0:00:00.250,0:00:06.330 There are things we know are offensive to[br]say. Like “you, [bleeped], are an [bleeped]. 0:00:06.330,0:00:13.400 I want to [bleeped] your mother and [bleeped]your[br]father [bleeped]stand up [bleeped] man.” 0:00:13.400,0:00:19.520 Okay, so here’s what I actually said. (I[br]do make videos for kids, after all.) 0:00:19.520,0:00:23.439 But there are certain common colloquialisms[br]many of us use everyday that you probably don't 0:00:23.439,0:00:28.739 realize are offensive. So I’m here to make you[br]feel bad about yet another thing that you do! 0:00:30.780,0:00:33.100 I thought I’d changed that[br]part of the script. 0:00:37.690,0:00:42.860 Hi it's Emily from Bite Size Vegan and welcome[br]to another vegan nugget. Words are powerful, 0:00:42.860,0:00:47.050 and how we talk about things and each other[br]greatly affects our perception. Anyone who 0:00:47.050,0:00:50.340 was given an unfortunate nickname in school[br]knows what I mean. 0:00:50.340,0:00:53.760 While our culture, at least in the United[br]States, has become more and more politically 0:00:53.760,0:00:58.989 correct with how we refer to and talk about[br]each other, one group remains continually 0:00:58.989,0:01:04.809 raked over the coals, even by those with the[br]most elegant elocution: non-human animals. 0:01:05.040,0:01:09.720 You horse’s ass! He eats like a pig! Let’s[br]kill two birds with one stone! There’s more 0:01:09.720,0:01:14.970 than one way to skin a cat! Not to beat a[br]dead horse, but… Like shooting fish in a barrel! 0:01:14.970,0:01:19.470 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush![br]She was bleeding like a stuck pig! He is 0:01:19.470,0:01:25.409 a total animal! What a bird-brain. This room is[br]a pigsty! Stop running around like a chicken 0:01:25.409,0:01:29.600 with its head cut off! He’s crafty…crafty[br]like a fox! 0:01:29.600,0:01:34.600 Oh that last one’s actually kinda nice. 0:01:34.600,0:01:39.360 Now before you dismiss this concept as silly,[br]let’s rephrase some of these sayings and 0:01:39.360,0:01:41.400 see if they still sound innocuous. 0:01:41.400,0:01:44.300 A kid in the van is worth two on the playground. 0:01:44.300,0:01:46.840 There’s more than one way to traumatize[br]a toddler! 0:01:46.840,0:01:48.680 Let's beat two women with one stick. 0:01:48.680,0:01:50.939 Like shooting kids in a ball pit. 0:01:50.939,0:01:52.679 Let’s not beat a dead hooker. 0:01:53.140,0:01:57.280 Suddenly, these phrases seem far less acceptable[br]and harmless. So why is it okay for us to 0:01:57.280,0:02:02.009 use violent and hateful phrases with animals?[br]Is it because they can’t understand us? 0:02:02.009,0:02:03.899 Or because we don’t mean it literally? 0:02:03.899,0:02:08.009 Well, the issue isn’t whether animals can[br]understand us, it’s the perception and permissibility 0:02:08.009,0:02:13.000 that this language creates. Like the idea[br]that pigs are dirty, gluttonous, and amoral. 0:02:13.000,0:02:16.200 when in fact they are very clean and intelligent animals. 0:02:16.200,0:02:20.160 Strangely enough we even[br]say “I’m sweating like a pig” when pigs 0:02:20.170,0:02:25.069 cannot sweat! That’s why they bathe in mud,[br]leading to another misnomer, “as happy as a 0:02:25.069,0:02:29.909 pig in sh—t.” While a pig actually in feces[br]would not be thrilled. 0:02:29.909,0:02:34.700 Other inaccuracies include “bird-brain,”[br]meaning stupid, when birds are far more intelligent 0:02:34.700,0:02:39.560 than we give them credit for. And “you’re[br]chicken,” meaning cowardly, when I can tell 0:02:39.560,0:02:45.099 you first hand that an angry chicken or rooster[br]has no issue with charging a being significantly 0:02:45.099,0:02:48.069 larger than them and can[br]seriously mess you up. 0:02:48.069,0:02:51.750 I’m talking to you, Napoleon at SASHA Farm[br]Animal Samctuary. 0:02:53.640,0:02:58.260 Then there’s “like a lamb to slaughter,”[br]meaning being calmly unaware of your impending 0:02:58.260,0:03:03.140 doom, when any lamb I’ve seen on their way[br]to slaughter is anything but serene. 