this aircraft is the most advanced of its breed built around the first look first shot first kill ethos it is all set to become the air dominant stealth fighter of the 21st century the Raptor is a killing machine just like the name implies as deadly as it looks it's even more deadly when a gas gets out there and does its job deadly and undetectable at long range this breathtaking fifth-generation fighter blends unmatched dogfighting with precision strike ground attack capabilities you literally are able to swim through the sharks and the sharks never see you and never know you're there at any point in time you can reach out and touch them with deadly force capable of super crews and packing a deadly array of state-of-the-art missile systems this stealth jet of the new millennium can intercept and strike any target with near impunity they die they die without knowing where the Raptors are they die without knowing that they were targeted they die often now using unique footage will take you on an all-access tour of America's newest super weapon the FA 22 rut 1981 in his first press conference as chief executive of the United States Ronald Wilson Reagan offered a deal to the Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev if Soviet ss-20 missiles aimed at Western Europe were removed America would not deploy its Pershing to cruise missiles to counter the threat throughout the 1960s and 70s the Soviets developed different missiles to attack in different altitude bands you couldn't fly under the missile threat you couldn't fly over the missile threat you had to deal with the missile threat one way to do that is to make suppression of enemy air defense that is destroying the missile sites in the radars the most important mission for the Air Force by the 1970s air superiority had reimagine and the US Air Force committed to building its first pure air superiority fighter an aircraft that would eventually become the f-15 Eagle but just as f-15s became operational in 1978 alarming new evidence suggested that the new fighter superiority might only be temperament u.s. reconnaissance satellites passing over a Soviet flight test center north of Moscow discover new Soviet fighters being tested one was the agile fighter the Mikoyan mig-29 but the other came as a huge shock to Western analysts it was bigger than the f-15 and far bigger than any previous Soviet built fighter the Sukhoi t10 prototype at that time the Soviet Union initiated some very aggressive programs to come up with counters in both the mckeon and Sukhoi both those design bureaus initiated new aircraft development efforts and it appeared that they run a track they would field some very advanced fighters if the mig-29 had concerned the American military establishment the existence of the Sukhoi t10 set alarm bells ringing these are very good aircraft their aircraft that play in the same league as some of the top NATO aircraft like phantom and ultimately like f-15 the goal is world peace just weeks into his first term America's 40th president increased US defense spending by thirty two point five billion dollars and began the rearmament of the United States on a colossal scale in 1981 the Cold War was getting very warm as Reagan and Brezhnev squared up the US Air Force concluded that it urgently needed a replacement for its f15 an Advanced Tactical Fighter or ATF that would have no equal as American planners start to develop the concept of air land battle to fight World War three the u.s. air force starts to think about the kind of equipment it wants to have when it comes time to fight the war at that time in the secretive black world of advanced aviation development one technology had emerged at the forefront of all military aircraft development stealth during that period the late 1970s of course in what we call the black world in the in the world of secret programs there was a great effort going on to come up with counters to these new Soviet weapon systems that could enable us to knock out their Sam system and that of course led to the development of the f-117 analysis of air-to-air combat in Vietnam called the Red Baron study and kick-started the race for stealth an operational analysis study showed in Vietnam that most aircraft were killed by other aircraft that they hadn't seen so from this you get the idea that if the aircraft isn't seen it has a tremendous advantage air combat data from world war ii and korea had reinforced this need for invisibility so from this in a process of operational analysis the US Air Force learns that what you really need to do is be invisible to the enemy and that means that an aircraft is designed to be as near as possible invisible to an enemy fighter aircraft it's geometry is designed to give it a very low profile that is to make it very invisible to an oncoming fighter aircraft using high-frequency fighter aircraft radar the principle of stealth technology is to literally make an aeroplane invisible to the enemy an aircraft's shape must reflect incoming radio waves away from the enemy radar rather than towards it to further increase low observable characteristics an aeroplane is then covered in materials that absorb radar signals further reducing its visibility