1 00:00:00,548 --> 00:00:03,714 Paktofonika`s concert will be in Cracow next June 2 00:00:03,714 --> 00:00:16,414 We can drive there by A4 autostrada. 3 00:00:16,414 --> 00:00:23,233 I can`t wait to see Magik! 4 00:00:23,233 --> 00:00:28,391 Eh, brother... 5 00:00:28,391 --> 00:00:50,608 Magik died at 2000... 6 00:00:50,608 --> 00:01:09,189 Anyone here who didn`t bought the Kinematografia CD, leave the room. 7 00:01:09,189 --> 00:01:15,100 Why no one tell me this before?! 8 00:01:15,100 --> 00:01:20,435 It was my dream to see him! 9 00:01:20,435 --> 00:01:27,705 He was the best polish rapper. 10 00:01:27,705 --> 00:01:32,664 The words which he sang were very deep 11 00:01:32,664 --> 00:01:36,002 Now my dreams lay in ruins 12 00:01:36,002 --> 00:01:38,360 But there will be Rahim and Fokus. 13 00:01:38,360 --> 00:01:41,587 Why would I care about this if there won`t be my idol?! 14 00:01:41,587 --> 00:01:44,045 I`m just try to cheer you. 15 00:01:44,045 --> 00:01:47,755 They can`t do the same music without Magic! 16 00:01:47,755 --> 00:01:54,473 I`m very agitating whe I`m listening to him. 17 00:01:54,473 --> 00:01:58,279 I have never heard someone like he. 18 00:01:58,279 --> 00:02:01,950 Obviously Rahim is very good too... 19 00:02:01,950 --> 00:02:08,045 But not as good as Magik! 20 00:02:08,045 --> 00:02:21,056 And Fokus can not compete with them both. 21 00:02:21,056 --> 00:02:28,250 I am getting so angry when I hear his new songs! 22 00:02:28,250 --> 00:02:41,543 I think this concert can`t be the best on the World, how I thought earlier. 23 00:02:41,543 --> 00:02:46,570 Why anyone didn`t stop him? 24 00:02:46,570 --> 00:02:55,346 Propably he could be still alive. 25 00:02:55,346 --> 00:03:06,768 Don’t worry, I’m sure you will get Rahim`s autograph 26 00:03:06,768 --> 00:03:14,003 And now he won`t sign my shirt. 27 00:03:14,003 --> 00:03:23,022 I can`t wear this never more 28 00:03:23,022 --> 00:03:31,464 This was very important for me 29 00:03:31,464 --> 00:03:33,987 Maybe i should calm down. 30 00:03:33,987 --> 00:03:44,269 There are still good rappers. 31 00:03:44,269 --> 99:59:59,999 But not to much.