Welcome in the next episode on our channel Mind Wars, fight for the mind. With us today we have Urszula. Good morning Urszula will tell you and us about how it all started with her. The gangstalking in a broad sense. It is happening not in Poland. I think it will be an interesting story, it will have much in common with TIs who live in Poland. Welcome, Urszula. Welcome Tell us what was the beginning of it. What was the beginning of it? It started almost 20 years ago in Barcelona, when I was on a train going to work, I saw a man who was looking at me strangely. After some 5 or 6 minutes his eyes were protruding from the sockets, they got enlarged and the eyes changed the color from grey to blue. And you noticed that. Yes, it was hard not to notice. His hair changed from dark to a much brighter color and it became longer. What do you mean, did it grew? It was as if it grew. OK. After 10 minutes. At that time I didn’t know what it was all about, who that person was. I just saw that he changed. When I was stepping out of the train onto the platform I heard sounds out of nowhere, the sub-voices that’s how I call them. They announced to me that he was a chief of the international police, Ramon. That was his surname? Ramon Lopez. Ramon was his name. That “if you want you can spend the holidays with him”. That was the end of July of 1998. I got out and went to work, I came back to my flat after 3 hours, I turned on the radio and I heard (with some music in the background) words: “you are the girl that he had been looking for for years - from the prophecy.” I recalled at that moment that I had read about something similar in a Polish newspaper. I suppose it was a cracovian newspaper – I don’t remember precisely. I read an article about the chief of international police who gave an order to all police staff in the whole world to find the girl from his prophecy. If I remember well, the article dated from around 1990-1991. What was next? Then he played to me songs on the radio they were about love. That he fell in love with me. It was a bit funny, but It was pleasant to listen to. Beautiful songs about love, songs in Spanish, although there was a song in Polish as well, it had mixed Polish and Spanish lyrics. What happened next? After some half a year, when I was on my way to work I felt somebody’s eyes on me. I thought it was the chief, Ramon Lopez. Nevertheless, I did not look at him, I recognized the way he walked. What can I say? I walked by him, like we passed by one another. I did not look up. After some hours I came back to my place. I heard a voice in Polish from the walls. All these added voices are in Polish. I heard: “you will have to wait and we are to make your life pleasant” I did not know what it was all about, in what way they would make my life more pleasant. You know. I know. It’s how it started. Since then, he started to abuse me. In what way did he abuse you? Well it started… among others… my.. Let’s put it differently, was it a physical maltreatment or a mental abuse? No, it was physical and mental as well. But was it physical? But it was most of all physical. What did physical abuse consisted in? My bed become my torture place. In what way? Terrible pain, through remotely controlled electronic devices. Terrible pain. My spine was twisted. So an electromagnetic weapon, electromagnetic waves of extremely low frequency were directed at you? yes, yes. My spine was twisted an compressed. My cranial base was manipulated. I am disfigured, my cranial bones are misshaped. It took 5 years, I was so maltreated, tortured mainly in my bed or I was intoxicated with gases in the streets, at home. The gases were of biological and chemical origin. Oxides and various, various smells. And mental abuse? And mental abuse? Well, perhaps something like maybe laughing at me? that for example at that moment I felt pain? Did you feel that some strangers were trying to have a conversation about you? Exchange opinions apparently among themselves but it was to you? Well, maybe laughing at me but I didn’t care about it. When I was very tired after such a night, which lasted 5 years, so to say. I was not aware what was going on when I got up at night to go to toilet I had to walk along the walls to support myself. I would lose consciousness in pain. I went through terrible things. Terrible. My cranial bones, my cheeks, were crashed. I think it was 5 mm but the sub-voices tell me it went up to 7 mm. Sub-voices? What are they? The sub-voices that have accompanied me for the last 20 years. OK, I see, voice-to-skull. So you have voices in your head the most extreme form of torture. I don’t know if it is voice in my head. In my opinion, they are voices from outside. I don’t have it in my ears, I don’t have them in my head. Perhaps I have – I don’t know – an electrode in my brain and the voices are dispersed and I hear them even from the streets. OK, I see. It is a standard procedure. And what about synthetic thoughts? And what about synthetic thoughts? The thoughts that are not yours? Are you forced? Oh, sure. Absolutely. But I just don’t care about it at all because