1 00:01:29,209 --> 00:01:30,472 Good morning 2 00:01:30,719 --> 00:01:33,923 Dear respected Thay, dear brothers and sisters and dear friends 3 00:01:36,015 --> 00:01:40,402 Today is Sunday the 18th of December in the year 2016 4 00:01:41,030 --> 00:01:43,170 and we are in the New Hamlet. 5 00:01:44,450 --> 00:01:50,198 In this winter retreat we are looking at the Noble Eightfold Path. 6 00:01:51,530 --> 00:01:57,625 Today i would like to share with you a little bit about right livelihood. 7 00:02:00,165 --> 00:02:05,459 Last week Brother Phap Lai spoke about right action 8 00:02:07,621 --> 00:02:11,836 and mentioned something about Right Livelihood and monastics, 9 00:02:12,693 --> 00:02:16,300 so as I sat down here, that thought came to me, 10 00:02:16,720 --> 00:02:21,226 Am I practicing right livelihood, right now? 11 00:02:23,516 --> 00:02:28,226 In my mind I see the Buddha going out on alms round 12 00:02:31,383 --> 00:02:34,475 receiving alms to be nourished 13 00:02:35,539 --> 00:02:37,772 and the Buddha will offer the Dharma 14 00:02:38,074 --> 00:02:40,877 there is an exchange of dana and Dharma. 15 00:02:41,767 --> 00:02:45,469 I guess I am continuing, 16 00:02:45,851 --> 00:02:49,059 we are all continuing the career of the Buddha 17 00:02:49,600 --> 00:02:53,163 and the Buddha practices Right Livelihood 18 00:02:54,715 --> 00:02:57,126 offering Dharma for dana 19 00:02:58,066 --> 00:03:01,667 so i guess that I'm practicing Right Livelihood. 20 00:03:02,895 --> 00:03:04,941 It is possible for monastics 21 00:03:09,944 --> 00:03:12,188 So, the Noble Eightfold Path. 22 00:03:15,975 --> 00:03:17,759 There are times, 23 00:03:19,109 --> 00:03:23,714 the Noble Eightfold Path is at times presented in three groups 24 00:03:25,842 --> 00:03:30,679 One group for ethics, “Sila”, 25 00:03:33,000 --> 00:03:37,310 one group for “Samadhi”, concentration 26 00:03:37,939 --> 00:03:41,493 and one group for “Prajna”, insight. 27 00:03:43,539 --> 00:03:47,373 Sila, or the mindfulness trainings 28 00:03:52,421 --> 00:03:55,524 Thay teaches us that the mindfulness trainings 29 00:03:55,524 --> 00:04:00,123 are a very concrete expression of mindfulness 30 00:04:02,238 --> 00:04:07,144 and the logo of Plum Village is Smrthi, which is mindfulness, 31 00:04:08,726 --> 00:04:12,618 Samadhi, concentration, Prajna, insight. 32 00:04:16,866 --> 00:04:21,494 So, I would like to start with sharing with you 33 00:04:24,315 --> 00:04:29,460 how the eight elements of the Noble Eightfold Path 34 00:04:30,075 --> 00:04:33,282 are divided up in those three groups. 35 00:04:40,304 --> 00:04:42,649 Maybe I'll write them on the board 36 00:04:52,954 --> 00:04:55,576 Big and small inter-are 37 00:05:35,814 --> 00:05:37,836 Right view, right livelihood 38 00:05:51,553 --> 00:05:52,880 One, or two? One. 39 00:05:55,694 --> 00:05:57,206 Mindfulness 40 00:06:43,437 --> 00:06:45,622 Usually we present them in a circle 41 00:06:49,397 --> 00:06:55,133 So, for ethics we have Right View and Right Thinking 42 00:06:56,854 --> 00:06:57,750 Sila 43 00:07:17,575 --> 00:07:18,490 excuse me, 44 00:07:34,558 --> 00:07:37,849 I'm trying to look at the paper instead of looking into my mind 45 00:07:40,487 --> 00:07:44,862 Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood is ethics, Sila 46 00:07:49,066 --> 00:07:53,504 Right Concentration, Right Mindfulness, Right Effort 47 00:07:54,246 --> 00:07:57,794 is Right Concentration, samadhi 48 00:08:01,837 --> 00:08:06,625 Right View, Right Thinking is Prajna, insight, 49 00:08:25,225 --> 00:08:29,757 When our way of living is ethical, 50 00:08:32,496 --> 00:08:38,178 if it goes in the direction of non-violence for ourselves and others 51 00:08:40,301 --> 00:08:43,969 we feel joyful, we have energy, we're happy 52 00:08:46,056 --> 00:08:50,969 And this is very easy for ourselves to check. 53 00:08:53,631 --> 00:08:55,765 Right Speech for instance. 