1 00:00:00,993 --> 00:00:04,034 Let's imagine a sculptor building a statue, 2 00:00:04,034 --> 00:00:06,003 just chipping away with his chisel. 3 00:00:06,291 --> 00:00:09,520 Michelangelo had this elegant way of describing it when he said, 4 00:00:09,520 --> 00:00:12,444 "Every block of stone has a statue inside of it, 5 00:00:12,444 --> 00:00:15,180 and it's the task of the sculptor to discover it." 6 00:00:15,473 --> 00:00:17,882 But what if he worked in the opposite direction? 7 00:00:17,882 --> 00:00:19,956 Not from a solid block of stone, 8 00:00:19,956 --> 00:00:21,521 but from a pile of dust, 9 00:00:21,521 --> 00:00:25,563 somehow gluing millions of these particles together to form a statue. 10 00:00:25,693 --> 00:00:27,499 I know that's an absurd notion. 11 00:00:27,499 --> 00:00:28,991 It's probably impossible. 12 00:00:29,224 --> 00:00:34,701 The only way you get a statue from a pile of dust is if the statue built itself -- 13 00:00:34,701 --> 00:00:38,738 if somehow we could compel millions of these particles to come together 14 00:00:38,738 --> 00:00:40,311 to form the statue. 15 00:00:40,554 --> 00:00:42,119 Now, as odd as that sounds, 16 00:00:42,119 --> 00:00:46,099 that is almost exactly the problem I work on in my lab. 17 00:00:46,316 --> 00:00:47,720 I don't build with stone, 18 00:00:47,720 --> 00:00:49,112 I build with nanomaterials. 19 00:00:49,112 --> 00:00:53,380 They're these just impossibly small, fascinating little objects. 20 00:00:53,380 --> 00:00:56,815 They're so small that if this controller was a nanoparticle, 21 00:00:56,815 --> 00:00:59,297 a human hair would be the size of this entire room. 22 00:00:59,600 --> 00:01:02,393 And they're at the heart of a field we call nanotechnology, 23 00:01:02,393 --> 00:01:04,319 which I'm sure we've all heard about, 24 00:01:04,319 --> 00:01:07,901 and we've all heard how it is going to change everything. 25 00:01:07,901 --> 00:01:09,514 When I was a graduate student, 26 00:01:09,514 --> 00:01:12,805 it was one of the most exciting times to be working in nanotechnology. 27 00:01:12,805 --> 00:01:15,606 There were scientific breakthroughs happening all the time. 28 00:01:15,888 --> 00:01:17,363 The conferences were buzzing, 29 00:01:17,363 --> 00:01:20,523 there was tons of money pouring in from funding agencies. 30 00:01:20,893 --> 00:01:22,231 And the reason is 31 00:01:22,231 --> 00:01:24,090 when objects get really small, 32 00:01:24,090 --> 00:01:27,659 they're governed by a different set of physics that govern ordinary objects, 33 00:01:27,659 --> 00:01:29,168 like the ones we interact with. 34 00:01:29,168 --> 00:01:31,314 We call this physics quantum mechanics. 35 00:01:31,314 --> 00:01:34,536 And what it tells you is that you can precisely tune their behavior 36 00:01:34,536 --> 00:01:36,860 just by making seemingly small changes to them, 37 00:01:36,860 --> 00:01:39,393 like adding or removing a handful of atoms, 38 00:01:39,393 --> 00:01:40,849 or twisting the material. 39 00:01:41,079 --> 00:01:42,870 It's like this ultimate toolkit. 40 00:01:42,870 --> 00:01:44,155 You really felt empowered; 41 00:01:44,155 --> 00:01:45,964 you felt like you could make anything. 42 00:01:45,964 --> 00:01:47,070 And we were doing it -- 43 00:01:47,070 --> 00:01:50,381 and by we I mean my whole generation of graduate students. 44 00:01:50,381 --> 00:01:53,912 We were trying to make blazing-fast computers using nanomaterials. 45 00:01:53,912 --> 00:01:55,516 We were constructing quantum dots 46 00:01:55,516 --> 00:01:58,776 that could one day go in your body and find and fight disease. 