0:00:00.620,0:00:04.086 This course is also a new experiment, or[br]in fact several experiments. 0:00:04.086,0:00:05.586 One of them is that I want to see 0:00:05.586,0:00:08.406 if it's possible for me, essentially alone[br]and with my 0:00:08.406,0:00:11.166 bare hands, my bad handwriting, and a few[br]bricks, to 0:00:11.166,0:00:13.930 produce a movie that will add value to[br]this students. 0:00:15.550,0:00:20.120 Again, I'm trying out something new, and I[br]might very well fail, but that's okay. 0:00:20.120,0:00:21.700 I like to take a bit of risks, and at 0:00:21.700,0:00:24.140 least I'll have tried it, and can share[br]back my experience. 0:00:25.990,0:00:27.620 This course only spans three weeks. 0:00:27.620,0:00:30.400 The structure will be quite simple. 0:00:30.400,0:00:33.389 In the first week, I'll take a mostly[br]positive tone about 0:00:33.389,0:00:37.300 MOOCs, describe the promise that many[br]people see in them, including me. 0:00:38.300,0:00:40.115 In the second week, I'll take a closer 0:00:40.115,0:00:42.860 look at the technology and survey the[br]copyright aspects. 0:00:44.300,0:00:46.718 In the third week, I'll discuss the[br]business 0:00:46.718,0:00:49.037 aspects and maybe a bit of science[br]fiction. 0:00:49.037,0:00:53.439 In fact I'll prepare some material for the[br]third week, but I'll be ready to add much 0:00:53.439,0:00:55.671 more to it than that, mostly in response[br]to 0:00:55.671,0:00:58.780 questions that will intermittently pop up[br]in the forums. 0:01:00.060,0:01:03.070 It's quite a tight schedule, so it might[br]be that at 0:01:03.070,0:01:07.200 the last minute, I settle for more text[br]then I originally intended. 0:01:07.200,0:01:09.740 In any case, this is just the first run of[br]the course. 0:01:09.740,0:01:12.560 As soon as possible, I hope to rerun it,[br]this time with a 0:01:12.560,0:01:16.690 bit more material, that I can reintegrate,[br]to offer a slightly longer course.