54 00:09:01,307 --> 00:09:04,676 If the first thing we said to the person we met in the morning, 55 00:09:05,148 --> 00:09:09,409 was kind, loving, understanding, you feel well 56 00:09:13,953 --> 00:09:19,902 and we go to work, we feel happy and joyful 57 00:09:21,431 --> 00:09:26,165 When we feel happy and joyful, it's very easy to concentrate, 58 00:09:26,930 --> 00:09:28,639 to have concentration. 59 00:09:30,176 --> 00:09:35,083 When we have concentration, we can look deeply and we get insight. 60 00:09:39,090 --> 00:09:42,696 If the first thing we say when we get up in the morning, 61 00:09:45,918 --> 00:09:51,545 makes another person feel awful, we will also feel awful 62 00:09:52,958 --> 00:09:56,657 we may go to work but somewhere in the depths of our mind 63 00:09:56,765 --> 00:09:59,285 is this uneasy feeling. 64 00:10:02,897 --> 00:10:07,193 We have concentration, but it may not be the same kind of concentration 65 00:10:07,558 --> 00:10:10,478 as when we're happy and at ease 66 00:10:13,827 --> 00:10:19,248 When we look at this path, the Noble Eightfold Path 67 00:10:19,940 --> 00:10:24,713 we can ask the question where to enter 68 00:10:25,404 --> 00:10:29,150 What is the entry into the Noble Eightfold path? 69 00:10:32,270 --> 00:10:33,910 Mindfulness, 70 00:10:34,680 --> 00:10:38,720 that's the door through which we enter the Noble Eightfold path 71 00:11:29,061 --> 00:11:35,041 When we practice mindfulness, we're bringing our mind home to our body. 72 00:11:39,531 --> 00:11:43,213 There is a saying that goes 'working from home' 73 00:11:45,263 --> 00:11:47,823 I like to think about 'living from home' 74 00:11:48,593 --> 00:11:51,003 I bring my mind home to my body, 75 00:11:51,003 --> 00:11:54,623 and I live from that place of being aware. 76 00:11:58,203 --> 00:12:03,800 When we go back to ourselves, bring our mind home to our body, 77 00:12:05,298 --> 00:12:09,403 we will notice what is happening inside of us and around us 78 00:12:10,924 --> 00:12:16,325 and we will have the clarity and calm in order to know how to respond 79 00:12:16,665 --> 00:12:19,484 to what is happening inside of us and around us. 80 00:12:20,397 --> 00:12:25,200 Not just around us, in our direct environment 81 00:12:25,988 --> 00:12:30,630 but also to the world and society at large 82 00:12:31,618 --> 00:12:33,597 So let's practice with the bell 83 00:12:34,187 --> 00:12:37,660 and do exactly that, bring our mind home to our body 84 00:12:40,292 --> 00:12:45,000 and we will be able to find out 85 00:12:45,960 --> 00:12:48,200 what is happening inside of us, 86 00:12:48,760 --> 00:12:52,731 what are we doing, body and mind 87 00:12:54,339 --> 00:12:57,161 and how are we doing it. 88 00:12:57,579 --> 00:13:00,624 Two aspects, what and how 89 00:13:01,027 --> 00:13:03,691 So, make yourself comfortable 90 00:13:10,465 --> 00:13:13,516 bring your mind home to your body 91 00:13:16,086 --> 00:13:19,263 to sort of sink into the present moment. 92 00:13:22,587 --> 00:13:29,459 Just become aware of what is happening inside of us, in our body and mind 93 00:14:41,549 --> 00:14:44,235 To stop being carried away by our thinking, 94 00:14:45,264 --> 00:14:46,837 our feelings, our emotions, 95 00:14:47,048 --> 00:14:49,570 and coming home to our body, 96 00:14:50,224 --> 00:14:57,586 is the foundation of our practice of the Noble Eightfold Path 97 00:15:03,513 --> 00:15:06,535 Traditionally, Right Livelihood 98 00:15:11,342 --> 00:15:15,837 is described as having a profession 99 00:15:15,837 --> 00:15:22,917 that does not harm human beings, animals, nature, mother earth 100 00:15:25,463 --> 00:15:30,890 It doesn't cause any harm, physically or mentally, morally 101 00:15:33,569 --> 00:15:38,338 which means not to deal in weapons, this is how it's mentioned. 