♪ Music ♪ On October 28, 1981, a Soviet submarine ran aground inside Swedish territorial waters near the top secret naval base of Carls Proma. Suddenly, Sweden found herself rushed into the superpower conflict. Foreign submarines frequently violate Swedish waters. But so far the navy had failed to catch a single intruder. ♪ Music ♪ The hundreds of American and Soviet submarines hidden beneath the world's oceans and armed with nuclear missiles. are today's most powerful weapons simply because they are almost impossible to detect. On April 9, 1984, a revolutionary submarine search device was secretly tested near Stockholm for top American and Swedish officials. [drums beating] [whistle blowing] >Sir... >> Good morning >Is everything ready? >>Of course. > Good >> Good morning. > Let me get your hand. >>No, no I'm okay. >Diving, diving angle 50 degrees take it down to two zero meters 50 degrees, two zero meters >Gentlemen, it is rather timely that we should be testing this prototype today since Sweden is currently living through another red alert, while our navy is searching for an unidentified submarine lurking in our territorial waters. >Perhaps your laser will discover what our combined forces so far failed to find. >>No promises. >This is the hearbeat of the operation. A green laser rod with a 26% efficiency. This laser rod will sustain 2 1/2 kilovolt of output power of green light which is ten times more power than any known existing laser of the same kind. Laser is now scanning on a horizontal plain at a depth of 120 meters. You can see on the monitor what the laser sees. [machine beeping] [machine beeped faster] >I'll be damned, you found the submarine. >>Latitude north 59, 20 minutes longtitude, east 90, 10 minutes that's, uhhh, here. >Congratulations, both of you. >>Well Mr. Mandell has the brains, I write the brief. ♪ Music ♪ [car doors opened/shut] [metal clicking] [door opened] [gun shot] >[whispering] Jesus Max, what did you do that for? >>Hey kid easy. Yeah you see these gas tubes here? Bend that laser over >[whispering]You're crazy bastard >>Relax we got plenty of time we have two whole minutes. Let's move it. [car doors slammed] [engine roaring] [explosion] [more explosion] [tires screeching] [sirene wailing] >Mr. Mandell >>Yes >Larsen, military intelligence. >>Totally senseless. >Sorry? >>If they wanted the laser, why not just steal it. >So do you think I should be investigating a theft, rather than an extortion. >>Well yes I think so. >Mr. Mandell, umm, don't you have some say, uhh, blueprint? >Couldn't you just make another one? >>Mr. Larson this was a factory once. Of course I could make another one to the tune of six months work and about ten million dollars >[whistling]Are we talking about terrorist? >>No, too sophisticated is this device for terrorists. >Mr. Mandell… >> Yes >Comer over here please. [sirene wailing] >Mr. Larsen... >>Mr. Miller... >[unintelligible] >>He telephoned me, I'm still intact. >Not for long. You realize that, uhh, laser put the stingers ahead of he Russians. And you realize what the implications that is has with the balance of power in the whole east and west. The Russians have based their whole military strategy on submarine fleet. But if we know and absolutely see where they are - >>We have to look at the gate - >Gate, what gate for Christ' sake? >>Where the vehicles drive in and out. There is much room from the inside. Whoever did this, they were allowed in without question. >That means security knows. >>How many people work here? >255 certainly they all have top, uhh, security clearance. >>Uhh, they always have. >You know I wanna... be kept informed about the progress of you investigation because I know that military intelligence makes it their own - >>Mr. Miller there are no secrets in Sweden, secrets are forbiden by law. You will be informed. [car door opening / closing] >We're investigating an inside job. >>Therefore we need somebody on the inside. >That's right. >>On Mr. Mandell. >Makes sense. >>I want somebody as close as that to Mandell. >Like who? His driver? Uhh, we'll check on the computer. >>The world's survival