0:02:54.942,0:02:56.275 Jesus. 0:03:01.692,0:03:04.608 Anybody out there?[br]I need a little help. 0:03:06.358,0:03:07.900 You're alive. 0:03:35.025,0:03:36.233 OK. 0:03:38.650,0:03:40.608 OK. All right! 0:03:41.525,0:03:42.858 You're all right. 0:03:45.525,0:03:46.900 OK, now. 0:03:48.942,0:03:51.400 You're going to live.[br]Can you stand? Come on. 0:03:51.608,0:03:54.358 Come on. Hold on to me. 0:03:56.733,0:03:57.983 OK... 0:04:06.900,0:04:08.317 OK. 0:04:08.525,0:04:12.233 What do you mean I'm... I'm alive? 0:04:13.983,0:04:17.192 You're on a boat. My boat. 0:04:19.983,0:04:24.317 - Why am I on your boat?[br]- Maybe you can tell me. 0:04:24.775,0:04:26.358 All right? 0:04:31.650,0:04:35.567 I was dead. I was sure of that. 0:04:35.775,0:04:37.900 No. But you're not.[br]You're alive now. 0:04:38.067,0:04:43.733 - Why? Why am I alive?[br]- I don't know. You were in my net. 0:04:46.025,0:04:50.483 - Net?[br]- Yeah. You were drowning. 0:04:50.692,0:04:55.400 You swallowed water.[br]You sank. Don't ask me how. 0:04:56.567,0:04:58.567 - Come on. Are you cold?[br]- Yes. 0:04:58.775,0:05:02.358 Come on. Hold on to me.[br]Get up. Get up. 0:05:04.317,0:05:05.775 OK. 0:05:07.108,0:05:09.317 Watch your step. 0:05:15.192,0:05:18.150 - Keep warm. You need a hospital.[br]- No! 0:05:18.567,0:05:22.400 - Why not?[br]- Because I'm fine. 0:05:22.608,0:05:23.983 You'll need to see a doctor. 0:05:24.192,0:05:26.275 - After a thing like that![br]- No, I don't! 0:05:27.233,0:05:30.525 - I don't want to see anyone.[br]- Will I just disappear, then? 0:05:31.942,0:05:36.817 - I don't mind seeing you.[br]- You don't mind seeing me... 0:05:37.025,0:05:38.567 That's nice. 0:05:39.692,0:05:41.817 - Say again?[br]- Most people do. 0:05:42.025,0:05:44.442 - Well, I don't.[br]- Why not? 0:05:45.400,0:05:48.942 Because... you fished me from the water. 0:05:49.150,0:05:50.442 How are ya? 0:05:52.650,0:05:56.025 Jesus. You really[br]don't want people seeing you. 0:06:00.733,0:06:01.817 What's your name? 0:06:03.525,0:06:07.650 - I don't know.[br]- You lost your memory in the water? 0:06:07.858,0:06:09.942 - Maybe.[br]- I've heard it happens. 0:06:10.733,0:06:13.067 - Does it?[br]- People knock their head. 0:06:13.275,0:06:17.317 Forget the lot.[br]Then it all comes back suddenly, like. 0:06:21.525,0:06:22.650 What's your name? 0:06:24.942,0:06:28.525 My name's Syracuse,[br]but people call me Circus. 0:06:30.233,0:06:31.525 Why? 0:06:31.733,0:06:35.317 To let on, you know, that I'm a clown. 0:06:35.525,0:06:39.442 - A clown... in a circus?[br]- Something like that. 0:06:42.317,0:06:46.108 - I think I'll call you... Syra...[br]- Syracuse. 0:06:46.317,0:06:50.058 OK, then. I'm taking you to a hospital.[br]I've a car on the shore. 0:06:50.107,0:06:51.267 No! 0:06:51.900,0:06:55.108 - Are you one of those asylum seekers?[br]- What? 0:06:55.117,0:06:57.783 You swam here from Arabia?[br]It's a hell of a swim. 0:06:57.850,0:06:59.150 Let me go, then. 0:07:00.650,0:07:02.567 Do you really want to drown? 0:07:03.192,0:07:06.192 - I can't die twice.[br]- Well, you can die once for real. 0:07:07.150,0:07:10.525 Please. I don't need a hospital. 0:07:17.733,0:07:21.650 I know a place.[br]Where people won't see you. 0:07:23.400,0:07:24.442 Come on. 0:07:36.483,0:07:39.400 - Whose is this place?[br]- It was me mam's. 0:07:40.483,0:07:42.983 - She lived here?[br]- On and off. 0:07:43.192,0:07:46.942 - She was a kind of... loner.[br]- Loner? 0:07:47.150,0:07:50.775 Bit like you.[br]She didn't like people much. 0:07:50.983,0:07:52.150 Why? 0:07:53.692,0:07:56.233 She was a kind of gypsy. 0:07:57.733,0:08:01.400 - Where is she now?[br]- She's with her Maker. 0:08:03.900,0:08:07.692 - You mean she's dead?[br]- Yes. 0:08:07.900,0:08:10.817 - Like me.[br]- You're not dead. 0:08:12.483,0:08:16.075 No. But maybe I should have been. 0:08:17.983,0:08:20.567 Here's some sandwiches.[br]Well, me lunch. 0:08:20.775,0:08:23.608 With all the strange fishing today,[br]I forgot to eat it. 0:08:25.692,0:08:26.733 Thank you. 0:08:31.942,0:08:33.942 Right, can I leave you now? 0:08:35.150,0:08:38.942 - If you have to.[br]- I do, yeah. Got to be somewhere. 0:08:40.525,0:08:41.525 OK. 0:08:58.400,0:08:59.650 OK? 0:09:14.317,0:09:16.733 - She's been waiting.[br]- I'm sorry. Something came up. 0:09:16.942,0:09:19.483 - Appointment's for six. She gets upset.[br]- I'll make it up to her. 0:09:19.692,0:09:21.817 How's my baby? Right. 0:09:23.525,0:09:25.775 - Bye, Mam.[br]- You have to fuck it up, don't you? 0:09:25.983,0:09:28.067 Yeah. It's genetic. 0:09:36.650,0:09:38.525 Right, up you get. 0:09:41.025,0:09:45.025 - Anything strange or wonderful?[br]- Why do you always say that? 0:09:45.192,0:09:48.483 I don't know, Annie.[br]It's... a kind of a wish. 0:09:48.692,0:09:53.067 - A wish?[br]- Yeah, that something strange... 0:09:53.275,0:09:56.067 ...or wonderful might happen. 0:09:56.275,0:09:59.817 No, Da, nothing strange or wonderful. 0:10:00.025,0:10:01.608 That's good, then. 0:10:03.025,0:10:04.900 - Hello.[br]- How are you? 0:10:06.817,0:10:09.483 - Is Dr Hannon around?[br]- No, just missed him. 0:10:09.692,0:10:14.775 - I thought he was gonna be here.[br]- Something came up. In Cork. 0:10:16.275,0:10:19.275 - How long this time?[br]- Same as usual. 0:10:19.442,0:10:22.983 An hour and a half or so.[br]Does she have a book? 0:10:23.233,0:10:26.692 No book. Maybe I'll tell her a story. 0:10:26.858,0:10:29.358 - I'll be inside if you want me.[br]- All right. 0:10:34.983,0:10:38.733 Well... go on. 0:10:38.942,0:10:42.108 - Go on what?[br]- You said you'd tell me a story. 0:10:43.400,0:10:45.233 OK. 0:10:47.900,0:10:49.817 Once upon a time... 0:10:50.025,0:10:52.358 Does it always have[br]to be "Once upon a time"? 0:10:53.817,0:10:57.817 Well, it's how stories begin. 0:10:58.358,0:11:04.567 - And a very good time it was.[br]- Yes... It was a good time. 0:11:08.317,0:11:10.400 And it was a bad time. 0:11:14.108,0:11:19.483 - How are you feeling, love?[br]- Never mind about me. Go on. 0:11:24.358,0:11:29.400 Once upon a time...[br]there was a fisherman. 0:11:31.025,0:11:37.108 And he was pulling in his nets...[br]and it was a normal day. 0:11:57.358,0:12:00.400 - And?[br]- And what? 0:12:00.608,0:12:03.817 - What was she?[br]- What was she? 0:12:04.025,0:12:08.817 - Was she a mermaid?[br]- No. She wasn't a mermaid. 0:12:09.025,0:12:11.942 - Was she a selkie, then?[br]- What's a selkie? 0:12:12.150,0:12:16.025 A kind of seal woman.[br]You hear them singing out on Seal Rock. 0:12:17.033,0:12:20.067 - Who told you that?[br]- Teacher. 0:12:20.275,0:12:24.275 She comes out of the sea.[br]Loses her seal coat. 0:12:24.483,0:12:27.483 Lives on land until[br]the sea calls her back. 0:12:28.233,0:12:32.900 Well, she didn't have a seal coat.[br]Whatever that is. 0:12:33.775,0:12:38.567 - She seemed to remember drowning.[br]- And? 0:12:40.483,0:12:46.842 - And... that's it.[br]- That's a real shite story. 0:12:47.050,0:12:50.150 Yeah, maybe. 0:12:52.692,0:12:56.025 Remember that thing[br]we ordered from the CRC? 0:12:56.233,0:12:58.608 - What thing?[br]- Wait till I show you. 0:13:02.775,0:13:04.692 Now... 0:13:06.567,0:13:09.942 You should rest as much[br]as possible until we sort you out. 0:13:10.150,0:13:12.067 - All right?[br]- OK. 0:13:20.608,0:13:23.275 - You've got juice now, Annie.[br]- Juice. 0:13:27.650,0:13:29.400 Look at this, Alex. 0:13:32.192,0:13:33.483 Wow. 0:13:33.817,0:13:37.025 - Doesn't do bumps.[br]- Did your daddy buy you that? 0:13:37.233,0:13:40.483 - No. The CRC.[br]- Well, that figures. 0:13:40.692,0:13:43.692 - How's the fishing, Circus?[br]- It's Syracuse. 