on a radar screen stealth doesn't mean invisible it just means less visible operational analysis shows that if you apply certain computer models to air-to-air combat the more stealthy aircraft the one that's harder to see is likely or to win leading the way in stealth technology was Lockheed skunkworks in the late 1970s tell wasn't widely known outside of a few companies the ability to integrate stealth technology shaping for stealth and the materials was really only well known in two companies it was Lockheed and Northrop in 1977 amid unprecedented security Lockheed had flown a prototype of the world's first stealth fighter and by the 1980s during Operation Just Cause its f-117 had helped to destroy general Noriega --zz regime in Panama now the US Air Force decided that any new fighter must incorporate stealth technology and identified two other areas in which a future air superiority fighter should excel well at that stage of the game was clear that the Air Force wanted a stealthy fighter it was also clear that they wanted an airplane that would supercruise in other words run supersonically without lighting off to afterburners and they didn't want to sacrifice any of the classic fighter maneuverability so they wanted a fighter that besides all the new technology would maneuver as well or better than the f-15 in October 1982 representatives from fighter manufacturers met with the US Air Force and began to identify the specific must-haves for the new fighter at the time there were eight contractors of built combat aircraft in the States seven of those responded to a request for proposals from that period of 1983 to 85 or 86 was a process of refinement you know narrowing down the specific parameters it must be a supersonic cruise aircraft with a combat radius of seven to nine hundred miles with reduced observables if possible the aircraft would have to be able to operate on a 2,000 foot runway and must be easier to maintain than an f-15 the challenge had been issued now it was up to the finest aviation manufacturers in the world to respond I'm a village optimist and I have to say that the requirements were very demanding but I didn't have any I didn't have any strong feeling that we couldn't do this the Advanced Tactical Fighter program was about to begin and the Raptor America's fifth-generation fighter was about to be hatched by 1983 us-soviet relations had reached a new low following Leonid Brezhnev's death the Politburo now controlled by ex-kgb boss yuri and drop off had been labeled by reagan as the focus of evil in the modern world continuing his policy of rearmament Reagan announced plans for the Strategic Defense Initiative better known as Star Wars and Moscow reacted furiously publishing polar prodigy in a Russian capoeira a marathon see a Kaboodle's Nina gusta get their image legally not August when Korean Airlines flight double-oh-seven on its way to Seoul from New York strayed several hundred miles off course into Soviet airspace Russia acted a fighter was sent up and the civilian airliner with 269 people on board was shot down a shooting down of kaal double-oh-seven sent shockwaves around the world straining international relations almost a breaking point but can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global disarmament and yet so callously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings Regan's reaction to the crisis strengthened u.s. conviction that stealth would now be the prime requirement for America's new feisty some senior people the Pentagon looked at the stealth requirements and decided they were inadequate and they radically changed him so the stealth became a really major dominant requirement in the program in this politically charged climate the US Air Force created its Advanced Tactical Fighter or ATF system program office based at wright-patterson Air Force Base in Ohio Colonel Albert CP Carrillo is placed in charge of the division one of the things we really wanted was the ability to leverage stealth in a high-performance fighter and we also wanted this high-performance fighter to still be capable of good clothes in within visual range maneuvering capability in fact we wanted more than just existing capability in something the manufacturers are invited to submit concepts for an aircraft with an operational radius of 800 miles enough to allow it to operate over the entire central region of Europe from bases in central England it should have low observable characteristics and be able to cruise at Mach 1 point 5 for an astonishing 600 miles we weren't building an airplane for the 1990s although that was what we were trying to do we were really building a fighter for the 21st century that could take on all of the advanced threats that the Soviet Union was likely to throw in itself all of the teams would have their work cut out for them but importantly the military added another complicating factor at the end of the concept demonstration phase the decision was made by the Air Force to launch a demonstration validation phase of the program that would involve building to flight demonstrators YF type airplanes that would then be evaluated they didn't after that full armament they didn't have to have avionics they