0:00:02.879,0:00:07.130 Hello, welcome to Make Thrift Buy, the show[br]where you suggest clothes or accessories that 0:00:07.130,0:00:10.410 you've found on the internet and then I do[br]my best to recreate them. 0:00:10.410,0:00:14.230 Today's challenge was suggested by am_y on[br]instagram, 0:00:14.230,0:00:18.630 and Hanechon on youtube, who both wanted me[br]to try out tops featuring heart cutouts! 0:00:18.630,0:00:23.390 So I'm pretty much a sucker for heart prints[br]or heart cutouts or heart... anything, on 0:00:23.390,0:00:28.319 basically any item of clothing - as you can[br]see - so I really really really wanted to 0:00:28.319,0:00:30.759 give this one a go. So let's begin! 0:00:30.759,0:00:35.200 Now because I have uni exams in a week, I’m[br]going to be super lazy and try this out on 0:00:35.200,0:00:39.800 a top I already own. So this is a high-necked[br]top, that I’ve never worn because it’s 0:00:39.800,0:00:43.300 kinda… meh…[br]The most important thing about this top, however, 0:00:43.300,0:00:46.250 is that the material doesn’t really FRAY,[br]because it’s stretchy. 0:00:46.250,0:00:50.280 So, using a piece of chalk, and looking at[br]a picture of the inspiration shirt on my phone, 0:00:50.280,0:00:55.140 I traced a heart-shape onto my own shirt,[br]in the spot that I wanted the cutout to be. 0:00:55.140,0:01:00.850 And this is a super flattering shot. Ummm…so[br]let’s zoom in. 0:01:00.850,0:01:05.170 So okay! – now that I’ve traced out a[br]basic heart shape onto my top, I take it off 0:01:05.170,0:01:09.329 and even up the heart, making sure that it’s[br]centered, and that both the sides of the heart 0:01:09.329,0:01:10.960 are the same shape and size. 0:01:10.960,0:01:15.490 Then, I got myself some fusible interfacing,[br]which in this case, will allow the cutout 0:01:15.490,0:01:16.640 to hold its shape. 0:01:16.640,0:01:20.060 So I cut out a piece of interfacing that was[br]slightly bigger than my heart shape. 0:01:22.420,0:01:27.249 Then I turned my shirt inside-out and – nice,[br]there’s a lovely spit-stain for you to all 0:01:27.249,0:01:31.229 look at there from where I tried to rub out[br]my chalk lines… - and apparently the chalk 0:01:31.229,0:01:36.490 also went through to the backside of the fabric.[br]Which will actually help me, but if your material 0:01:36.490,0:01:40.929 hasn’t done this, make a note of where your[br]heart-shape lies, then, place your interfacing 0:01:40.929,0:01:44.609 over the top of this shape, with the fusible,[br]rough side, facing down. 0:01:44.609,0:01:48.380 Now, instructions for different interfacings'[br]will vary so make sure you look at your own, 0:01:48.380,0:01:52.520 but mine told me to place my iron, on wool-setting,[br]onto the interfacing for 8 seconds. So I… 0:01:52.520,0:01:55.420 did… that. 0:01:56.340,0:01:59.540 I made sure that the interfacing was securely[br]attached to the fabric, and then I turned 0:01:59.549,0:02:01.560 my shirt the right way around. 0:02:01.590,0:02:05.289 Now, it’s kinda hard to see with this lighting,[br]but the heart outline IS still there, and 0:02:05.289,0:02:09.970 then I basically just used some fabric scissors[br]to cut through the fabric and the nterfacing 0:02:09.970,0:02:15.060 layers, using the heart outline to guide me,[br]giving me this. 0:02:15.060,0:02:19.130 Then I turned the shirt inside out and ironed[br]the interfacing one more time, for about 5 0:02:19.130,0:02:22.890 seconds, to make sure that it was really well[br]attached at the new cut edges. 0:02:22.890,0:02:25.470 And that's it.[br]So…. How did I go? 0:02:25.470,0:02:35.280 [fast-paced, happy, bouncy EDM music plays] 0:02:42.860,0:02:46.210 So my conclusion is:[br][scissor snipping, zipper sound effect] 0:02:46.210,0:02:50.250 A simple change can REALLY make all the difference[br]to an item of clothing you weren't so keen 0:02:50.250,0:02:53.560 on before. And - you don't have to just do[br]this on a top - you could pretty much do this 0:02:53.560,0:02:58.960 on any fabric that isn't going to fray, so[br]any kind of stretchy, knit, jersey material! 0:02:58.960,0:03:04.310 However, I do have an important tip, which[br]is to get yourself knit, fusible interfacing, 0:03:04.310,0:03:08.580 especially if your cutout design is going[br]to be under an area that is going to be under 0:03:08.580,0:03:12.890 a lot of stretch or stress, for example, on[br]top of boobs. 0:03:12.890,0:03:18.280 Because I didn't have any knit interfacing,[br]I just used a normal lightweight fusible interfacing, 0:03:18.280,0:03:23.600 however because I did this I actually have[br]to re-iron the interfacing on every couple 0:03:23.600,0:03:26.170 of times that I wear this shirt. So keep that[br]in mind. 0:03:26.170,0:03:31.530 And - that's all! Thank you so much for watching,[br]and basically, I wanna see you all making 0:03:31.530,0:03:35.550 cute cutouts (they don't even have to be heart[br]shapes either, they could be any simple shape 0:03:35.550,0:03:39.600 you can imagine - CUT HOLES IN ALL YOUR CLOTHES)[br]and I want you to upload them to instagram 0:03:39.600,0:03:43.090 and tag me with #diyannika so that I can see[br]how you went! 0:03:43.090,0:03:46.420 So thank you so much for watching, give me[br]a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video, and 0:03:46.420,0:03:48.000 I'll see you all next time. Bye!