102 00:15:39,449 --> 00:15:45,964 Not to slaughter animals for consumption and meat, 103 00:15:47,018 --> 00:15:51,030 not to deal in poisons or drugs, 104 00:15:54,464 --> 00:15:57,942 no human trafficking for instance 105 00:16:01,826 --> 00:16:05,343 and today I would like to look a little bit at Right Livelihood 106 00:16:05,937 --> 00:16:08,815 in the light of our mindfulness trainings 107 00:16:13,842 --> 00:16:15,659 We have the five mindfulness trainings 108 00:16:16,278 --> 00:16:21,411 and the 14 mindfulness trainings of the Order of Interbeing. 109 00:16:33,444 --> 00:16:35,850 Right Livelihood is, 110 00:16:38,696 --> 00:16:42,891 looking at how we're making a contribution to the world 111 00:16:46,833 --> 00:16:49,491 how do we interact with the world at large? 112 00:16:54,397 --> 00:17:01,113 Also, looking to see and to become aware of the impact we have on the world 113 00:17:05,890 --> 00:17:10,431 so that we can go in the direction of non-violence 114 00:17:10,884 --> 00:17:17,088 not harming ourselves, others, animals, mother nature. 115 00:17:22,717 --> 00:17:28,292 We practice being responsible citizens and consumers 116 00:17:32,577 --> 00:17:34,254 So, Right Livelihood 117 00:17:39,235 --> 00:17:42,380 There are two calligraphies by Thay 118 00:17:43,190 --> 00:17:48,070 that, for me, express very beautifully 119 00:17:51,586 --> 00:17:56,829 the state of mind that helps us to go in the direction of Right Livelihood 120 00:17:58,510 --> 00:18:02,345 and one is: “You have enough” 121 00:18:06,208 --> 00:18:11,245 I think we can all see how that relates to Right Livelihood 122 00:18:12,352 --> 00:18:17,413 as well as: “Happiness is not an individual matter” 123 00:18:19,849 --> 00:18:21,972 We have enough, 124 00:18:25,446 --> 00:18:28,999 we do not take more from others and from mother nature 125 00:18:32,485 --> 00:18:38,101 and we do not take more from others and mother nature than we need, 126 00:18:42,901 --> 00:18:47,760 and we share what we have with others you don't take what belongs to them. 127 00:18:55,419 --> 00:19:01,647 These two calligraphies help us to look deeply into our Livelihood 128 00:19:02,841 --> 00:19:05,335 When we look at the five mindfulness trainings, 129 00:19:09,626 --> 00:19:14,159 they give us guidelines for our actions of body, speech 130 00:19:18,507 --> 00:19:21,494 Throughout the day we make many choices 131 00:19:23,369 --> 00:19:26,143 what to do, what not to do, what to say, what not to say 132 00:19:26,600 --> 00:19:29,583 what to buy, what not to buy, where to go or not to go 133 00:19:30,252 --> 00:19:31,723 how to go, how not to go. 134 00:19:33,412 --> 00:19:36,334 We make choices throughout the day, the whole time. 135 00:19:38,434 --> 00:19:43,692 The five mindfulness trainings are a very good point of reference, 136 00:19:45,304 --> 00:19:49,434 a guidance for us, to make choices 137 00:19:51,239 --> 00:19:55,671 that enhance not only our own well-being 138 00:19:55,802 --> 00:20:01,201 but also the well-being of others as well as the mother earth. 139 00:20:03,362 --> 00:20:10,061 So, the first mindfulness training has the name “reverence for life” 140 00:20:14,097 --> 00:20:17,020 we practice protecting life. 141 00:20:19,322 --> 00:20:21,809 The second one is "true happiness" 142 00:20:23,692 --> 00:20:27,698 we practice sharing our time and energy 143 00:20:28,809 --> 00:20:32,853 with others and material resources. 144 00:20:33,117 --> 00:20:37,080 "True love," to live in a committed relationship 145 00:20:38,679 --> 00:20:45,536 we practice deep listening and loving speech to keep our relationships happy. 