08:54.316 hopefully, it kinda creates a safe distance. 0:08:54.316,0:08:58.316 I've been watching this k-drama called "Startup". 0:08:58.316,0:09:01.633 It's with Nam Joo Hyuk and Suzy. 0:09:02.883,0:09:07.116 I'm going to watch the new episode that came out today. 0:09:21.183,0:09:25.583 I took a shower, and I'm going to get some work done. 0:09:25.583,0:09:27.650 I have some studying to do. 0:09:29.183,0:09:33.783 Typing ASMR 0:09:47.150,0:09:50.333 This sound is so satisfying... 0:10:01.733,0:10:04.583 Thanks for watching! 0:10:10.183,0:10:13.433 I want to introduce you to our sponsor, Skillshare. 0:10:13.433,0:10:15.766 Skillshare is an online learning community 0:10:15.766,0:10:20.383 with thousands of classes on topics ranging from Cinematography to Marketing. 0:10:20.383,0:10:23.450 I’ve been taking courses on how to increase productivity, 0:10:23.450,0:10:29.350 and this course is by Kevin Siskar called[br]Productivity Today: Managing Attention in the Digital Age. 0:10:29.350,0:10:34.400 I love how this course recommends a lot of helpful website and apps to help with productivity. 0:10:34.400,0:10:38.166 In this course, you can learn tips on how to improve overall attention, 0:10:38.166,0:10:41.433 minimize distractions, and prioritize tasks. 0:10:41.433,0:10:44.583 The first 1000 people to use the link in my description 0:10:44.583,0:10:48.033 will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership. 0:10:48.033,0:10:48.783 And after that, 0:10:48.783,0:10:51.033 it's only around $10 a month. 0:10:51.033,0:10:54.750 Thanks again to skillshare for sponsoring this video.