...then fegelein rolled natural 20. It was a critical hit enchanced with several level 1 spells. Pretty good for a low level bard, huh? Yeah, nice. What should I do next? Boss... You can't do anything. Fegelein has already won this duel. Everyone who isn't taking part in the tournament, leave the room. How is it even possible?! Level 3 gnome bard? I'm level 8 half-orc barbarian! I picked the best feats, bought the most expensive sword in game and even multiclassed into sorcerer! I stacked so many potions for this fight! I'm sure he was cheating! We have done everything to prevent cheating Your methods never work! We caught Krebs using invincibility cheat last week It was impossible not to spot! Jodl couldn't even touch him! Fegelein probably enchanted his armor with cheats! We should ban him from our tournament! There is no way anyone could beat him! With my stats, I should have beat him with just one hit, but no! He reflected it like it was a flyswatter, not a hude sword! And then this critical hit! I swear I saw him rolling natural 20 five times in a row when he was fighting Goebbels! I can't let this man become the bunker champion again. I can't believe you guys, How can you allow him to fool you like that? Even