146 00:20:48,000 --> 00:20:54,282 And "mindful consumption" as nourishment and healing for healthy living 147 00:20:56,686 --> 00:21:00,040 The 14 mindfulness trainings of the order of Interbeing 148 00:21:03,399 --> 00:21:06,844 reflect the Noble Eightfold Path. 149 00:21:07,990 --> 00:21:09,550 The Noble Eightfold Path, 150 00:21:10,172 --> 00:21:14,932 when we write them in a list, 151 00:21:16,046 --> 00:21:18,101 they start usually with the mind. 152 00:21:18,506 --> 00:21:20,477 Right View, Right Thinking 153 00:21:22,498 --> 00:21:26,277 and the 14 mindfulness trainings also start with the mind. 154 00:21:28,056 --> 00:21:31,602 We have seven mindfulness trainings 155 00:21:36,284 --> 00:21:39,773 that are related to our mind. 156 00:21:50,305 --> 00:21:51,621 I pull out the book 157 00:21:54,645 --> 00:21:57,729 I will read some of that a little later. 158 00:21:58,885 --> 00:22:03,602 The first three mindfulness trainings of the order of Interbeing 159 00:22:04,685 --> 00:22:09,013 speak about our attitude of mind what kind of attitude do we have. 160 00:22:10,608 --> 00:22:14,781 The first one is "openness", we call it openness 161 00:22:16,731 --> 00:22:19,985 and that is not to be bound to any doctrine. 162 00:22:21,196 --> 00:22:24,642 So many wars have been waged because of doctrines 163 00:22:25,029 --> 00:22:30,461 that we hold on to for many, many decades 164 00:22:31,104 --> 00:22:33,957 so doctrines or ideologies. 165 00:22:34,640 --> 00:22:38,163 The second one is "non-attachment to views" 166 00:22:38,869 --> 00:22:42,268 to be open to other people's views and opinions, 167 00:22:48,484 --> 00:22:50,011 to be inclusive 168 00:22:54,174 --> 00:22:57,754 to go in a direction of the collective insight. 169 00:23:01,926 --> 00:23:04,800 The third one is "freedom of thought" 170 00:23:05,040 --> 00:23:09,040 we do not impose our views onto others. 171 00:23:09,250 --> 00:23:14,640 Everyone has the right to look deeply and to decide for themselves 172 00:23:17,304 --> 00:23:26,940 what to do, how to be, what to choose what to believe, what to believe 173 00:23:27,090 --> 00:23:28,780 freedom of thought. 174 00:23:31,674 --> 00:23:33,950 When you look into this mindfulness training 175 00:23:34,179 --> 00:23:37,202 we see also that a lot of suffering has been caused 176 00:23:41,219 --> 00:23:46,497 by not allowing others to choose what to believe. 177 00:24:06,439 --> 00:24:08,513 And the fourth and the seventh, 178 00:24:09,360 --> 00:24:11,598 they speak about a personal practice. 179 00:24:22,545 --> 00:24:24,826 We learn to take care of our suffering 180 00:24:27,012 --> 00:24:29,250 to look deeply into our suffering 181 00:24:35,682 --> 00:24:38,836 and look into the suffering of the world. 182 00:24:40,479 --> 00:24:46,129 And for the fifth, we go in the direction of healthy living 183 00:24:48,127 --> 00:24:50,384 and for the sixth, we take care of our mind. 184 00:24:50,725 --> 00:24:52,575 These are our own personal practices 185 00:24:52,847 --> 00:24:55,521 like we take care of anger for instance 186 00:24:56,012 --> 00:24:58,912 and that can be anger, irritation 187 00:25:04,495 --> 00:25:05,610 upset 188 00:25:06,347 --> 00:25:08,771 so we take care of our anger 189 00:25:11,459 --> 00:25:15,333 And the seventh, how we can dwell happily in the present moment 190 00:25:23,203 --> 00:25:26,729 and the eighth and the ninth are about communion and communication 191 00:25:27,707 --> 00:25:29,236 and truthful and loving speech. 192 00:25:29,236 --> 00:25:31,545 It's about interactions that we have with others 193 00:25:32,920 --> 00:25:36,551 and the tenth trough the 14th are for acting in society. 194 00:25:38,413 --> 00:25:40,428 We protect and nourish the Sangha. 195 00:25:43,422 --> 00:25:47,474 To bring about a change in society we need the sangha, we can't do it alone 196 00:25:49,017 --> 00:25:52,729 so a sangha is a precious jewel it's a place of refuge 197 00:25:53,504 --> 00:25:55,394 it's where we get the support. 