will depend on the bloody computer. [computer clicking] >Thomas Kallin, age 25, light heavyweight amateur boxing champion of Sweden 1981-82, currently serving in the Marine Commandos Special Boat Squadron. At present on officers training course in the Stockholm archipelago, parents both dead. No other dependents,expendable. >Marine >>Sir >Can you set it up? >>Yes it's my job. >Means you'll have strings pulled... >>I'll level it up with his commanding officer. [boat engine roaring] ♪ Music ♪ >Purpose of this exercise is penetration and access [unintelligible] >Jones go. >Fully operational transition [unintelligible] using live explosives. WAtch your back. >One minute due >>Sir [engine stops] >Go [splash] [engine accelerated] [breathing] ♪ Music ♪ >You took your bloody time. >>[gasping]The bomb is about to explode. >About to explode... [engine accelerated] [men laughing] [thud] >Provocation is no excuse for a violent attack of this kind, Kallin. Discipline, most of all self-discipline must be maintained at all times. You will be dismissed from the service. ♪ Music ♪ [car door closing] >Don't give me...out. >>Military intelligence, >there's no such thing. >>You're going to the gym. >How do you know. >>I'd ride with you. [tires screeching] [horn blaring] [tires screeching] [horn blaring] ♪ Music ♪ >You've been thrown out of the marines, and you want to get back. >>How do you know? >You want to get back? >>Yeah >I can't promise to get you back again to the marines, but you might be able to work your way back. >>How? >By doing exactly as you're told. [engine roaring] [sirene wailing] >You got your drivers license. >>Yeah [tire screeching] >Remarkable. [tires screeching] >Okay, what do I have to do? >>Surviellance. Stay very close to the man. See where he goes, he talks to, what he says, what he does. >>And, uhh, what do you think he's done. >I think he stole something. >>Who from? >Himself [sirene wailing] >>Is it dangerous? >Could be. >>Okay [doors closing] [sirene wailing] >I think your friend is going to be pulled for speeding. >>It's okay, it's okay. Put those guns down. Good morning, military intelligence, I'd like to use you car radio. Seventy come three-three-one O. >What's your name? >>Sam, what's yours? >I want your name and your papers. >>Listen, I'm very sorry about [?] >The man's name is Blom, B-l-o-m. Yes all that, yes. My information is he's a postman, could well worth searching. ♪ Music ♪ [door opening] >Freeze! [dog woofs] >Hey hey I don't belong here - >>Shut up... [dog barks] >Tom... >>Yup >And you, come along. >That is not my stuff. >>Get yourself dress on, you dick. >Hey, uhh, they must know something. Why arrest him? >>Ohh, Jesus Christ, there could be hundreds of reasons. Jaywalking,lots of amazing things happen - >Oh com'on, you should know better than that. >>Alright, let us say Brom was arrested by ordinary police, but I guarantee you Larsen is behind it. He is playing games. >>Uhh, wait and see. >No, we cannot afford that luxury. I mean two people had gotten killed already. The whole God - >>Those things happen. >It was supposed to be a simple break in - >>Okay okay, I'll go to my friend Steve Larsen. I'll say nicely and politely, why was Brom arrested. You worry too much. You're in good hands. >Yours? >>I like to think ours. >Should we talk to him? >>Brom? I don't know, no I don't think so. He's done his job.[unntelligible] >I come bearing gifts, more than you bastards deserve. Compliments of the United States government, over information agencies. This is the sort of people who might steal a laser prototype. >>Russians... >Russians, Arabs, South Africans, Chinese, The Versaille, Mossad third world itself. >>And why are we bastards? >Mandell's driver was arrested, why was I not informed? >>I have not arrested anybody. You recall arresting anybody? >Maybe the police, they arrest people. >>But I need to check out. >I'll look into it. >>When? >Alright, who I ask here to get some answers or any.. >>Check with me,I'm in charge of the investigation. You'll find me very cooperative. >How long is your boss been assigned there? >>I'm sorry? >What do you think