0:13:43.900,0:13:47.108 - Syracuse, how's the fishing?[br]- Same. See you. 0:13:48.017,0:13:49.075 - When?[br]- Tomorrow. 0:13:49.183,0:13:51.108 - So, did you see the doctor?[br]- He wasn't there. 0:13:51.317,0:13:53.567 - Because you were late, you fool.[br]- Clown. 0:13:53.675,0:13:58.017 Yeah, you clown. He's been doing tests.[br]She needs a kidney. 0:13:58.025,0:14:00.692 - Something about... what's the word?[br]- Compatibility. 0:14:00.900,0:14:02.733 - You understand?[br]- It has to be the right fit. 0:14:02.942,0:14:06.442 Blood group, you flipping clown.[br]You were to ask him had he news. 0:14:06.650,0:14:07.817 Goodbye. 0:14:34.442,0:14:35.942 Still here? 0:14:38.192,0:14:42.942 - You thought I'd be gone?[br]- No. Thought I'd dreamed it. 0:14:43.150,0:14:45.567 You dreamt you fished me[br]from the water? 0:14:45.775,0:14:46.983 Something like that. 0:14:52.025,0:14:54.108 - So you still dreaming now?[br]- That's my mother's coat. 0:14:55.775,0:14:59.775 - Sorry. Had to wash my dress.[br]- Doesn't suit the dream. 0:14:59.983,0:15:05.025 - No?[br]- No. She was large, my mother. 0:15:05.233,0:15:08.483 - And kind of awkward.[br]- Awkward? 0:15:08.692,0:15:12.233 Yes, she was not like you. 0:15:13.067,0:15:16.317 - I can be awkward.[br]- So can most of us. 0:15:21.775,0:15:24.192 - You're going fishing?[br]- Yes. 0:15:25.233,0:15:30.067 - Thought I might catch another.[br]- Another girl like me? 0:15:30.275,0:15:34.025 Yes. Maybe the sea is full of them. 0:15:35.650,0:15:37.358 - Can I come with?[br]- No. 0:15:37.567,0:15:40.733 - Why?[br]- Thought you didn't want to be seen. 0:15:40.942,0:15:45.317 - I can hide again.[br]- And it's bad luck. 0:15:45.525,0:15:48.192 - A girl on a boat?[br]- For the fishing. 0:15:49.483,0:15:52.150 Have you been having good luck lately? 0:15:52.358,0:15:53.775 None. 0:15:58.483,0:16:00.817 OK, then. Get in. 0:16:09.483,0:16:11.483 What was that song you were singing? 0:16:11.692,0:16:15.150 - Just a song.[br]- But you remembered it? 0:16:15.900,0:16:20.317 - I must have.[br]- Do you remember your name? 0:16:21.817,0:16:25.317 - You can call me Ondine.[br]- That's nice. 0:16:26.150,0:16:29.775 - What's it mean?[br]- She came from the water. 0:16:29.983,0:16:34.192 Ondine means[br]"she came from the water"? 0:16:34.400,0:16:38.317 No. Ondine was the girl[br]that came from the water. 0:16:39.483,0:16:42.817 - When?[br]- Long time ago. 0:16:48.025,0:16:50.608 Do you want to help?[br]Load that pot over there. 0:16:52.358,0:16:53.525 Over there. 0:16:54.650,0:16:56.650 - They're empty.[br]- So they are. 0:16:56.858,0:16:59.692 - Did someone rob them?[br]- I hope not. 0:17:46.317,0:17:49.650 - My God.[br]- What? 0:17:49.858,0:17:54.400 - You're playing games with me.[br]- No, I'm not. 0:17:56.983,0:17:58.358 What did you just do? 0:18:00.067,0:18:06.108 - I... I sang.[br]- Yeah. I know. Come down here. 0:18:15.650,0:18:17.817 Sing again, would you? 0:18:38.317,0:18:40.983 Jesus... you bring me luck. 0:18:41.942,0:18:45.567 - Luck?[br]- Haven't had much. 0:18:45.775,0:18:50.650 - Everyone needs luck.[br]- They do. Not everyone gets it. 0:18:50.858,0:18:53.817 - Maybe it's your turn.[br]- That would be nice. 0:18:54.025,0:18:59.275 Right, come over here.[br]Help me tie their claws. 0:18:59.483,0:19:03.483 Right, put one in-between your legs[br]so he doesn't bite you. 0:19:04.400,0:19:07.400 And then just do[br]the other one like this. 0:19:09.150,0:19:11.900 - What do you do with them?[br]- What do you think? 0:19:12.108,0:19:15.150 - Eat them.[br]- No. Sell them. 0:19:16.692,0:19:21.192 - You always catch this much?[br]- No. Almost never. 0:19:23.525,0:19:26.442 Right. There you go. 0:19:26.942,0:19:29.150 Claws there. Grab that. 0:19:34.400,0:19:37.025 It wasn't your song, you know.[br]Couldn't have been. 0:19:37.233,0:19:40.525 - No.[br]- They were already in the pots. 0:19:46.567,0:19:48.692 - Watch yourself.[br]- OK. 0:20:07.983,0:20:09.483 Why you put them back? 0:20:11.858,0:20:15.650 Save them for a rainy day.[br]We sell the rest. 0:20:20.233,0:20:22.025 We'll get something for these. 0:20:22.233,0:20:24.442 - We?[br]- Your share of the catch. 0:20:26.400,0:20:30.275 You did sing. Just don't go[br]around town singing for everyone. 0:20:30.483,0:20:32.858 Come on into the Co-op,[br]we'll get ten euro a pound. 0:20:34.150,0:20:36.442 I don't want to meet anyone. 0:20:37.942,0:20:38.942 You've met me. 0:20:41.317,0:20:43.108 You're the only one. 0:20:44.983,0:20:46.025 OK. 0:20:54.192,0:20:56.733 - How are you, Mary?[br]- All right, Circus. 0:20:56.942,0:21:00.567 - You've done well today, then?[br]- Yes, for a change. 0:21:00.983,0:21:03.900 - And they say there's no lobster left.[br]- They do. 0:21:05.233,0:21:08.025 - Thank you very much.[br]- Lovely. 0:21:21.025,0:21:24.483 - Can I help you, Circus?[br]- Tracy, would this go near you? 0:21:24.692,0:21:27.775 - You want me to try it?[br]- OK. 0:21:56.317,0:21:58.692 It's a bit tight around here. 0:21:58.900,0:22:01.608 - At least you're not invisible.[br]- What? 0:22:01.775,0:22:03.608 Nothing. I'll take it. 0:22:04.400,0:22:07.733 - For who?[br]- Just for Annie. 0:22:07.942,0:22:12.317 - This would never fit Annie.[br]- It will someday. 0:22:14.275,0:22:17.233 - What do you think, Circus?[br]- I think that's not my name. 0:22:17.400,0:22:19.692 Sorry. Da. 0:22:20.983,0:22:23.650 - Do they give you a hard time?[br]- No, they're jealous. 0:22:23.817,0:22:28.192 How many of them have their own[br]set of wheels? Motorised wheels. 0:22:31.733,0:22:34.525 - What are we doing?[br]- I was going to drive you home. 0:22:34.733,0:22:36.983 - I'll race you.[br]- Annie... 0:22:37.192,0:22:40.275 - Yeah?[br]- Go on so. 0:22:47.650,0:22:52.192 - So, what's the story?[br]- Oh, she sings. 0:22:52.400,0:22:53.400 Who sings? 0:22:53.608,0:22:55.650 The woman in the story[br]I told you about. 0:22:55.858,0:22:57.983 - With the fisherman?[br]- Yes. 0:22:58.608,0:23:01.150 She sings to the[br]fishes and he catches them. 0:23:01.358,0:23:03.900 - You sure you're not dreaming, Da?[br]- Dreaming? 0:23:04.108,0:23:07.650 Yeah. You sure this isn't[br]some weird wish-fulfilment thing? 0:23:07.858,0:23:10.150 - Where did you learn words like that?[br]- I go to school. 0:23:10.358,0:23:13.692 - And I didn't?[br]- No. Let's be honest, you didn't. 0:23:13.900,0:23:16.483 - You move your mouth when you read.[br]- Is that bad? 0:23:16.692,0:23:19.567 No, but it means something.[br]So she sings, does she? 0:23:19.775,0:23:22.942 Yeah. A song in a[br]language he has never heard. 0:23:23.150,0:23:25.025 - That would be Selk.[br]- Selk? 0:23:25.233,0:23:26.650 A kind of seal talk. 0:23:26.858,0:23:28.650 - Do you know why she sings?[br]- Why? 0:23:28.858,0:23:30.775 That's the way they[br]communicate underwater. 0:23:30.983,0:23:34.483 - They don't speak, they sing.[br]- So the lobster hear her singing. 0:23:34.692,0:23:35.900 What lobster? 0:23:36.108,0:23:39.442 What I mean is, under the water[br]they hear her singing? 0:23:39.650,0:23:42.025 - The denizens of the deep.[br]- Are you sure? 0:23:42.233,0:23:45.358 - She's a seal. She's not human.[br]- She looks human. 0:23:45.567,0:23:48.233 - In the story?[br]- Yes, in the story. 0:23:48.400,0:23:50.650 - Whose story is this?[br]- It's mine. 0:23:50.858,0:23:53.525 - You're making it up?[br]- Yeah. For you. 0:23:53.692,0:23:57.317 - What're you planning for the weekend?[br]- Practising my new wheels. 0:23:59.067,0:24:00.692 Curious. 0:24:40.650,0:24:42.608 - Got you some things.[br]- Things? 0:24:42.817,0:24:45.358 - Messages.[br]- Messages? 0:24:45.567,0:24:50.900 Yeah, food and stuff. Even girls from[br]the water... You need to eat, right? 