I am aware that they I don’t know how to say this - are imposing them into me. Anyway… they present me with words or even films. That’s clear. So there are visual elements that appear. And the dreams. Horrific dreams. Tortures. Many times it was such a torment that I thought in the mornings I would break down. I just can tell you that I remembered some 5-10 minutes then I would forget. Perhaps it was because that I was tortured in a different way. What way? I was poisoned with gases among others. I couldn’t breathe. And on the top of that, the oxygen was taken away from me. Sure. It was cruel. At my work chemical gases were infused and oxygen was taken away from me. You can feel that. If it was only the gases, you can survive but I couldn’t make it, I lost consciousness, I fainted , the oxygen was taken away from me and chemical gases were pushed in. What can I say? I am being tortured, I’m a martyr. I looked for help, I wrote to various places. In Poland: Nowy Sącz, Warsaw, Barcelona, Madrid, Geneva.. Was there any reaction? ...to the Pope. I also wrote a letter to Pope. None. Apart from Warsaw. They issued a letter to a District Court in Cracow and from Cracow, it was sent to a District Court in Nowy Sącz. What kind of letter was it? Was it a complaint? Yes, it was a complaint. That they were not helping me in Nowy Sącz. So I wrote this to Warsaw. It was in 2010. As I told you, they sent my letter to the District Court in Cracow and they forwarded it to Nowy Sącz. So I filed a complaint at court. But it was a one-hour case only and due to the lack of evidence the case was dismissed. I didn’t achieve more than that. It was just my sensations as it was explained to me. The judge told me that it was my subjective sensations that I suffer that I hear … Voices yes? I call them wiretapping. I also demanded dismantling of the whole network of wiretapping in Nowy Sącz and in Barcelona and of course I didn’t obtain any help. The wiretapping is still there just as they were 20 years ago when they were installed. I was unable to receive any help. Last year, I wrote to the Pope, he did not reply. I wrote again I wrote more or less the same. He didn’t reply either. I asked the Pope to intercede with the Interpol for me so that the tortures stopped. But unfortunately the Pope did not write back. What else could I do? And here in Poland where you are now, do you feel that you are being followed, persecuted, tortured? Of course! I have suffered from this for some 4-5 years. They torture me with cold, they cool me to the point that I lose consciousness. At the high temperature of even up to 30 Celsius degrees, on the beach in Barcelona I was close to frozen. I did not freeze but it was close. At all times I carried with me a pair of winter boots and a coat. Because I knew that they could do such a thing to me at any time. And although I put on the boots, the coat and a hat, I was freezing cold, , the temperature was 29 degrees. It was last summer. At that time I made an appointment to make a recording with Janusz from Wrocław. With Mr. Zagórski from NTV. Yes. We had an appointment twice. But unfortunately it did not work out. It was supposed to be via WhatApp'a. Via WhatApp. Yes Me in Barcelona, the editor in Wrocław in the studio with his colleague. That’s how he explained it to me that there will be two of them. That we will do the recording. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out. I called them exactly at the time the editor told me to call to start the interview. I called him after three days, I said: “has something happened, you didn’t answer the phone, we didn’t do the recording”. “Have you called at all?“ – he asked. “yes – I replied” - “I surely called at the exact time we had agreed”. “He said: Let’s agree on having a second try”. It was – I suppose – one week later. The same happened: I called them several times and there was no reply. I called after a few days and then I gave up calling. I didn’t know what it was all about. I aslo wrote to Zofia Filipiak, the President of StopZET. I sent her a letter from Barcelona. Zofia told me by phone, that she had received my tragic letter, in which I described all the terrible things that I went through all these years. And she was very sorry for me. She gave me the number of Sławek. Then I called Sławek and he referred me to you. Urszula, please tell us and our viewers what are the developments of this case with Interpol? I understand that you suspect that it’s the activity by Interpol. I am entirely convinced that it is by the order of the boss Mr. Lopez. He is a Cuban, Ramon, the commander. Is he still the boss of the Interpol? I don’t know, I was looking for that, I asked Sławek to help me find that on the internet. He didn’t succeed either. He didn’t find his surname or the name on the internet. How did you know the name of that man? They told me. They told me through the wiretapping, These criminals told me. Didn’t you take into account that they might have given you some false name? No, no. No, surely they didn’t. I know that. Since you couldn’t find it, Sławek was unable to find