1 00:00:00,827 --> 00:00:04,340 I've been living in rural East Africa for about 10 years, 2 00:00:04,340 --> 00:00:08,226 and I want to share a field perspective with you on global poverty. 3 00:00:08,226 --> 00:00:10,511 I believe that the greatest failure of the human race 4 00:00:10,511 --> 00:00:13,077 is the fact that we've left more than one billion of our members behind. 5 00:00:13,077 --> 00:00:16,661 Hungry, extreme poverty: 6 00:00:16,661 --> 00:00:20,146 these often seem like gigantic, insurmountable problems 7 00:00:20,146 --> 00:00:22,185 too big to solve, 8 00:00:22,185 --> 00:00:24,110 but as a field practitioner, 9 00:00:24,110 --> 00:00:26,753 I believe these are actually very solvable problems 10 00:00:26,753 --> 00:00:30,457 if we just take the right strategies. 11 00:00:30,457 --> 00:00:32,841 Archimedes was an ancient Greek thinker, 12 00:00:32,841 --> 00:00:34,929 and he taught us that if we lean on the right levers, 13 00:00:34,929 --> 00:00:37,131 we can move the world. 14 00:00:37,131 --> 00:00:40,710 In the fight against extreme poverty, I believe there are three powerful levers 15 00:00:40,710 --> 00:00:42,074 that we can lean on. 16 00:00:42,074 --> 00:00:45,200 This talk is all about those levers, and why they make poverty 17 00:00:45,200 --> 00:00:47,931 a winnable fight in our lifetimes. 18 00:00:47,931 --> 00:00:50,249 What is extreme poverty? 19 00:00:50,249 --> 00:00:52,468 When I first moved to rural East Africa, 20 00:00:52,468 --> 00:00:54,835 I stayed overnight with a farm family. 21 00:00:54,835 --> 00:00:57,024 They were wonderful people. 22 00:00:57,024 --> 00:00:59,802 They invited me into their home. We sang songs together 23 00:00:59,802 --> 00:01:01,051 and ate a simple dinner. 24 00:01:01,051 --> 00:01:03,618 They gave me a blanket to sleep on the floor. 25 00:01:03,618 --> 00:01:06,332 In the morning, however, there was nothing to eat, 26 00:01:06,332 --> 00:01:10,114 and then at lunchtime, I watched with an increasingly sick feeling 27 00:01:10,114 --> 00:01:14,981 as the eldest girl in the family cooked porridge as a substitute for lunch. 28 00:01:14,981 --> 00:01:19,454 For that meal, every child drank one cup to survive, 29 00:01:19,454 --> 00:01:22,464 and I cannot tell you how ashamed I felt when they handed one 30 00:01:22,464 --> 00:01:27,067 of those cups to me, and I knew I had to accept their hospitality. 31 00:01:27,067 --> 00:01:31,490 Children need food not only to survive but also to grow physically and mentally. 32 00:01:31,490 --> 00:01:35,319 Every day they fail to eat, they lose a little bit of their future. 33 00:01:35,319 --> 00:01:38,020 Amongst the extreme poor, one in three children 34 00:01:38,020 --> 00:01:42,326 are permanently stunted from a lifetime of not eating enough. 35 00:01:42,326 --> 00:01:44,923 When that's combined with poor access to health care, 36 00:01:44,923 --> 00:01:50,071 one in 10 extremely poor children die before they reach age five, 37 00:01:50,071 --> 00:01:52,619 and only one quarter of children complete high school 38 00:01:52,619 --> 00:01:54,262 because they lack school fees. 39 00:01:54,262 --> 00:01:57,583 Hunger and extreme poverty curb human potential 40 00:01:57,583 --> 00:02:00,264 in every possible way. 41 00:02:00,264 --> 00:02:05,198 We see ourselves as a thinking, feeling, and moral human race, 42 00:02:05,198 --> 00:02:08,091 but until we solve these problems for all of our members, 43 00:02:08,091 --> 00:02:10,277 we fail that standard, 44 00:02:10,277 --> 00:02:12,917 because every person on this planet matters. 45 00:02:12,917 --> 00:02:14,800 This child matters. 46 00:02:14,800 --> 00:02:17,249 These children matter. 47 00:02:17,249 --> 00:02:20,421 This girl matters. 48 00:02:20,421 --> 00:02:22,248 You know, we see things like this, 49 00:02:22,248 --> 00:02:23,742 and we're upset by them, 50 00:02:23,742 --> 00:02:25,720 but they seem like such big problems. 51 00:02:25,720 --> 00:02:28,579 We don't know how to take effective action. 52 00:02:28,579 --> 00:02:30,814 But remember our friend Archimedes. 