0:24:51.817,0:24:53.358 You need clothes. 0:25:02.775,0:25:07.192 Need to... tie their shoelaces. 0:25:23.483,0:25:25.775 Curiouser and curiouser. 0:25:30.983,0:25:33.733 - You know my size?[br]- Tracy in the shop. 0:25:33.942,0:25:37.442 She looked like... your size. 0:25:43.525,0:25:45.108 Thank you. 0:25:47.067,0:25:48.942 - Can I...[br]- What? 0:25:49.150,0:25:52.900 - Can I clean up this place?[br]- I suppose. 0:25:53.108,0:25:57.358 - How long are you staying?[br]- Depends, I guess. 0:25:57.567,0:26:00.650 - On what?[br]- On you. 0:26:02.442,0:26:06.442 On me? It depends on me,[br]you can stay forever. 0:26:06.650,0:26:08.733 - Forever?[br]- Forever. 0:26:09.400,0:26:12.983 Happily ever after.[br]Once upon a time. 0:26:17.733,0:26:21.442 I've been...[br]telling my daughter a story. 0:26:24.192,0:26:25.358 A fairytale. 0:26:43.317,0:26:44.900 What's the story, Da? 0:26:47.775,0:26:49.442 That's great. See you, Deirdre. 0:26:56.483,0:26:59.317 Hi, Annie.[br]God, you've a load of books there. 0:26:59.525,0:27:02.442 - I'm researching.[br]- Researching what? 0:27:03.567,0:27:05.317 Something on seals, is it? 0:27:15.608,0:27:18.067 My name's Syracuse,[br]and I'm an alcoholic. 0:27:18.275,0:27:22.525 I've told you before, Circus, that[br]confessional is not a chapter of AA. 0:27:22.733,0:27:24.983 Well, there's none in this town, Father. 0:27:36.358,0:27:39.983 I've been sober two years,[br]seven months and 18 days. 0:27:42.025,0:27:44.817 This is where they all clap, Father. 0:27:45.025,0:27:47.442 - Did you see that in the movies?[br]- Yes. 0:27:48.317,0:27:51.233 - Thank you.[br]- So, tell me. 0:27:51.442,0:27:53.150 I had a dream, Father. 0:27:53.358,0:27:57.650 I'm at his funeral and she's beside me,[br]and I'm panicking again. 0:27:57.858,0:28:00.008 Maybe you still want to be with her. 0:28:00.017,0:28:03.025 No, I'm panicking because[br]I'm back with her. 0:28:03.233,0:28:07.608 Can't happen. She's still drinking.[br]All I want is Annie. 0:28:07.817,0:28:10.650 Perhaps you need[br]to talk to someone, Circus. 0:28:10.858,0:28:15.733 - It's Syracuse. And I'm talking to you.[br]- No, I mean a counsellor. 0:28:15.942,0:28:19.275 I could put you both in touch[br]with one if you'd give me permission. 0:28:19.483,0:28:23.317 You have no permission.[br]I only talk to you because it's secret. 0:28:23.525,0:28:27.900 Well, whenever you feel able to,[br]tell me and I'll set it in motion. 0:28:28.775,0:28:34.275 Until then...[br]try to control your feelings. 0:28:35.942,0:28:38.233 Anything else? 0:28:39.150,0:28:40.775 I suppose there is. 0:28:42.150,0:28:46.358 - Yeah, I stole.[br]- Oh, dear. 0:28:47.150,0:28:52.192 - What did you steal, Syracuse?[br]- Some ladies' clothes. 0:28:52.400,0:28:56.808 Oh, dear, dear, dear, dear.[br]I don't like this at all, Syracuse. 0:28:56.917,0:28:59.567 - This is a bad development.[br]- It's not what you're thinking, Father. 0:28:59.775,0:29:01.692 - There was a reason.[br]- What was the reason? 0:29:01.900,0:29:05.567 I stole them because I was[br]embarrassed to be seen buying them. 0:29:05.675,0:29:08.850 - What did you want them for?[br]- They were for this girl I met, Father. 0:29:09.058,0:29:12.900 A girl? Where did you meet this girl? 0:29:13.942,0:29:18.150 I pulled her out of the water in my net. 0:29:18.358,0:29:20.650 - In your net?[br]- In my fishing net. 0:29:20.858,0:29:24.483 - You're joking, surely?[br]- No, not joking. 0:29:25.092,0:29:28.675 Dreaming, maybe. But sure I went back[br]to my boat this morning and... 0:29:28.883,0:29:30.300 ...there she was. 0:29:30.508,0:29:34.425 And did she spend[br]the night in the boat? 0:29:35.800,0:29:38.050 - No.[br]- No? 0:29:38.258,0:29:43.425 - So where did this girl sleep?[br]- I'm not telling you. 0:29:43.633,0:29:46.842 - No. I can't force you to, can I?[br]- No. 0:29:47.050,0:29:51.633 - And you can't tell anyone, either.[br]- No, my lips are sealed. 0:29:51.842,0:29:55.925 But you'll keep me[br]informed of developments, Syracuse? 0:29:56.133,0:29:57.217 Definitely, Father. 0:29:58.925,0:30:02.675 - So, will I see you at mass on Sunday?[br]- You know you won't, Father. 0:30:02.883,0:30:05.425 I suppose I do.[br]You only avail of the confessional... 0:30:05.633,0:30:08.633 Because there's no AA chapter[br]in this poxy town. 0:30:08.842,0:30:11.883 You wouldn't say a couple of Hail Marys[br]on your way out, would you? 0:30:37.758,0:30:40.842 - What are you reading, Annie?[br]- For school. Selkies. 0:30:41.050,0:30:43.425 Selkies? They're a Scottish thing. 0:30:43.633,0:30:45.717 This one isn't. 0:33:00.467,0:33:03.050 Curiouser and curiouser. 0:33:05.842,0:33:06.842 What's that? 0:33:07.050,0:33:09.717 What Alice said to the White Rabbit. 0:33:11.383,0:33:14.425 - Come again?[br]- Curiouser... 0:33:14.633,0:33:15.800 ...and... 0:33:18.050,0:33:22.842 ...curiouser.[br]- See. I knew you were real. 0:33:26.425,0:33:30.883 - I was real?[br]- Yes. I knew it wasn't a story. 0:33:32.675,0:33:37.508 - What wasn't a story?[br]- The fisherman. The girl in the net. 0:33:40.883,0:33:43.008 My da told me a story about you. 0:33:45.425,0:33:49.967 - Your dad is Syracuse?[br]- Yeah, the fisherman. 0:33:50.175,0:33:53.592 So, do you have magic powers? 0:33:53.800,0:33:56.175 - Do you?[br]- You know I don't. 0:33:56.383,0:33:59.258 OK. You don't. 0:34:00.300,0:34:04.675 - Can you make me better?[br]- Better? 0:34:04.883,0:34:09.132 I'm sick. I've got kidney failure.[br]Didn't he tell you? 0:34:13.007,0:34:15.425 - What's your name?[br]- It's Annie. 0:34:15.632,0:34:18.175 Annie. 0:34:19.382,0:34:23.342 - I'm Ondine.[br]- Ondine. 0:34:25.967,0:34:28.550 I'm examining you for webs. 0:34:29.382,0:34:32.092 Well, do I disappoint you? 0:34:32.300,0:34:37.342 Ondine is French, isn't it?[br]What's a French selkie doing here? 0:34:37.550,0:34:41.842 - Who said I was French?[br]- You got lost, did you? 0:34:42.882,0:34:46.592 Yes. I suppose I did get lost. 0:34:46.800,0:34:49.175 - You cold?[br]- Suddenly. 0:34:49.382,0:34:50.757 Because you're on land now. 0:34:50.967,0:34:53.342 Your natural habitat[br]is in the water, you see. 0:34:54.882,0:34:58.842 - You seem to know a lot about me.[br]- Yes. I've been reading... 0:34:59.050,0:35:04.000 ...researching.[br]- Want to come inside? 0:35:04.008,0:35:07.300 If I walk across the threshold,[br]you might put a hex on me. 0:35:07.508,0:35:12.092 - What's a hex?[br]- It's bad news, a hex. 0:35:19.092,0:35:22.508 Maybe underwater feels better. 0:35:22.717,0:35:26.133 - Better than what?[br]- Some days I'm sick all the time. 0:35:26.342,0:35:28.383 Does it feel better underwater? 0:35:30.258,0:35:32.675 - I'm not sure I know what you mean.[br]- Oh, come on. 0:35:32.883,0:35:35.967 Let's not try and fool each other.[br]We both know the truth. 0:35:36.175,0:35:39.217 And if we're not straightforward,[br]there's no point in being friends. 0:35:41.717,0:35:43.342 So we're to be friends, then? 0:35:43.800,0:35:47.383 We could be.[br]If we play our cards right. 0:35:47.550,0:35:49.508 So I need you to be specific. 0:35:50.175,0:35:53.508 Does it feel better in that[br]home of yours under the waves? 0:35:55.800,0:35:58.967 Well, it... definitely feels different. 0:35:59.175,0:36:01.967 And I know you don't[br]talk down there. You sing. 0:36:04.550,0:36:08.008 Yes. Singing travels better underwater. 0:36:08.925,0:36:13.133 - And what about the cold?[br]- Get used to it. 0:36:13.342,0:36:17.008 Oh, of course, you have[br]your seal coat, don't you? 0:36:18.800,0:36:19.842 My seal coat? 0:36:20.050,0:36:22.342 Look, there's no point[br]in beating round the bush. 0:36:22.550,0:36:25.717 I do know these things.