didn't have to have stealth coatings but essentially they were going to go out show us what you can do but building prototype aircraft is expensive and no one manufacturer could afford it on their own they all know that they must invest so much money and developing that if they don't get the contract they're going to be so out of pocket it's gonna hurt the company badly we Lockheed made a policy decision at the CEO level that we would seek teaming so the bottom line is we ended up deciding that we would team with Boeing and General Dynamics Fort Worth each manufacturer would submit a design for the demonstration valuation or Denville competition but had agreed that the winning company would be the prime contractor and its partners subcontracted to produce major components everybody's investment will be at least partly repaid because everybody gets piece of the action seven designs for the Air Force competition was submitted for final evaluation all of the seven contractors came in with designs that were very feasible and it could that could have been built the question was which were the best and then how did we determined that they really were good enough to manufacturers with strong experience in stealth technology Northrop with its b2 and Lockheed with its f-117 lead the way northrop's Advanced Tactical Fighter or ATF design was for an alien looking aircraft with diamond planform wings and huge V tails it was a design that stressed speed and stealth Northrop came in with a an airplane that really from the very beginning look just like the Y of 23 that eventually was built as well Lockheed's entry echoed that of the f-117 it's vectored thrust Arrowhead shape trapezoidal wings and four tails ensure that the aircraft would be maneuverable the fact was that Lockheed and Northrop had significant advantages in the fact that they had built stealth aircraft and flown them it's big credibility factor there on October 31st 1986 both Lockheed and Northrop ATF designs were declared the winners of the competition under the terms of the dem val competition each team would build two aircraft at the end of the process one of two designs would become America's new Advanced Tactical Fighter costing billions of dollars the new fighter would make a technological leap into the 21st century just nine months after being selected to build to demonstration valuation fighters for the US Air Force Lockheed shocked everyone and scrapped its original design in July of 87 we looked at our design at that time and we looked at what we thought it would weigh and how it would perform and with no input from the Air Force we decided to start over so between July 13th of 87 and mid-october that year basically that's where the f-22 came into the world in a hectic three-month process with help from its partners lockheed produced a completely different configuration with a clipped delta wing we changed to clip diamond wings which gave us almost the same aerodynamic performance but a lot lower structural weight we did the same thing with the trapezoidal horizontal tails and the same thing with the verticals over the next four years at a cost of just over two billion dollars America's tactical fighter competition became the largest program of its kind and in 1990 just months after the disintegration of the Soviet Union the shapes of the two rival designs were finally unveiled and now ladies and gentlemen I proudly present to you the yf-22 a prototype for US air superiority in the 21st century on behalf of the entire team I am honored to present the yf-23 Northrop's version called the yf-23 closely resembled its original design well it was the most unusual looking at very futuristic it had twin details as opposed to what's called a cruciform twin verticals and twin horizontals I had a large trapezoidal wing and it had a very slender shape and looked at for me a John view in contrast Lockheed's design called the yf-22 seemed surprisingly conventional with four tail surfaces vectored thrust a broad solid body and a conventional wing but unlike Lockheed's other stealth aircraft the f-117 radar absorbent materials were not applied over the whole of the FA 22 but used selectively on its edges cavities and crucial surface areas you walk around the airplane everywhere you look about what you see is something that's designed to do the job in the most efficient and effective way and no wasted space no wasted capability it's truly an airplane it's intended and has been optimized for its job the f-22 carries its weapons internally for weapons bays are hidden in the central mid-body section six missiles can be carried in the ventral Bay's which are covered with bi-fold doors the side bays will each hold one Sidewinder missile carried on a trapeze launcher the mid-body section also houses the fighters landing gear and complex in met ducts right from day one on the f-22 we decided to put s-shaped Inlet ducts on it so the airplane is built with s-shape Inlet ducts so that there's no way a radar is ever seeing the forward face of the jet engine attached to the mid-body is the four body which accommodates the cockpit and advanced avionics both the yf-23 and the yf-22 are impressive-looking machines but their performance