0:03:03.140,0:03:09.500 And why is a horse’s ass any more incompetent[br]than any other ass? Even an ass’ ass? 0:03:09.510,0:03:14.129 The most disturbing are, of course the violent[br]ones. Skinning a cat, killing birds with stones, 0:03:14.129,0:03:18.959 bleeding a stuck pig, beating a dead horse,[br]shooting fish in a barrel. Yes these are just 0:03:18.959,0:03:22.930 sayings, usually uttered without a thought,[br]but language has power. 0:03:22.930,0:03:27.299 We call animals “it” instead of “she”[br]or “he.” We “process” them instead 0:03:27.299,0:03:32.720 of killing them. We “cull” wildlife instead[br]of carry out systematic slaughter. We “own” 0:03:32.720,0:03:36.950 them instead of enslaving them. We “inseminate”[br]them instead of raping them. 0:03:36.950,0:03:41.610 It’s interesting how acceptable it is to[br]express violent and hateful speech about animals, 0:03:41.610,0:03:46.799 yet when we name the things we do to them[br]for what they are, everyone bristles. We say 0:03:46.799,0:03:51.629 these sayings and phrases are harmless yet[br]we get up in arms when certain words are used 0:03:51.629,0:03:57.010 for animals. Why are enslavement, murder,[br]and rape reserved for humans? Using these 0:03:57.010,0:04:01.629 words for animals doesn’t detract from the[br]validity of what human victims have been through, 0:04:01.629,0:04:05.310 it gives validity to what non-human victims[br]are going through. 0:04:05.310,0:04:10.510 We resist validating the atrocities animals[br]experience, then we refer to someone as an 0:04:10.510,0:04:15.709 “animal” when they’ve committed depraved,[br]horrific acts that only the human animal commits. 0:04:15.709,0:04:20.979 When we speak of animals as if they are dirty,[br]worthless, stupid, disposable “its” lacking 0:04:20.979,0:04:25.220 any identity or value, it allows us to stay[br]disconnected to the reality of what we are 0:04:25.220,0:04:30.530 doing to them. We treat them like property[br]with our actions, our language, and our laws. 0:04:30.530,0:04:35.300 We devalue them in the most casual of contexts. So let's be more mindful of what we're saying. 0:04:35.300,0:04:38.320 And really listen for the violence and dismissal in our words. 0:04:38.320,0:04:42.680 Try busting out some of the substitutions[br]I gave earlier and see the reaction you get 0:04:42.690,0:04:48.360 when we turn the tables of our terms on ourselves.[br]Or use innocuous or even positive terms like 0:04:48.360,0:04:53.040 “more than one way to peel a potato” or[br]“save two birds with one home.” 0:04:53.380,0:04:59.360 Language has power. Let’s not use it to[br]continually devalue and victimize animals, 0:04:59.360,0:05:04.229 but instead to validate what they are going[br]through, with words that nobody owns. 0:05:04.229,0:05:08.400 I hope you enjoyed this carefully worded nugget.[br]I’d love to hear from you – are there 0:05:08.400,0:05:12.960 any other animal-based sayings in your culture[br]or family? What do you think of the implications 0:05:12.960,0:05:15.110 of such phrases? Let me know in the comments! 0:05:15.110,0:05:18.830 If you liked this video, do give it[br]a thumbs up and share it around to raise awareness 0:05:18.830,0:05:22.060 of our words. If you’re new here, I’d[br]love to have you as a subscriber. I put out 0:05:22.060,0:05:26.300 fresh content covering all aspects of veganism[br]every Monday, Wednesday and some Fridays. 0:05:26.300,0:05:30.400 To help support Bite Size Vegan’s educational[br]efforts, please see the support links below 0:05:30.400,0:05:33.280 or click on the Nugget Army icon or the link in the sidebar. 0:05:33.280,0:05:36.820 Now go live vegan, think before you speak, and I’ll see you soon. 0:05:36.830,0:05:37.730 While our c--- 0:05:38.140,0:05:38.900 While our cour--- 0:05:39.720,0:05:42.640 While our-- While...Our..Culture... 0:05:43.940,0:05:45.240 While our culture... 0:05:45.840,0:05:48.380 That's a hard...thing to say.