So hello my name is Ayumi Roux I play Maya in season 6 of Skam France And I am Flavie Delangle and I play Lola in season 6 of Skam France And we'll talk about some BTS Are you like your character? Me, yes. But I think Flavie will say otherwise. She's very close to her character. No, not at all. We have very few things in common. Well, it's obvious [Flavie] when you know me in real life. [Ayumi] No, she's exactly the same. Do you have room to improvise? With David, it's really hard. But it's mainly Milène, the writer, who's always there saying who's always there saying "it's not this, it's that" I mean she's adorable, I am imitating her like this, but she's like that at all. Since we're not shooting in order we have to stick to the script the scene, and Milène. So yeah, not so much on the improv. With what actor do you shoot the most? [Ayumi] Me, Flavie. [Flavie] With Lula, Regi. And you, a lot. Biggest laugh on set? There was this day of shooting for Elliott's short movie