0:00:00.120,0:00:02.170 - Hey, it's Rowan, and[br]today I'm here with Calum. 0:00:02.170,0:00:05.450 Calum is, as he's just[br]said for me to say to you, 0:00:05.450,0:00:06.810 a gay YouTube boy, and today, 0:00:06.810,0:00:09.370 we're basically going to be[br]reacting to queerbaiting. 0:00:09.370,0:00:11.040 The first clip is from[br]show called Teen Wolf. 0:00:11.040,0:00:13.938 We're gonna watch a couple[br]of quite infamous scenes. 0:00:13.938,0:00:16.051 - Okay. 0:00:16.051,0:00:19.218 (upbeat techno music) 0:00:20.070,0:00:22.033 - I thought you liked girls. 0:00:22.033,0:00:23.374 - I do like girls. 0:00:23.374,0:00:24.731 Do you? 0:00:24.731,0:00:26.636 - Absolutely.[br]- Great. 0:00:26.636,0:00:27.900 - Do you also like boys? 0:00:27.900,0:00:28.983 - Absolutely. 0:00:30.154,0:00:30.987 Do you? 0:00:31.878,0:00:34.878 ♪ I said I love you ♪ 0:00:38.107,0:00:39.520 - So then, 'cause I thought[br]the queerbaiting there 0:00:39.520,0:00:41.000 was on the girl. 0:00:41.000,0:00:43.370 - No, so she was confirmed[br]to have a girlfriend 0:00:43.370,0:00:45.660 in one of the earlier[br]episodes of the season, 0:00:45.660,0:00:46.970 and then made out with[br]him and then basically 0:00:46.970,0:00:49.220 came out as sort of[br]bisexual there quite openly. 0:00:49.220,0:00:51.230 And then he has that realisation moment. 0:00:51.230,0:00:53.410 - And it leaves, is it[br]leaving it open-ended 0:00:53.410,0:00:54.860 whether he likes boys or not? 0:00:54.860,0:00:56.610 - Mm-hmm, but so here's[br]the interesting thing. 0:00:56.610,0:00:57.830 In the rest of that scene, 0:00:57.830,0:01:00.120 he sort of also seems to[br]be having a realisation 0:01:00.120,0:01:02.320 about the case that[br]they're solving, whatever, 0:01:02.320,0:01:04.280 but they've placed that[br]realisation moment-- 0:01:04.280,0:01:07.301 - There, deliberately.[br]- Immediately after. 0:01:07.301,0:01:08.760 So they have plausible deniability. 0:01:08.760,0:01:11.480 - That genuinely, I've[br]never ever seen that before, 0:01:11.480,0:01:13.360 and that genuinely really annoys me, 0:01:13.360,0:01:14.550 because they're doing that thing 0:01:14.550,0:01:18.360 where it makes it so they get to appeal 0:01:18.360,0:01:21.640 to the gay audience, but they[br]also don't get to annoy-- 0:01:21.640,0:01:23.350 - Or like alienate.[br]- The homophobic people, 0:01:23.350,0:01:24.790 like alienate people. 0:01:24.790,0:01:26.630 - It's such, and the funny[br]thing about Teen Wolf 0:01:26.630,0:01:28.890 is that Teen Wolf has had[br]a couple of gay characters 0:01:28.890,0:01:32.530 and they use it all[br]the time in their press 0:01:32.530,0:01:33.747 to kind of talk about and hype up 0:01:33.747,0:01:35.097 how LGBT friendly they are. 0:01:36.060,0:01:38.340 Ooh, it's one of the[br]classic queerbaiting shows. 0:01:38.340,0:01:41.360 So there's actually another scene. 0:01:41.360,0:01:42.600 - I'm a virgin, okay? 0:01:42.600,0:01:43.676 And you know what that means? 0:01:43.676,0:01:44.670 It means that my lack of sexual experience 0:01:44.670,0:01:46.665 is now literally a threat to my life. 0:01:46.665,0:01:47.710 I need to have sex, like right now. 0:01:47.710,0:01:49.630 Someone needs to have sex with me today. 0:01:49.630,0:01:51.930 Like someone needs to sex me right now. 0:01:51.930,0:01:53.000 - All right, I'll do it. 0:01:53.000,0:01:53.833 - Whoa! 0:01:54.694,0:01:56.009 What? 0:01:56.009,0:01:57.390 - How 'bout my place at 9:00? 0:01:57.390,0:01:59.170 Plan to stay the night? 0:01:59.170,0:02:00.020 I like to cuddle. 0:02:01.400,0:02:02.560 (soft music) 0:02:02.560,0:02:03.393 - That was so sweet. 0:02:03.393,0:02:04.226 Are you kidding? 0:02:04.226,0:02:05.713 - Yes, I'm kidding. 0:02:06.970,0:02:08.420 - You know, you don't[br]toy with a guy's emotions 0:02:08.420,0:02:09.253 like that, Danny. 0:02:09.253,0:02:10.570 It's not attractive, all right? 0:02:12.602,0:02:14.520 - [Tyler] You know who else is a virgin? 0:02:14.520,0:02:17.920 - So Danny is a character[br]who's gay in the show. 0:02:17.920,0:02:19.300 - But the other one, again. 0:02:19.300,0:02:21.110 - But this one of the[br]main characters, Stiles, 0:02:21.110,0:02:23.510 who apparently is straight, 0:02:23.510,0:02:25.490 or who has not, there's never[br]been anything confirming 0:02:25.490,0:02:26.323 he's anything other than straight. 0:02:26.323,0:02:28.970 - So why do they keep[br]teasing us in this way? 0:02:28.970,0:02:32.324 Why do they keep giving us[br]these little breadcrumbs? 0:02:32.324,0:02:34.090 That, it's not even fun. 0:02:34.090,0:02:37.010 That's just, it's like[br]borderline offensive. 0:02:37.010,0:02:37.843 - Mm-hmm, yep. 0:02:37.843,0:02:38.830 - Or just flat out offensive. 0:02:38.830,0:02:40.540 - Yeah, I'm like, I'm[br]not even arguing that, 0:02:40.540,0:02:42.270 because this is, it's the kind of scene 0:02:42.270,0:02:44.143 that's such fanservice, but they'll, 0:02:45.130,0:02:47.660 I think there are a lot of[br]shows that argue that it's like, 0:02:47.660,0:02:50.280 well, don't you wanna see[br]strong male friendships 0:02:50.280,0:02:52.250 that's healthy and heterosexual? 0:02:52.250,0:02:53.870 Don't you think that[br]men deserve friendships? 0:02:53.870,0:02:55.070 Why are you having to romanticise it? 0:02:55.070,0:02:57.030 And I think it's such a[br]weird gaslighting thing 0:02:57.030,0:02:58.113 to do to someone-- 0:02:58.113,0:02:58.946 - Absolutely. 0:02:58.946,0:02:59.890 - Like have scenes like[br]this, and then be like, 0:02:59.890,0:03:02.490 why can't men just be comfortable[br]enough in their sexuality, 0:03:02.490,0:03:04.290 and I'm like, comfortable[br]enough in their sexuality 0:03:04.290,0:03:06.004 to want to sleep with other men? 0:03:06.004,0:03:07.040 There's one more clip I[br]wanna show you of this. 0:03:07.040,0:03:11.688 So this was a promotional[br]piece that came out. 0:03:11.688,0:03:12.521 - Okay. 0:03:12.521,0:03:15.426 - So this is a video[br]that Teen Wolf produced. 