about Mandell's security? >>I think it stinks. >You told him so? >>Yeah I told him. >I got a Swedish answer. Democracy. . ♪ Music ♪ On October 28, 1981, a Soviet submarine ran aground inside Swedish territorial waters near the top secret naval base of Carls Proma. Suddenly, Sweden found herself rushed into the superpower conflict. Foreign submarines frequently violate Swedish waters. But so far the navy had failed to catch a single intruder. ♪ Music ♪ The hundreds of American and Soviet submarines hidden beneath the world's oceans and armed with nuclear missiles. are today's most powerful weapons simply because they are almost impossible to detect. On April 9, 1984, a revolutionary submarine search device was secretly tested near Stockholm for top American and Swedish officials. [drums beating] [whistle blowing] >Sir... >> Good morning >Is everything ready? >>Of course. > Good >> Good morning. > Let me get your hand. >>No, no I'm okay. >Diving, diving angle 50 degrees take it down to two zero meters 50 degrees, two zero meters >Gentlemen, it is rather timely that we should be testing this prototype today since Sweden is currently living through another red alert, while our navy is searching for an unidentified submarine lurking in our territorial waters. >Perhaps your laser will discover what our combined forces so far failed to find. >>No promises. >This is the hearbeat of the operation. A green laser rod with a 26% efficiency. This laser rod will sustain 2 1/2 kilovolt of output power of green light which is ten times more power than any known existing laser of the same kind. Laser is now scanning on a horizontal plain at a depth of 120 meters. You can see on the monitor what the laser sees. [machine beeping] [machine beeped faster] >I'll be damned, you found the submarine. >>Latitude north 59, 20 minutes longtitude, east 90, 10 minutes that's, uhhh, here. >Congratulations, both of you. >>Well Mr. Mandell has the brains, I write the brief. ♪ Music ♪ [car doors opened/shut] [metal clicking] [door opened] [gun shot] >[whispering] Jesus Max, what did you do that for? >>Hey kid easy. Yeah you see these gas tubes here? Bend that laser over >[whispering]You're crazy bastard >>Relax we got plenty of time we have two whole minutes. Let's move it. [car doors slammed] [engine roaring] [explosion] [more explosion] [tires screeching] [sirene wailing] >Mr. Mandell >>Yes >Larsen, military intelligence. >>Totally senseless. >Sorry? >>If they wanted the laser, why not just steal it. >So do you think I should be investigating a theft, rather than an extortion. >>Well yes I think so. >Mr. Mandell, umm, don't you have some say, uhh, blueprint? >Couldn't you just make another one? >>Mr. Larson this was a factory once. Of course I could make another one to the tune of six months work and about ten million dollars >[whistling]Are we talking about terrorist? >>No, too sophisticated is this device for terrorists. >Mr. Mandell… >> Yes >Comer over here please. [sirene wailing] >Mr. Larsen... >>Mr. Miller... >[unintelligible] >>He telephoned me, I'm still intact. >Not for long. You realize that, uhh, laser put the stingers ahead of he Russians. And you realize what the implications that is has with the balance of power in the whole east and west. The Russians have based their whole military strategy on submarine fleet. But if we know and absolutely see where they are - >>We have to look at the gate - >Gate, what gate for Christ' sake? >>Where the vehicles drive in and out. There is much room from the inside. Whoever did this, they were allowed in without question. >That means security knows. >>How many people work here? >255 certainly they all have top, uhh, security clearance. >>Uhh, they always have. >You know I wanna... be kept informed about the progress of you investigation because I know that military intelligence makes it their own - >>Mr. Miller there are no secrets in Sweden, secrets are forbiden by law. You will be informed. [car door opening / closing] >We're investigating an inside job. >>Therefore we need somebody on the inside. >That's right. >>On Mr. Mandell. >Makes sense. >>I