I started the Aumorfia brand in 2014 when I felt the need to create a product beyond the service I used to do, because my core profession and my studies are in interior and graphic design. I started with the aim of creating something that relates to one’s daily routine, mainly targeting people who work. They are more items that complement clothing and not jewelry or accessories. I think my creations are complementary to clothes, so they always work with the outfit of the person who wears them and his personality. Leather works like our skin, grows old it wants the same care and it actually gets our warmth and personality. If I could say that I'm inspired by something it's from architecture because of my specialty. I draw inspiration from what I see during the day as I have learned to be very observant and gather information. I am proud to say that my production is done entirely in Greece, at least that's what I'm trying to do, Ι think I have achieved it by 90%. My raw material, the leather, comes from Greek tanneries, there are few left but they do a great job. It's nice to live and create in a country that has a culture that inspires you every day and it is sunny. I'm Theano Ravazoula Potamianou and I'm the designer and founder of the brand Aumorfia.