0:03:15.426,0:03:16.259 - So it's not part of the show-- 0:03:16.259,0:03:17.092 - Not part of the show. 0:03:17.092,0:03:20.120 This is a video that was[br]produced by Teen Wolf, 0:03:20.120,0:03:21.573 in order to encourage[br]people to vote for them. 0:03:21.573,0:03:24.109 - Oh no, I know I'm[br]gonna hate this already. 0:03:24.109,0:03:26.859 (water rippling) 0:03:27.880,0:03:29.179 - Tyler. 0:03:29.179,0:03:30.628 - Yeah? 0:03:30.628,0:03:31.461 - Wake up. 0:03:31.461,0:03:33.104 - No. 0:03:33.104,0:03:34.090 - We're on a ship. 0:03:34.090,0:03:34.923 Pun intended. 0:03:36.400,0:03:37.233 - Whoa. 0:03:37.233,0:03:38.310 Hey, man.[br]- Hey buddy. 0:03:39.170,0:03:41.090 - Oh, hey, guys.[br]- Oh, hey, guys. 0:03:41.090,0:03:43.233 - Whoa, there's like a whole[br]bunch of people right there. 0:03:43.233,0:03:45.180 - Ah, didn't see the audience. 0:03:45.180,0:03:46.220 We should-- 0:03:46.220,0:03:47.510 - Oh, we were supposed[br]to tell them something. 0:03:47.510,0:03:49.190 - We wanna ask if you guys could vote 0:03:49.190,0:03:51.307 for Teen Wolf for the Teen Choice Awards. 0:03:51.307,0:03:52.670 - For Choice Summer Show, right? 0:03:52.670,0:03:54.387 - Best Choice Summer Show, yep. 0:03:54.387,0:03:56.642 Can you please do it, 'cause we need you. 0:03:56.642,0:03:58.171 - Please? 0:03:58.171,0:04:01.700 - Ah, that's all that needs to be said. 0:04:01.700,0:04:02.957 - We'll take more naps. 0:04:05.366,0:04:06.199 I'm still tired. 0:04:06.199,0:04:07.220 - Let's go back to sleep. 0:04:09.440,0:04:14.010 - Like they're literally queerbaiting 0:04:14.010,0:04:15.722 and not even hiding it. 0:04:15.722,0:04:16.555 - Mm-hmm. 0:04:16.555,0:04:18.070 - They're going, hey,[br]we want votes from you, 0:04:18.070,0:04:20.830 so we're gonna pretend that we're gay, 0:04:20.830,0:04:22.963 but we're never gonna actually confirm it. 0:04:22.963,0:04:23.796 - Mm-hmm. 0:04:23.796,0:04:24.760 - We're just gonna tease you with it. 0:04:24.760,0:04:25.701 - Yep. 0:04:25.701,0:04:27.550 - And that, and I get it,[br]like they're trying to be cute 0:04:27.550,0:04:28.383 and they're trying to do it, 0:04:28.383,0:04:30.750 and I'm sure that some[br]of the people behind this 0:04:30.750,0:04:32.400 weren't doing it with malicious intent 0:04:32.400,0:04:35.460 or maybe didn't even[br]realise it was problematic, 0:04:35.460,0:04:39.330 but just give us proper representation, 0:04:39.330,0:04:41.139 and don't, like we're not, 0:04:41.139,0:04:44.600 representation is so[br]important to LGBT+ people, 0:04:44.600,0:04:46.880 and I feel like using as it as something 0:04:46.880,0:04:48.087 to dangle in front of us-- 0:04:48.087,0:04:48.920 - Yeah. 0:04:48.920,0:04:50.710 - As that, ooh, maybe this is a thing. 0:04:50.710,0:04:51.543 - Maybe it'll happen. 0:04:51.543,0:04:53.950 - But then never actually confirm it, 0:04:53.950,0:04:56.310 it's frustrating beyond belief. 0:04:56.310,0:04:57.550 - I think, yeah. 0:04:57.550,0:04:58.410 - And a little bit of teasing is okay, 0:04:58.410,0:05:01.590 like if you're planning to[br]make an LGBT+ character, 0:05:01.590,0:05:03.687 and maybe you want to build up to that, 0:05:03.687,0:05:06.670 that's different but I[br]mean, how many seasons 0:05:06.670,0:05:07.890 has this show been going? 0:05:07.890,0:05:09.030 - Like six or seven now. 0:05:09.030,0:05:09.863 - And they've never confirmed this? 0:05:09.863,0:05:11.210 - No, I mean, it's finished now. 0:05:11.210,0:05:12.380 It's finished, the show's finished, 0:05:12.380,0:05:13.700 and it's never been confirmed. 0:05:13.700,0:05:15.050 The next one is for a[br]show called Riverdale. 0:05:15.050,0:05:17.140 This is something that[br]someone sent me on Twitter. 0:05:17.140,0:05:18.010 - Oh, no, I love Riverdale. 0:05:18.010,0:05:20.240 - And I just watched this and I was like, 0:05:20.240,0:05:21.570 what the fuck did I just watch? 0:05:21.570,0:05:22.803 - No.[br]- Okay. 0:05:25.427,0:05:27.792 - [Girls] And fight the fight. 0:05:27.792,0:05:29.459 - Whoo, go Bulldogs! 0:05:30.760,0:05:31.667 - Hmm. 0:05:31.667,0:05:33.640 Ladies, where's the heat? 0:05:33.640,0:05:35.540 Where's the sizzle? 0:05:35.540,0:05:37.740 - Well, you haven't[br]seen our big finish yet. 0:05:39.313,0:05:41.020 Don't freak out, just trust me. 0:05:41.020,0:05:43.603 (upbeat music) 0:05:52.377,0:05:56.610 - Okay, so this, watching this now 0:05:56.610,0:05:59.340 this really really annoys[br]me and it was the music 0:05:59.340,0:06:01.110 that really, because the way, 0:06:01.110,0:06:03.110 they almost romanticised that moment. 0:06:03.110,0:06:04.027 - And then swells up, 0:06:04.027,0:06:05.980 and it's the kind of music[br]that you would expect 0:06:05.980,0:06:08.097 for a first kiss from[br]a teen drama like this, 0:06:08.097,0:06:10.461 if it was a straight couple[br]kissing for the first time 0:06:10.461,0:06:12.130 in an actual relationship. 0:06:12.130,0:06:13.730 - But this wasn't that. 0:06:13.730,0:06:14.850 This was just two girls, 0:06:14.850,0:06:16.330 and both of these characters are straight, 0:06:16.330,0:06:19.173 and they never come out[br]as gay or otherwise. 0:06:22.410,0:06:23.730 - It's just 'cause, and I think, as well, 0:06:23.730,0:06:25.240 the two girls versus the two boys thing, 0:06:25.240,0:06:26.900 I don't, I think it's unlikely 0:06:26.900,0:06:28.440 that they would have two boys kissing 0:06:28.440,0:06:29.380 in the same way. 0:06:29.380,0:06:30.213 - Yes. 0:06:30.213,0:06:31.870 - Because I think that[br]the way that lesbians 0:06:31.870,0:06:35.890 are sexualized in a way[br]that's for people to view, 0:06:35.890,0:06:38.030 and so it's really[br]interesting how queerbaiting, 0:06:38.030,0:06:40.430 depending on the gender[br]of the people involved 0:06:40.430,0:06:43.960 can have these really different[br]reasonings behind them, 0:06:43.960,0:06:47.150 so this was kind of titillation[br]for straight audiences. 0:06:47.150,0:06:47.983 - Yeah, absolutely. 0:06:47.983,0:06:49.470 - As well as for lesbians[br]who wanted to see 0:06:49.470,0:06:50.410 some kind of representation, 0:06:50.410,0:06:51.680 and this was in the first episode, right? 0:06:51.680,0:06:53.620 So this is like, in the first seasons. 