want somebody as close as that to Mandell. >Like who? His driver? Uhh, we'll check on the computer. >>The world's survival will depend on the bloody computer. [computer clicking] >Thomas Kallin, age 25, light heavyweight amateur boxing champion of Sweden 1981-82, currently serving in the Marine Commandos Special Boat Squadron. At present on officers training course in the Stockholm archipelago, parents both dead. No other dependents,expendable. >Marine >>Sir >Can you set it up? >>Yes it's my job. >Means you'll have strings pulled... >>I'll level it up with his commanding officer. [boat engine roaring] ♪ Music ♪ >Purpose of this exercise is penetration and access [unintelligible] >Jones go. >Fully operational transition [unintelligible] using live explosives. WAtch your back. >One minute due >>Sir [engine stops] >Go [splash] [engine accelerated] [breathing] ♪ Music ♪ >You took your bloody time. >>[gasping]The bomb is about to explode. >About to explode... [engine accelerated] [men laughing] [thud] >Provocation is no excuse for a violent attack of this kind, Kallin. Discipline, most of all self-discipline must be maintained at all times. You will be dismissed from the service. ♪ Music ♪ [car door closing] >Don't give me...out. >>Military intelligence, >there's no such thing. >>You're going to the gym. >How do you know. >>I'd ride with you. [tires screeching] [horn blaring] [tires screeching] [horn blaring] ♪ Music ♪ >You've been thrown out of the marines, and you want to get back. >>How do you know? >You want to get back? >>Yeah >I can't promise to get you back again to the marines, but you might be able to work your way back. >>How? >By doing exactly as you're told. [engine roaring] [sirene wailing] >You got your drivers license. >>Yeah [tire screeching] >Remarkable. [tires screeching] >Okay, what do I have to do? >>Surviellance. Stay very close to the man. See where he goes, he talks to, what he says, what he does. >>And, uhh, what do you think he's done. >I think he stole something. >>Who from? >Himself [sirene wailing] >>Is it dangerous? >Could be. >>Okay [doors closing] [sirene wailing] >I think your friend is going to be pulled for speeding. >>It's okay, it's okay. Put those guns down. Good morning, military intelligence, I'd like to use you car radio. Seventy come three-three-one O. >What's your name? >>Sam, what's yours? >I want your name and your papers. >>Listen, I'm very sorry about [?] >The man's name is Blom, B-l-o-m. Yes all that, yes. My information is he's a postman, could well worth searching. ♪ Music ♪ [door opening] >Freeze! [dog woofs] >Hey hey I don't belong here - >>Shut up... [dog barks] >Tom... >>Yup >And you, come along. >That is not my stuff. >>Get yourself dress on, you dick. >Hey, uhh, they must know something. Why arrest him? >>Ohh, Jesus Christ, there could be hundreds of reasons. Jaywalking,lots of amazing things happen - >Oh com'on, you should know better than that. >>Alright, let us say Brom was arrested by ordinary police, but I guarantee you Larsen is behind it. He is playing games. >>Uhh, wait and see. >No, we cannot afford that luxury. I mean two people had gotten killed already. The whole God - >>Those things happen. >It was supposed to be a simple break in - >>Okay okay, I'll go to my friend Steve Larsen. I'll say nicely and politely, why was Brom arrested. You worry too much. You're in good hands. >Yours? >>I like to think ours. >Should we talk to him? >>Brom? I don't know, no I don't think so. He's done his job.[unntelligible] >I come bearing gifts, more than you bastards deserve. Compliments of the United States government, over information agencies. This is the sort of people who might steal a laser prototype. >>Russians... >Russians, Arabs, South Africans, Chinese, The Versaille, Mossad third world itself. >>And why are we bastards? >Mandell's driver was arrested, why was I not informed? >>I have not arrested anybody. You recall arresting anybody? >Maybe the police, they arrest people. >>But I need to check out. >I'll look into it. >>When? >Alright, who I ask here to get some answers or any.. >>Check with me,I'm in charge of the