47 00:01:58,993 --> 00:02:02,117 There were even groups trying to make an elevator to space 48 00:02:02,117 --> 00:02:03,759 using carbon nanotubes. 49 00:02:03,759 --> 00:02:04,769 You can look that up, 50 00:02:04,769 --> 00:02:05,769 that's true. 51 00:02:06,940 --> 00:02:09,371 Anyways, we thought it was going to effect all parts 52 00:02:09,371 --> 00:02:10,621 of science and technology, 53 00:02:10,621 --> 00:02:12,070 from computing to medicine. 54 00:02:12,070 --> 00:02:13,472 And I have to admit, 55 00:02:13,472 --> 00:02:15,395 I drank all of the Kool-Aid. 56 00:02:15,395 --> 00:02:17,820 I mean, every last drop. 57 00:02:18,709 --> 00:02:21,439 But that was 15 years ago, 58 00:02:21,439 --> 00:02:22,440 and -- 59 00:02:22,440 --> 00:02:23,945 fantastic science was done, 60 00:02:23,945 --> 00:02:25,042 really important work. 61 00:02:25,042 --> 00:02:26,350 We've learned a lot. 62 00:02:26,350 --> 00:02:30,768 We were never able to translate that science into new technologies -- 63 00:02:30,768 --> 00:02:33,369 into technologies that could actually impact people. 64 00:02:33,369 --> 00:02:34,504 And the reason is, 65 00:02:34,504 --> 00:02:35,726 these nanomaterials -- 66 00:02:35,726 --> 00:02:37,361 they're like a double-edged sword. 67 00:02:37,361 --> 00:02:39,657 The same thing that makes them so interesting -- 68 00:02:39,657 --> 00:02:41,003 they're small size -- 69 00:02:41,003 --> 00:02:43,278 also makes them impossible to work with. 70 00:02:43,278 --> 00:02:46,833 It's literally like trying to build a statue out of a pile of dust. 71 00:02:47,090 --> 00:02:50,564 And we just don't have the tools that are small enough to work with them. 72 00:02:50,790 --> 00:02:51,821 But even if we did, 73 00:02:51,821 --> 00:02:53,067 it wouldn't really matter, 74 00:02:53,067 --> 00:02:57,143 because we couldn't one by one place millions of particles together 75 00:02:57,143 --> 00:02:58,620 to build a techonology. 76 00:02:58,855 --> 00:02:59,917 So because of that, 77 00:02:59,917 --> 00:03:00,916 all of the promise 78 00:03:00,916 --> 00:03:02,120 and all of the excitement 79 00:03:02,120 --> 00:03:03,623 has remained just that: 80 00:03:03,623 --> 00:03:05,172 promise and excitement. 81 00:03:05,172 --> 00:03:07,735 We don't have any disease-fighting nanobots, 82 00:03:07,735 --> 00:03:09,797 there's no elevators to space, 83 00:03:09,797 --> 00:03:11,801 and the thing that I'm most interested in, 84 00:03:11,801 --> 00:03:13,251 no new types of computing. 85 00:03:13,251 --> 00:03:14,503 Now that last one, 86 00:03:14,503 --> 00:03:15,947 that's a really important one. 87 00:03:15,947 --> 00:03:17,280 We just have come to expect 88 00:03:17,280 --> 00:03:21,147 the pace of computing advancements to go on indefinitely. 89 00:03:21,147 --> 00:03:23,688 We've built entire economies on this idea. 90 00:03:23,688 --> 00:03:26,428 And this pace exists because of our ability 91 00:03:26,428 --> 00:03:29,599 to pack more and more devices onto a computer chip. 92 00:03:29,599 --> 00:03:31,560 And as those devices get smaller, 93 00:03:31,560 --> 00:03:32,618 they get faster, 94 00:03:32,618 --> 00:03:33,846 they consume less power 95 00:03:33,846 --> 00:03:35,277 and they get cheaper. 96 00:03:35,277 --> 00:03:39,316 And it's this convergence that gives us this incredible pace. 97 00:03:39,645 --> 00:03:40,648 As an example: 98 00:03:40,648 --> 00:03:46,469 if I took the room-sized computer that sent three men to the moon and back 99 00:03:46,469 --> 00:03:48,556 and somehow compressed it -- 100 00:03:48,556 --> 00:03:51,773 compressed the world's greatest computer of its day -- 101 00:03:51,773 --> 00:03:54,498 so it was the same size as your smartphone -- 102 00:03:54,498 --> 00:03:55,779 your actual smartphone, 103 00:03:55,779 --> 00:03:59,181 that thing you spent 300 bucks on and just toss out every two years -- 104 00:03:59,181 --> 00:04:01,620 would blow this thing away. 105 00:04:01,620 --> 00:04:03,117 You would not be impressed. 