0:06:53.620,0:06:56.510 So this is queerbaiting[br]from the very start, 0:06:56.510,0:06:58.540 getting them hooked on the first episode. 0:06:58.540,0:06:59.373 - I feel like, as well, 0:06:59.373,0:07:02.820 I feel like 99% of lesbian representation 0:07:02.820,0:07:06.140 is always sexualization of lesbian women 0:07:06.140,0:07:08.090 for a straight audience,[br]like you were saying. 0:07:08.090,0:07:10.130 - Okay, so this next one is from a show, 0:07:10.130,0:07:11.460 forgive me if I'm pronouncing this wrong, 0:07:11.460,0:07:13.770 Rizzoli & Isles, which[br]is one I only ever see 0:07:13.770,0:07:14.950 because of how much people talk 0:07:14.950,0:07:16.470 about how queerbaited the two leads are. 0:07:16.470,0:07:17.320 - Okay, yeah. 0:07:17.320,0:07:18.390 - And this is just one clip. 0:07:18.390,0:07:20.810 People sent me so many[br]clips from this show 0:07:20.810,0:07:22.068 to demonstrate this. 0:07:22.068,0:07:23.318 This is just one of them. 0:07:24.930,0:07:27.980 - Listen, I don't wanna stand in the way 0:07:27.980,0:07:29.280 of a great romance, okay? 0:07:29.280,0:07:30.710 - What do you mean? 0:07:30.710,0:07:31.943 - You and Tommy. 0:07:33.090,0:07:36.220 I mean, clearly, opposites attract. 0:07:36.220,0:07:37.750 - It's an evolutionary strategy 0:07:37.750,0:07:39.380 to ensure healthy reproduction. 0:07:39.380,0:07:41.450 - Okay, why do you gotta[br]go straight to breeding? 0:07:41.450,0:07:42.800 All right, with my brother. 0:07:44.710,0:07:48.593 - Look, I like Tommy a lot. 0:07:49.600,0:07:53.260 But I love you, and I[br]hate it when you hate me, 0:07:53.260,0:07:56.620 so I don't wanna do anything[br]to compromise our friendship. 0:07:56.620,0:08:01.524 Good, 'cause I hate it[br]when I have to hate you. 0:08:01.524,0:08:03.774 (laughing) 0:08:05.920,0:08:06.753 - Sip it slowly. 0:08:08.579,0:08:10.497 - That's the gayest shit[br]I've ever seen in my life. 0:08:10.497,0:08:11.330 - That is, 'cause like, 0:08:11.330,0:08:16.300 what is a bit upsetting is[br]that as that scene was opening, 0:08:16.300,0:08:20.250 and unfolding, I could feel[br]my heart almost swelling, 0:08:20.250,0:08:21.700 but to know that presumably, 0:08:21.700,0:08:23.300 these characters aren't lesbians 0:08:23.300,0:08:28.030 and they never become[br]lesbians is really sad, 0:08:28.030,0:08:31.650 and again, like with one of the[br]other clips that we watched, 0:08:31.650,0:08:34.760 the music, it's this romantic music 0:08:34.760,0:08:36.980 that comes in to cue romance. 0:08:36.980,0:08:38.250 - Yeah, in your head. 0:08:38.250,0:08:39.430 - And that's not an accident. 0:08:39.430,0:08:40.263 That's not-- 0:08:40.263,0:08:41.670 - And saying like, if that had been a guy, 0:08:41.670,0:08:43.580 and he'd have been like, I[br]don't wanna get in the way 0:08:43.580,0:08:45.320 of your relationship with my brother, 0:08:45.320,0:08:48.750 and then they'd have been like,[br]I like him, but I love you, 0:08:48.750,0:08:50.753 that would've been like all the people, 0:08:50.753,0:08:51.630 it would've been like,[br]ah, this is the start 0:08:51.630,0:08:53.301 of the new ship on the show. 0:08:53.301,0:08:54.134 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 0:08:54.134,0:08:54.967 - This is them getting together 0:08:54.967,0:08:55.800 by the end of the season. 0:08:55.800,0:08:59.453 There's also an episode of this which is, 0:09:00.298,0:09:01.131 that someone sent me,[br]as well, where one of, 0:09:01.131,0:09:03.380 basically, they have to[br]go undercover as lesbians. 0:09:03.380,0:09:04.930 - Oh, for God's sake. 0:09:04.930,0:09:06.250 - And I think one of the difficult things 0:09:06.250,0:09:09.490 with queerbaiting is we don't[br]know where the buck stops. 0:09:09.490,0:09:12.240 We don't know who is actually responsible, 0:09:12.240,0:09:15.120 so it's very easy to be annoyed[br]at the writers, I think, 0:09:15.120,0:09:15.953 because you're like, 0:09:15.953,0:09:17.308 well, you're the one who's writing this. 0:09:17.308,0:09:18.141 - Yeah. 0:09:18.141,0:09:20.460 - But I can see that there are some shows, 0:09:20.460,0:09:25.270 like Korrasami in Legend[br]of Korra was a kids' show, 0:09:25.270,0:09:27.470 and so the writers were explicitly told, 0:09:27.470,0:09:29.330 you can't include this relationship 0:09:29.330,0:09:31.730 in there specifically, but[br]they did as much as they could 0:09:31.730,0:09:32.680 within the script to show-- 0:09:32.680,0:09:33.800 - To include that.[br]- What was happening, 0:09:33.800,0:09:35.180 and then, at the end, they basically walk 0:09:35.180,0:09:37.120 into the sunset together, hand in hand. 0:09:37.120,0:09:37.980 - So it's suggested. 0:09:37.980,0:09:39.950 - So it's suggested as much they could do, 0:09:39.950,0:09:41.420 and so it's, there's[br]no point in being angry 0:09:41.420,0:09:42.700 with the writers then because the writers 0:09:42.700,0:09:44.110 were doing everything they could, 0:09:44.110,0:09:45.990 but we only know that because they were, 0:09:45.990,0:09:47.910 have been so open since the show ended 0:09:47.910,0:09:49.950 about exactly what they were[br]and weren't allowed to do, 0:09:49.950,0:09:51.740 whereas most of these things[br]that are still on the air, 0:09:51.740,0:09:52.920 the writers can't come out and be like, 0:09:52.920,0:09:54.464 the producers are dickheads. 0:09:54.464,0:09:55.297 - Yes, absolutely. 0:09:55.297,0:09:56.358 - Because it's like, they want a job. 0:09:56.358,0:09:58.420 But similarly, there[br]might be actors that say 0:09:58.420,0:10:00.490 that they refuse to do[br]it if it get brought up, 0:10:00.490,0:10:02.750 they could have agents of actors that say, 0:10:02.750,0:10:04.570 my client doesn't wanna[br]take that kind of role. 0:10:04.570,0:10:06.690 There's so many options that it could be 0:10:06.690,0:10:08.630 and we don't know and for each one, 0:10:08.630,0:10:10.280 it could be an individual situation, 0:10:10.280,0:10:12.540 and I think that's what's[br]the most frustrating. 