0:00:18.410,0:00:20.270 Data 3457, 0:00:21.530,0:00:22.555 Sent. 0:00:22.555,0:00:26.525 Data 3457, processed. 0:00:26.525,0:00:30.040 Data 1290, sent. 0:00:30.040,0:00:33.810 Data 1290, processed. 0:00:34.060,0:00:37.410 Data 4578, sent. 0:00:37.410,0:00:41.660 Data 4578, processed. 0:00:41.970,0:00:46.195 Data 5769, sent. 0:00:47.355,0:00:51.175 Data missing. Continue simulation? 0:00:52.475,0:00:54.040 Go ahead. 0:00:54.713,0:00:58.390 Life on Earth[br]simulation in progress. 0:01:00.100,0:01:04.515 Data incomplete. Simulation[br]result failure. 0:01:04.515,0:01:07.085 No life possible. 0:01:22.785,0:01:24.965 How are you feeling? Comfortable? 0:01:27.105,0:01:31.440 Yes, our main ship is much nicer[br]than the first one we met in. 0:01:33.500,0:01:36.160 So I believe you know[br]why you're sitting here. 0:01:37.980,0:01:42.155 As our captain may have told you, we need[br]to gather data 0:01:42.155,0:01:45.405 for a specific simulation software operation, 0:01:45.565,0:01:48.520 which will tell us if[br]some animal forms of life 0:01:48.820,0:01:52.600 can be brought back to Earth despite[br]its current state of sterility. 0:01:54.405,0:01:57.385 Not humans for sure, at least not now. 0:01:57.845,0:02:01.785 But since oceans and some[br]sickly plants are still there, 0:02:02.110,0:02:06.690 we believe that a few strong[br]organisms can find their way. 0:02:08.350,0:02:12.565 However, to do so, we need to[br]collect data directly on-site. 0:02:13.585,0:02:15.215 There's no other way. 0:02:16.625,0:02:20.970 I know what it means for you to go back[br]there after what happened last year. 0:02:21.750,0:02:23.740 We're asking a lot. 0:02:24.870,0:02:28.730 Doctor Steele will be in charge[br]of this mission and lead us. 0:02:28.905,0:02:32.365 But before we go, you must[br]pass a few medical tests. 0:02:34.025,0:02:38.350 Spending time on Earth will require[br]a strong physical condition, 0:02:39.290,0:02:41.970 so let's see if you can come with me. 0:02:43.130,0:02:45.665 I will check your cerebral activity, 0:02:45.665,0:02:47.955 breathing faculties, 0:02:48.285,0:02:52.225 and how protective your skin is. 0:02:52.225,0:02:54.012 Ready? 0:02:54.240,0:02:56.640 This chair is very comfortable, 0:02:56.640,0:03:01.802 so relax as much as you want. You[br]will have almost nothing to do. 0:03:04.285,0:03:06.905 Let's start with your brain. 0:03:07.405,0:03:10.630 I'm going to place an[br]electrode net on your head 0:03:11.110,0:03:14.810 and connect each of the[br]electrodes to a special device. 0:03:16.390,0:03:19.795 What I want to know is how[br]certain electric impulses 0:03:19.795,0:03:22.549 can affect your brain connections. 0:03:23.695,0:03:26.575 Don't worry. This is just a simulation. 0:03:29.430,0:03:34.380 Let me arrange your hair first so[br]it doesn't get caught in the net. 0:03:40.860,0:03:42.390 There. 0:04:04.760,0:04:08.630 Good. Now, allow me. 0:04:22.622,0:04:24.792 On this side... 0:04:28.593,0:04:30.833 And there... 0:04:45.995,0:04:49.205 Good. The chin strap. 0:04:56.610,0:04:59.745 Not too tight? Good. 0:05:12.610,0:05:15.840 Now I'm going to connect the electrodes. 0:06:00.565,0:06:02.865 Now hold still please. 0:06:06.292,0:06:10.462 Let me start with the front. 0:06:14.296,0:06:15.296 One. 0:06:24.660,0:06:28.540 Hold still so I don't tear any of your[br]hair. 0:06:53.346,0:06:56.286 And... last one. 0:06:59.782,0:07:01.192 Good. 0:07:03.298,0:07:04.838 Here we go. 0:07:14.111,0:07:16.505 Now just wind down. 0:07:16.505,0:07:19.485 You don't have to think[br]about anything in particular. 0:07:20.425,0:07:24.750 You can just daydream or[br]recall a pleasant memory. 0:07:26.970,0:07:29.250 Let's start. 0:07:35.500,0:07:38.400 First impulses. 