[br]I've been studying them. 0:36:29.008,0:36:32.633 So... tell me about my seal coat. 0:36:32.842,0:36:34.842 You lose it when you[br]get out of the water. 0:36:35.050,0:36:37.300 And you can't go back in[br]until you find it again. 0:36:37.508,0:36:42.092 And if you do find it and bury it[br]on land, you can stay for seven years, 0:36:42.258,0:36:44.425 and you cry seven tears. 0:36:44.633,0:36:47.550 But then when the crying is done,[br]your kind of folk 0:36:47.758,0:36:51.342 can often find unexpected[br]happiness with a... 0:36:51.550,0:36:54.675 - What's it called?[br]- Are you lost for words? 0:36:54.883,0:36:56.925 A landsman, that's what. 0:36:57.133,0:37:01.717 Selkie women often find[br]unexpected happiness with a landsman. 0:37:01.925,0:37:04.383 And that's all I know. 0:37:06.550,0:37:10.467 This is my granny's place.[br]He misses her. 0:37:17.258,0:37:18.425 And where do you live? 0:37:18.633,0:37:21.967 With me ma, and it's not[br]underneath the waves. 0:37:22.175,0:37:24.383 She'll be wondering where I am. 0:37:28.092,0:37:29.508 See you again. 0:37:32.092,0:37:33.967 Your cheek is wet. 0:37:34.175,0:37:37.300 - Is that one of the seven tears?[br]- Maybe. 0:37:37.467,0:37:39.717 You've only six left. 0:37:44.842,0:37:49.092 - Can I help you there, Circus?[br]- Yeah. Have you any books on selkies? 0:37:49.300,0:37:52.550 We do. But, strangely enough,[br]they're all out at the moment. 0:37:52.758,0:37:55.217 - Out?[br]- Your daughter has them. 0:37:55.425,0:37:58.133 - Annie?[br]- She's doing a project, she said. 0:37:58.300,0:38:02.258 Yeah. Just trying to help her[br]get ahead of the game. 0:38:02.425,0:38:04.092 Good man. 0:38:07.217,0:38:10.258 - Does it do stunts, Annie?[br]- What do you mean, stunts? 0:38:10.467,0:38:12.008 Stunts like this. 0:38:18.883,0:38:21.258 I don't think it's a[br]recreational vehicle. 0:38:21.467,0:38:23.925 - So it's only for spaz?[br]- You don't say "spaz". 0:38:24.133,0:38:26.550 You say "special needs".[br]Don't you, Annie? 0:38:26.758,0:38:29.092 - Yeah.[br]- See, you feckin' retard. Say it. 0:38:29.300,0:38:33.092 - Special needs.[br]- Special needs, Annie. Give us a go? 0:38:35.175,0:38:38.675 - Does it float?[br]- I don't think it's amphibious. 0:38:38.883,0:38:41.217 Special needs, my arse. 0:38:49.800,0:38:51.092 Come on, guys. 0:38:56.883,0:39:00.550 - Is mam up yet?[br]- No. 0:39:01.758,0:39:04.717 - Was there something up?[br]- Why do you think? 0:39:04.925,0:39:07.883 - Is it battery trouble?[br]- It got wet. 0:39:10.383,0:39:12.883 Come here. I don't bite. 0:39:13.092,0:39:15.758 Come on. Jesus, you're getting big. 0:39:18.842,0:39:21.217 You said you had[br]selkies in Scotland. 0:39:21.425,0:39:24.967 Aye. We invented selkies. 0:39:25.175,0:39:27.342 In the Outer Hebrides. 0:39:27.550,0:39:32.258 - You mean you made them up?[br]- No. No, they're a Scottish thing. 0:39:41.592,0:39:42.800 There you go. 0:39:48.467,0:39:51.925 - She doesn't speak like you.[br]- Who? 0:39:58.425,0:40:02.592 Oh, we've got secrets,[br]have we, little girl? 0:40:03.675,0:40:07.133 - Well, you could say thanks.[br]- Thanks. 0:40:08.675,0:40:10.217 You're welcome. 0:40:51.675,0:40:54.925 - Do you want to come again?[br]- Fishing? 0:40:55.133,0:40:56.675 Only if you want, like. 0:40:57.883,0:40:59.967 You promise I'll see nobody but you? 0:41:00.175,0:41:02.758 I promise you'll see nobody but me. 0:41:04.967,0:41:06.508 You're swimming in my dress? 0:41:08.842,0:41:12.300 It was a gift... from a fisherman. 0:41:35.967,0:41:40.092 - Can I help?[br]- You can man the tiller. 0:41:45.467,0:41:48.925 Right. Straight out to sea. 0:41:55.342,0:41:59.800 Keep her steady, would you?[br]Fisheries Board. 0:42:14.842,0:42:17.758 You can't really guide[br]a boat with your foot. 0:42:20.258,0:42:23.092 - I'm not doing well?[br]- No, I never said that. 0:42:48.383,0:42:49.758 Oh, shit. 0:43:16.633,0:43:18.050 Would you look at that? 0:43:20.675,0:43:22.675 - My God.[br]- What? 0:43:22.883,0:43:25.467 That's weird. Salmon. 0:43:25.675,0:43:29.633 - Weird?[br]- You don't get salmon trawling. 0:43:29.842,0:43:33.258 - Trawling.[br]- Only with a gill net. 0:43:34.175,0:43:37.467 - Curiouser and curiouser.[br]- Where did you hear that? 0:43:38.342,0:43:40.217 - Alice said it.[br]- To the White Rabbit. 0:43:40.425,0:43:42.433 - Annie says it, too.[br]- Annie? 0:43:42.642,0:43:44.042 My daughter. 0:43:48.925,0:43:50.508 Jesus Christ. 0:44:12.008,0:44:15.592 - What?[br]- They're going to come on board. 0:44:22.842,0:44:24.508 Lads. 0:44:30.425,0:44:32.675 - See you caught salmon.[br]- I did. 0:44:33.842,0:44:36.383 - How did you catch them?[br]- Trawling. 0:44:36.592,0:44:39.842 - And you expect us to believe that?[br]- No, but it's true. 0:44:40.050,0:44:42.425 - Show us your gill nets.[br]- In the hold. 0:44:50.342,0:44:52.133 - That's not wet.[br]- I know. 0:44:52.300,0:44:56.175 - So how did you dry it?[br]- I didn't. Told you, I didn't use it. 0:45:02.925,0:45:04.883 - There's a girl here, Circus.[br]- Where? 0:45:05.675,0:45:07.133 In your net. 0:45:09.008,0:45:13.175 - Is that illegal?[br]- No, but... it's unusual. 0:45:14.175,0:45:17.000 - And you can see her?[br]- She's right here in front of me. 0:45:17.008,0:45:19.675 Ask her how I caught the salmon. 0:45:19.925,0:45:21.467 How did he catch them? 0:45:22.508,0:45:23.800 Trawling. 0:45:24.008,0:45:26.425 And you want us[br]to believe in fairytales? 0:45:26.883,0:45:28.217 Yes. 0:45:30.675,0:45:34.092 - What did she say?[br]- She said yes. 0:45:34.300,0:45:39.008 Well, then, you'd better believe her.[br]Right. Close it up, lads. 0:46:04.300,0:46:08.342 So, they saw you.[br]Is that all right? 0:46:08.550,0:46:11.125 - No.[br]- That's a relief in a way. 0:46:11.333,0:46:14.092 - Means you're not in my mind.[br]- Means they'll talk. 0:46:14.500,0:46:16.258 Course they will. 0:46:18.025,0:46:22.067 - What will they say?[br]- Take your pick. 0:46:22.275,0:46:25.733 Circus. Clowns. Salmon. A girl. 0:46:27.650,0:46:30.317 I'm going to the harbour.[br]Do you want me to drop you off? 0:46:35.067,0:46:37.400 - It's done, isn't it?[br]- What's done? 0:46:38.525,0:46:40.067 I've been seen. 0:46:57.150,0:46:59.400 Here, take a look at[br]the girl coming in on that boat. 0:46:59.608,0:47:00.858 She's not bad, is she? 0:47:01.692,0:47:05.317 It is a small town. Everyone stares. 0:47:07.150,0:47:08.942 You can say that again. 0:47:09.150,0:47:11.150 What's wrong with being seen? 0:47:13.192,0:47:16.317 Nothing. When you look good. 0:47:17.733,0:47:19.483 You look mighty. 0:47:21.817,0:47:23.817 I'm going to have to[br]declare these, Circus. 0:47:24.025,0:47:25.275 - They've already seen them.[br]- Who? 0:47:25.483,0:47:26.650 The Fisheries. 0:47:29.192,0:47:30.483 They're fine, believe me. 0:47:34.775,0:47:35.858 Thanks, Mary. 0:47:41.358,0:47:42.942 Can I buy you a present? 0:47:43.983,0:47:46.692 Clothes. But can I choose this time? 0:47:46.900,0:47:49.900 - You don't like the dress?[br]- No, I like it, just... 0:47:50.108,0:47:53.233 ...underwear could be better.[br]- Didn't fit? 0:47:54.400,0:47:59.192 - Tight around the edges.[br]- You have edges? 0:48:04.483,0:48:06.900 - I knew it wasn't a story.[br]- What wasn't a story? 0:48:07.108,0:48:09.275 You're such a shite storyteller anyway. 0:48:09.483,0:48:14.150 - I knew it had to be true.[br]- Ondine, this is my daughter, Annie. 0:48:14.358,0:48:17.275 - We've met before.[br]- Yes, we have. 0:48:17.483,0:48:20.650 - What are we doing?[br]- Buying clothes. 0:48:20.858,0:48:22.317 OK. 0:48:26.692,0:48:31.108 This town is what you'd call[br]sartorially challenged. 