106 00:04:03,117 --> 00:04:05,610 It couldn't do anything that your smartphone does. 107 00:04:05,610 --> 00:04:07,207 It would be slow, 108 00:04:07,207 --> 00:04:09,156 you couldn't put any of your stuff on it, 109 00:04:09,156 --> 00:04:11,582 you could possibly get through the first two minutes 110 00:04:11,582 --> 00:04:13,721 of a "Walking Dead" episode if you're lucky -- 111 00:04:13,721 --> 00:04:14,719 (Laughter) 112 00:04:14,719 --> 00:04:16,166 The point is the progress -- 113 00:04:16,166 --> 00:04:17,252 it's not gradual. 114 00:04:17,252 --> 00:04:18,977 The progress is relentless; 115 00:04:18,977 --> 00:04:20,104 it's exponential; 116 00:04:20,104 --> 00:04:22,509 it compounds on itself year after year, 117 00:04:22,509 --> 00:04:24,661 to the point where if you compare a technology 118 00:04:24,661 --> 00:04:26,397 from one generation to the next, 119 00:04:26,397 --> 00:04:28,236 they're almost unrecognizable. 120 00:04:28,442 --> 00:04:31,072 And we owe it to ourselves to keep this progress going. 121 00:04:31,072 --> 00:04:34,774 We want to say the same thing 10, 20, 30 years from now: 122 00:04:34,774 --> 00:04:37,246 look what we've done over the last 30 years. 123 00:04:37,478 --> 00:04:40,227 Yet, we know this progress may not last forever. 124 00:04:40,227 --> 00:04:42,226 In fact, the party's kind of winding down. 125 00:04:42,226 --> 00:04:44,686 It's like "last call for alcohol," right? 126 00:04:44,686 --> 00:04:46,347 If you look under the covers, 127 00:04:46,347 --> 00:04:48,852 by many metrics like speed and performance, 128 00:04:48,852 --> 00:04:51,597 the progress has already slowed to a halt. 129 00:04:51,936 --> 00:04:54,103 So if we want to keep this party going, 130 00:04:54,103 --> 00:04:56,341 we have to do what we've always been able to do, 131 00:04:56,341 --> 00:04:58,004 and that is to innovate. 132 00:04:58,004 --> 00:04:59,622 So our group's role 133 00:04:59,622 --> 00:05:00,727 and our group's mission 134 00:05:00,727 --> 00:05:02,990 is to innovate by employing carbon nanotubes, 135 00:05:02,990 --> 00:05:06,731 because we think that they can provide a path to continue this pace. 136 00:05:06,988 --> 00:05:08,424 They are just like they sound. 137 00:05:08,424 --> 00:05:11,041 They're tiny, hollow tubes of carbon atoms, 138 00:05:11,041 --> 00:05:12,561 and their nanoscale size -- 139 00:05:12,561 --> 00:05:13,966 that small size -- 140 00:05:13,966 --> 00:05:17,280 gives rise to these just outstanding electronic properties. 141 00:05:18,270 --> 00:05:21,488 The science tells us if we could employ them in computing, 142 00:05:21,488 --> 00:05:24,112 we could see up to ten times improvement in performance. 143 00:05:24,112 --> 00:05:28,436 It's like skipping through several technology generations in just one step. 144 00:05:29,004 --> 00:05:30,161 So, there we have it. 145 00:05:30,161 --> 00:05:32,475 We have this really important problem, 146 00:05:32,475 --> 00:05:34,846 and we have what is basically the ideal solution. 147 00:05:34,846 --> 00:05:36,659 The science is screaming at us, 148 00:05:36,659 --> 00:05:39,552 "This is what you should be doing to solve your problem." 