198 00:25:56,568 --> 00:26:02,222 We all know already that we may be on this path of mindfulness 199 00:26:04,543 --> 00:26:11,235 and when we go home, we look for others who also practice the same thing 200 00:26:12,261 --> 00:26:16,289 because standing alone in society is not so easy 201 00:26:16,641 --> 00:26:18,628 but having a sangha to practice with, 202 00:26:19,237 --> 00:26:25,995 we're able to stand by the choices we make in our life. 203 00:26:28,024 --> 00:26:30,333 As a sangha, we can do it. 204 00:26:31,856 --> 00:26:35,367 The 11th mindfulness training speaks of Right Livelihood 205 00:26:36,806 --> 00:26:39,891 The 12th about reverence for life 206 00:26:40,395 --> 00:26:42,335 The 13th about generosity 207 00:26:42,798 --> 00:26:48,512 and the 14 about Right Conduct, about our intimate relationships, 208 00:26:48,844 --> 00:26:50,276 true love. 209 00:27:01,232 --> 00:27:08,184 When we look at the Noble Eightfold Path, we'll find the 14 mindfulness trainings 210 00:27:08,280 --> 00:27:10,721 when you look at the 14 mindfulness trainings 211 00:27:10,721 --> 00:27:13,955 you'll find all the elements of the Noble Eightfold Path 212 00:27:17,911 --> 00:27:20,017 we're looking into the mindfulness trainings 213 00:27:20,349 --> 00:27:23,676 so we can understand ourselves better. 214 00:27:24,874 --> 00:27:27,960 We all want to go in the direction of happiness 215 00:27:29,085 --> 00:27:32,478 not only for ourselves but for all others. 216 00:27:33,023 --> 00:27:36,611 And looking into ourselves in the light of the five mindfulness trainings 217 00:27:37,369 --> 00:27:40,735 we can see how we can... 218 00:27:46,760 --> 00:27:48,390 enhance our practice 219 00:27:48,567 --> 00:27:54,061 of going in a direction of non-violence and true happiness. 220 00:28:04,301 --> 00:28:09,194 Right Livelihood is expressed also in the way we think, 221 00:28:10,231 --> 00:28:14,721 and in the way we speak and how we spend our time and energy. 222 00:28:29,473 --> 00:28:33,254 At this point I'd like to read the 11th mindfulness training 223 00:28:37,145 --> 00:28:38,673 Right Livelihood 224 00:28:42,265 --> 00:28:44,853 “Aware that great violence and injustice 225 00:28:45,198 --> 00:28:48,094 has been done to our environment and society, 226 00:28:49,754 --> 00:28:52,687 we are committed not to live with a vocation 227 00:28:52,856 --> 00:28:55,432 that is harmful to humans and nature. 228 00:28:58,325 --> 00:29:01,010 We will do our best to select a livelihood 229 00:29:01,168 --> 00:29:04,378 that contributes to the well-being of all species on earth 230 00:29:05,491 --> 00:29:09,956 and helps realize our ideal of understanding and compassion. 231 00:29:12,089 --> 00:29:17,150 Aware of economic, political and social realities around the world 232 00:29:18,289 --> 00:29:23,344 as well as our interrelationship with the ecosystem, 233 00:29:24,200 --> 00:29:30,090 we are determined to behave responsibly as consumers and as citizens. 234 00:29:32,263 --> 00:29:36,053 We will not invest in, or purchase from companies 235 00:29:36,860 --> 00:29:40,937 that contribute to the depletion of Natural Resources, 236 00:29:42,084 --> 00:29:46,590 harm the earth and deprive others of their chance to live.” 237 00:29:53,850 --> 00:29:56,836 So, in this training we see very clearly that 238 00:29:58,225 --> 00:30:02,103 it is not just what we do, as a profession 239 00:30:04,058 --> 00:30:07,091 but also, how do we live, 240 00:30:09,705 --> 00:30:12,121 what are the choices that we make. 241 00:30:15,041 --> 00:30:17,755 As i said before, choices that may, 242 00:30:23,970 --> 00:30:26,782 choices that support others in their livelihood 243 00:30:30,188 --> 00:30:34,543 For instance if we are a teacher 244 00:30:35,312 --> 00:30:37,842 we have the heart... 245 00:30:43,360 --> 00:30:46,004 to nurture our students 246 00:30:46,797 --> 00:30:50,630 in a way that will give rise to compassion and understanding in them 247 00:30:52,335 --> 00:30:55,110 and we can say we have Right Livelihood. 