How long have you been living in this house? [Music.] About five years. Have you heard something or seen something? Yes. Yeah. Going to attempt to make contact. Excuse me! The purpose for this documentary is to prove that Menehunes are real. Ohhh! [Intense music.] Oh, and this is my auntie. She basically raised me. [Crash.] Yeah, what she said. [Music.] I started my own business. Hawaiian Island Ghost Hunters. We are H. I. G. H. We are about to find out that this toilet is haunted. Made a booby trap. This guys try to find Menehune. They're mostly catching rats. [Crash.] Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Nobody believes in Menehune! Tiny little ghosts. Menehune. - Menehunes exists. The Menehune footprints. [Music] [Noise] Hello! Menehune blood. Of course, they are real. I've seen 'em everywhere. Menehune house. Ahh! [Sigh.] Oh! You scared me, auntie. [Laughs.] We mean no harm. He means a little bit of harm. [Dog barks.] - Whoa! Geez! Give me the tape. [Eerie music.]