0:10:12.540,0:10:13.790 - We don't know whose responsibility-- 0:10:13.790,0:10:14.900 - Queer people don't know who to go to 0:10:14.900,0:10:16.540 to be like, look, here's our case, 0:10:16.540,0:10:18.290 here's the case we wanna put forward, 0:10:18.290,0:10:19.420 and this is why it's problematic, 0:10:19.420,0:10:21.030 but it's the reason why I have a policy 0:10:21.030,0:10:23.260 where I don't think[br]representation is ever a spoiler. 0:10:23.260,0:10:25.280 So I will fucking spoil something. 0:10:25.280,0:10:26.580 If something is representation, 0:10:26.580,0:10:28.500 I will tell you that it[br]has queer representation. 0:10:28.500,0:10:29.680 I don't care if someone's like, 0:10:29.680,0:10:31.590 oh, but I wanted it to be a surprise. 0:10:31.590,0:10:32.990 I'm like, no, I want queer people 0:10:32.990,0:10:34.360 to actually go and see this and they won't 0:10:34.360,0:10:36.680 if they think it's straight[br]or offensive in some way. 0:10:36.680,0:10:40.110 - Yeah, a person being[br]gay shouldn't be a big, 0:10:40.110,0:10:41.830 scandalous, shocker moment. 0:10:41.830,0:10:43.120 It shouldn't be a twist. 0:10:43.120,0:10:44.060 - Yeah, exactly. 0:10:44.060,0:10:45.860 - It's never a twist[br]that somebody's straight. 0:10:45.860,0:10:47.550 Why should it be a twist[br]that somebody's gay? 0:10:47.550,0:10:48.383 - Exactly. 0:10:48.383,0:10:50.190 - I don't, yeah, I don't buy that at all. 0:10:50.190,0:10:52.806 - Okay, so this is from[br]a TV show called Skam. 0:10:52.806,0:10:54.610 Apparently, this is the[br]Italian version of it. 0:10:54.610,0:10:57.460 - So these characters that[br]we're about to watch aren't gay. 0:10:57.460,0:10:59.248 - Yeah, and this is the Italian one of it. 0:10:59.248,0:11:00.081 - Right, okay. 0:11:00.081,0:11:01.082 (upbeat music) 0:11:01.082,0:11:04.749 (speaking foreign language) 0:11:15.740,0:11:18.490 (group cheering) 0:11:22.620,0:11:24.023 - Ah, that was a definitely, 0:11:24.870,0:11:26.600 that was a definitely-- 0:11:26.600,0:11:28.010 - Even though I knew it was queerbaiting, 0:11:28.010,0:11:29.187 I even was pulled in by it, 0:11:29.187,0:11:31.348 and genuinely thought[br]they were gonna kiss. 0:11:31.348,0:11:32.560 - Mm. 0:11:32.560,0:11:34.150 - But I feel like, there was like, 0:11:34.150,0:11:36.240 not only was it her leaning in, 0:11:36.240,0:11:38.290 being like that, but also,[br]her reaction was like, 0:11:38.290,0:11:40.240 oh, it was like an I want this-- 0:11:40.240,0:11:42.385 - Yeah, I want this, an uncertainty. 0:11:42.385,0:11:44.280 That, to me, was like the[br]scene that you would have 0:11:44.280,0:11:46.000 in a coming out narrative. 0:11:46.000,0:11:47.200 - There's so much going on there. 0:11:47.200,0:11:48.780 Again, you could say, oh,[br]it's just an accident. 0:11:48.780,0:11:50.770 It wasn't intentional,[br]but the camera angles 0:11:50.770,0:11:55.070 and everything else, it's[br]all foreshadowing romance. 0:11:55.070,0:11:56.460 - Yeah, if you had a guy, 0:11:56.460,0:11:58.470 again, I think it's like, if[br]you just have to put a guy 0:11:58.470,0:11:59.303 in that position. 0:11:59.303,0:12:00.880 If you had a guy who came to a girl, 0:12:00.880,0:12:03.300 who leant over, stroked[br]her hair and then was like, 0:12:03.300,0:12:04.700 oh, you had a bit of makeup on your face. 0:12:04.700,0:12:07.170 Like that's such a[br]classic cliche of, like-- 0:12:07.170,0:12:08.003 - Yeah, absolutely. 0:12:08.003,0:12:08.836 - Heterosexual romance moment, 0:12:08.836,0:12:10.460 or like, oh, there's an[br]eyelash on your cheek, 0:12:10.460,0:12:12.810 like that kind of thing. 0:12:12.810,0:12:14.840 - Bloody straight people. 0:12:14.840,0:12:16.741 - So this is from a TV[br]show called Supergirl. 0:12:16.741,0:12:17.574 - Okay. 0:12:17.574,0:12:18.407 - Have you seen Supergirl before? 0:12:18.407,0:12:19.490 - No.[br]- Okay. 0:12:22.565,0:12:23.660 - It's a good article. 0:12:23.660,0:12:24.510 You flatter me. 0:12:24.510,0:12:25.760 - I only wrote the truth. 0:12:28.010,0:12:30.360 I'm learning to keep digging 0:12:30.360,0:12:33.340 even when all the evidence points one way. 0:12:33.340,0:12:34.520 There's always another side. 0:12:34.520,0:12:35.550 - Even when it's hard to find. 0:12:35.550,0:12:37.647 - Especially when it's hard to find. 0:12:37.647,0:12:40.362 (soft music) 0:12:40.362,0:12:43.160 So my office is overflowing my flowers. 0:12:43.160,0:12:46.820 - Really?[br]- Yeah. (laughing) 0:12:46.820,0:12:48.040 You didn't have to do that. 0:12:48.040,0:12:49.383 - Yeah, I did. 0:12:50.550,0:12:53.087 Supergirl told me that[br]it was you who sent her. 0:12:54.500,0:12:56.671 I don't know how to thank you. 0:12:56.671,0:12:57.813 - Well, that's what friends are for. 0:12:59.611,0:13:02.450 - Yeah, never had friends like you before. 0:13:02.450,0:13:04.763 Come to think of it, I've[br]never had a family like you. 0:13:07.320,0:13:09.380 No one's ever stood up for me like that. 0:13:09.380,0:13:12.493 - Now you have someone that[br]will stand up for you, always. 0:13:14.970,0:13:16.300 - Well, Supergirl may have saved me, 0:13:16.300,0:13:20.043 but Kara Danvers, you are my hero. 0:13:20.891,0:13:21.724 - Aww. 0:13:25.410,0:13:26.773 - Thank you.[br]- Anytime. 0:13:28.392,0:13:29.225 Bye.[br]- Bye. 0:13:31.997,0:13:34.010 (soft melodic music) 0:13:34.010,0:13:36.600 - The flowers, oh my God. 0:13:36.600,0:13:37.493 You can't. 0:13:39.760,0:13:41.860 You can't, like there's just so much stuff 0:13:41.860,0:13:45.136 that would just be so romantic-- 0:13:45.136,0:13:45.969 - Yeah. 0:13:45.969,0:13:46.802 - If it was a heterosexual couple, 0:13:46.802,0:13:49.450 like such a coding thing,[br]and I think with this show, 0:13:51.600,0:13:53.940 I'm guessing based on the[br]fact that she's a Luther 0:13:53.940,0:13:55.520 that the whole thing is[br]that you're not meant 0:13:55.520,0:13:56.760 to maybe trust her or not trust her, 0:13:56.760,0:14:00.106 so maybe the look, it's the[br]same with the Teen Wolf thing, 0:14:00.106,0:14:01.940 where it's like, oh,[br]his look of realisation 0:14:01.940,0:14:03.320 is actually about the case. 0:14:03.320,0:14:04.941 It's like, oh, maybe her lingering look-- 0:14:04.941,0:14:05.824 - Is actually-- 0:14:05.824,0:14:09.570 - Is actually, ooh, she's[br]lingering 'cause she's evil 0:14:09.570,0:14:10.879 and she's looking at her and stuff, 0:14:10.879,0:14:13.620 but I'm like, you don't be[br]like, oh, you're my hero, 0:14:13.620,0:14:14.743 oh, I've never had a[br]friend like you before. 