0:48:31.317,0:48:32.567 What does that mean? 0:48:33.650,0:48:35.817 A supermodel's nightmare. 0:48:44.858,0:48:46.942 Do selkies do lingerie? 0:48:48.233,0:48:49.442 Why not? 0:48:49.650,0:48:53.442 They wear seaweed knickers[br]and a scallopy bra. 0:48:53.650,0:48:57.233 But that's underwater.[br]Won't do here. 0:48:58.983,0:49:03.317 I'm not suggesting she[br]buy them all, Da. Just a selection. 0:49:07.983,0:49:12.192 That's where I found her...[br]Roan Carraig. 0:49:12.400,0:49:15.858 - You know what it means?[br]- Seal Rock. 0:49:16.067,0:49:19.525 It's a kind of sanctuary for her kind. 0:49:19.733,0:49:25.275 - Her kind?[br]- Yeah. The well-dressed kind. 0:49:28.817,0:49:30.317 What do you think? 0:49:32.608,0:49:34.483 Or should we say[br]what do they think? 0:50:04.525,0:50:06.317 You cleaned the place. 0:50:08.692,0:50:10.483 Like Snow White. 0:50:13.608,0:50:16.983 - Is that all right?[br]- But I'm not a dwarf, you know. 0:50:17.192,0:50:19.442 I'm little, but I'm not a dwarf. 0:50:21.067,0:50:25.067 - Who is Snow White?[br]- Doesn't matter. She didn't swim. 0:50:29.067,0:50:31.442 - Can you swim, Annie?[br]- No. 0:50:31.650,0:50:34.317 There's no pool in the town,[br]and I've never had lessons. 0:50:35.442,0:50:37.525 I think it could relax you a lot. 0:50:39.900,0:50:41.483 Unless you have a fear of water. 0:50:41.900,0:50:45.858 I wouldn't have a fear of water[br]with a water creature around me. 0:50:50.858,0:50:53.150 OK, then. Come on. 0:50:56.275,0:50:57.650 What will I wear? 0:50:59.858,0:51:00.900 Underwear. 0:51:10.858,0:51:14.317 - She's gone already.[br]- Where? 0:51:14.525,0:51:20.358 The caravan at Poulin. Is that[br]where she sleeps, your water baby? 0:51:30.858,0:51:34.025 Thought I might[br]take her out for the day. 0:51:34.233,0:51:37.858 - The regatta starts at three.[br]- Oh, the three of you. 0:51:38.067,0:51:40.733 Go diving for pearls? 0:51:42.858,0:51:44.525 Something like that. 0:51:47.275,0:51:49.108 What kind of stories are you spinning? 0:51:53.775,0:51:55.817 Just relax. 0:51:57.108,0:52:00.442 OK. Lie down now. 0:52:00.650,0:52:02.400 I'll hold you. 0:52:04.567,0:52:08.608 Easy. You see?[br]You're a sea creature. 0:52:08.817,0:52:11.650 - You think?[br]- I know. 0:52:12.275,0:52:14.525 Relax. Relax. 0:52:18.983,0:52:22.108 OK, let's go on the raft. OK? 0:52:46.442,0:52:48.733 - What's that?[br]- Just something I found. 0:52:48.942,0:52:52.150 - You found your seal coat.[br]- Maybe. 0:52:52.358,0:52:55.733 - Are you going to bury it?[br]- Would you like me to bury it? 0:52:55.942,0:52:58.483 Yes, because it means[br]you'll be here for seven years. 0:52:58.692,0:53:02.608 - Would you like that?[br]- I would like that a lot. 0:53:03.817,0:53:06.067 - We had better bury it then.[br]- Absolutely. 0:53:06.275,0:53:07.525 OK. 0:53:10.608,0:53:12.108 Help me. 0:53:12.317,0:53:15.108 Will I remember where it is?[br]In seven years' time? 0:53:15.317,0:53:16.817 Watch this. 0:53:33.483,0:53:34.900 Seventeen steps. 0:53:36.983,0:53:40.817 And it's our secret.[br]We tell nobody. 0:53:43.692,0:53:47.317 You know, Da, if she buries her seal[br]coat she stays seven years on land? 0:53:47.525,0:53:50.025 - Annie...[br]- It's true. 0:53:50.233,0:53:55.192 - With a... what's it called again?[br]- A landsman. 0:53:55.400,0:53:57.442 Unless her selkie husband[br]claims her back. 0:53:57.650,0:54:01.442 - I don't have a husband.[br]- Maybe you don't remember, but you do. 0:54:01.650,0:54:03.983 All selkies do. 0:54:15.983,0:54:20.400 - Go on! Go on![br]- Oh, you bastard! 0:54:30.858,0:54:34.692 These are magic, man, I'm telling you.[br]Here. Have a chip. 0:54:36.108,0:54:39.650 And the thing last is, Da,[br]she can make a wish come true. 0:54:39.858,0:54:43.000 - Please, Annie.[br]- If you're a selk you can. 0:54:43.075,0:54:45.408 But I'm not a selk. 0:54:46.533,0:54:49.033 OK. You're not a selk. 0:54:58.325,0:55:01.158 - Come on, lads, pull harder![br]- Come on, lads! 0:55:16.575,0:55:19.408 So you're not a selk. Prove it! 0:55:19.617,0:55:20.992 What? 0:55:23.742,0:55:26.575 Annie! Annie! 0:55:27.825,0:55:29.783 Annie! Annie? 0:55:31.658,0:55:33.617 Annie? Annie? 0:55:38.075,0:55:39.408 Annie? 0:55:40.575,0:55:41.783 Annie? 0:55:42.367,0:55:43.367 Annie! 0:55:55.950,0:55:57.617 Jesus Christ... 0:56:04.700,0:56:06.867 Annie! Come here to me. 0:56:08.117,0:56:10.992 Come here, baby.[br]I got you, I got you. 0:56:11.200,0:56:12.367 I got you. 0:56:12.575,0:56:15.325 Jesus Christ. What happened? 0:56:15.533,0:56:17.408 - The brakes went.[br]- What? 0:56:17.617,0:56:20.575 - The brakes went.[br]- Let me see you. 0:56:20.783,0:56:22.450 - Come here![br]- And I was lucky, wasn't I? 0:56:22.658,0:56:25.575 - Lucky, how?[br]- That she breathes underwater. 0:56:25.783,0:56:26.950 Jesus. 0:56:38.075,0:56:40.825 - What happened?[br]- She fell in the water chasing a duck. 0:56:41.033,0:56:42.742 - Come here.[br]- The brakes went, Ma. 0:56:42.950,0:56:47.158 - By the pier. She saved me.[br]- Your water baby? 0:56:47.367,0:56:51.117 Clown. Come on. We'll get you[br]upstairs and into a bath, quick. 0:56:58.117,0:57:00.408 The brakes, they didn't go, did they? 0:57:00.617,0:57:05.825 - No. She did that herself.[br]- Why? Why did she do it herself? 0:57:06.033,0:57:10.325 To test me, maybe?[br]See how much I'd do for her. 0:57:15.242,0:57:18.825 Strange... Feels like home. 0:57:20.575,0:57:22.908 Who is this woman, Annie? 0:57:23.117,0:57:26.658 She's from the Orkney Islands.[br]She swam round the coast to here. 0:57:26.867,0:57:27.950 What if she was? 0:57:28.158,0:57:31.242 I imagine she'd be a wee bit wet[br]around the scratcher, though? 0:57:31.450,0:57:35.450 - Bit cold round the old thigh region.[br]- Stop him, Ma. Close the door. 0:57:35.658,0:57:38.033 Your clown of a fisherman[br]would not notice, would he? 0:57:38.242,0:57:40.075 Close the door, Ma. 0:57:41.533,0:57:44.450 Did he declare her[br]to the Fisheries Board? 0:57:44.658,0:57:46.783 How much would you do for her? 0:57:48.200,0:57:51.867 - You testing me, too?[br]- I'm sorry. 0:57:55.783,0:57:58.158 So why do they call you[br]Circus the clown? 0:57:59.200,0:58:03.408 Because I was one for years. I drank. 0:58:04.617,0:58:08.908 - What made you stop?[br]- Annie. 0:58:09.117,0:58:11.700 I came back from a week[br]on the trawlers and... 0:58:11.908,0:58:16.158 ...found her unconscious.[br]Her mother out on the piss. 0:58:16.825,0:58:21.283 I thought one of us better be sober.[br]Then she kicked me out. 0:58:22.617,0:58:25.825 - You couldn't take Annie with you?[br]- This is Ireland. 0:58:27.033,0:58:29.783 Men like me don't get custody. 0:58:29.992,0:58:32.033 - Someone was looking for her.[br]- Who? 0:58:32.242,0:58:33.408 - A man.[br]- A dark-haired man? 0:58:33.617,0:58:34.658 - Yeah.[br]- You didn't tell him. 0:58:34.867,0:58:36.075 - What's her name?[br]- Ondine. 0:58:36.283,0:58:38.492 That's not what he called her. 0:58:40.700,0:58:42.742 - Men like you?[br]- Fishermen. 0:58:53.867,0:58:55.408 Are you dry? 0:59:08.283,0:59:10.700 Didn't Annie tell you? 0:59:10.908,0:59:13.867 When a selk makes[br]love to a fisherman, she... 0:59:14.075,0:59:16.158 ...she weeps... 0:59:16.950,0:59:19.242 ...salt tears. 0:59:37.700,0:59:41.283 You said you died. In the water. 0:59:42.783,0:59:45.158 How many lives do you have? 0:59:45.367,0:59:49.200 For you? I can't count. 1:00:08.325,1:00:11.200 My name's Syracuse[br]and I'm an alcoholic. 1:00:11.408,1:00:15.408 And you've been sober for[br]two years, seven months and... 1:00:15.617,1:00:17.658 Twenty-one days. 1:00:17.867,1:00:20.992 - Doing very well, Syracuse.[br]- It's about the girl, Father. 1:00:21.200,1:00:25.283 Oh, yes.[br]The one you... met... out fishing. 