53 00:02:30,814 --> 00:02:34,037 Global poverty has powerful levers. 54 00:02:34,037 --> 00:02:36,189 It's a problem like any other. 55 00:02:36,189 --> 00:02:38,658 I live and work in the field, and as a practitioner, 56 00:02:38,658 --> 00:02:41,420 I believe these are very solvable problems. 57 00:02:41,420 --> 00:02:42,770 So for the the next 10 minutes, 58 00:02:42,770 --> 00:02:45,021 let's not be sad about the state of the world. 59 00:02:45,021 --> 00:02:47,044 Let's engage our brains. 60 00:02:47,044 --> 00:02:49,872 Let's engage our collective passion for problem-solving 61 00:02:49,872 --> 00:02:52,667 and figure out what those levers are. 62 00:02:52,667 --> 00:02:56,136 Lever number one: most of the world's poor are farmers. 63 00:02:56,136 --> 00:02:58,503 Think about how extraordinary this is. 64 00:02:58,503 --> 00:03:00,789 If this picture represents the world's poor, 65 00:03:00,789 --> 00:03:03,453 then more than half engage in farming 66 00:03:03,453 --> 00:03:04,709 as a major source of income. 67 00:03:04,709 --> 00:03:06,544 This gets me really excited. 68 00:03:06,544 --> 00:03:09,044 You know, all of these people, one profession. 69 00:03:09,044 --> 00:03:12,579 Think how powerful this is. When farmers become more productive, 70 00:03:12,579 --> 00:03:15,374 then more than half the world's poor earn more money 71 00:03:15,374 --> 00:03:16,995 and climb out of poverty. 72 00:03:16,995 --> 00:03:18,285 And it gets better. 73 00:03:18,285 --> 00:03:20,472 The product of farming is, of course, food, 74 00:03:20,472 --> 00:03:23,677 so when farmers become more productive, they earn more food, 75 00:03:23,677 --> 00:03:25,569 and they don't just help themselves, 76 00:03:25,569 --> 00:03:29,513 but they help to feed healthy communities and thriving economies. 77 00:03:29,513 --> 00:03:33,297 And when farmers become more productive, they reduce environmental pressure. 78 00:03:33,297 --> 00:03:35,829 We only have two ways we can feed the world: 79 00:03:35,829 --> 00:03:39,003 we can either make our existing farmland a lot more productive, 80 00:03:39,003 --> 00:03:42,652 or we can clearcut forest and savannah to make more farmland, 81 00:03:42,652 --> 00:03:45,151 which would be environmentally disastrous. 82 00:03:45,151 --> 00:03:49,197 Farmers are basically a really important leverage point. 83 00:03:49,197 --> 00:03:51,432 When farmers become more productive, 84 00:03:51,432 --> 00:03:54,063 they earn more income, they climb out of poverty, 85 00:03:54,063 --> 00:03:58,323 they feed their communities, and they reduce environmental land pressure. 86 00:03:58,323 --> 00:04:02,333 Farmers stand at the center of the world. 87 00:04:02,333 --> 00:04:04,275 And not a farmer like this one, 88 00:04:04,275 --> 00:04:06,313 but rather this lady. 89 00:04:06,313 --> 00:04:08,719 Most of the farmers I know are actually women. 90 00:04:08,719 --> 00:04:12,200 Look at the strength and the will radiating from this woman. 91 00:04:12,200 --> 00:04:14,469 She is physically strong, mentally tough, 92 00:04:14,469 --> 00:04:17,495 and she will do whatever it takes to earn a better life for her children. 93 00:04:17,495 --> 00:04:20,586 If we're going to put the future of humanity in one person's hands, 94 00:04:20,586 --> 00:04:22,861 then I'm really glad it's her. 95 00:04:22,861 --> 00:04:25,831 (Applause) 96 00:04:28,185 --> 00:04:29,662 There's just one problem: 97 00:04:29,662 --> 00:04:34,973 many smallholder farmers lack access to basic tools and knowledge. 98 00:04:34,973 --> 00:04:38,294 Currently, they take a little bit of saved food grain from the prior year, 99 00:04:38,294 --> 00:04:41,977 they plant it in the ground, and they till it with a manual hand hoe. 100 00:04:41,977 --> 00:04:44,608 These are tools and techniques that date to the Bronze Age, 101 00:04:44,608 --> 00:04:48,357 and it's why many farmers are still very poor. 102 00:04:48,357 --> 00:04:50,413 But good news, again. 103 00:04:50,413 --> 00:04:51,613 Lever number two: 104 00:04:51,613 --> 00:04:56,217 humanity actually solved the problem of agricultural poverty a century ago. 105 00:04:56,217 --> 00:05:00,064 Let me walk you through the three most basic factors in farming. 