0:14:14.743,0:14:17.540 There's all of these[br]interesting little coded words. 0:14:17.540,0:14:18.919 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. 0:14:18.919,0:14:21.260 - That are super queer coding, 0:14:21.260,0:14:25.130 so the idea of oh, you're[br]different, you're special, 0:14:25.130,0:14:27.000 I've never had a friend like you before, 0:14:27.000,0:14:28.910 we're special friends, 0:14:28.910,0:14:31.020 it's all that kind of coding[br]that's the same as like, 0:14:31.020,0:14:32.480 oh, yes, my spinster aunt 0:14:32.480,0:14:34.110 who has special friend for 80 years. 0:14:34.110,0:14:35.880 - Yeah, and I feel like it's almost like 0:14:35.880,0:14:39.810 the kind of language that we[br]grow to hear and get used to, 0:14:39.810,0:14:42.390 when we're growing up gay, 0:14:42.390,0:14:44.400 all that language we do use[br]before that we come out, 0:14:44.400,0:14:47.070 and all that kind of language[br]that we hear used around us, 0:14:47.070,0:14:48.760 when people speak about us, 0:14:48.760,0:14:50.390 and then suddenly, you're hearing it here, 0:14:50.390,0:14:52.690 and it's like a deliberate undertone. 0:14:52.690,0:14:53.523 - Yeah, exactly. 0:14:53.523,0:14:56.103 - Of being queer, and[br]again, I just feel like, 0:14:56.103,0:15:00.358 watching it, I was just imagining[br]some young 14-year-old kid 0:15:00.358,0:15:03.780 who's a lesbian or gay or[br]queer and just sitting, 0:15:03.780,0:15:05.880 watching it and feeling like, oh my God, 0:15:05.880,0:15:08.590 like oh my God, I'm gonna[br]see myself on the screen. 0:15:08.590,0:15:09.423 - Yeah. 0:15:09.423,0:15:10.580 - And then uh-oh, absolutely not. 0:15:10.580,0:15:11.870 - So this was a little bit different. 0:15:11.870,0:15:14.480 So this is a film which[br]has said, explicitly, 0:15:14.480,0:15:18.070 in the press material that[br]it has a gay character. 0:15:18.070,0:15:19.200 - Okay. 0:15:19.200,0:15:20.320 - And then these are the scenes 0:15:20.320,0:15:22.700 with that gay character in, so. 0:15:22.700,0:15:25.900 - Oh, God, I'm gonna be[br]so disappointed, aren't I? 0:15:25.900,0:15:28.099 - This is Sulu in Star Trek. 0:15:28.099,0:15:28.932 I'm gonna get my glasses on, 0:15:28.932,0:15:30.060 'cause I've gotta see the exact timestamp. 0:15:30.060,0:15:32.610 So, this is clip number one. 0:15:32.610,0:15:35.060 - [Jim] Of our extended[br]stay here in outer space. 0:15:37.470,0:15:39.720 And the personal sacrifices they've made. 0:15:40.690,0:15:42.070 We continue to search for new life-- 0:15:42.070,0:15:43.823 - That was clip number one. 0:15:43.823,0:15:45.731 Clip number two, hang on. 0:15:45.731,0:15:46.564 I wrote down the time code. 0:15:46.564,0:15:48.173 - Oh, no. 0:15:48.173,0:15:49.380 - 10:41. 0:15:49.380,0:15:53.417 - What I hear is that the[br]parks here are excellent. 0:15:56.208,0:15:58.958 (swelling music) 0:16:01.405,0:16:02.289 - Hey.[br]- So glad you-- 0:16:02.289,0:16:06.443 (speech drowned out by music) 0:16:06.443,0:16:07.313 - That was it. 0:16:09.590,0:16:11.563 - That was, you know what? 0:16:13.750,0:16:16.330 It makes me really sad[br]because even that little bit 0:16:16.330,0:16:19.100 of a shred of a thing, I was like, ah. 0:16:19.100,0:16:22.600 Like I'm so happy to see,[br]the fact that just seeing 0:16:22.600,0:16:25.540 that little tiny moment[br]where it was even like, 0:16:25.540,0:16:28.223 it was not explicit at all, 0:16:30.400,0:16:32.332 and just like, but in the first clip, 0:16:32.332,0:16:35.331 it shows a picture of just the daughter. 0:16:35.331,0:16:36.550 - Yeah, it does, Calum. 0:16:36.550,0:16:37.800 - And it's like--[br]- Yeah, it does. 0:16:37.800,0:16:38.657 - If he's a gay character, 0:16:38.657,0:16:41.150 and you wanna pop that in your press tour, 0:16:41.150,0:16:43.400 then why is it just a[br]picture of the daughter? 0:16:43.400,0:16:45.000 Why isn't it a family[br]picture of them together, 0:16:45.000,0:16:46.591 or a picture of the[br]daughter and the husband? 0:16:46.591,0:16:47.424 - Yeah. 0:16:47.424,0:16:49.550 - And like, and when[br]they do have that moment, 0:16:49.550,0:16:51.800 if you're watching that,[br]it could very much be like, 0:16:51.800,0:16:53.560 oh, but, are they gay? 0:16:53.560,0:16:54.620 Is that his friend? 0:16:54.620,0:16:55.830 Is that the uncle? 0:16:55.830,0:16:56.663 Is that the brother? 0:16:56.663,0:16:58.300 - I know a lot of people who[br]thought it was his brother, 0:16:58.300,0:17:00.930 and thought that the girl was[br]either the brother's daughter 0:17:00.930,0:17:02.000 and so it was a niece,[br]or it was his daughter, 0:17:02.000,0:17:04.350 but it was staying with his[br]brother while he was away. 0:17:04.350,0:17:05.183 - Yeah. 0:17:05.183,0:17:06.016 - Because otherwise, why wouldn't you 0:17:06.016,0:17:08.295 have a picture of both[br]of them on your control? 0:17:08.295,0:17:10.770 - It's such, it's the classic example 0:17:10.770,0:17:12.580 of doing the absolute bare minimum. 0:17:12.580,0:17:15.430 - I picked this outright, so[br]I very specifically was like, 0:17:15.430,0:17:18.440 this is the, you have to[br]watch now for the gay. 0:17:18.440,0:17:22.130 But I know people who[br]went in like, had no. 0:17:22.130,0:17:23.200 - I might, yeah, I feel like, yeah. 0:17:23.200,0:17:26.220 - Definitely no one who[br]hadn't heard the press before 0:17:26.220,0:17:27.840 had any idea, and especially not, 0:17:27.840,0:17:31.050 so my rule for representation[br]is whoever the target audience 0:17:31.050,0:17:33.980 of the film is has to be able to know 0:17:33.980,0:17:36.960 that that's what's happening[br]without having heard 0:17:36.960,0:17:38.300 anything about it outside of the film. 0:17:38.300,0:17:39.133 - Yeah. 0:17:39.133,0:17:41.027 - And Star Trek is a family film. 0:17:41.027,0:17:42.412 Like there's a film that[br]the whole family's meant 0:17:42.412,0:17:43.417 to be able to come and see. 0:17:43.417,0:17:44.810 That's what the age restriction is on it, 0:17:44.810,0:17:46.230 and I don't think any[br]kids would've picked up 0:17:46.230,0:17:47.170 on that whatsoever. 