Cultural institutions own and create contents that they want to share. Unfortunately even though some of this content have been digitized, content is not always available or accessible to everyone. If all your books and catalogues have run out and you don’t have the ressources to republish them, If your files are badly organised, and if you have no funds Maybe you would be interested in Share Your Knowledge. To begin on this path, all you need to do is to release all your content under the CC-BY-SA license. This allows other people to distribute, edit, and create artbooks from the original files, even for commercial purposes. The new artwork must also be published under the same license and credit the original creator. Then, through Wikipedia, your knowledge is shared with the world for free. Here are just two examples: The German Federal Archive released lower-resolution images on Wikimedia Commons. This tripled the number high-resolution images sold by the Archive. Italy’s Cariplo Foundation has created and uploaded to Wikipedia 247 Italian and English articles as well as 854 artists and their works out its art collection. Share Your Knowledge will help you to organize your documentation in an efficient way, and assist you with planning how to share all the archives you will create in the future. It’s free, and increases the visibility of your organization and your content. So, why not do it?