149 00:05:41,605 --> 00:05:43,473 So, all right, let's get started, 150 00:05:43,473 --> 00:05:44,467 let's do this. 151 00:05:44,467 --> 00:05:47,144 But you just run right back into that double-edged sword. 152 00:05:47,144 --> 00:05:50,983 This "ideal solution" contains a material that's impossible to work with. 153 00:05:50,983 --> 00:05:55,068 I'd have to arrange billions of them just to make one single computer chip. 154 00:05:55,298 --> 00:05:57,197 It's that same conundrum, 155 00:05:57,197 --> 00:05:58,939 it's like this undying problem. 156 00:05:59,471 --> 00:06:00,472 At this point, 157 00:06:00,472 --> 00:06:01,716 we said, "Let's just stop. 158 00:06:01,716 --> 00:06:03,520 Let's not go down that same road. 159 00:06:03,520 --> 00:06:05,713 Let's just figure out what's missing. 160 00:06:05,987 --> 00:06:07,382 What are we not dealing with? 161 00:06:07,382 --> 00:06:09,742 What are not doing that needs to be done?" 162 00:06:09,742 --> 00:06:11,503 It's like in "The Godfather," right? 163 00:06:11,503 --> 00:06:13,913 When Fredo betrays his brother Michael, 164 00:06:13,913 --> 00:06:15,558 we all know what needs to be done. 165 00:06:15,558 --> 00:06:16,839 Fredo's got to go. 166 00:06:16,839 --> 00:06:17,838 (Laughter) 167 00:06:17,838 --> 00:06:18,835 But Michael -- 168 00:06:18,835 --> 00:06:19,931 he puts it off. 169 00:06:19,931 --> 00:06:20,929 Fine, I get it. 170 00:06:20,929 --> 00:06:22,241 Their mother's still alive, 171 00:06:22,241 --> 00:06:23,389 it would make her upset. 172 00:06:23,389 --> 00:06:24,391 (Laughter) 173 00:06:24,391 --> 00:06:25,393 We just said, 174 00:06:25,393 --> 00:06:27,312 "What's the Fredo in our problem?" 175 00:06:27,312 --> 00:06:28,722 What are we not dealing with? 176 00:06:28,722 --> 00:06:30,337 What are we not doing, 177 00:06:30,337 --> 00:06:33,425 but needs to be done to make this a success?" 178 00:06:33,425 --> 00:06:37,438 And the answer is that the statue has to build itself. 179 00:06:37,438 --> 00:06:38,514 We have to find a way, 180 00:06:38,514 --> 00:06:39,507 somehow, 181 00:06:39,507 --> 00:06:41,358 to compel, 182 00:06:41,358 --> 00:06:43,596 to convince billions of these particles 183 00:06:43,596 --> 00:06:46,188 to assemble themselves into the technology. 184 00:06:46,567 --> 00:06:47,792 We can't do it for them. 185 00:06:47,792 --> 00:06:49,772 They have to do it for themselves. 186 00:06:49,772 --> 00:06:51,078 And it's the hard way, 187 00:06:51,078 --> 00:06:52,965 and this is not trivial, 188 00:06:52,965 --> 00:06:54,290 but in this case, 189 00:06:54,290 --> 00:06:55,537 it's the only way. 190 00:06:55,876 --> 00:06:56,966 As it turns out, 191 00:06:56,966 --> 00:06:59,273 this is not that alien of a problem. 192 00:06:59,650 --> 00:07:01,648 We just don't build anything this way. 193 00:07:01,648 --> 00:07:03,685 People don't build anything this way. 194 00:07:03,685 --> 00:07:04,930 But if you look around -- 195 00:07:04,930 --> 00:07:06,847 and there's examples everywhere -- 196 00:07:06,847 --> 00:07:09,822 mother nature builds everything this way. 197 00:07:09,822 --> 00:07:11,855 Everything is built from the bottom up. 198 00:07:12,499 --> 00:07:13,646 You can go to the beach, 199 00:07:13,646 --> 00:07:16,915 you'll find these simple organisms that use proteins -- 200 00:07:16,915 --> 00:07:18,301 basically molecules -- 201 00:07:18,301 --> 00:07:20,382 to template what is essentially sand, 202 00:07:20,382 --> 00:07:21,826 just plucking it from the sea 203 00:07:21,826 --> 00:07:25,167 and building these extraordinary architectures with extreme diversity. 