0:17:47.170,0:17:48.750 - And the fact that, and I do feel like, 0:17:48.750,0:17:50.600 if you hadn't been like,[br]okay, gays are coming, 0:17:50.600,0:17:52.090 Calum, look at gays coming. 0:17:52.090,0:17:52.923 - Look at the gays. 0:17:52.923,0:17:54.007 - Like it was literally[br]like, blink if you miss it, 0:17:54.007,0:17:55.380 and there was so many ways 0:17:55.380,0:17:56.540 you could interpret that, 0:17:56.540,0:18:00.510 and the fact that we are[br]people who we literally work 0:18:00.510,0:18:02.920 in an industry where we[br]talk about representation 0:18:02.920,0:18:04.487 and LGBT+ media all the time, 0:18:04.487,0:18:07.140 and the fact that even we could miss that. 0:18:07.140,0:18:09.080 - Yeah.[br]- Says a lot. 0:18:09.080,0:18:11.920 Like, I feel like I've[br]got an eye like a hawk 0:18:11.920,0:18:13.570 when I'm watching a[br]movie, like, gays, gays, 0:18:13.570,0:18:14.840 where are the gays, where are the gays? 0:18:14.840,0:18:16.540 And if we can miss it then you know, 0:18:16.540,0:18:19.388 you want a 10 year old[br]kid to be able to spot it. 0:18:19.388,0:18:20.221 - I'd also like to point out the fact 0:18:20.221,0:18:22.560 that we have just watched[br]previous scenes of queerbaiting 0:18:22.560,0:18:25.020 where the shows have said[br]those characters aren't queer 0:18:25.020,0:18:28.610 and they kiss, and they[br]sent each other flowers, 0:18:28.610,0:18:30.970 and they have had[br]romantic swells of music, 0:18:30.970,0:18:33.260 and then we have this, which[br]is meant to be representation, 0:18:33.260,0:18:35.200 and we had fuck all.[br]- Fuck all. 0:18:35.200,0:18:37.640 - This is the character of[br]Trini, or the Yellow Power Ranger 0:18:37.640,0:18:39.050 from the new Power Rangers movie, 0:18:39.050,0:18:40.910 and this was one of those[br]ones that got announced 0:18:40.910,0:18:45.780 in the news or at large that[br]she was a queer character, 0:18:45.780,0:18:49.740 and I think that people went,[br]thinking they were gonna get 0:18:49.740,0:18:52.190 either she was out or[br]that the movie itself 0:18:52.190,0:18:53.850 was gonna allow her to[br]have a coming out story. 0:18:53.850,0:18:54.683 - Yeah. 0:18:54.683,0:18:57.043 - And like, this is the scene. 0:18:59.250,0:19:00.790 - Nobody ever has to get to know me, 0:19:00.790,0:19:04.963 and my parents don't have to[br]worry about my relationships. 0:19:05.889,0:19:06.990 - [Zack] Hmm. 0:19:06.990,0:19:08.460 Boyfriend troubles? 0:19:08.460,0:19:11.563 - Yeah, boyfriend troubles. 0:19:15.340,0:19:16.440 - Girlfriend troubles? 0:19:22.790,0:19:27.173 - My family is so normal, too normal. 0:19:30.580,0:19:31.753 They believe in labels. 0:19:34.480,0:19:38.653 They'd like for me to dress differently, 0:19:40.360,0:19:45.360 talk more, have the kind of[br]friends they want me to have. 0:19:46.930,0:19:49.560 - So basically, that's how the scene goes, 0:19:49.560,0:19:50.760 so it's like-- 0:19:50.760,0:19:53.050 - That was stupid. 0:19:53.050,0:19:55.730 That was so stupid. 0:19:55.730,0:19:58.920 I don't know if that's just[br]been poorly made or what, 0:19:58.920,0:20:01.430 but that was so not clear. 0:20:01.430,0:20:03.870 The way she's like,[br]yeah, boyfriend troubles, 0:20:03.870,0:20:06.520 and then out of nowhere, out of the sky-- 0:20:06.520,0:20:07.353 - Mm-hmm. 0:20:07.353,0:20:09.064 - He responds with oh,[br]girlfriend troubles, 0:20:09.064,0:20:11.583 and then she doesn't confirm it! 0:20:11.583,0:20:13.520 And then she goes on to talk really, 0:20:13.520,0:20:15.360 in a really obscure way. 0:20:15.360,0:20:17.610 - Generic way about my family is normal. 0:20:17.610,0:20:19.170 - Yeah, and it's like--[br]- And like-- 0:20:19.170,0:20:20.530 - Speaking in riddles. 0:20:20.530,0:20:22.370 - And I think that, again,[br]this is one of those ones 0:20:22.370,0:20:24.873 that this is a family movie. 0:20:25.708,0:20:27.417 So it'd be like tweenagers[br]would be watching this, 0:20:27.417,0:20:31.040 and I don't think that[br]if they'd've seen this, 0:20:31.040,0:20:33.600 it's like, oh, it's kind of revolutionary 0:20:33.600,0:20:34.500 that we even get the mention 0:20:34.500,0:20:37.410 of possibly girlfriend[br]troubles in here, cool. 0:20:37.410,0:20:39.950 But actually commit,[br]especially because she's given 0:20:39.950,0:20:41.780 a straight answer to the[br]boyfriend troubles question, 0:20:41.780,0:20:43.520 and especially because[br]this doesn't then become 0:20:43.520,0:20:44.855 a coming out story. 0:20:44.855,0:20:46.410 Like it's not like this is just one scene 0:20:46.410,0:20:49.000 that eventually becomes[br]this coming out thing, 0:20:49.000,0:20:51.470 and I think that, I get[br]that people might be like, 0:20:51.470,0:20:53.430 oh, well, they thought[br]this would be the first 0:20:53.430,0:20:54.730 in a number of Power Rangers movies, 0:20:54.730,0:20:56.330 and maybe she'd come out in the later one, 0:20:56.330,0:20:59.860 but I do think that with[br]the context of queerbaiting, 0:20:59.860,0:21:03.450 you can't just hint at[br]nothing in the first one, 0:21:03.450,0:21:05.080 because it's just as[br]easy for you to be like, 0:21:05.080,0:21:06.620 oh, that didn't test[br]well, so we'll just gonna, 0:21:06.620,0:21:08.581 it's great, 'cause now for the second one, 0:21:08.581,0:21:09.414 we can just not have that bit in there. 