Have you thought about why Jesus chose
Caesarea Philippi to reveal who he is?
Towards the end of his time in Galilee
Jesus took his disciples
to a place near Caesarea Philippi.
It was a place of pagan worship and
and was the location of the god 'Pan'
who according to Greek mythology
was known as the god of nature,
the wild, shepherds and flocks
and the companion of nymphs.
It was quite possible that Jesus was
standing here, what was called
at that time 'The Gate of Hell',
as some believed that this cavernous
opening literally was the door
to the underworld.
In the immensity of the stones nearby
Jesus asked
Who do people say I am?
Who do you say I am?
Peter says, You are the Christ, the
Son of the Living God.
Jesus replies, And I tell you,
you are Peter
and on this rock I will build my Church
and the gates of hell shall not
prevail against it.
Matthew 16:18-19.
Amid the natural strongholds, the
revelation by Peter
that Jesus was the Messiah, the
Son of God
and Jesus commissioning Peter to lead
His church
This event and location was a powerful
in which we know Jesus claimed victory.
All around us is the cry to worship
other gods
and the question always exists,
Who are you going to worship?