248 00:30:57,357 --> 00:31:02,362 Then afterwards, we go to the supermarket and we put things in our basket 249 00:31:04,059 --> 00:31:10,452 we may use products that have chemicals that pollute the environment 250 00:31:12,297 --> 00:31:15,648 and as long as we put those articles in our basket 251 00:31:17,223 --> 00:31:19,067 they will be produced. 252 00:31:20,177 --> 00:31:27,900 So in that way, we are supporting the livelihood of someone else 253 00:31:29,393 --> 00:31:32,838 that pollutes the environment 254 00:31:33,762 --> 00:31:35,877 and when we look at that way 255 00:31:36,781 --> 00:31:39,111 the choices we make in our life 256 00:31:43,397 --> 00:31:50,065 we can clearly see that Right Livelihood is not an individual matter. 257 00:31:51,593 --> 00:31:53,829 It is a collective matter 258 00:31:54,309 --> 00:31:56,495 and if we want to bring about a change 259 00:31:56,984 --> 00:31:59,750 then we need a collective awakening. 260 00:32:03,710 --> 00:32:07,125 Maybe we can have a bell before we continue? 261 00:32:58,869 --> 00:33:03,599 All our actions of body of speech of mind have an effect on other people 262 00:33:05,228 --> 00:33:11,933 so when we go to work, go to the office or wherever we may be working 263 00:33:13,480 --> 00:33:18,585 the way we interact with others has an effect on others 264 00:33:21,263 --> 00:33:26,452 so we can practice Right Livelihood to the way we speak. 265 00:33:29,680 --> 00:33:33,697 If we speak from understanding and compassion 266 00:33:37,586 --> 00:33:42,352 others will build up trust in us. 267 00:33:43,271 --> 00:33:46,613 They will be able to listen to us 268 00:33:49,648 --> 00:33:52,375 they will open up to us 269 00:33:52,568 --> 00:33:56,516 and they may see how we live. 270 00:33:57,266 --> 00:34:00,697 They may become aware of what choices we make 271 00:34:05,325 --> 00:34:09,183 and this may inspire them to look at their choices. 272 00:34:16,855 --> 00:34:20,024 When we practice being open to their views 273 00:34:21,979 --> 00:34:25,441 to allow them to believe what they want to believe, 274 00:34:28,555 --> 00:34:31,918 all that is part of Right Livelihood. 275 00:34:33,807 --> 00:34:37,990 Right Livelihood is not just the actual work that we do. 276 00:34:40,040 --> 00:34:42,058 When I was much younger, 277 00:34:42,477 --> 00:34:45,054 some 20 years old or so, 278 00:34:49,098 --> 00:34:54,482 and I did some job to earn some money in my holiday. 279 00:34:56,146 --> 00:35:03,504 So I went to one of those offices where you get temporary job, temps office, 280 00:35:06,398 --> 00:35:11,355 One day I was sent to an advertising agency 281 00:35:13,579 --> 00:35:19,648 Since I can type, they asked me to type the notes 282 00:35:20,100 --> 00:35:23,384 of the meeting they had the day before, 283 00:35:23,590 --> 00:35:27,858 because their secretary was sick, I was replacing the secretary. 284 00:35:28,877 --> 00:35:30,628 As was typing these notes, 285 00:35:33,001 --> 00:35:36,327 there was a sentence, one input from one member 286 00:35:37,349 --> 00:35:43,656 that was sort of in the direction of, we really would like this product to sell 287 00:35:47,992 --> 00:35:51,108 We cannot straight out say it's much better than other products 288 00:35:51,591 --> 00:35:55,638 because actually it's not exactly the case 289 00:35:57,277 --> 00:36:03,046 but we like to word it in a way that it sounds that it is better 290 00:36:04,287 --> 00:36:08,097 we cannot say it's better, but we'll word it so it sounds like it's better 291 00:36:08,994 --> 00:36:10,914 so I typed up all the notes. 292 00:36:12,224 --> 00:36:15,314 I had to breathe when I came to that part, you may understand. 293 00:36:16,970 --> 00:36:22,853 When I was ready, I went to the person who'd asked me to type 294 00:36:24,461 --> 00:36:25,638 and I gave it back 295 00:36:25,856 --> 00:36:27,568 She said “well that's all for today” 296 00:36:27,615 --> 00:36:29,154 and I said “thank you very much” 297 00:36:29,154 --> 00:36:30,554 and I didn't bow because.. 