WEBVTT 00:00:01.473 --> 00:00:03.715 Digestion is the process by which 00:00:03.715 --> 00:00:05.712 the gastrointestinal system 00:00:05.712 --> 00:00:08.219 retrieves important nutrients for 00:00:08.219 --> 00:00:10.251 the body, and chemically changes 00:00:10.251 --> 00:00:12.700 the unused food into waste. 00:00:14.116 --> 00:00:16.366 Mastication, or the chewing of food 00:00:16.366 --> 00:00:18.273 in the mouth, is the first step 00:00:18.273 --> 00:00:19.307 of digestion. 00:00:20.180 --> 00:00:23.280 Saliva initiates digestion, and changes 00:00:23.280 --> 00:00:26.005 the chewed food into a soft mass 00:00:26.005 --> 00:00:27.045 or bolus. 00:00:27.880 --> 00:00:30.291 Saliva makes the bolus slippery 00:00:30.291 --> 00:00:33.362 making it easier to be swallowed and slide 00:00:33.362 --> 00:00:36.031 down the back of the throat and esophagus. 00:00:36.755 --> 00:00:38.342 The bolus passes through the 00:00:38.342 --> 00:00:40.919 esophageal sphincter before it enters the 00:00:40.919 --> 00:00:41.781 stomach. 00:00:42.491 --> 00:00:45.407 Inside the stomach, hydrochloric acid is 00:00:45.407 --> 00:00:46.464 released. 00:00:46.704 --> 00:00:49.274 Breaking down large food molecules into 00:00:49.274 --> 00:00:51.863 smaller ones, and liquifying the bolus. 00:00:52.407 --> 00:00:55.677 The liquified bolus, now called chyme 00:00:55.677 --> 00:00:58.388 then passes through the pyloric sphincter 00:00:58.388 --> 00:01:00.484 and enters the duodenum, 00:01:00.484 --> 00:01:02.662 the first section of the small intestine. 00:01:02.943 --> 00:01:05.483 It is here that enzymes released from the 00:01:05.483 --> 00:01:07.586 pancrease, liver, and gall bladder 00:01:07.586 --> 00:01:10.525 further break down chyme into elements 00:01:10.525 --> 00:01:12.961 that can be easily absorbed and used 00:01:12.961 --> 00:01:14.283 by the body. 00:01:17.311 --> 00:01:19.558 The small intestine is lined with a 00:01:19.558 --> 00:01:22.311 heavily folded inter mucosa, and small 00:01:22.311 --> 00:01:24.814 finger-like projections called villi. 00:01:25.749 --> 00:01:28.705 The villi enable digested food to enter 00:01:28.705 --> 00:01:29.685 the blood stream. 00:01:30.171 --> 00:01:32.369 It is here in the small intestine 00:01:32.369 --> 00:01:35.674 where all nutrients and vitamins are absorbed. 00:01:37.956 --> 00:01:40.509 Chyme can travel through up to 00:01:40.509 --> 00:01:42.495 20 feet of small intestine 00:01:42.495 --> 00:01:45.784 before it passes through the ileocecal valve 00:01:45.784 --> 00:01:47.973 to enter the large intestine. 00:01:48.236 --> 00:01:50.686 Very little digestion occurs in the large 00:01:50.686 --> 00:01:51.472 intestine. 00:01:52.285 --> 00:01:54.620 Undigested chyme that enters the large 00:01:54.620 --> 00:01:56.613 intestine is considered waste. 00:01:57.016 --> 00:01:59.584 The waste becomes more and more solid 00:01:59.584 --> 00:02:02.056 as it passes through the large intestine 00:02:02.056 --> 00:02:04.799 because water is continuously being 00:02:04.799 --> 00:02:06.518 re-absorbed from the waste. 00:02:07.798 --> 00:02:10.895 Waste collects in the rectum, or 00:02:10.895 --> 00:02:13.157 end of the large intestine, until the brain 00:02:13.157 --> 00:02:16.040 signals for it to be expelled from the body.