it either. I was looking for it on the internet for 15 years and I didn’t find any. Let me put it this way: the name the boss of the Interpol is not secret in any way.. But they don’t allow this. The authorities that are beyond all, will not allow such a thing, this perpetrator. The question is only whether it was not a nickname. No. Surely not, this is why not, I will make you realize this. I will convince you why I have such a strong conviction. I remembered that face as our pope went to Cuba. It was – say- 1997 – 1998 in May – I don’t remember. In any case I saw that face and I memorized it precisely. I remember that a reporter said that he was the boss of the international TV. The reporter of what? of a Spanish TV. She covered the Pope John Paul II’s stay on Cuba. So, personally he isn’t anywhere in the Interpol. The name doesn’t appear anywhere. I couldn’t find anything. Nothing, completely zero. But I know he’s there. What is very important? I want to tell you that when I realized after several years that he was simply disfigurating me. I didn’t know what is was. Was he torturing me? I didn’t know what it meant, why he was doing this. Only when I realized that he disfigured me. I noticed that my face is different after some time. My face shape and appearance are changed, not entirely, but they are changed. My skull is flattened here by this twisting of the base of the skull in terrible pain. When I realized that he was disfigurating me, after a couple of days I realized that I read in a Spanish newspaper it was in 1998, that a woman from South America sued him on the same grounds as me. I remember now. It was a short article, an announcement rather. It was in the newspaper “Hola!” a magazine, not a newspaper. I said, I translated it in detail that he poisoned her with gas, with various chemical gases and used electricity on her. I read it. I remember I translated it using a dictionary. There was a photo where a woman was almost completely blurred. I didn’t know the word “disfigurada” – disfigurated. I needed a dictionary to translate. It was something interesting for me, what they wrote and this photo that was completely blurred. She sued him, but he did not plead guilty. These criminals from the sub-voice, the Interpol. I, obviously, say that they are a team, not the whole Interpol. The closest team of Ramon Lopez. They just gave me hints. When I recalled that I read this, they told me that she was from Argentina, this woman. I had some associations, it seemed to me she was from South America, the sub-voices said… Were these not synthetic thoughts that were placed in your thoughts so that you think this. No, no, no. If it something similar was the case they might have placed the newspaper. I considered this too. They might have given me the newspaper. It was in 1998, I guess the beginning. Now you live constantly in Spain? Yes, right now, it’s constantly. I have lived here long years but with pauses. I lived a long time in Nowy Sącz. I took care of my mother. I was in Barcelona, I came back, I went there, I came back. And all that time, except for the 2 years before, sorry, the 4 first years, when I came to Barcelona, to my uncle, my cousin, I was a very happy person. I liked the place very much, amazing, I fell in love with Barcelona: so beautiful, the sea, the atmosphere, the air. Nowy Sącz is for me … the climate is not good. When I left, I decided to just visit Nowy Sącz. And I was a very happy person. Have you got the Spanish citizenship? No, of course not. No, sure. I’m a Polish citizen of course. Obviously I’m a Pole. I live and work here. So you live and work in Spain, in Barcelona? Now the question is, Urszula, how possibly do these perpetrators – my private opinion and the opinion of many viewers is that in Poland operates a Military Information Services (WSI) unit that fortunately was dissolved, that I discussed in previous episodes, people who graduated from Soviet schools, the so called “red rabble”, who unfortunately put on Polish uniforms. the Mind Control technology is not a civil but a military. These unleashed dogs have taken over the technology and torture Polish people this way. There’s no doubt about it. Increasing number of people from the army is willing to talk to us, not in front of the cameras yet. Although we hear voices that it’s the people with connections to the Military Information Services (WSI) are responsible for tortures with directed energy weapon in Poland. This is the outline of the situation in our country. We don’t know the situation in Spain, we would like to ask you about it. I would like to clarify, I’m sure that this a group of Interpol people from Poland. They speak Polish all the times, these sub-voices are always in Polish. If you think in Spanish do they understand it? You know what, I rather think in Polish in my native language. I rather think in my language, so they don’t have a problem. And even if… they have devices that translate for them immediately. It is not a difficulty for them. For example, when I think something, they think with me, I think something, they add something. I