still needs to be tested the most crucial stage of the competition is still to come the flight testing Northrop was first in the air in August 1990 flown by Paul Metz the yf-23 got airborne the test was a huge success but Lockheed was quick to respond and on September the 29th at Edwards Air Force Base in California Lockheed chief test pilot Dave Ferguson prepared the raptor for its maiden flight I pulled on her runway and looked down the runway it was just a feeling of really relief and that we're going to do it and I ran the airplane up to 80% military power and acceleration was just amazing I mean it was like an f15 in full afterburner and I thought the only thing in this airplane that's ever flown before it was me and I think in the back of my mind I was saying please fly please fly when I pulled your nose up and it just lifted off I was fully aware we had a wonderful flying airplane and the handling qualities in the takeoff and landing their power approach as we call it were just absolutely superb when I landed in Sherman at the airplane I said hey boss we really have a winner here the way the f-22 performed was no surprise to anybody who was involved in the program not at all I mean my money has been on the f-22 from early 1985 it'll be there till I'm gone over the next three months the Raptor underwent a whole series of tests the Air Force required both teams to give them performance projections and then they were going to actually compare that with what the airplanes actually did in flight subsonic supersonic at different altitudes and so forth the winner of this stage would earn a contract for 650 aircraft the decision would hinge not just on what the contractors promised but on the Air Force's confidence in their ability to deliver we expected to get a lot of flying done in the 90 days we actually got 72 flights out of two airplanes in 90 days and that is about as good as you can do during flight testing the Raptor had beaten northrop yf-23 in a number of crucial performance areas we'd focused on the supersonic testing including super cruising and we did something that Northrop didn't do and that is we did launch a couple of missiles we launched a Sidewinder out of the internal side bay on our prototype airplanes and we launched an AM Ram long-range air-to-air missile out of the internal web space the yf-22 had clearly shown that in every category it was far superior to any existing fighter the Air Force was was very impressed by what Lockheed had done their flight test program was very aggressive they flew hard and fast they flew many more hours and sorties than Northrop did and all of that gave the Air Force confidence that they knew what they were doing high confidence and they could build a superior airplane but it would be events in 1991 that would carve out the Raptors future 22 minutes after midnight on January the 17th 1991 Lockheed's stealth f-117 spearheaded u.s. stripes against Saddam Hussein's regime the performance of Lockheed stealth bombers during Operation Desert Storm would give the company and its aircraft some priceless publicity I think clearly Lockheed was benefited in 1991 by the Gulf War where the f-117 was it was a star performer and there were skeptics of stealth even as late as that that had to be beneficial to the program but another aircraft also emerged from the Gulf War with a glowing reputation you the f-15 the aircraft destined to be replaced by the ATF had emphatically confirmed its status as the foremost air superiority fighter in the world now it appeared that the need for an advanced stealthy fighter the f-22 might be totally unfounded it's all like the f-15 wasn't any good it's good aircraft it's still a good aircraft it will be a good aircraft for years to come you could even just chew up the factory and keep building new f50 - why not yeah but not everyone agrees the big weakness in their argument is they are making a statement about world conditions today and what the threats are today the real issue is what capability you want for 2025 or 2030 the people who say you don't need this they think the world is not going to change in the next 20 years and that is a hell of an assertion by April 1991 bogged down by the f-15 debate the US Air Force prepares to announce the winner of the Advanced Tactical Fighter contract but would the Raptor emerge from the controversy unscathed on April the 1st 1991 the US Air Force awarded a nine and a half billion dollar contract to the Lockheed Boeing General Dynamics team responsible for the winning f-22 Raptor design having won the contract Lockheed announced that it intended to locate the f-22 s headquarters in Georgia where the Raptors forward fuselage would be built General Dynamics were build the f-22s mid-body section in Fort Worth Texas and Boeing would manufacture the wings and tail in Seattle Washington but just eight months after the contract was awarded the program hit its first major snag we lost one of the yf-22 fortunately the test pilot who was a good friend of mine then and now walked away unharmed during preliminary testing the unthinkable happened a yf-22 flown by Tom Morgan fell crashed just after takeoff as this unique footage shows the aircraft's