0:00:05.587,0:00:09.940 I can't think of any more human activity 0:00:10.555,0:00:16.020 than conducting science experiments. 0:00:16.773,0:00:20.462 That's what we do as human beings. 0:00:20.462,0:00:25.001 and we do that more thoroughly and better than any other species on earth 0:00:25.001,0:00:27.003 that we have yet encountered. 0:00:27.736,0:00:34.142 We explore our environment more than we are compelled to utter poetry when we're toddlers 0:00:34.142,0:00:36.401 We start doing that later. 0:00:37.340,0:00:41.678 Before that happens every child is a scientist. 0:00:43.835,0:00:46.460 Think about it! What the kids do? 0:00:46.460,0:00:51.302 Young kids, kids they can barely walk, what are they doing? 0:00:51.302,0:00:58.180 They are exploring their environment through experimentation. 0:00:58.180,0:01:04.781 I don't care about your economic background, I don't care what town you born in, what city, what country, 0:01:04.781,0:01:07.540 if you are a child you are curious about your environment, 0:01:07.540,0:01:08.861 you are overturning rocks 0:01:08.861,0:01:13.902 you are plucking leaves off a trees, and petals off a flowers, and looking inside, 0:01:13.902,0:01:19.543 and you are doing things create disorder in the lives of the adults around you. 0:01:19.543,0:01:21.621 And so then, what the adults do? 0:01:21.621,0:01:25.857 They say, "Don't pluck the petals of the flowers. I just spent money on that. [br] 0:01:25.857,0:01:30.722 Don't play with the egg. It might break. Don't …" Everything is a don't. [br] 0:01:34.376,0:01:36.223 I'm often asked by parents [br] 0:01:36.223,0:01:41.303 what advice can I give them to help get kids interested in science? [br] 0:01:41.303,0:01:43.668 And I have only one bit of advice. [br] 0:01:44.637,0:01:50.135 Get out of their way! Kids are born curious. Period. [br] 0:01:57.964,0:02:00.260 We spend the first year teaching them to walk and talk [br] 0:02:00.260,0:02:02.669 and the rest of their lives telling them to shut up and sit down. [br] 0:02:03.530,0:02:06.001 So... you get out of their way. [br] 0:02:06.001,0:02:11.861 And you know what you do? You put things in their midst that help them explore. Help 'em explore. 0:02:11.861,0:02:15.460 Why don't you get a pair of binoculars, just leave it there one day? [br] 0:02:15.460,0:02:20.380 Watch 'em pick it up. And watch 'em look around. They'll do all kind of things with it.[br] 0:02:20.380,0:02:24.300 For me at age 11, I had a pair of binoculars and looked up to the moon, [br] 0:02:24.300,0:02:26.751 and the moon wasn't just bigger, it was better. [br] 0:02:26.751,0:02:31.002 There were mountains and valleys and craters and shadows. And it came alive. [br] 0:02:31.002,0:02:36.855 I was transformed by picking up a pair of binoculars and looking up. [br] 0:02:36.855,0:02:42.168 And so when i think of science I think of a truly human activity. [br] 0:02:42.168,0:02:45.500 Something fundamental to our DNA. [br] 0:02:45.500,0:02:49.585 Something that drives curiosity. [br] 0:02:49.585,0:02:54.697 They go together. The act of being curious and the act of wanting to do the experiment. [br] 0:02:54.697,0:03:03.968 When you conduct science it is the natural world that is the ultimate decider of what is true and what is not. [br] 0:03:04.617,0:03:08.422 You have to create what it is that you do best [br] 0:03:08.422,0:03:13.056 that layers onto the formal training that may be behind it. [br] 0:03:13.056,0:03:17.380 I think the greatest of people that have ever been in society, [br] 0:03:17.380,0:03:25.585 were never versions of someone else. They were themselves. [br] 0:03:26.523,0:03:33.341 It's the great tragedy - People employed in ways that don't fully tap everything they do best in life.[br] 0:03:34.048,0:03:40.580 And so... I think the greatest of people in society carved niches [br] 0:03:40.580,0:03:45.821 that represented the unique expression of their combinations of talents, [br] 0:03:46.913,0:03:54.502 and if everyone had the luxury of expressing the unique combinations of talents in this world, [br] 0:03:54.502,0:03:59.077 our society would be transformed over night.