0:00:00.480,0:00:01.569 There's a general... 0:00:01.569,0:00:04.900 In the media, there's a lot of stuff[br]people don't know about numbers. 0:00:05.000,0:00:07.200 I'm a numbers guy, I'm a dweeb,[br]I apologise. 0:00:07.300,0:00:09.150 I'm a bit of a nerd about[br]these kind of things. 0:00:09.150,0:00:12.679 I get really pissed off when people[br]give out about crime going up 0:00:12.679,0:00:15.079 when they say the numbers are[br]definitely going down. 0:00:15.079,0:00:19.088 If you go, "The numbers are going down,"[br]they go, "But the *fear* of crime is rising." 0:00:20.200,0:00:22.100 Well, so what? You know what I mean? 0:00:22.200,0:00:26.700 Zombies are at an all-time low level,[br]but the fear of zombies could be incredibly high. 0:00:27.000,0:00:28.969 It doesn't mean we have to[br]have government policies 0:00:28.969,0:00:31.900 to deal with the fear of zombies.[br]It's ridiculous, for Christ's sake! 0:00:32.000,0:00:34.700 The NHS, there was a survey in[br]the NHS about dentistry, 0:00:34.800,0:00:37.700 where they found that some people[br]are removing their own teeth. 0:00:38.400,0:00:42.609 And they brought on some senior dentist onto[br]Sky News and gave out to him and said, 0:00:42.609,0:00:44.800 "This is terrible, people are[br]removing their teeth!" 0:00:45.100,0:00:45.900 And this guy stood there and went: 0:00:46.000,0:00:49.000 "Well obviously, systems should be[br]put in place to deal with..." 0:00:49.200,0:00:52.300 Which is stupid! He should've just gone:[br]"Well, these people are clearly morons!" 0:00:53.109,0:00:56.000 "Who removes their own teeth,[br]for Christ's sake?! 0:00:56.500,0:01:00.000 I'm a dentist, I don't remove[br]my own teeth." You know? 0:01:00.800,0:01:03.700 But there's kind of a notion that[br]"everyone's opinion is equally valid." 0:01:03.800,0:01:04.608 My arse! 0:01:04.608,0:01:08.040 Bloke who's a professor of dentistry[br]for 40 years does not have a debate 0:01:08.040,0:01:12.200 with some eejit who removes his[br]teeth with string and a door. 0:01:14.600,0:01:17.800 It's nonsense! And they have this all[br]the time with medical stuff on TV. 0:01:17.800,0:01:19.000 You have a doctor and they'll[br]talk to the doctor, 0:01:19.000,0:01:22.700 "Oh Doctor this and Doctor that, what[br]happened there and Doctor, isn't it awful?" 0:01:22.829,0:01:24.500 And then the doctor will be[br]talking about something 0:01:24.600,0:01:26.700 with all the benefit of research[br]and medical evidence, 0:01:26.700,0:01:30.969 and they'll turn away from the doctor,[br]in the name of "balance", 0:01:30.969,0:01:36.700 and turn to some quack witch doctor[br]homeopath horse-shit peddler 0:01:36.800,0:01:38.400 on the other side of the studio. 0:01:38.800,0:01:42.000 And I'm sorry if you're into[br]homeopathy, it's water! 0:01:42.099,0:01:44.300 How often does it need to be said? 0:01:44.400,0:01:48.700 It's just water. You're healing yourself.[br]Why don't you give yourself the credit? 0:01:49.000,0:01:52.900 Jesus! Homeopaths get on my nerves with the whole[br]"Science doesn't know everything." 0:01:53.000,0:01:56.030 Science *knows* it doesn't know everything,[br]otherwise it'd stop! 0:01:58.900,0:02:02.100 But as well as that... Why would they bother? 0:02:02.370,0:02:04.600 Just because science doesn't[br]know everything, 0:02:04.600,0:02:09.699 doesn't mean you fill in the gaps with[br]whatever fairy tale most appeals to you. 0:02:11.000,0:02:13.400 "The great thing about homeopathy[br]is you can't overdose on it." 0:02:13.500,0:02:16.000 Well, you could fucking drown. 0:02:17.100,0:02:19.900 I'm sorry, it seems harsh, and I used[br]to be much more generous about it. 0:02:20.000,0:02:21.670 But right now, I would take homeopaths 0:02:21.669,0:02:25.649 and I'd put them in a big sack with[br]psychics, astrologers and priests 0:02:25.650,0:02:29.530 and I'd close the top of the sack with string[br]and I'd hit them all with sticks! 0:02:29.530,0:02:33.000 And I really wouldn't worry who got[br]the worst of the belt of the stick. 0:02:33.900,0:02:36.608 Anyone who has an answer to the[br]difficult questions in life, 0:02:36.609,0:02:38.859 the "l don't know what[br]happens after I die" 0:02:38.859,0:02:40.900 or "Please, what happens if[br]my loved ones die?" 0:02:40.900,0:02:42.329 or "How can I stop myself dying?" 0:02:42.329,0:02:45.400 The big questions give you[br]an easy bullshit answer. 0:02:45.400,0:02:47.800 You go, "Do you have any[br]evidence for that?" 0:02:47.800,0:02:52.100 And they go, "There's more[br]to life than evidence." 0:02:52.300,0:02:54.300 Get in the fucking sack! 0:02:57.500,0:03:00.709 I'm sorry, herbal medicine has been[br]around for thousands of years. 0:03:00.709,0:03:02.600 Indeed it has, and then[br]we tested it all, 0:03:02.700,0:03:04.800 and the stuff that worked[br]became "medicine". 