0:21:09.414,0:21:12.200 - Yeah, it's frustrating,[br]because they are trying 0:21:12.200,0:21:15.050 to take a step forward[br]in the right direction, 0:21:15.050,0:21:17.010 and I do have an appreciation for that, 0:21:17.010,0:21:21.560 but it's like, it's[br]just been done so badly 0:21:21.560,0:21:24.620 and so, they're being so safe with it. 0:21:24.620,0:21:26.730 - And the thing about not liking labels, 0:21:26.730,0:21:29.770 that annoys me so much,[br]because there is nothing wrong 0:21:29.770,0:21:31.980 with someone not wanting[br]to label their sexuality, 0:21:31.980,0:21:34.010 but to do that as representation, 0:21:34.010,0:21:35.020 and to get away with it by being like, 0:21:35.020,0:21:35.870 oh, she doesn't like labels, 0:21:35.870,0:21:36.850 so therefore, we don't have to-- 0:21:36.850,0:21:37.740 - So we're not gonna say it, uh-oh. 0:21:37.740,0:21:39.730 - I'm like, just because[br]you don't like labels 0:21:39.730,0:21:41.410 doesn't mean you can't[br]articulate yourself. 0:21:41.410,0:21:43.420 It doesn't mean you can't[br]have discussions with people, 0:21:43.420,0:21:45.480 can't be open with people, can't, 0:21:45.480,0:21:47.040 or even if it's a closed-off character, 0:21:47.040,0:21:49.960 have, as part of her character arc, 0:21:49.960,0:21:52.700 have her trust someone, her[br]have an actual conversation, 0:21:52.700,0:21:54.619 'cause you can still explain in sentence, 0:21:54.619,0:21:58.020 so I'm confused about this,[br]and I kinda feel this way 0:21:58.020,0:21:59.460 for someone, but not for anyone else. 0:21:59.460,0:22:01.140 I don't wanna label it[br]with a particular word-- 0:22:01.140,0:22:02.840 - This is how I feel, yeah. 0:22:02.840,0:22:05.860 - Like not liking labels[br]doesn't mean you just don't 0:22:05.860,0:22:08.260 use words ever to describe anything. 0:22:08.260,0:22:10.000 It just means that there's[br]not a particular label 0:22:10.000,0:22:11.947 that suits you that's[br]like, gay, straight, bi. 0:22:11.947,0:22:13.100 - Yeah.[br]- And that's fine. 0:22:13.100,0:22:14.960 I do think that, as much[br]as possible right now, 0:22:14.960,0:22:15.950 with the representation we have, 0:22:15.950,0:22:17.523 we should be using labels, 0:22:18.720,0:22:21.250 or at least having those[br]labels be discussed 0:22:21.250,0:22:23.510 and offered up as options,[br]and then it's like-- 0:22:23.510,0:22:24.472 - And then if you don't-- 0:22:24.472,0:22:25.547 - Explicitly saying what, how you feel, 0:22:25.547,0:22:27.930 and not just being like,[br]are you gay, straight, bi? 0:22:27.930,0:22:29.440 And them being like, I don't like labels, 0:22:29.440,0:22:31.015 and saying nothing else about it. 0:22:31.015,0:22:32.514 - (laughing) And then moving on. 0:22:32.514,0:22:33.470 - 'Cause that's not how that works. 0:22:33.470,0:22:34.900 - Yeah, no, not at all. 0:22:34.900,0:22:37.090 - So you ready? 0:22:37.090,0:22:37.923 - I have-- 0:22:37.923,0:22:39.980 - Here we go, the grand fucking finale, 0:22:39.980,0:22:41.300 these two clips. 0:22:41.300,0:22:42.893 So we're gonna start with, 0:22:44.200,0:22:45.440 do you want to start[br]with Beauty and the Beast 0:22:45.440,0:22:47.640 or do you want to start with[br]How to Train Your Dragon 2? 0:22:47.640,0:22:50.790 - I have heard so much about[br]the Beauty and the Beast thing. 0:22:50.790,0:22:51.623 - Okay, here we go. 0:22:51.623,0:22:53.070 - That I've not seen it. 0:22:53.070,0:22:54.970 I'm, oh, I know it's gonna make me angry. 0:22:54.970,0:22:57.008 - Okay, right, you ready for it? 0:22:57.008,0:22:57.841 - Yup. 0:22:57.841,0:22:59.758 - Are you ready for it? 0:23:00.853,0:23:03.265 ♪ Song as old as rhyme ♪ 0:23:03.265,0:23:06.760 ♪ Beauty and the Beast ♪ 0:23:06.760,0:23:07.720 - That was it. 0:23:07.720,0:23:09.917 - That was it?[br]- That was it. 0:23:12.950,0:23:14.085 - Wow. 0:23:14.085,0:23:16.462 (Rowan chuckling and clapping) 0:23:16.462,0:23:18.370 Oh, that's the stupidest[br]thing I've ever seen. 0:23:18.370,0:23:21.820 All that hype, all that[br]hype about this movie 0:23:21.820,0:23:25.813 having a gay scene, we get what, a second? 0:23:26.730,0:23:28.370 - And the thing is, I get the idea 0:23:28.370,0:23:29.850 that it might've been like, 0:23:29.850,0:23:31.800 the director has a throwaway[br]comment in an interview 0:23:31.800,0:23:33.233 where he's like, oh, yeah, we[br]have this sort of gay moment 0:23:33.233,0:23:35.419 that we inserted in[br]there, and they're like, 0:23:35.419,0:23:36.440 ooh, it got blown out of[br]proportion by the press, 0:23:36.440,0:23:38.810 but I'm like, you have to[br]know, if you're making Disney, 0:23:38.810,0:23:41.140 this was the only[br]representation of LGBT people 0:23:41.140,0:23:45.100 that the Disney Studio made[br]the entire year of 2017. 0:23:45.100,0:23:46.710 This guy just put the report out. 0:23:46.710,0:23:47.990 There was no other representation 0:23:47.990,0:23:50.190 and that was what counted[br]as representation. 0:23:51.352,0:23:56.352 - (sighing) It just, it[br]literally leaves me speechless. 0:23:56.990,0:23:58.940 That's so frustrating. 0:23:58.940,0:24:00.680 That's so unbelievably frustrating. 0:24:00.680,0:24:02.060 It's not even noticeable. 0:24:02.060,0:24:03.840 Like people, what we've gotta remember 0:24:03.840,0:24:06.580 is when we do things like this,[br]when we do reaction videos 0:24:06.580,0:24:07.810 and when we talk about things like this, 0:24:07.810,0:24:09.930 in the context of what[br]we're talking about it, 0:24:09.930,0:24:11.360 you're really looking out for it, 0:24:11.360,0:24:13.370 and you're really studying[br]every single scene. 0:24:13.370,0:24:15.120 That's not how people consume content. 0:24:15.120,0:24:15.953 - No. 0:24:15.953,0:24:18.300 - We don't listen intently[br]to every single thing. 0:24:18.300,0:24:19.133 - You don't watch every single-- 0:24:19.133,0:24:21.360 - We don't watch every little scene. 0:24:21.360,0:24:23.390 If I was watching that, I'm pretty sure 0:24:23.390,0:24:25.080 I wouldn't have even noticed. 0:24:25.080,0:24:26.950 - Especially with this song. 0:24:26.950,0:24:28.880 I can guarantee you if[br]I was listening to this 0:24:28.880,0:24:29.713 and didn't know about it, 0:24:29.713,0:24:32.023 I'd be fucking like belting this song. 0:24:32.023,0:24:33.110 (Calum laughing)[br]I wouldn't be like, 0:24:33.110,0:24:34.660 looking at the screen to[br]be like, oh, it's a dance. 0:24:34.660,0:24:35.840 Let's see who's dancing with each other. 0:24:35.840,0:24:36.992 I would be like, 0:24:36.992,0:24:38.419 ♪ Beauty and the ♪ 0:24:38.419,0:24:41.760 Like really intensely, so[br]yeah, no, completely agreed. 