Hello, welcome to Make Thrift Buy, the show where you suggest clothes or accessories that you've found on the internet and then I do my best to recreate them. Today's challenge was suggested by am_y on instagram, and Hanechon on youtube, who both wanted me to try out tops featuring heart cutouts! So I'm pretty much a sucker for heart prints or heart cutouts or heart... anything, on basically any item of clothing - as you can see - so I really really really wanted to give this one a go. So let's begin! Now because I have uni exams in a week, I’m going to be super lazy and try this out on a top I already own. So this is a high-necked top, that I’ve never worn because it’s kinda… meh… The most important thing about this top, however, is that the material doesn’t really FRAY, because it’s stretchy. So, using a piece of chalk, and looking at a picture of the inspiration shirt on my phone, I traced a heart-shape onto my own shirt, in the spot that I wanted the cutout to be. And this is a super flattering shot. Ummm…so let’s zoom in. So okay! – now that I’ve traced out a basic heart shape onto my top, I take it off and even up the heart, making sure that it’s centered, and that both the sides of the heart are the same shape and size. Then, I got myself some fusible interfacing, which in this case, will allow the cutout to hold its shape. So I cut out a piece of interfacing that was slightly bigger than my heart shape. Then I turned my shirt inside-out and – nice, there’s a lovely spit-stain for you to all look at there from where I tried to rub out my chalk lines… - and apparently the chalk also went through to the backside of the fabric. Which will actually help me, but if your material hasn’t done this, make a note of where your heart-shape lies, then, place your interfacing over the top of this shape, with the fusible, rough side, facing down. Now, instructions for different interfacings' will vary so make sure you look at your own, but mine told me to place my iron, on wool-setting, onto the interfacing for 8 seconds. So I… did… that. I made sure that the interfacing was securely attached to the fabric, and then I turned my shirt the right way around. Now, it’s kinda hard to see with this lighting, but the heart outline IS still there, and then I basically just used some fabric scissors to cut through the fabric and the nterfacing layers, using the heart outline to guide me, giving me this. Then I turned the shirt inside out and ironed the interfacing one more time, for about 5 seconds, to make sure that it was really well attached at the new cut edges. And that's it. So…. How did I go? [fast-paced, happy, bouncy EDM music plays] So my conclusion is: [scissor snipping, zipper sound effect] A simple change can REALLY make all the difference to an item of clothing you weren't so keen on before. And - you don't have to just do this on a top - you could pretty much do this on any fabric that isn't going to fray, so any kind of stretchy, knit, jersey material! However, I do have an important tip, which is to get yourself knit, fusible interfacing, especially if your cutout design is going to be under an area that is going to be under a lot of stretch or stress, for example, on top of boobs. Because I didn't have any knit interfacing, I just used a normal lightweight fusible interfacing, however because I did this I actually have to re-iron the interfacing on every couple of times that I wear this shirt. So keep that in mind. And - that's all! Thank you so much for watching, and basically, I wanna see you all making cute cutouts (they don't even have to be heart shapes either, they could be any simple shape you can imagine - CUT HOLES IN ALL YOUR CLOTHES) and I want you to upload them to instagram and tag me with #diyannika so that I can see how you went! So thank you so much for watching, give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video, and I'll see you all next time. Bye!