thrust vectoring system forces it to belly land on the runway a key element of the Raptors design thrust vectoring uses movable exhaust nozzles to alter the angle of thrust from the two Pratt & Whitney engines as the Raptor makes its low-level flyby Tom Morgan felt keeps the stick forward to keep the nose down but as the landing gear is retracted the thrust vectoring engages and pushes the aircraft towards the tarmac as the pilot struggles to correct this change in direction the Raptor C soars the fundamental error there had nothing to do with the airplane it had to do with the fact that you don't fly a green airplane and fly it at low speeds at low altitudes the cause of that accident was stupidity on the part of the management it had nothing to do with technology despite the loss of the stealth aircraft the program had achieved its major goals ten million man-hours of analysis four thousand hours of radar testing and hundreds of hours of flight testing had gone into the development of the aircraft even before construction was given the going in fact the f-22 has accomplished more flight testing than any other fighter prior to full-scale production the first fa20 to built for the US Air Force was unveiled in a ceremony on April the 9th 1997 at the company's headquarters in Marietta Georgia now Air Force pilots would get the opportunity to check up the new aircraft for themselves I would call the Raptor the Miss America while aircraft it's got the talent it's got the bikini contest one it's beautiful it's got all the capabilities it really wins the show in every aspect the airplane is eye watering it it does everything the pilot asked of it and it is very good at what it does first flown by the Air Force in 1997 pilots at Edwards Air Force Base have surpassed 2,000 flight test hours in more than 900 missions the first time I went out one effe 22 me against four f-16s and they told me what they were going to do they were going to do everything possible to defeat my systems and I watched exactly what they did the entire time and shot them all it was almost too easy now it's almost laughing in the cockpit one of the key advances in the Raptors design is its advanced cockpit and integrated avionics systems but I think really where the Raptor gets its amazing capability is the fusion of all of the different sensors on the aircraft you have a tactical scope that combines the information of all the other sensors on the aircraft into one display for the pilot so as a pilot you don't have to sort through the radar or another sensor to see what's going on around you information this power and the way this airplane displays information to you it gives you knowledge of the battlespace it's all about seeing what's out there in front of you and being able to make decisions about what to engage when to engage and how to engage it I'd say integrated avionics does two things for me number one it makes me a lot safer it gives me less chance to crash my jet it also makes every pilot who flies this aircraft more deadly instead of having to do six or eight steps to achieve a kill you really only have to do one the raptor carries a formidable array of ordnance all of the Raptors weapons are housed inside the aircraft two bays at the bottom of the plane utilize a pneumatic style hydraulic launcher that literally punched the missiles or Jaden's out of the aircraft with a force of 40 G and to side Bay's how's air-to-air missiles here a trapeze launcher moves the missile outside the airframe very rapidly a fraction of a second before the missile is fired and to complement the Raptors armament of eight missiles the fighter also has a gun at one point in the evolution of the advanced tactical fighter program the US Air Force had raised the question of eliminating the gun to save weight I think that the designers of the FA 22 realized mistakes of the past like the F for initially being designed without a gun and realize that you should never say never about a threat that you're going to face or a situation you're gonna find yourself in and so the raptor has designed itself a gun will anybody get close enough for us to use the gun well hopefully not probably not by the late 90s pilots in the Raptor program were convinced that their aircraft was made of the right stuff that would easily be able to outperform and destroy any other fighter in existence it is the sum of the parts that makes the FA 22 so capable probably most important in my eyes is the stealth having an aircraft that nobody can see is just a tremendous tremendous advantage the speed the maneuverability the precision all those factors are incredible also so when you put everything together the Raptor is just incredible but this belief was exclusively based on controlled flight and missile firing exercises what the Raptors pilots really needed was combat experience and they were about to get it before the FA 22 Raptor enters operational service with the US Air Force in the autumn of 2005 it will have completed thousands of hours of vigorous combat testing but since Desert Storm critics of the f-22 program claim that the f-15 Eagle destined to be replaced by the Raptor already has the attributes necessary to remain the world's