0:00:05.120,0:00:08.810 The main and most pressing development[br]in corporate governance in Ireland is 0:00:08.900,0:00:13.010 the upcoming requirement of the Company's[br]Registration Office, or the CRO, that 0:00:13.110,0:00:16.690 certain forms which currently can be[br]filed either electronically through the 0:00:16.810,0:00:22.420 CRO's core software platform or by hard[br]copy may only be filed electronically. 0:00:22.510,0:00:27.779 This will come into effect on the 1st of[br]March 2022 and will cover forms such as 0:00:27.909,0:00:32.160 the Appointment of Liquidators Receivers[br]but also and more commonly for companies 0:00:32.270,0:00:35.659 those forms which are filed[br]when passing either special 0:00:35.769,0:00:37.820 or ordinary resolutions of the members. 0:00:37.920,0:00:42.659 So any companies who are likely to need[br]to file those forms before 1st of March 0:00:42.779,0:00:46.269 who would prefer to file them by hard[br]copy should do so before that date. 0:00:46.359,0:00:49.709 The second development[br]will be brought in by 0:00:49.785,0:00:53.589 the Company's Corporate[br]Enforcement Agency Act 2021, 0:00:53.689,0:00:57.744 which while it has been signed[br]into law is not yet commenced. 0:00:57.844,0:01:01.777 And that development is that when[br]companies file certain forms such as 0:01:01.927,0:01:05.463 incorporation forms for companies,[br]annual returns which every company 0:01:05.573,0:01:10.227 must file yearly or forms for[br]changing directors or changing 0:01:10.357,0:01:15.425 directors particulars must be accompanied[br]by the director's PPS number which is the 0:01:15.555,0:01:20.112 local Irish tax number or the equivalent[br]tax number where the director in question 0:01:20.222,0:01:23.230 is not an Irish resident or[br]otherwise do not have a PPS number.