0:07:57.117,0:07:59.767 Are you okay? 0:08:00.215,0:08:03.085 Slightly stronger then. 0:08:23.982,0:08:26.732 So far so good. 0:08:29.515,0:08:30.745 Last one. 0:08:37.230,0:08:39.110 Still okay? 0:08:48.735,0:08:50.775 Perfect. 0:08:59.110,0:09:02.935 Your brain is as healthy and[br]as resistant as it can be. 0:09:03.395,0:09:06.105 Nothing to worry about here. 0:09:06.435,0:09:08.750 Let me take everything off. 0:09:16.890,0:09:19.220 The chin strap... 0:09:42.035,0:09:43.045 There. 0:09:47.325,0:09:50.965 Not even dishevelled. 0:09:51.385,0:09:55.395 Now let me set up the sphere[br]for the breathing test. 0:09:56.160,0:09:59.520 You will have to breathe[br]in an enclosed environment 0:09:59.520,0:10:05.505 so I can check how your respiratory system[br]works without external interference. 0:10:07.085,0:10:11.490 You will still see me, but my[br]voice may sound a bit muffled. 0:10:13.410,0:10:16.580 Usually, it's quite a pleasant experience, 0:10:16.770,0:10:18.230 like being in a bubble. 0:10:19.742,0:10:21.302 Ready? 0:10:52.418,0:10:54.858 Can you still hear me well? 0:10:54.858,0:10:56.418 Good. 0:11:03.575,0:11:08.125 Alright, now I'm going to ask you[br]to take three deep breaths. 0:11:09.720,0:11:16.020 Here we go. Breathe in. One, two, three. 0:11:16.995,0:11:20.125 Hold your breath momentarily. 0:11:22.055,0:11:23.555 And breathe out. 0:11:23.555,0:11:26.055 One, two, three. 0:11:28.790,0:11:34.260 Another one: breathe in, one, two, three. 0:11:36.975,0:11:38.105 Hold. 0:11:38.205,0:11:42.715 And breathe out one, two, three. 0:11:47.645,0:11:48.760 One last. 0:11:49.300,0:11:53.175 Breathe in. One, two, three, 0:11:54.195,0:11:55.250 Hold. 0:11:56.190,0:12:01.890 And breathe out one, two, three. 0:12:07.760,0:12:10.540 Breathe normally now. 0:12:17.184,0:12:21.195 No dizzy sensation? Good. 0:12:25.230,0:12:27.300 Wait a minute. 0:12:27.425,0:12:30.135 This is doctor Steele, To Lina. 0:12:30.305,0:12:31.635 Are you there? 0:12:35.440,0:12:39.860 Hi, doctor. Still, we are going[br]through our tests. It's going well. 0:12:40.000,0:12:46.545 Good news. I've appointed a first team of[br]two to accompany you on the same mission. 0:12:47.295,0:12:49.455 I'll drop them in a different area so 0:12:49.455,0:12:54.090 we can have a range of data as large as[br]possible from the actual environment. 0:12:54.480,0:12:58.570 The two of you will form[br]the second team. 0:12:58.570,0:13:00.590 Got it. 0:13:00.800,0:13:02.630 I have to warn you, 0:13:03.315,0:13:08.375 we'll be setting your breathing masks[br]to the lowest viable level that we can 0:13:09.075,0:13:13.720 so your bodies can react accurately[br]to Earth's actual environment. 0:13:14.660,0:13:17.460 You're gonna have to stay long[br]enough to collect the information, 0:13:17.460,0:13:22.215 but too much time spent on the[br]surface could lead to serious problems 0:13:22.215,0:13:24.015 for both of you. 0:13:24.515,0:13:29.080 This mission is not for the[br]faint of heart. There are risks. 0:13:29.780,0:13:31.960 Are you okay with that? 0:13:35.780,0:13:37.045 We're still in. 0:13:37.045,0:13:40.945 That's good to hear. We'll be[br]approaching Earth shortly, 0:13:40.945,0:13:45.060 so you can switch to lander N12 as[br]soon as you're ready. I'll see you there. 0:13:52.180,0:13:54.280 Everything's fine? 0:13:55.285,0:13:58.745 Yes, usually it makes people a bit sleepy. 0:13:59.605,0:14:02.505 Alright, we are done.[br]Your lungs look perfect. 0:14:03.045,0:14:05.475 I'm going to lift the sphere. 0:14:20.905,0:14:22.285 And here you are. 0:14:23.040,0:14:28.160 Now we only have one test left,[br]which is the simplest one. 0:14:28.160,0:14:33.015 I'm going to scan your skin and see[br]how resistant it is to a potentially 0:14:33.015,0:14:34.685 toxic atmosphere. 0:14:35.635,0:14:39.790 In other words, how strong[br]your natural shield is. 0:14:41.050,0:14:43.201 Again, you don't have to do anything 0:14:43.201,0:14:45.405 so just relax. 