0:24:41.760,0:24:42.980 - In the bin, in the bin. 0:24:42.980,0:24:44.140 Do better, Disney. 0:24:44.140,0:24:46.720 - Yeah, this is from How[br]to Train Your Dragon 2. 0:24:46.720,0:24:48.750 - I can, wait, before you play this, 0:24:48.750,0:24:52.070 I can already see that the[br]timestamp for this video is, 0:24:52.070,0:24:53.103 it's four seconds. 0:24:54.260,0:24:56.260 So very excited for this representation. 0:24:56.260,0:24:58.780 - So this was also announced[br]previous to the film. 0:24:58.780,0:25:03.760 This, I think, was actually[br]the first film-based version 0:25:03.760,0:25:05.610 of this trend we're seeing, 0:25:05.610,0:25:07.260 where it got announced beforehand. 0:25:07.260,0:25:09.223 This was the first one[br]that I was aware of. 0:25:11.070,0:25:13.010 - This is why I never married. 0:25:13.010,0:25:14.693 This and one other reason. 0:25:16.144,0:25:17.433 - That's it. 0:25:18.800,0:25:20.158 Do you wanna see, 0:25:20.158,0:25:20.991 I don't know if you missed that. 0:25:20.991,0:25:21.824 Do you want it again?[br](Calum laughing) 0:25:21.824,0:25:22.657 - This is why I never married. 0:25:22.657,0:25:23.490 - It's why I never married. 0:25:23.490,0:25:25.540 - That and one other reason. 0:25:25.540,0:25:27.140 - That was it, that was the entire. 0:25:27.140,0:25:28.750 - Side eye, apparently-- 0:25:28.750,0:25:30.110 - That was the entire thing. 0:25:30.110,0:25:34.240 - Apparently side eye now[br]counts as LGBT+ representation. 0:25:34.240,0:25:36.760 - This is the main character, Hiccup. 0:25:36.760,0:25:40.100 This is his random dad's mate. 0:25:40.100,0:25:41.830 They are looking, in the[br]context of this scene, 0:25:41.830,0:25:43.150 they are looking at Hiccup's parents, 0:25:43.150,0:25:44.080 who have just reunited. 0:25:44.080,0:25:45.606 - Ah.[br]- After years and years apart. 0:25:45.606,0:25:47.010 And I think they're like, 0:25:47.010,0:25:48.627 I can't even remember what[br]the parents are doing, 0:25:48.627,0:25:49.770 if the parents are arguing[br]or they're being weird 0:25:49.770,0:25:51.010 or they're being gross or something, 0:25:51.010,0:25:55.070 and Gober, Goober, whatever[br]the fuck his name is, 0:25:55.070,0:25:57.970 that pioneer of LGBT representation, 0:25:57.970,0:26:00.880 is basically saying to him,[br]about them being gross, 0:26:00.880,0:26:02.310 this is why I never married. 0:26:02.310,0:26:04.560 Oh, this, and one other reason. 0:26:04.560,0:26:07.793 The one other reason,[br]apparently, being that he's gay. 0:26:09.000,0:26:10.150 - Because you can take, 0:26:10.150,0:26:12.087 you can really read that from this scene, 0:26:12.087,0:26:14.403 'cause he looks to the[br]right for one moment. 0:26:15.370,0:26:16.430 - This is one of those ones, 0:26:16.430,0:26:18.270 I think there are some of[br]these where you're like, 0:26:18.270,0:26:19.189 do you know what? 0:26:19.189,0:26:22.020 We might see two men[br]dancing and be like, oh, 0:26:22.020,0:26:24.088 that, we understand what gay people are, 0:26:24.088,0:26:26.010 and therefore, be like, oh,[br]dancing with a man, okay, 0:26:26.010,0:26:26.843 blah, blah, blah. 0:26:26.843,0:26:29.220 This, not even that kids[br]won't understand it, 0:26:29.220,0:26:31.766 genuinely, you didn't understand it. 0:26:31.766,0:26:32.599 We're here. 0:26:32.599,0:26:33.983 - And we watched it multiple times. 0:26:33.983,0:26:35.088 - Talking about it. 0:26:35.088,0:26:36.370 You understand the context of this. 0:26:36.370,0:26:38.991 I would never have known[br]if I hadn't have been 0:26:38.991,0:26:42.270 reading all the gay media that[br]was talking about this film. 0:26:42.270,0:26:43.582 I would have no idea. 0:26:43.582,0:26:45.580 - That is so stupid, and also, 0:26:45.580,0:26:48.027 can I just add one final thing to this? 0:26:48.027,0:26:48.860 - Mm-hmm. 0:26:48.860,0:26:51.780 - Is that the reason that he never married 0:26:51.780,0:26:54.390 is because he's gay? 0:26:54.390,0:26:55.363 - Yes, that is-- 0:26:55.363,0:26:58.441 - Because that is also a great[br]message to send out there. 0:26:58.441,0:27:00.890 - Mm-hmm.[br]- That's just brilliant. 0:27:00.890,0:27:02.470 - I mean, they live in a Viking society, 0:27:02.470,0:27:04.360 but it's also Viking[br]society with dragons-- 0:27:04.360,0:27:07.700 - So you know, could[br]change thing up a bit. 0:27:07.700,0:27:09.500 - In the movie, I remember[br]watching this scene, 0:27:09.500,0:27:13.240 and thinking, oh, this is the[br]first hint of what's to come. 0:27:13.240,0:27:14.073 - And then nothing. 0:27:14.073,0:27:15.963 - And then that was it,[br]that was the whole thing. 0:27:16.910,0:27:18.370 - I hate this. 0:27:18.370,0:27:21.090 - I hate everything we had to do tonight. 0:27:21.090,0:27:24.290 - This is worse than just[br]not having a gay character. 0:27:24.290,0:27:25.123 You know?[br]- Mm-hmm, absolutely. 0:27:25.123,0:27:28.880 - Like that does not count[br]in any way, shape or form. 0:27:28.880,0:27:29.713 - Mm-mm. 0:27:29.713,0:27:31.120 - I just, in the trash with this. 0:27:31.120,0:27:32.647 - In the trash with all of that. 0:27:32.647,0:27:34.070 - In the trash with all of it, honestly. 0:27:34.070,0:27:35.840 - So I'm very sorry to[br]have put you through that 0:27:35.840,0:27:38.750 extremely stressful situation[br]that we just had to go through 0:27:38.750,0:27:39.970 and watch all of that trash. 0:27:39.970,0:27:41.640 - I feel like I need to sit down and watch 0:27:41.640,0:27:43.928 a load of LGBT+ movies now. 0:27:43.928,0:27:45.080 - Yeah, actual representation. 0:27:45.080,0:27:48.490 - With actual queer people existing. 0:27:48.490,0:27:50.159 - They have those? 0:27:50.159,0:27:51.383 If you wanna have a chat about it, 0:27:51.383,0:27:53.700 have a chat in the[br]comments, we'll be there, 0:27:53.700,0:27:55.954 or just on all of our social media. 0:27:55.954,0:27:57.352 The links will be in the description. 0:27:57.352,0:27:58.185 - Yay! 0:27:58.185,0:27:59.430 - So until I see you next time, 0:27:59.430,0:28:00.640 bye![br]- See ya!