204 00:07:25,167 --> 00:07:26,721 And nature's not crude like us, 205 00:07:26,721 --> 00:07:27,793 just hacking away. 206 00:07:27,793 --> 00:07:29,479 She's elegant and smart, 207 00:07:29,479 --> 00:07:30,955 building with what's available, 208 00:07:30,955 --> 00:07:32,329 molecule by molecule, 209 00:07:32,329 --> 00:07:34,517 making structures with a complexity 210 00:07:34,517 --> 00:07:37,020 and a diversity that we can't even approach. 211 00:07:37,589 --> 00:07:39,283 She's already at the nano. 212 00:07:39,283 --> 00:07:41,776 She's been there for hundreds of millions of years. 213 00:07:41,776 --> 00:07:43,907 We're the ones that are late to the party. 214 00:07:44,241 --> 00:07:48,630 So, we decided that we're going to use the same tool that nature uses, 215 00:07:48,630 --> 00:07:50,219 and that's chemistry. 216 00:07:50,219 --> 00:07:51,781 Chemistry is the missing tool. 217 00:07:51,781 --> 00:07:53,837 And chemistry works in this case 218 00:07:53,837 --> 00:07:57,749 because these nanoscale objects are about the same size as molecules, 219 00:07:57,749 --> 00:08:00,391 so we can use them to steer these objects around, 220 00:08:00,391 --> 00:08:01,624 much like a tool. 221 00:08:01,940 --> 00:08:03,949 That's exactly what we've done in our lab. 222 00:08:03,949 --> 00:08:07,261 We've developed chemistry that goes into the pile of dust, 223 00:08:07,261 --> 00:08:08,775 into the pile of nanoparticles, 224 00:08:08,775 --> 00:08:11,148 and pulls out exactly the ones we need. 225 00:08:11,148 --> 00:08:14,763 Then, we can use chemistry to arrange literally billions of these particles 226 00:08:14,763 --> 00:08:17,693 into the pattern we need to build circuits. 227 00:08:17,693 --> 00:08:19,008 And because we can do that, 228 00:08:19,008 --> 00:08:21,442 we can build circuits that are many times faster 229 00:08:21,442 --> 00:08:24,691 than what anyone's been able to make using nanomaterials before. 230 00:08:24,691 --> 00:08:26,099 Chemistry's the missing tool, 231 00:08:26,099 --> 00:08:29,708 and every day our tool gets sharper and gets more precise. 232 00:08:29,708 --> 00:08:30,709 And eventually -- 233 00:08:30,709 --> 00:08:33,654 and we hope this is within a handful of years -- 234 00:08:33,654 --> 00:08:36,395 we can deliver on one of those original promises. 235 00:08:37,190 --> 00:08:39,165 Now, computing is just one example. 236 00:08:39,165 --> 00:08:40,939 It's the one that I'm interested in, 237 00:08:40,939 --> 00:08:42,864 that my group is really invested in, 238 00:08:42,864 --> 00:08:44,885 but there are others in renewable energy, 239 00:08:44,885 --> 00:08:46,546 in medicine, 240 00:08:46,546 --> 00:08:48,254 in structural materials, 241 00:08:48,254 --> 00:08:51,252 where the science is going to tell you to move towards the nano. 242 00:08:51,252 --> 00:08:53,685 That's where the biggest benefit is. 243 00:08:53,970 --> 00:08:55,431 But if we're going to do that, 244 00:08:55,431 --> 00:08:58,649 the scientists of today and tomorrow are going to need new tools -- 245 00:08:58,649 --> 00:09:00,798 tools just like the ones I described. 246 00:09:02,780 --> 00:09:04,886 And they will need chemistry. 247 00:09:04,886 --> 00:09:08,616 The beauty of science is that once you develop these new tools, 248 00:09:08,616 --> 00:09:09,625 they're out there. 249 00:09:09,625 --> 00:09:10,908 They're out there forever, 250 00:09:10,908 --> 00:09:14,132 and anyone anywhere can pick them up and use them, 251 00:09:14,132 --> 00:09:17,308 and help to deliver on the promise of nanotechnology. 252 00:09:17,622 --> 00:09:19,190 Thank you so much for your time. 253 00:09:19,190 --> 00:09:20,188 I appreciate it. 254 00:09:20,188 --> 00:09:21,186 (Applause)