You're feeling very sleepy.. Actually you're not and that's why you're watching this video So stay tuned for more tips On how to actually feel Very sleepy. So like I said this weekend's video topic is about how to get to sleep and I've heard from many of you messaging me when I'm asleep cause sweet jesus I love sleep. So much sleep If I could sleep for twelve hours every night the world would be a better place. But I've heard from many of you saying Hey, it's 3 AM. I'm watching your videos back to back. I can't go.. I can't to to sleep Turn off your technology. I know that you're like "But Kati, it's my only outlet" I'm telling you, I'm telling you, all the research shows we should stop watching television. I believe, and I even hate to say this, but I believe that they said television should go off three hours before bedtime. But that's just not realistic for me maybe it is for you, hey, try it let me know, leave it in the comments, but I say 30 minutes-- three-zero give yourself thirty minutes of time to unwind, stop the technology, put it away I don't care if you have to read the news shawn, at night, for so long (he reads the news, who reads the news?) I don't care if you need to shop. That's what I do, Isearch on Ebay. I can't help myself. I don't care what it is if you want to watch Kati Morton's videos they'll be there tomorrow I promise. They're on YouTube. They're never going away. Never, never. So, whatever you need to do stop doing it 30 minutes before you want to go to bed. And you will--it will help you unwind You'll unravel. You'll feel so peaceful Well, at least that's one portion of it So stop the technology give yourself enough time to get into a routine. Step 2. Starting a routine. And I know this sounds silly, but, for many of you, I guess you don't know I was a nanny through all of college and part of grad school and what that means is I changed a lot of diapers I put a lot of babies to sleep and what did I do? Routine. It was all routine. We bathed then we give them a bottle then we put them to bed we bate them, we.... you get the picture you get the picture, that's what we do every night, and so they get used to it and when they're in the bath they'll even start getting tired. You know how babies fight the sleep They're like 'no, no another moment of light' right? when we get older we wish we'd never fought the sleep but, we need to get into routine. So if you want to shower and then you want to like brush your hair, brush your teeth wash your face, we all have things we have to do to get to bed So let's start putting them into a schedule so we have a routine. A bedtime routine. And I promise that it will help. Cause oddly enough our bodies are programmed, and they get used to it's almost like on the weekend when you wake up when your alarm would normally go off and for like five minutes you're like "why the heck am I awake? It's six thirty in the morning! who wants to---" and then you're like ::snoring:: You know, cause you don't have to get up but your body knows that it normally gets up at this time and it can be the same for going to bed So number 2 is routine and that leads us right into number three, which is setting your circadian