1:00:26.700,1:00:30.492 - I drew her up in a net, Father.[br]- She looked pretty real to me, Circus. 1:00:30.700,1:00:34.492 - Syracuse.[br]- Sorry. Syracuse. 1:00:36.575,1:00:40.783 So, what about her?[br]You've sinned with her, I suppose? 1:00:42.150,1:00:43.575 Of course. 1:00:43.783,1:00:47.025 And I don't suppose[br]you want absolution? 1:00:47.833,1:00:50.083 - No.[br]- No. 1:00:50.292,1:00:54.958 So, why are you here, Syracuse? 1:00:55.167,1:00:58.833 You know the story about[br]the king who had a secret, 1:00:59.042,1:01:03.375 and it drove him mad[br]so he told it to the tree? 1:01:03.583,1:01:06.500 OK, so... pretend I'm a tree. 1:01:08.958,1:01:12.708 She brings me luck...[br]and I don't know why. 1:01:15.708,1:01:18.292 I'm afraid, Father... 1:01:18.500,1:01:20.500 ...because... 1:01:21.250,1:01:24.542 ...I'm beginning to hope. 1:01:25.292,1:01:27.458 We should never lose hope, Syracuse. 1:01:27.667,1:01:30.042 She was drowned, Father,[br]my net brought her back to life. 1:01:30.250,1:01:32.375 - It doesn't make sense.[br]- I know. 1:01:32.583,1:01:34.917 None of it makes sense,[br]that's why I'm afraid. 1:01:35.125,1:01:39.042 I know something's going[br]to happen, something wonderful. 1:01:39.250,1:01:41.583 Or terrible. 1:01:44.167,1:01:46.458 It's just the kind of girl she is. 1:01:48.250,1:01:50.917 It's just the kind of person she is. 1:01:53.042,1:01:55.500 And that's my secret. 1:01:57.333,1:01:59.375 So what kind of tree are you, Father? 1:02:00.458,1:02:02.833 I suppose I'm an oak. 1:02:03.667,1:02:05.333 You look more like one of the ones 1:02:05.542,1:02:08.208 - they make hurley sticks out of.[br]- Oh, an ash, yeah. 1:02:09.458,1:02:11.708 As long as you're a tree. 1:02:14.500,1:02:16.667 Hey. You Syracuse? 1:02:16.875,1:02:18.625 - Yeah.[br]- Syracuse the fisherman? 1:02:18.833,1:02:21.375 - What's it to you?[br]- You got a light? 1:02:22.792,1:02:27.208 The girl on the boat.[br]What do you call her? 1:02:28.208,1:02:30.208 My mascot. 1:02:40.625,1:02:44.000 - You were upset last night.[br]- Not so much. 1:02:44.208,1:02:48.333 - Your mam said you were.[br]- Well, she imagines things. 1:02:50.458,1:02:54.917 - Do you imagine things, Da?[br]- I leave that to you. 1:02:55.125,1:02:58.000 It's because[br]I've too much time on my own. 1:02:58.208,1:03:02.500 My blood going from here to there.[br]I try to imagine a happy ending. 1:03:02.708,1:03:07.208 It's hard.[br]Some days it's hard. 1:03:16.208,1:03:21.625 - Where is everybody?[br]- Oh, God. In town for the regatta. 1:03:21.833,1:03:23.750 - The regatta?[br]- Yeah. 1:03:23.958,1:03:29.042 There's bands playing. Late night[br]opening. Mam told me, I forgot. 1:03:29.250,1:03:31.542 - Have you got a key?[br]- Yeah, but I left it inside. 1:03:31.750,1:03:33.792 - Annie.[br]- Come on. 1:03:36.875,1:03:40.333 - Where does she drink these days?[br]- Skippers. 1:03:40.542,1:03:42.042 Skippers? 1:04:32.583,1:04:34.375 Hello? 1:04:38.750,1:04:39.958 Hello? 1:05:05.958,1:05:08.667 - Done it, Ma.[br]- Oh, you good thing, you. 1:05:09.875,1:05:11.958 Careful.[br]They don't serve knackers here. 1:05:12.167,1:05:14.625 Just give us the keys, Maura.[br]I'll take her home. 1:05:14.833,1:05:16.458 She'll be fine.[br]A bar never hurt anyone. 1:05:16.667,1:05:19.333 - Please, Maura.[br]- You've cleared a few in your time. 1:05:19.500,1:05:22.708 - She's coming to my place.[br]- She's not. Go back to your caravan. 1:05:22.917,1:05:25.292 Home to your mermaid, Circus, huh? 1:05:25.500,1:05:28.000 You know, he's got himself[br]a water baby? 1:05:28.208,1:05:31.458 - Annie?[br]- I'll be fine. You just go, Da. 1:05:33.000,1:05:35.208 - Two shots, aye?[br]- Two shots, is it? 1:05:35.417,1:05:38.500 That's it. Middle pocket, right? 1:05:38.708,1:05:41.375 Right middle pocket. 1:05:41.542,1:05:44.250 - Oh, pish.[br]- Two shots to me. 1:06:01.333,1:06:02.750 Ondine! 1:06:07.125,1:06:08.792 Ondine! 1:06:15.833,1:06:17.708 Ondine! 1:06:29.833,1:06:31.667 Don't I get seven years? 1:06:35.042,1:06:38.958 - Remember the bit about selkie men?[br]- The husband? 1:06:40.375,1:06:41.667 Well, he's here. 1:06:41.875,1:06:45.750 - And he's taking her back?[br]- Yes. 1:06:53.250,1:06:55.458 So I'll see you at home then, huh? 1:06:56.542,1:06:57.750 Hey. 1:06:58.583,1:07:01.875 A guy was breathalysed[br]in one of those in Glasgow. 1:07:02.083,1:07:06.375 No, seriously.[br]No, he was six times over the limit. 1:07:06.583,1:07:08.917 What if I take the footpath? 1:07:09.125,1:07:13.250 Look, you're still in charge[br]of your flipping vehicle, right? 1:07:13.458,1:07:15.083 I'll go slowly. 1:07:28.458,1:07:31.958 - Tell him to piss off.[br]- I wish I could. 1:07:32.167,1:07:35.250 - Wish, then.[br]- I can't. 1:07:35.458,1:07:39.292 - You can grant a wish.[br]- You sure? 1:07:39.500,1:07:44.583 - Annie says so.[br]- OK. 1:07:44.792,1:07:46.875 I wish she wasn't sick. 1:07:50.542,1:07:52.500 So do I. 1:07:54.292,1:07:55.917 And I wish you'd stay. 1:07:57.417,1:08:03.208 - That's two wishes.[br]- One for you. And one for me. 1:08:22.250,1:08:26.542 Have you got your lights on, hen?[br]The cops will get you if you don't. 1:08:47.457,1:08:48.582 Maybe it's all a lie. 1:08:49.292,1:08:53.250 Maybe you walked into the sea[br]to get away from a bad marriage. 1:08:54.667,1:08:58.667 - Would you believe that?[br]- I did it once. 1:09:00.542,1:09:06.207 - What happened?[br]- I got wet. Got sense. Got sober. 1:09:08.207,1:09:11.957 - That's not the story, though.[br]- Well, what is, then? 1:09:14.542,1:09:16.832 Like Annie says, I'm a selk. 1:09:19.292,1:09:20.417 Something's up. 1:09:23.375,1:09:24.667 A crash. 1:09:30.417,1:09:32.500 No. No... 1:09:33.375,1:09:38.207 No! Annie. Get out... out of me way! 1:09:39.625,1:09:44.667 - Annie. Annie. Annie![br]- Syracuse. Syracuse! 1:09:44.875,1:09:47.625 She's OK, she's OK.[br]She's in good hands. 1:09:49.207,1:09:51.250 Jesus Christ![br]Tell me what happened to her. 1:09:51.457,1:09:54.333 She's been a terrible accident,[br]but Annie is all right, you hear me? 1:09:54.542,1:09:55.792 Annie is fine. 1:10:13.875,1:10:18.667 - You wore your seat-belt, love.[br]- What happened? 1:10:18.875,1:10:20.542 I don't know yet. 1:10:24.500,1:10:28.458 - She's all right... Father?[br]- Please God, she will be. 1:10:28.667,1:10:31.667 We're going to move her to[br]another room. Want to follow me? 1:10:38.083,1:10:39.333 Is something wrong? 1:10:42.958,1:10:45.958 - What's happening?[br]- I don't know. I don't know. 1:10:54.542,1:10:56.458 - What's happening?[br]- The doctor will explain. 1:10:56.667,1:10:58.667 Syracuse, can we talk in private? 1:10:58.875,1:11:01.875 - What's going on?[br]- Alex had a donor card. 1:11:02.083,1:11:05.833 - What?[br]- We have a tissue match. 1:11:06.042,1:11:07.958 Strangest thing, but it's happened. 1:11:08.167,1:11:11.333 - Are you serious?[br]- Come on. 1:11:29.500,1:11:30.833 Retractor. 1:11:45.750,1:11:46.833 So why are you here? 1:11:49.042,1:11:53.042 - You speak their language now.[br]- It's softer than ours. 1:11:55.167,1:11:59.125 - I wish you were dead.[br]- None of us are that lucky. 1:11:59.583,1:12:04.750 So... the sea spat you out, did it? 1:12:04.917,1:12:06.417 It can swallow me again. 1:12:07.333,1:12:11.000 We don't belong here, do we? 1:12:11.167,1:12:15.542 - So? Go home.[br]- I can't. 1:12:15.750,1:12:19.500 - Police want to talk to me.[br]- About what? 1:12:19.708,1:12:23.208 She came from nowhere. Drunk. 1:12:23.708,1:12:26.500 - They should talk to her, not me.[br]- Tell them that. 1:12:26.708,1:12:29.917 I will. And then you'll tell me. 1:12:31.250,1:12:32.625 Nothing. 