298 00:36:31,656 --> 00:36:35,813 I said “thank you very much, have a nice day”, and I left 299 00:36:36,323 --> 00:36:40,503 and on the way to the station I stopped at the agency and I said to them 300 00:36:40,869 --> 00:36:45,423 “I don't think I'll go back there, could you please give me something else to do?” 301 00:36:46,325 --> 00:36:48,258 And the lady said “No, 302 00:36:48,956 --> 00:36:53,612 they want someone for an X number of days and that is what we give you." 303 00:36:53,612 --> 00:36:56,154 I said “well, I'm sorry, I cannot take it, 304 00:36:58,900 --> 00:37:02,116 I will go somewhere else”, I said, 305 00:37:02,755 --> 00:37:04,689 and she said, 306 00:37:05,156 --> 00:37:10,433 “you may not find something else to do elsewhere.” 307 00:37:10,842 --> 00:37:15,282 I said “it's ok, I'll find a job, I'll clean toilets 308 00:37:18,737 --> 00:37:24,524 but, I don't feel comfortable working for this company” 309 00:37:26,099 --> 00:37:30,489 so I went home and I told my mother, “don't believe anything you see in an ad.” 310 00:37:35,876 --> 00:37:38,310 And at that time, you know, I didn't realize, 311 00:37:38,505 --> 00:37:40,902 I could have gone back, the people were very nice 312 00:37:41,829 --> 00:37:44,170 and maybe at some way or another, 313 00:37:44,750 --> 00:37:52,538 I could have helped and raise their awareness of Right Livelihood 314 00:37:54,755 --> 00:37:58,204 They're there, you know they need a job they have a family to feed 315 00:38:02,579 --> 00:38:04,192 they are doing their best 316 00:38:13,245 --> 00:38:16,841 I still type things from time to time, but it is all about the Dharma 317 00:38:18,553 --> 00:38:20,672 so I feel very comfortable typing it. 318 00:38:22,742 --> 00:38:26,918 But this is just to say that if we are in a job, we need a job, 319 00:38:27,174 --> 00:38:32,662 we need something to do, we need to have some bread on our plate, or rice. 320 00:38:40,089 --> 00:38:44,858 What impact do we have on the world and the people around us 321 00:38:45,992 --> 00:38:48,090 this is not about going about and 322 00:38:52,469 --> 00:38:54,361 you know, moralizing, 323 00:38:54,361 --> 00:38:58,361 going about and telling everybody they're not ethical etc 324 00:39:00,160 --> 00:39:04,623 but, what is our intention in life? 325 00:39:04,691 --> 00:39:06,931 From where do we live? 326 00:39:09,380 --> 00:39:12,911 What is our intention when we interact with our co-workers? 327 00:39:14,664 --> 00:39:16,502 What do we water in them? 328 00:39:17,719 --> 00:39:20,680 Do we water something in them that helps all of us 329 00:39:20,887 --> 00:39:25,908 to go in the direction of non-harming, non-violence? 330 00:39:31,396 --> 00:39:33,726 What do we do? 331 00:39:34,536 --> 00:39:37,038 As teachers, we can do many things. 332 00:39:40,505 --> 00:39:43,171 As a secretary we can do many things. 333 00:39:44,458 --> 00:39:47,458 Maybe one day we will be the director of the company 334 00:39:49,803 --> 00:39:54,970 we can look and see what kind of products 335 00:39:56,014 --> 00:39:59,520 or how would we like to promote the market. 336 00:40:00,866 --> 00:40:06,322 There's many, many possibilities to practice Right Livelihood 337 00:40:14,784 --> 00:40:21,247 Today, we have a little bit of a different program for this morning 338 00:40:22,742 --> 00:40:25,492 not quite the same as the days before. 339 00:40:27,351 --> 00:40:30,576 I've just shared a little bit with you about Right Livelihood 340 00:40:31,203 --> 00:40:34,291 for you to reflect... 341 00:40:36,210 --> 00:40:41,940 on how to bring this aspect in your daily life 342 00:40:43,035 --> 00:40:48,314 or to say, how to bring a spiritual dimension in your daily life 343 00:40:50,100 --> 00:40:55,358 through the practice of the Noble Eightfold Path, 344 00:40:56,353 --> 00:40:58,269 maybe the five mindfulness trainings 345 00:40:58,504 --> 00:41:02,391 and 14 mindfulness trainings of the Order of Interbeing. 