Data 3457, Sent. Data 3457, processed. Data 1290, sent. Data 1290, processed. Data 4578, sent. Data 4578, processed. Data 5769, sent. Data missing. Continue simulation? Go ahead. Life on Earth simulation in progress. Data incomplete. Simulation result failure. No life possible. How are you feeling? Comfortable? Yes, our main ship is much nicer than the first one we met in. So I believe you know why you're sitting here. As our captain may have told you, we need to gather data for a specific simulation software operation, which will tell us if some animal forms of life can be brought back to Earth despite its current state of sterility. Not humans for sure, at least not now. But since oceans and some sickly plants are still there, we believe that a few strong organisms can find their way. However, to do so, we need to collect data directly on-site. There's no other way. I know what it means for you to go back there after what happened last year. We're asking a lot. Doctor Steele will be in charge of this mission and lead us. But before we go, you must pass a few medical tests. Spending time on Earth will require a strong physical condition, so let's see if you can come with me. I will check your cerebral activity, breathing faculties, and how protective your skin is. Ready? This chair is very comfortable, so relax as much as you want. You will have almost nothing to do. Let's start with your brain. I'm going to place an electrode net on your head and connect each of the electrodes to a special device. What I want to know is how certain electric impulses can affect your brain connections. Don't worry. This is just a simulation. Let me arrange your hair first so it doesn't get caught in the net. There. Good. Now, allow me. On this side... And there... Good. The chin strap. Not too tight? Good. Now I'm going to connect the electrodes. Now hold still please. Let me start with the front. One. Hold still so I don't tear any of your hair. And... last one. Good. Here we go. Now just wind down. You don't have to think about anything in particular. You can just daydream or recall a pleasant memory. Let's start. First impulses. Are you okay? Slightly stronger then. So far so good. Last one. Still okay? Perfect. Your brain is as healthy and as resistant as it can be. Nothing to worry about here. Let me take everything off. The chin strap... There. Not even dishevelled. Now let me set up the sphere for the breathing test. You will have to breathe in an enclosed environment so I can check how your respiratory system works without external interference. You will still see me, but my voice may sound a bit muffled. Usually, it's quite a pleasant experience, like being in a bubble. Ready? Can you still hear me well? Good. Alright, now I'm going to ask you to take three deep breaths. Here we go. Breathe in. One, two, three. Hold your breath momentarily. And breathe out. One, two, three. Another one: breathe in, one, two, three. Hold. And breathe out one, two, three. One last. Breathe in. One, two, three, Hold. And breathe out one, two, three. Breathe normally now. No dizzy sensation? Good. Wait a minute. This is doctor Steele, To Lina. Are you there? Hi, doctor. Still, we are going through our tests. It's going well. Good news. I've appointed a first team of two to accompany you on the same mission. I'll drop them in a different area so we can have a range of data as large as possible from the actual environment. The two of you will form the second team. Got it. I have to warn you, we'll be setting your breathing masks to the lowest viable level that we can so your bodies can react accurately to Earth's actual environment. You're gonna have to stay long enough to collect the information, but too much time spent on the surface could lead to serious problems for both of you. This mission is not for the faint of heart. There are risks. Are you okay with that? We're still in. That's good to hear. We'll be approaching Earth shortly, so you can switch to lander N12 as soon as you're ready. I'll see you there. Everything's fine? Yes, usually it makes people a bit sleepy. Alright, we are done. Your lungs look perfect. I'm going to lift the sphere. And here you are. Now we only have one test left, which is the simplest one. I'm going to scan your skin and see how resistant it is to a potentially toxic atmosphere. In other words, how strong your natural shield is. Again, you don't have to do anything so just relax. Let's start with your face as it will be the most exposed part. The neck... And now your hands please. The other... And let's not forget your scalp. And we are done. As I told you the first time, you are strong. Actually much stronger than I am. I'm glad you can come with me. Now it is time to put the necessary captor on you. The best area is usually just behind the ear. It will collect the data and stock it into this small device here. Once we're on our way back, we will just have to send it to our software program directly from the lander to the main ship. Now hold still please. Looks good. Now let's connect it. Keep this device on you where you can easily access it. I'm going to do the same for me, and we'll be ready to go. We are getting closer. We should get to the lander. Are you ready? Okay, Lina. We'll pick the first team up in about half an hour, and then we're gonna come back for you both. Stay in sight as much as possible. Keep in mind, we're gonna have to pick you up as quickly as we can once you've collected the essential data. Good luck. Alright. Let's walk to the edge of the cliff so our bodies keep moving. Do not remove your mask. Breathe normally and trust your guts. Good. It looks like we have everything needed. Let me see yours. Well done. We'll be able to send all of this to the main ship once we're on our way. Doctor Steel should be here very soon. What's this? Dr Steele, do you copy? Steele, can you hear me? Copy. Thunder damaged the ship the ship while we're in the other area. We're gonna be on our way to you as soon as we can. We can't wait anymore. We have to send the data to the main ship now. I hope the signal will make it through the storm. Now it's your turn. Is it working? Rain... I'm sorry it's ending this way. But I'm glad you're here with me. Thank you. Please try not to move. You've come a long way... again. But you're out of danger now, so try to get some rest. Data 3457, sent. Data 3457, processed. Data 1290, sent, data 4578, sent. Data 1290, processed. Data 4578, processed. Data 7769... Sent. Data 7769, processed. Life on Earth simulation in progress. Simulation result, succeed. Life possible. List generating of achievable animal organisms.