1:12:48.667,1:12:50.500 Hey. 1:12:52.292,1:12:53.917 Where's mam? 1:12:55.167,1:12:59.417 She's asleep. She can't see[br]you right now, but she will later. 1:12:59.625,1:13:03.708 - Where's Ondine?[br]- Ondine's close by. 1:13:03.917,1:13:09.500 You'll see her, too.[br]Just rest. Just rest. 1:13:29.083,1:13:32.375 He had a wife and[br]three children in Scotland. 1:13:32.542,1:13:34.417 Where are they now? 1:13:34.583,1:13:36.708 They said we were welcome to him. 1:13:38.083,1:13:39.750 I'm sorry it happened like this. 1:13:41.875,1:13:46.833 - Sure I can't take it in.[br]- I know. It's hard. 1:13:48.625,1:13:50.417 Why aren't you blaming me? 1:13:51.583,1:13:54.042 Because, for once,[br]you had nothing to do with it. 1:13:54.250,1:13:58.417 - Why do I feel as if I did?[br]- Because you're Circus. 1:13:58.583,1:14:00.708 You get everything wrong. 1:14:05.542,1:14:07.292 I met him on this ferry. 1:14:08.875,1:14:15.083 - Where was I?[br]- Where you always were. At sea. 1:14:18.250,1:14:21.958 Take Annie home, when she's stronger,[br]till I get out of this thing. 1:14:22.167,1:14:24.500 - I can't cope.[br]- OK. 1:14:24.708,1:14:28.083 - It's what you always wanted, isn't it?[br]- Yes. 1:14:28.250,1:14:31.000 So... you've got it. 1:14:32.008,1:14:34.092 But I don't want that woman there. 1:14:35.967,1:14:38.133 And take me to his wake now. 1:14:38.342,1:14:40.342 - I can't.[br]- Oh, I insist. 1:14:48.842,1:14:51.050 - Two whiskies and ice.[br]- One. 1:14:51.258,1:14:53.758 - Two.[br]- Maura, I don't... 1:14:53.967,1:14:55.717 Show some respect.[br]It's his funeral. 1:15:12.258,1:15:15.092 - Get rid of her, Circus.[br]- Who? 1:15:15.300,1:15:20.050 Your water baby.[br]She brings good luck, then bad. 1:15:45.633,1:15:46.758 Two more, Maggie. 1:16:04.342,1:16:05.758 You all right? 1:16:23.258,1:16:24.675 Finders keepers. 1:16:40.425,1:16:42.050 Why are you looking[br]at me like that? 1:16:42.258,1:16:47.592 Because you're a selkie...[br]and I'm an alcoholic. 1:16:47.758,1:16:52.967 - A peaceful night's sleep, had you?[br]- No. 1:16:54.092,1:17:00.175 - He's still out there somewhere.[br]- OK. I'm taking you home. 1:17:01.258,1:17:02.258 Hey! 1:17:11.342,1:17:13.842 That bit about the husband... 1:17:14.050,1:17:17.342 - He's not my husband.[br]- What is he, then? 1:17:20.383,1:17:25.633 - My pushta.[br]- What's that? Selkie for squeeze? 1:17:27.383,1:17:31.842 Look. You're home.[br]You'll be safe there. 1:17:32.050,1:17:36.008 - You can sing your song.[br]- Who will I sing it to? 1:17:36.217,1:17:40.383 To me. Go on, sing.[br]Make the seals dance. 1:17:40.592,1:17:41.675 - I can't.[br]- Why not? 1:17:41.883,1:17:44.300 - Because you're drunk.[br]- I'll be sober in the morning. 1:17:44.508,1:17:46.258 You can sing to me then. 1:17:46.425,1:17:50.675 I fished round here for years.[br]Never knew this selkie stuff. 1:17:50.883,1:17:53.425 Maybe you were dead.[br]And I fished you back to life! 1:17:53.633,1:17:55.092 Yes! 1:17:55.300,1:17:57.633 And now you're gonna haunt me? 1:17:57.800,1:17:59.800 Forever! Come here. 1:18:00.675,1:18:04.925 What does "haunt" mean?[br]What does "haunt" mean? 1:18:18.175,1:18:19.800 You want some? 1:18:24.592,1:18:27.008 Selkies don't drink? 1:18:34.592,1:18:39.842 So... you're safe here.[br]Is that right? 1:18:42.342,1:18:44.717 - How's Annie?[br]- She's fine. 1:18:53.925,1:18:55.592 She's safe, too. 1:18:58.508,1:19:00.258 I got another bottle on the boat. 1:19:01.925,1:19:03.383 Syracuse. 1:19:05.550,1:19:07.758 What does "haunt" mean? 1:19:07.967,1:19:12.217 It means what you're doing... to me. 1:19:25.717,1:19:26.925 You wouldn't. 1:19:30.508,1:19:34.425 Syracuse! Syracuse! 1:19:36.883,1:19:38.383 Don't! 1:19:40.592,1:19:43.883 - What are you doing?[br]- I know it's not how fairy tales end. 1:19:44.050,1:19:46.967 But this one does.[br]This one does because it has to. 1:19:47.175,1:19:49.675 What do you mean?[br]What do you mean?! 1:19:49.883,1:19:55.550 I mean your kind and my kind.[br]We don't belong together. 1:19:55.758,1:19:58.175 - I have to say goodbye...[br]- Go away. 1:20:01.133,1:20:02.883 ...to Annie. 1:21:44.217,1:21:45.550 Syracuse. 1:22:02.008,1:22:06.633 - Hey, buddy.[br]- Oh, I'm your buddy, am I? 1:22:06.800,1:22:10.508 Yeah. You are. 1:22:10.717,1:22:14.008 You're my sobriety buddy. 1:22:14.175,1:22:17.633 Where were you last night?[br]I needed you. 1:22:17.842,1:22:21.758 - You fell off the wagon.[br]- Big time. 1:22:23.383,1:22:25.592 Circus of fools. 1:22:25.800,1:22:29.300 I was twirling around that big top. 1:22:32.008,1:22:34.550 I'm back in the sawdust now. 1:22:35.967,1:22:38.092 And it tastes like shite. 1:22:44.258,1:22:46.633 Do you know[br]what my problem is, buddy? 1:22:46.842,1:22:49.717 You can't take good luck. 1:22:53.008,1:22:55.050 Ten out of ten, Sherlock. 1:22:56.717,1:23:02.092 Misery is easy, Syracuse.[br]Happiness you have to work at. 1:23:03.217,1:23:05.300 Why didn't the tree say that? 1:23:05.508,1:23:08.758 Sure, the tree's[br]not gonna tell you anything. 1:23:13.633,1:23:17.717 - What about the girl?[br]- She's gone. 1:23:17.925,1:23:21.008 - And Annie?[br]- She's getting out today. 1:23:21.217,1:23:24.300 I'm taking her home with me. 1:23:24.508,1:23:28.592 After that, there's no excuses,[br]is there, buddy? 1:23:30.300,1:23:31.800 No. 1:23:33.425,1:23:36.217 - Why are you crying?[br]- I'm not. 1:23:36.383,1:23:38.342 Yes, you are. I can tell. 1:23:38.508,1:23:40.758 Maybe because you're[br]back on the road again. 1:23:40.967,1:23:44.633 - You're home.[br]- Where's Ondine? 1:23:44.800,1:23:47.508 Ondine had to go away for a while. 1:23:47.675,1:23:51.092 - That's why you're crying.[br]- It's not, I swear. 1:23:51.300,1:23:54.675 - Did her husband come?[br]- He must have. 1:23:54.883,1:23:58.425 Because she's gone.[br]On sea business. 1:23:59.175,1:24:01.425 - But she'll be back, you know.[br]- Do you think? 1:24:01.633,1:24:02.842 I know. 1:24:03.050,1:24:05.800 - She left something here.[br]- What? 1:24:08.425,1:24:11.550 The eldest of two children,[br]a younger brother, Robert... 1:24:15.383,1:24:18.342 - What time is it?[br]- Half-one. 1:24:19.508,1:24:23.217 - Why didn't you wake me?[br]- Because you were sleeping like a baby. 1:24:24.133,1:24:27.883 - I thought you were the baby.[br]- Doesn't look like it. 1:24:30.800,1:24:34.008 - Do you want breakfast?[br]- Lunch. 1:24:37.717,1:24:39.217 There you are, baby. 1:25:06.600,1:25:09.000 - Annie, that song.[br]- What song? 1:25:09.108,1:25:10.567 Just a minute ago. 1:25:19.050,1:25:21.133 - It's real.[br]- Course it's real. 1:25:21.342,1:25:22.800 It's Sigur Ros. 1:25:38.225,1:25:40.217 Annie, I have to go out for a bit. 1:25:41.083,1:25:43.008 - I'll take you to your mam's.[br]- No. 1:25:43.117,1:25:45.533 - I can't leave you on your own.[br]- Yes, you can. 1:25:46.002,1:25:48.558 - Don't you get it? I'm better.[br]- Are you sure? 1:25:49.683,1:25:52.592 You got some unfinished sea business? 1:25:53.800,1:25:56.967 - I suppose.[br]- Go on, then. 1:25:57.175,1:25:59.183 I'm kind of busy here anyway. 1:26:26.017,1:26:27.167 Hey! 1:26:47.542,1:26:49.008 Hey! 1:27:20.300,1:27:22.050 There were seals down there. 1:27:22.258,1:27:26.002 Basking on the rock. My kind, huh? 1:27:26.300,1:27:31.050 - I didn't say that.[br]- No, but you thought it. 1:27:33.758,1:27:36.883 Then the storm came up. 1:27:37.092,1:27:40.133 They slipped into the water, one by one. 1:27:40.342,1:27:42.883 I was going to join them. 1:27:47.175,1:27:49.467 What changed your mind? 1:27:50.925,1:27:52.633 What changed yours? 1:27:57.050,1:28:03.175 She was switching channels on the TV,[br]and your song came on. 1:28:03.383,1:28:05.717 Was never my song. 1:28:08.717,1:28:11.008 - So tell me.