continue to think they add again. So they think with me. It I will not say anything bad or harm anybody, but they are tiring me. Because they have me like daydreaming all the time so to say, it’s tiring, whatever I think. I have my own secrets just like anyone else. And here they make suggestions on absolutely everything. They know what I think, what’s the appearance of other people. For instance, a film on TV. For example people who have gestures similar to the ones of a friend of mind. They change faces on the TV, they edit things, they change mouths or change eyes, put them lower, do make up. Why would I need such a thing. I don’t even watch TV now, it’s bad, really bad. The wiretapping is active It lasts day and night. They have devices that produce sounds like machine engines, all engines, all machines. Not only cars, trains, all machines absolutely, household devices like washing machine, fridge, iron – everything, they can do everything, absolutely everything. Everything, everything. To some people it seems impossible like it did to my family. Urszula, what else would you like to say our viewers? I think that I am tortured and abused in a cruel way. I am being freezed with the gas freon. It is used in fridges. I just feel the freon, I have it placed under my nose, I can do nothing about it. They freeze me from the inside and from the outside. What else of importance? They heat me, they burn my body, literally, I become unconscious. It is a nightmare of my life, I am a living owen, for a couple of years, I really don’t know how I have survived. Maybe it’s because I’m not of an advanced age. If I waited some 10 more years, I surely wouldn’t make it. What’s the most important, they interfere with my internal organs too. They provoke various pains and inflammations. I also have my heart pulled. It’s a terrible pain when they do that it seems to me that I die, they I pass away. These are of course just my thought, I nearly faint. In these sub-voice, that come from the wiretapping, they can tell me that they pull my heart by three centimeters, they pulled it downwards and released. A horrible, horrible pain. It also happened on a train of the same connection that I had met this boss, that I saw him. A horrific feeling. You feel that your heart is beating, it’s not there, it’s not beating. I immediately feel the pression that decreases in my head, in my brain. They really do that. It’s not my sensation, suggestive feeling. I realize that and I believe you. Thank you, thank you very much. Thank you that you believe me. What else? Terrible things. They broke my toe, I was walking around like that I didn’t know that it was broken. I just thought that they maybe did something to fracture it. I hadn’t jumped from the stairs and so on. I hadn’t done anything that could have broken it. Only when I went to the doctor’s he told me that my toe was broken. I said that I hadn’t done anything that could break my toe. He showed me the x-ray photo. It was a dreadful pain. But I had my work, I had to go to work. I walk with it. What else, I walk with a burden as if I had butane cylinders. A nightmare. They also tell me in the sub-voices that they do the gravity. I also have my foot, my both feet actually, disfigured, particularly the right one. Due to the burdens, the horrific burdens. Or even when I shop - some bread for instance, some ham and juice to drink – not much. It’s as if I had these butane cylinders. That’s the weight according to me. And it’s on both hands. Or when I don’t even carry anything they do the same to me. The nightmare. The gravity or.. Once they did to me something following. I was in a hurry, going to my office to an important meeting and they stopped me. And I couldn’t move on. I didn’t move neither forwards nor backwards. I stood there on the side walk and people were watching although I didn’t watch them. I was in fear that I would be late for the meeting and generally how it was going to be like and if I would be able to move on. It’s all done with electricity, with electricity. Nightmare. Krzysztof, please, help me, let this see the light, so that this case can be disclosed. That’s why we are recording this for, Urszula. It will surely reach very many people both in Poland and in the world. We have a relatively high view rates, both in the US and in Japan and on the other side of the ocean they watch us too. Please, I’m asking you very much. Sincerely from my heart, I’m asking you very much and I already thank you for helping me. I ask you, I beg you, to the whole world. Perhaps there will be somebody in the world that heard the same thing that I read in the newspaper. So that this person simply help me. I know for sure, thank you for believing me, I am 100% convinced that the perpetrator is the commander Ramon Lopez, Cuban. This was a brief story of Urszula, Ladies and Gentleman. Perhaps we will do another interview with Urszula, we’ll see. We’ll try to gather some more material about this topic. Today we thank you for your attention. We invite you to see our other episodes on Mind Wars channel – fight for the mind. Thank you.