They attack us! Near of your office. We have to defend your office, because there are all your toys and games. Do not meditate on my secret. Chief but ... Why do not you tell us this? All who do not like toys for small girls get out. Why they dont't like plays pink toys like us?! They will think we're weird! Why they do not want to be like us?! The truth is that are the real weapons just kidding there will more for us! You cant' tell them anything! I knew it thats why i stayed with you! I'm proud of you! Don't be angry daddy. You should told it eveyone. Thats will be badly end! Everyone will think we are stupid. What we will do now!? We need to fix it somehow, but how?! I know ,I will give them gift! I lose my hair by angry. Soon all my hair will be gone. I just don’t understand why any of you wouldn’t play with me. They will play with us I m sure for 100%. Don’t worry, we will escape. This is so sad they dont like me. I will make small party for them. Maybe they will trust us. Maybe I shouldn’t get so mad. They will remember this party. We will see.