[br]- No. 1:28:11.217,1:28:14.342 - No. Take me home.[br]- Where is home? 1:28:14.550,1:28:17.383 Where do you think? 1:28:18.467,1:28:22.800 - You'll tell me the truth now.[br]- The truth? 1:28:24.758,1:28:28.583 The truth is I'm a creature[br]from the sea that found her seal coat 1:28:28.650,1:28:31.250 and buried it because[br]she found a family she liked. 1:28:31.358,1:28:35.383 - Please.[br]- That's... 1:28:37.092,1:28:42.175 That's one truth.[br]You don't want to know the other. 1:28:43.592,1:28:44.883 Try me. 1:28:47.592,1:28:49.217 OK. 1:28:52.425,1:28:56.842 I am a prisoner and[br]a drug mule from Romania. 1:28:57.050,1:28:59.092 I said the real truth. 1:29:03.258,1:29:05.258 This is the real truth. 1:29:06.717,1:29:10.717 I was on a boat with[br]a kilo of heroin in a backpack. 1:29:10.925,1:29:13.050 Coast Guard came,[br]Vladic made me swim for it. 1:29:13.258,1:29:17.675 - Vladic?[br]- My selkie husband. 1:29:18.425,1:29:21.008 My pushta. 1:29:42.675,1:29:45.217 He was like a monster, from a fairytale. 1:29:45.425,1:29:51.467 But he couldn't swim,[br]so he made me take to the water. 1:29:52.967,1:29:58.550 I was always a good swimmer,[br]but your Irish waves wore me down. 1:30:00.800,1:30:03.425 I swam till I could swim no more. 1:30:05.050,1:30:06.508 Then I floated. 1:30:08.508,1:30:09.883 Then I sank. 1:30:13.467,1:30:15.717 It was almost a relief. 1:30:18.842,1:30:24.800 I said, "Here goes... I die". 1:30:35.133,1:30:36.383 And that's the truth. 1:30:40.925,1:30:43.092 You brought me back to life. 1:30:45.175,1:30:48.175 I found a caravan, a family. 1:30:50.550,1:30:52.050 Now it's gone, OK? 1:30:54.467,1:30:55.842 Caravan's going nowhere. 1:31:04.967,1:31:07.050 What's your real name? 1:31:12.133,1:31:16.592 - It's Joanna.[br]- Joanna. 1:31:25.883,1:31:29.050 Just tell her you were away[br]on sea business. 1:31:29.258,1:31:31.133 Sea business? 1:31:36.342,1:31:38.342 - Annie?[br]- I told them nothing. 1:31:38.550,1:31:41.092 - Told who?[br]- Not true, little girl. 1:31:41.300,1:31:45.592 You told us about[br]seven tears and the selkie island. 1:31:45.800,1:31:47.842 And how Ondine came out of the water. 1:31:48.050,1:31:50.092 But nothing important, I swear. 1:31:52.002,1:31:56.358 Seven tears are important, surely?[br]And the selkie island. 1:31:56.808,1:31:59.592 Still some details[br]I'd like to get more clear. 1:32:00.000,1:32:01.517 Do you want to eat some? 1:32:01.625,1:32:03.317 - Da![br]- Are you OK? 1:32:09.467,1:32:12.083 - Who the heck are you?[br]- Circus the clown. 1:32:12.092,1:32:15.342 We've got seals, selkies, clowns...[br]Someone start making sense! 1:32:21.883,1:32:25.042 - Is she the swimmer?[br]- Yes, I swim like a fish. 1:32:25.050,1:32:28.050 - Is she the one that lost it?[br]- I'll get it back. Put that thing down. 1:32:28.258,1:32:30.042 - Where is it?[br]- Where is what? 1:32:30.050,1:32:32.033 - He wants her seal coat.[br]- What's she on about? 1:32:32.042,1:32:34.058 - Yes, I want her seal coat.[br]- Don't give it to them. 1:32:34.067,1:32:36.475 - We have to.[br]- Means you'll go. 1:32:36.525,1:32:38.075 - We don't know that.[br]- I know it! 1:32:38.083,1:32:39.125 - Tell her![br]- Tell her what? 1:32:39.233,1:32:41.092 That you don't care about me. 1:32:41.633,1:32:44.600 - I don't care about her![br]- All you want is the coat. 1:32:45.717,1:32:48.250 - What's he saying?[br]- It's not important. Listen to me! 1:32:49.008,1:32:52.005 Let them go. Put that thing away![br]I'll show you where. 1:32:52.033,1:32:53.383 - Where?[br]- I'll show you where. 1:32:53.592,1:32:57.025 - It's OK...[br]- Give her to me. Come here. 1:33:00.008,1:33:02.058 Here, Annie.[br]Come here, come here. 1:33:14.300,1:33:16.017 What? What? 1:33:16.125,1:33:20.008 Here, it was here, I swear. I swear. 1:33:21.217,1:33:22.967 Stop it! Stop it. 1:33:24.008,1:33:26.967 - Listen to me. Listen to me...[br]- Look at me, little girl. 1:33:27.175,1:33:31.758 - Don't make me bite.[br]- Did you move it, Annie? 1:33:32.967,1:33:35.133 ...he digs it up and then she doesn't[br]stay for seven years... 1:33:35.342,1:33:38.083 Tell them where you moved it[br]before they hurt somebody, OK? 1:33:38.092,1:33:39.758 I don't want you to go. 1:33:40.392,1:33:43.075 If you tell me where you moved it,[br]I promise I stay. 1:33:43.183,1:33:45.258 - How long?[br]- As long as you want. 1:33:45.367,1:33:48.217 I'll find a job on a fishing boat,[br]anything. Just tell me. 1:33:48.842,1:33:52.050 - Cross your heart?[br]- Cross my heart and hope to die. 1:33:53.500,1:33:56.005 - The lobster pot.[br]- The lobster pot? 1:33:56.083,1:33:59.125 - What lobster pot?[br]- The one for storage. 1:33:59.233,1:34:01.003 - OK, show us.[br]- Out there. 1:34:01.092,1:34:02.175 Show us, baby. 1:34:08.517,1:34:10.008 Give it here... 1:34:21.300,1:34:22.425 It's full of water. 1:34:23.525,1:34:26.550 - He's not a selkie, is he?[br]- No, he isn't. 1:34:26.658,1:34:31.100 - You still are.[br]- It was vacuum packed. 1:34:32.925,1:34:33.967 Always. 1:34:46.758,1:34:51.008 Help! I can't swim. Help! 1:34:52.133,1:34:53.425 Keep that gun on him. 1:35:13.108,1:35:17.508 - So he couldn't breathe underwater?[br]- No, he couldn't. 1:35:18.017,1:35:22.883 - Does that mean he drowned?[br]- Don't you worry about it, love. 1:35:32.125,1:35:35.008 - That's it, lads. Over this way now.[br]- All right. 1:35:38.342,1:35:39.758 All right, let's go. 1:35:48.925,1:35:52.550 - Is this not an AA meeting?[br]- I don't know. 1:35:53.758,1:35:58.633 Thing is, Father, she's[br]in front of the judge next week. 1:35:58.842,1:36:03.008 - And?[br]- And she's a non-national. 1:36:03.217,1:36:04.967 And? 1:36:05.175,1:36:08.550 And this is the confessional,[br]Father, we're not talking gossip here. 1:36:08.758,1:36:09.925 I'm still an oak. 1:36:10.133,1:36:12.175 I thought you were a[br]what-do-you-call-it... 1:36:12.383,1:36:14.175 - An ash.[br]- An ash. 1:36:14.383,1:36:18.467 Well, her solicitor said[br]she'll get deported 1:36:18.675,1:36:20.717 if she doesn't become a national. 1:36:20.925,1:36:24.592 So she has to apply[br]to the Department of Justice. 1:36:25.300,1:36:29.633 Or... she gets... married. 1:36:33.675,1:36:38.092 So, who's going to marry her, Syracuse? 1:36:38.300,1:36:42.467 Well... it's not like[br]there's a queue, Father. 1:36:42.675,1:36:45.342 - Well, I can't marry her.[br]- No. You're a tree. 1:36:45.508,1:36:47.133 Exactly. 1:37:12.758,1:37:14.925 And I threw the[br]selkie coat in the water. 1:37:15.133,1:37:19.300 I told a lie about that, too.[br]Wasn't a real lie, was it? 1:37:19.508,1:37:21.508 Because I wanted her to stay forever. 1:37:21.717,1:37:23.217 She's staying forever? 1:37:23.425,1:37:25.092 Yeah. Haven't you heard? 1:37:25.300,1:37:28.467 They're getting married[br]next week to make her a national. 1:37:28.675,1:37:32.842 So I suppose she isn't a selkie, really. 1:37:33.050,1:37:35.175 Because you can't marry a seal,[br]can you? 1:37:35.383,1:37:38.425 No. You definitely cannot. 1:37:38.633,1:37:41.175 Not in the real quotidian world anyway. 1:37:41.383,1:37:43.758 - Quotidian?[br]- Yeah. 1:37:43.967,1:37:46.425 Means the one we have to live in. 1:37:47.842,1:37:50.425 If she was a seal, though,[br]would you still do the wedding? 1:37:50.633,1:37:51.717 Me? 1:37:53.675,1:37:56.467 What about your past lives? 1:37:56.675,1:38:00.300 - Are you sure I have them?[br]- Yeah, everybody does. 1:38:00.508,1:38:02.675 It's just a matter of remembering. 1:38:02.883,1:38:06.092 - Stop peeping, would you?[br]- I don't peep. 1:38:06.300,1:38:09.592 I mean, you could have even[br]been married in one of them...