investigation. You'll find me very cooperative. >How long is your boss been assigned there? >>I'm sorry? >What do you think about Mandell's security? >>I think it stinks. >You told him so? >>Yeah I told him. >I got a Swedish answer. Democracy, open government, nobody has any secrets, nobody has any secrets, nobody needs, uhh, security. Now when that's explained to me it almost make sense. But, uhh, when I say this will sure solve us, makes a lot of sense. >>Hey Mr. MIller, it upsets our computer. >That's another thing. Guys I can't smoke, I can't drink this life is killing me. These some of the stuffs you found Steve? >>Well, uhh...we look for them. We rarely find them. It's Swedish tradition. >Haha, uhhh, if can't find something that big, How are you gonna find something this big ha, Steve? >>You'll be the first one to know, excuse me. >Going for a haircut, ha ha ha. And how about you young man, do you any secret? >>Why? > [sigh] >>Two haircuts? >Three... ♪ Music ♪ [horn honking] [door closing] >Theresa...Theresa Haggen, my personal assistant, Steve Larsen. Mr. Larsen is investigating the laser theft. >>Good afternoon, Mr. Larsen. >Mr. Larsen wants you to run a complete list of our staff. >>Can you wait for a minute? >Provided there is no undue delay. >Well, mind another drive home by myself tonight, or have you finally found me a new chaffeur? >>Well, I'll interview somebody tomorrow. He's been recommended to me. >Anything else you need from me, Mr. Larsen? >>Nothing immediately, you need anything from me? >I guess, we find each other in moment of crisis. >>Oh that's a good thing. Thank you. ♪ Music ♪ >So, how much did you get the, ummm - >>Yeah I got the hamburgers, now you got the cheeseburgers- >Yeah, but did you get the french fries... [tire screeching] >>Yeah, what about the french fries... >Okay what are we celebrating? Is it the new car? >>No... >What then? com'on...tell me. >>I can't. >Why not? >>[whispers]Because it's a secret. >What kind of a secret... ha? >>Well, if I told you that, it wouldn't be a secret, would it? >Okay, so tell me. >>I've got this job. >Somebody gave you a job, where? >>Uhumm, Mandell Electronics. >Oh that's fantastic. What kind of a job? >>Secret. Very hard bound, love some responsibilities and, uhh, I'll be working very close to the boss. >How...close? Uhummm, [sigh]... >>This close... >Uhhh, starting at the top... >Work my way down... [tires screeching] [engine roaring] >Hello, I'm Thomas Kallin and, I come to see Mr.Saav >>Yes take the lift to the second floor someone will meet you there. >I take the stairs. >Sign here. >>What is it? >Mind if I read it first? >>Your contract of employment. >Yes, ohh, good. Khallin starts tommorow. [phone ringing] >>Yup,the minister. >Larsen, hello sir. [engine roaring] >Mr. Mandell, do you mind if ask you personal question? >>Go ahead. >How does it feel to be rich? >>Great. [pen scribbling] >Larsen, Miller says you're not keeping him informed of your progress on the investigation. >>As you very well know Minister, I prefer to work on my own without anyone looking over my shoulder. >Listen Larsen, I've got the US Secretary of Defense on my back. He wants to know how we let a 14 million dollar investment of American taxpayers money banished from a Swedish laboratory. >>Sir, I assure you- >Until laser is recovered Larsen you keep Miller informed of every move every step you intend to take. Is that clear? >>It can't be true Sir. You're asking me to give Mr. Miller who is a senior member of a foreign intelligence service full access to all our information. >I'm not asking you Larsen. I'm telling you. [phone rings] And keep me informed as well. Yup. >>Uhh... ♪ Music ♪ >Uhh, Dexter... >>Yes sir. >This is, uhh, Thomas Khallin my new driver. >>I recognize this man. >Really, you two have met before? >>Oh...I don't think so. >Swedish amateur boxing champion 1981. >>Oh yeah, and '82... >Aha, Mr. Mandell doesn't care to much in the fine arts of boxing. >>Oh I can't see any fine art in people knocking each others brains out. >Yeah, that's why I quit. >>Shall I show him around? >What? Yeah, why not. >>Com'on. > .