346 00:41:10,821 --> 00:41:14,067 Maybe we can enjoy a sound of the bell? 347 00:41:57,937 --> 00:42:03,797 To go in the direction of non-harming, in Plum Village, we also follow this path. 348 00:42:08,373 --> 00:42:11,718 When i first came to Plum Village, we were vegetarian 349 00:42:13,119 --> 00:42:14,523 we had cheese. 350 00:42:19,239 --> 00:42:23,450 In France, at the time at least, you could buy a bar of cheese 351 00:42:23,633 --> 00:42:25,726 a square bar, about this size. 352 00:42:28,327 --> 00:42:35,313 On the table in the morning, there were neatly cut slices of square cheese 353 00:42:36,882 --> 00:42:42,500 square slices of cheese that we could have 354 00:42:44,692 --> 00:42:50,542 and then when we became aware of the dairy industry 355 00:42:53,406 --> 00:42:55,675 we became vegan 356 00:42:57,637 --> 00:43:00,694 going in the direction of being totally vegan. 357 00:43:05,920 --> 00:43:12,679 Slowly also we became aware of the impact on the earth 358 00:43:13,300 --> 00:43:20,818 of the products that we use in our hamlets 359 00:43:24,044 --> 00:43:28,262 so we looked into biodegradable products 360 00:43:30,295 --> 00:43:32,566 and we're still going in that direction. 361 00:43:32,707 --> 00:43:33,908 Sometimes we have many 362 00:43:34,068 --> 00:43:35,415 sometimes a little bit less 363 00:43:35,586 --> 00:43:38,783 but we're going in the direction and that's very important. 364 00:43:53,593 --> 00:43:59,902 Nowadays, when we travel from one hamlet to another, we have buses 365 00:44:01,123 --> 00:44:05,935 before, we asked everybody to please use their car and fill them up with people 366 00:44:07,143 --> 00:44:09,197 until we realized that's many cars. 367 00:44:10,197 --> 00:44:15,528 So now we use buses, it's just one big vehicle for many people to go into 368 00:44:19,955 --> 00:44:26,441 We're going in the direction of trying to combine trips to the town 369 00:44:27,344 --> 00:44:29,945 This usually works around Christmas 370 00:44:32,967 --> 00:44:39,663 when we have one day when we can go and buy some material to make some presents 371 00:44:40,199 --> 00:44:42,416 if we don't find materials here. 372 00:44:44,034 --> 00:44:49,859 So the important mindset is to go in the direction 373 00:44:53,539 --> 00:44:56,787 to go in the direction is very compassionate. 374 00:45:00,285 --> 00:45:05,404 It also avoids us from becoming dogmatic 375 00:45:05,988 --> 00:45:10,628 we go in the direction of Right Livelihood. 376 00:45:12,288 --> 00:45:14,248 The Buddha walked everywhere 377 00:45:15,723 --> 00:45:20,302 for us, it's a bit far to walk from the Lower and Upper Hamlet to the New Hamlet 378 00:45:21,267 --> 00:45:23,031 so, we drive. 379 00:45:26,212 --> 00:45:31,189 We also try to look into vehicles that are not so polluting for the environment 380 00:45:35,197 --> 00:45:38,001 so the choices we make are very important. 381 00:45:42,125 --> 00:45:47,585 When we have a profession that is in the media 382 00:45:48,829 --> 00:45:50,810 we reach many, many people. 383 00:45:53,041 --> 00:45:57,280 It's very clear, the impact we have on the world 384 00:46:02,052 --> 00:46:05,589 When we are an artist we also reach many people 385 00:46:06,592 --> 00:46:09,195 We also have an impact on the world 386 00:46:10,093 --> 00:46:16,050 We know that art has always been a messenger to educate people 387 00:46:19,025 --> 00:46:24,794 So, for today we have invited two of our friends, two practitioners 388 00:46:26,539 --> 00:46:31,977 to share with us a little bit about their personal spiritual journey 389 00:46:35,460 --> 00:46:39,164 I would like to invite Paz and Jo 390 00:46:40,300 --> 00:46:49,572 and Sister True Dedication who will be the facilitator of this part of our program