0:03:06.600,0:03:10.230 And the rest of it is just a nice[br]bowl of soup and some potpourri. 0:03:10.229,0:03:12.000 So knock yourselves out! 0:03:12.400,0:03:15.260 But it's one of these ridiculous things. 0:03:15.259,0:03:17.388 You never see that balancing[br]with really hard science. 0:03:17.389,0:03:20.700 You never see it with physics,[br]like a guy talking from NASA 0:03:20.699,0:03:21.938 about a space station: 0:03:21.938,0:03:24.769 "Mr NASA guy, you've built[br]a new space station." 0:03:24.769,0:03:27.739 They talk, and they go, "Right, that's very[br]interesting, but for the sake of "balance", 0:03:27.739,0:03:33.000 we must now turn to Barry, who believes[br]the sky is a carpet painted by God. 0:03:33.498,0:03:35.560 Barry, what do you think of[br]this space station plan?" 0:03:35.560,0:03:38.700 "Well it's clearly ridiculous, what are[br]they gonna do, hook it onto the carpet? 0:03:39.100,0:03:42.979 "You're absolutely right,[br]Barry, you really are." 0:03:44.700,0:03:48.400 I love that kind of stuff, but all[br]that nonsense, all the fairy tales, 0:03:48.400,0:03:51.900 homeopathy, chiropractic, all of[br]this kind of stuff, ridiculous, 0:03:51.900,0:03:53.400 and they make billions every year! 0:03:53.500,0:03:56.370 Nutrition, I was talking about this before,[br]here's my favourite little fact. 0:03:56.370,0:03:59.100 If anyone describes themselves ever[br]to you as a "nutritionist", 0:03:59.300,0:04:00.800 just be slightly wary, right? 0:04:00.938,0:04:05.200 What they're saying may be perfectly true,[br]but nutritionist isn't a protected term. 0:04:05.200,0:04:07.300 Anyone can call themselves nutritionist. 0:04:07.400,0:04:11.000 "Dietician" is the legally protected term. 0:04:11.120,0:04:15.500 Dietician is like dentist and[br]nutritionist is like toothyologist. 0:04:16.399,0:04:20.500 I mean, I could call myself a nutritionist and[br]I'd be a phenominally popular nutritionist. 0:04:20.500,0:04:24.290 People would come from miles around:[br]"You look fantastic, let's have a pint. 0:04:24.290,0:04:28.000 Come on, come on, come on,[br]you fat bastard, I'll wrestle you." 0:04:30.300,0:04:31.000 It's ridiculous! 0:04:31.400,0:04:33.410 Even though there's lots of evidence[br]for this kind of stuff, 0:04:33.410,0:04:36.400 we still would sooner believe[br]a story our mother tells us 0:04:36.410,0:04:38.200 about the woman she knew[br]who had a headache, 0:04:38.300,0:04:40.100 and then she rubbed a cat[br]on the side of her head, 0:04:40.100,0:04:43.000 and the headache was gone[br]the next day, right? 0:04:43.120,0:04:45.439 We even take things for granted[br]about our own health, 0:04:45.439,0:04:48.449 There's a thing on the cover of[br]the London Evening Standard, 0:04:48.449,0:04:52.620 it had this thing which said,[br]"Ten symptoms you should not ignore." 0:04:52.620,0:04:55.790 And you read that and think, "Right, there's[br]gonna be something which I've had for a while 0:04:55.790,0:04:57.800 but it's been low level and I've[br]never done anything about it, 0:04:57.800,0:05:00.079 but it hasn't gone away and maybe[br]I should get that checked out." 0:05:00.079,0:05:02.200 That's what you presume it is,[br]you know what I mean? 0:05:02.350,0:05:06.570 "Oh, that pain in my arm is still there,[br]I can't seem to clear that chesty cough." 0:05:06.569,0:05:10.500 The first three symptoms you[br]should not ignore were: 0:05:10.500,0:05:12.000 - rectum bleeding... 0:05:13.100,0:05:16.110 - loss of height... 0:05:16.900,0:05:19.000 - and sudden blindness. 0:05:24.400,0:05:27.000 Who ignores sudden blindness?! 0:05:27.200,0:05:31.600 Who sits in the office at lunchtime going,[br]"Woah, who turned out the lights? 0:05:31.819,0:05:35.500 Oh no, I can't see a thing! It's awful,[br]I'm no use to anyone today. 0:05:35.600,0:05:39.400 I'll answer phones, that's all I can do,[br]that's all I'm good for today. 0:05:40.500,0:05:42.300 Oh, don't make a fuss, don't make a fuss!" 0:05:45.300,0:05:48.370 I wouldn't dream of lecturing you on how[br]to live your lives, about health. 0:05:48.370,0:05:51.800 That would be arrogant, like these people. 0:05:51.900,0:05:55.900 Look at me, I'm a big guy. I'm no model[br]for anyone when it comes to health. 0:05:55.950,0:05:59.759 I winter well, as we say euphemistically. 0:05:59.759,0:06:01.930 And I know this, it gets[br]reflected to me in weird ways. 0:06:01.930,0:06:03.959 We went to buy a car, myself and the wife. 0:06:03.959,0:06:07.899 We're sitting in the garage, and on the [br]forecourt is a two-seater sports car. 0:06:07.899,0:06:10.679 I said "I know we're not gonna[br]buy it, can I just sit in it? 0:06:10.680,0:06:12.790 I've always wanted one,[br]can I just sit in it?" 0:06:12.790,0:06:13.350 She was "Alright, you can." 0:06:13.350,0:06:17.020 I sat in the little two-seater,[br]and I just went,"How do I look?" 0:06:17.019,0:06:18.649 She goes, "You look like Noddy."