pre-eminent air superiority fighter well into the new millennium it is a view dismissed by the US efforts if you look at the f-15 the f-18 and compare it with existing fighters that are sold around the world today you'll find that today we're almost at Perry if we ever run up against an enemy that has the ability in terms of the aircrew to use those enemy fighters we will have a tough time with the current generation the f-15 is a great aircraft and in air-to-air it is outstanding however with the production of new fighters that are being produced today and also some service to air threats there are situations in the f-15 that would make me nervous in March 2003 supporters of the f-15 got the opportunity to see whether or not the eagle was still the best fighter in the sky five f-15s would go head-to-head with a single Raptor although no missiles would be used during the exercise the sorties would closely resemble actual combat no quarter would be given by either side this was a kill-or-be-killed exercise there were five of us Ares in and me and my biggest concern was running out of weapons too soon all five f-15s are flown by experienced f-22 pilots one by one the rapt brings them down I could never see them I never knew that they were there and I died you got stuck roll up I could hear him on the radio calling his simulated missile shots Fox tube and knowing that this was getting really unnerving because I could also tell his range was was closing rapidly on me I don't think anybody ever saw me the entire time that while we were on the air space bandit bandit could not find him no matter what I did and the next time was when he flew directly over the top of my hair from my soaring vision I know firsthand from flying the Raptor against other aircraft and flying other aircraft against the Raptor that it's like clubbing baby seals it's so easy the first indication you have that the net pay 22 is out in your area of responsibility is when you are in your parachute heading down towards earth and your your jet is falling a little bit faster than you are in combat testing with f-15s the fa 22 Raptor has emphatically proven its doubters wrong there been times when the rapture has gone up to vs. 8 against f15 and it ends up being boring for the adversaries because no matter what they do they die having flown the f-15 and now having flown the Raptor and seeing combat I would not want to be on the receiving end of what the fa 23 was capable we will take on anything any combination of the latest the latest aircraft that we can throw it ourselves and we usually win today 27 fa 22 Raptors have been delivered to the US air force and are in limited operation at Edwards Nellis and Tyndall Air Force bases many more will follow the air force has agreed to a final production run of almost 300 aircraft I think 300 FA 20s will tip the scales of any conflict in our favor I think that any country who sees 300 FA 22s flying towards it has got to get a little nervous Lockheed expects that a full production rate of 60 aircraft per year will have been achieved by the end of 2004 and with components and parts coming from four to six congressional states the fa 22 is truly a national effort costing a massive 93 million dollars each the Raptor is certainly the world's most expensive fighter aircraft but for many it is money well spent yeah this is something special this was not like an f15 on steroids or an f-16 on steroids this is the real thing with a leap of technology that's orders of magnitude better than what we have there the interesting thing about the f-22 though is it is a fixed volume with an infinitely increasing ability in terms of its computer capabilities if you think about the airplane has fixed holes in the sides of the fuselage where computers sit today in the future there will be more computer capacity that requires less power going in that same physical hole so the fa20 to over the course of life will become a more and more flexible and warm more potent machine as computer capacity increases America's fa20 to Raptor was created out of the Cold War fear that Russian made fighters would sweep aside the f-15 but the world has changed since the frigid days of the Cold War the Soviet Union no longer exists and the f-15 has more than earned the fear and respected commands as the current frontline fighter for the US Air Force but the Raptor Lockheed's fa20 - looks all set to carry US air force doctrine well into the 21st century I'd be terrified to to go into the arena with something like that I really would I've been on the receiving end of it in testing and mentally translated myself to what if this was combat and it is a unnerving na a disquieting feeling to fly in the same airspace with more these airlines I would say that it's not fair to our enemies or even our own technology to fight against the Raptor but the goal of war isn't fair that we don't go into combat because we want a fair fight we want to win as fast as possible with as little loss of life as possible and the Raptor allows that to do that for generations to come in today's changing world there are few certainties but the rule of the Raptor America's air dominance fighter over the skies is one of them you