0:14:51.520,0:14:57.542 Let's start with your face [br]as it will be the most exposed part. 0:15:30.761,0:15:32.881 The neck... 0:15:58.515,0:16:01.475 And now your hands please. 0:16:14.542,0:16:16.412 The other... 0:16:46.121,0:16:50.381 And let's not forget your scalp. 0:17:46.710,0:17:48.790 And we are done. 0:17:49.750,0:17:51.910 As I told you the first time, 0:17:51.910,0:17:57.085 you are strong. Actually[br]much stronger than I am. 0:17:57.085,0:17:59.870 I'm glad you can come with me. 0:18:00.474,0:18:04.610 Now it is time[br]to put the necessary captor on you. 0:18:04.610,0:18:08.070 The best area is usually[br]just behind the ear. 0:18:09.165,0:18:16.145 It will collect the data and stock[br]it into this small device here. 0:18:18.020,0:18:22.600 Once we're on our way back, we will just[br]have to send it to our software program 0:18:23.300,0:18:26.840 directly from the lander to the main ship. 0:18:27.465,0:18:29.910 Now hold still please. 0:18:43.282,0:18:45.432 Looks good. 0:18:53.578,0:18:55.468 Now let's connect it. 0:19:03.765,0:19:07.385 Keep this device on you where[br]you can easily access it. 0:19:10.950,0:19:14.890 I'm going to do the same for[br]me, and we'll be ready to go. 0:19:29.790,0:19:31.010 We are getting closer. 0:19:32.110,0:19:33.650 We should get to the lander. 0:19:35.230,0:19:36.450 Are you ready? 0:19:45.480,0:19:48.440 Okay, Lina. We'll pick the first[br]team up in about half an hour, 0:19:48.440,0:19:53.380 and then we're gonna come back for you[br]both. Stay in sight as much as possible. 0:19:53.680,0:19:54.545 Keep in mind, 0:19:54.545,0:19:57.225 we're gonna have to pick you up as[br]quickly as we can once you've collected 0:19:57.225,0:19:58.985 the essential data. 0:19:58.985,0:20:00.545 Good luck. 0:20:10.140,0:20:14.115 Alright. Let's walk to the edge of[br]the cliff so our bodies keep moving. 0:20:14.815,0:20:16.355 Do not remove your mask. 0:20:16.735,0:20:19.235 Breathe normally and trust your guts. 0:21:13.635,0:21:16.850 Good. It looks like we[br]have everything needed. 0:21:17.470,0:21:19.600 Let me see yours. 0:21:25.435,0:21:30.895 Well done. We'll be able to send all of[br]this to the main ship once we're on our way. 0:21:31.035,0:21:33.295 Doctor Steel should be here very soon. 0:21:42.305,0:21:43.565 What's this? 0:21:49.860,0:21:51.850 Dr Steele, do you copy? 0:21:57.130,0:21:59.175 Steele, can you hear me? 0:22:00.070,0:22:04.100 Copy. Thunder damaged the ship[br]the ship while we're in the other area. 0:22:04.195,0:22:06.535 We're gonna be on our way[br]to you as soon as we can. 0:22:17.045,0:22:18.715 We can't wait anymore. 0:22:18.805,0:22:21.945 We have to send the data[br]to the main ship now. 0:22:22.645,0:22:26.260 I hope the signal will[br]make it through the storm. 0:22:37.535,0:22:39.255 Now it's your turn. 0:22:50.965,0:22:52.355 Is it working? 0:23:05.440,0:23:06.900 Rain... 0:23:28.022,0:23:31.102 I'm sorry it's ending this way. 0:23:32.203,0:23:35.553 But I'm glad you're here with me. 0:23:37.429,0:23:38.739 Thank you. 0:24:10.505,0:24:11.965 Please try not to move. 0:24:12.265,0:24:15.155 You've come a long way... again. 0:24:16.025,0:24:20.265 But you're out of danger[br]now, so try to get some rest. 0:24:25.850,0:24:30.033 Data 3457, sent. 0:24:30.033,0:24:33.255 Data 3457, processed. 0:24:33.595,0:24:36.220 Data 1290, sent, data 4578, sent. 0:24:36.220,0:24:41.300 Data 1290, processed. Data 4578, processed. 0:24:41.540,0:24:46.380 Data 7769... Sent. 0:24:46.380,0:24:50.035 Data 7769, processed. 0:24:50.035,0:24:53.255 Life on Earth simulation in progress. 0:24:54.720,0:24:59.180 Simulation result, succeed. Life possible. 0:25:00.000,0:25:04.455 List generating of[br]achievable animal organisms.