0:00:01.049,0:00:04.374 (piano music) 0:00:04.374,0:00:07.968 Man: Pleasure often comes with[br]a cost, with a little pain. 0:00:07.968,0:00:10.778 Lucas Cranach the elder[br]reminds us of us of that 0:00:10.778,0:00:13.489 in his painting, Cupid[br]Complaining to Venus. 0:00:13.489,0:00:16.107 Woman: We see Cupid who[br]has reached for a honeycomb 0:00:16.107,0:00:19.121 only to be stung by a whole set of bees. 0:00:19.121,0:00:22.262 He's looking up at[br]Venus his mother in pain 0:00:22.262,0:00:24.275 as though he's pleading for her sympathy. 0:00:24.275,0:00:27.356 Man: She doesn't seem to be paying[br]attention to him at all however. 0:00:27.356,0:00:31.168 Instead, she is looking out[br]at us as a sultry seducer. 0:00:31.168,0:00:34.630 Woman: There is no denying the[br]eroticism of this painting, 0:00:34.630,0:00:37.372 of her body, of her look toward us, 0:00:37.372,0:00:40.108 the way that she[br]positions her legs between 0:00:40.108,0:00:45.285 that branch, the way that she reaches[br]up toward the apples on the tree, 0:00:45.285,0:00:47.997 reminding us of Eve[br]and the Garden of Eden. 0:00:47.997,0:00:49.749 Man: So this is really[br]a bit of a composite. 0:00:49.749,0:00:52.685 You have on the one hand this[br]reference back to antiquity. 0:00:52.685,0:00:55.063 You have Venus the goddess[br]of love and beauty. 0:00:55.063,0:00:58.230 You have her son Cupid. These[br]are all classical references. 0:00:58.230,0:01:01.932 In fact, in the top you have[br]a translation from the Latin, 0:01:01.932,0:01:04.498 which actually speaks to the relationship 0:01:04.498,0:01:06.336 between pain and pleasure, 0:01:06.336,0:01:09.268 yet we also have this very dramatic image 0:01:09.268,0:01:11.530 with this dark forest on the left 0:01:11.530,0:01:14.784 and fashions actually that[br]relate to the Saxon court. 0:01:14.784,0:01:17.680 Woman: Cranach was court[br]painter to the electors, 0:01:17.680,0:01:19.509 the rulers of Saxony. 0:01:19.509,0:01:20.896 Man: Who actually[br]commissioned this painting. 0:01:20.896,0:01:22.690 Woman: And so the woman here, Venus, 0:01:22.690,0:01:25.817 although she's the pagan[br]goddess of love as you said, 0:01:25.817,0:01:28.104 is wearing the headdress and necklaces 0:01:28.104,0:01:31.674 of an Aristocratic woman[br]at the court in Saxony. 0:01:31.674,0:01:35.683 Man: It's a little bit vampy[br]to have this nude woman wear 0:01:35.683,0:01:38.776 both jewelry and that wild headdress. 0:01:38.776,0:01:40.771 Woman: And be utterly nude otherwise. 0:01:40.771,0:01:43.598 Man: Yeah it is. She is[br]painted so seductively 0:01:43.598,0:01:48.191 that he really is challenging[br]us with the moral issues 0:01:48.191,0:01:49.874 of our lust. 0:01:49.874,0:01:51.819 Woman: Of whether the[br]pleasure is worth the pain. 0:01:51.819,0:01:53.040 Man: Exactly. 0:01:53.040,0:01:56.404 Woman: So on the left we[br]have a German forest with 0:01:56.404,0:02:00.178 stag and a doe and on[br]the right a very deep 0:02:00.178,0:02:03.005 landscape with a lovely[br]reflection in the river. 0:02:03.005,0:02:06.971 Man: You can see in that water two swans 0:02:06.971,0:02:08.905 and the reflection of a[br]house with a red roof. 0:02:08.905,0:02:11.971 Beyond that is wonderfully fanciful cliffs 0:02:11.971,0:02:14.400 and there is a castle up at the top. 0:02:14.400,0:02:16.594 There is a house that is[br]cantilevered over on the right side. 0:02:16.594,0:02:18.780 Woman: And the castle on the river itself. 0:02:18.780,0:02:21.250 Man: With the beautiful[br]reflection in that still water. 0:02:21.250,0:02:26.474 Woman: This is an Aristocratic image.[br]This is an image of castles on rivers. 0:02:26.474,0:02:29.548 It feels German to me in so many ways. 0:02:29.548,0:02:32.199 The forest, the rivers, the castles. 0:02:32.199,0:02:35.151 Man: And yet in the foreground[br]you have this wonderful 0:02:35.151,0:02:37.333 classicized literary reference. 0:02:37.333,0:02:40.583 And it's not only sexual but[br]it's also really playful. 0:02:40.583,0:02:43.067 Let's not forget about[br]the complaining infant. 0:02:43.067,0:02:47.067 (piano music).