WEBVTT 00:00:02.700 --> 00:00:06.609 Give me a student (any student) give me only one definition of success and 00:00:06.609 --> 00:00:10.419 only one way to make it give me academic excellence 00:00:10.419 --> 00:00:14.849 give me full-time extracurriculars give me part-time job to pay the bills 00:00:14.849 --> 00:00:19.679 give me internship followed by internship followed by internship followed by internship 00:00:19.679 --> 00:00:28.179 give me a lifetime of debt then tell me I am worthless 00:00:28.179 --> 00:00:33.800 tell me my labour is not worth paying for tell me its a favour to hire me 00:00:33.800 --> 00:00:36.169 for free go on 00:00:36.170 --> 00:00:39.440 tell me I am worthless when in this country 00:00:39.440 --> 00:00:41.960 millions of people compete for thousands of jobs 00:00:41.960 --> 00:00:45.539 call it their own personal failure when they don't all get one 00:00:45.539 --> 00:00:49.840 when the young and the old and the sick have no way into a labour market 00:00:49.840 --> 00:00:52.109 ever contracting ever decreasing 00:00:52.109 --> 00:00:55.699 when you take money out of their opportunities for education and health 00:00:55.699 --> 00:00:58.358 call it their fault call them lazy 00:00:58.359 --> 00:01:02.969 call them benefit scroungers call it a “culture of dependency” 00:01:02.969 --> 00:01:06.470 go on tell us we are worthless 00:01:06.470 --> 00:01:09.658 say it's not political say it's “just the way it is” 00:01:09.659 --> 00:01:13.509 that food banks can be cut but banks need be bailed out 00:01:13.509 --> 00:01:18.000 that the minimum wage can stagnate and benefits be chucked off entirely 00:01:18.000 --> 00:01:21.909 but when the 1% made more off of the first year of the financial crisis 00:01:21.909 --> 00:01:24.310 than they had for the 30 years before 00:01:24.310 --> 00:01:27.970 call it austerity go on 00:01:27.970 --> 00:01:34.820 tell us we are worthless rebrand public failure into personal competition 00:01:34.820 --> 00:01:39.939 rebrand it filling your CV rebrand it increasing your skill sets 00:01:39.939 --> 00:01:43.529 rebrand it exposure and networking as we rebrand it increasing your skill sets 00:01:43.530 --> 00:01:45.840 rebrand it exposure and networking as we volunteer and intern 00:01:45.840 --> 00:01:49.490 volunteer and intern digging ourselves ever deeper into debt 00:01:49.490 --> 00:01:53.979 ever deeper into despair go on tell us we are worthless 00:01:53.979 --> 00:01:58.158 tell me unemployment levels skyrocketing have nothing to do with it 00:01:58.159 --> 00:02:03.900 tell me being more likely to end up on the street than in a graduate job has nothing 00:02:03.900 --> 00:02:05.649 to do with it go on 00:02:05.649 --> 00:02:10.160 tell me we're all middle class now call call centre workers and shelf stackers 00:02:10.160 --> 00:02:14.500 garbage handlers and cleaners call one out of five working for less than 00:02:14.500 --> 00:02:17.760 the minimum wage which is less than the living wage 00:02:17.760 --> 00:02:21.170 “just middle class in the making”? 00:02:21.170 --> 00:02:24.750 Go on tell us we are worthless 00:02:24.750 --> 00:02:27.940 occupy my body as if it were some resource you could use to 00:02:27.940 --> 00:02:32.790 raise the GDP broken back from all the heavy lifting 00:02:32.800 --> 00:02:39.200 crumbling knees from those hours standing depression and stress from the worry 00:02:39.200 --> 00:02:43.600 how will I pay rent this month how will she support kids 00:02:43.600 --> 00:02:46.530 how will he pay the medical bills go on 00:02:46.530 --> 00:02:52.890 tell us we are worthless tell us the only thing not working about this 00:02:52.890 --> 00:02:55.260 system is us