106 00:05:00,064 --> 00:05:04,676 First, hybrid seed is created when you cross two seeds together. 107 00:05:04,676 --> 00:05:07,365 If you naturally pollinate a high-yielding variety 108 00:05:07,365 --> 00:05:09,634 together with a drought-resistant variety, 109 00:05:09,634 --> 00:05:13,635 you get a hybrid that inherits positive traits from both of its parents. 110 00:05:13,635 --> 00:05:17,263 Next, conventional fertilizer, if used responsibly, 111 00:05:17,263 --> 00:05:19,320 is environmentally sustainable. 112 00:05:19,320 --> 00:05:22,657 If you micro-dose just a pinch of fertilizer 113 00:05:22,657 --> 00:05:24,712 to a plant that's taller than I am, 114 00:05:24,712 --> 00:05:27,376 you unlock enormous yield gain. 115 00:05:27,376 --> 00:05:29,513 These are known as farm inputs. 116 00:05:29,513 --> 00:05:31,964 Farm inputs need to be combined with good practice. 117 00:05:31,964 --> 00:05:36,189 When you space your seeds, and plant with massive amounts of compost, 118 00:05:36,189 --> 00:05:38,821 farmers multiply their harvests. 119 00:05:38,821 --> 00:05:41,418 These proven tools and practices have more than tripled 120 00:05:41,418 --> 00:05:44,738 agricultural productivity in every major region of the world, 121 00:05:44,738 --> 00:05:48,193 moving mass numbers of people out of poverty. 122 00:05:48,193 --> 00:05:51,300 We just haven't finished delivering these things to everybody just yet, 123 00:05:51,300 --> 00:05:53,847 particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. 124 00:05:53,847 --> 00:05:55,803 So overall, this is amazing news. 125 00:05:55,803 --> 00:05:59,537 Humanity actually solved agricultural poverty a century ago, 126 00:05:59,537 --> 00:06:00,950 in theory. 127 00:06:00,950 --> 00:06:04,206 We just haven't delivered these things to everybody just yet. 128 00:06:04,206 --> 00:06:06,774 In this century, the reason that people remain poor 129 00:06:06,774 --> 00:06:09,174 is that maybe they live in remote places. 130 00:06:09,174 --> 00:06:11,970 They lack access to these things. 131 00:06:11,970 --> 00:06:16,573 Therefore, ending poverty is simply a matter of delivering proven goods 132 00:06:16,573 --> 00:06:18,391 and services to people. 133 00:06:18,391 --> 00:06:20,733 We don't need more genius types right now. 134 00:06:20,733 --> 00:06:23,841 The humble delivery guy is going to end global poverty 135 00:06:23,841 --> 00:06:25,500 in our lifetime. 136 00:06:25,500 --> 00:06:27,705 So these are the three levers, 137 00:06:27,705 --> 00:06:30,517 and the most powerful lever is simply delivery. 138 00:06:30,517 --> 00:06:34,926 Wherever the world's companies, governments, and non-profits 139 00:06:34,926 --> 00:06:37,324 set up delivery networks for life-improving goods, 140 00:06:37,324 --> 00:06:40,023 we eliminate poverty. 141 00:06:40,023 --> 00:06:42,388 Okay, so that sounds really nice in theory, 142 00:06:42,388 --> 00:06:43,546 but what about in practice? 143 00:06:43,546 --> 00:06:46,006 What do these delivery networks look like? 144 00:06:46,006 --> 00:06:48,669 Well, I want to share the concrete example that I know best, 145 00:06:48,669 --> 00:06:51,103 my organization, One Acre Fund. 146 00:06:51,103 --> 00:06:52,731 We only serve the farmer, 147 00:06:52,731 --> 00:06:56,036 and our job is to provide her with the tools that she needs to succeed. 148 00:06:56,036 --> 00:06:59,440 We start off by delivering farm inputs to really rural places. 149 00:06:59,440 --> 00:07:01,791 Now, this may appear initially very challenging, 150 00:07:01,791 --> 00:07:03,879 but it's pretty possible. Let me show you. 151 00:07:03,879 --> 00:07:06,807 We buy farm inputs with the combined power of our farmer network, 152 00:07:06,807 --> 00:07:09,638 and store it in 20 warehouses like this. 153 00:07:09,638 --> 00:07:13,384 Then, during input delivery, we rent hundreds of 10-ton trucks 154 00:07:13,384 --> 00:07:16,787 and send them out to where farmers are waiting in the field. 155 00:07:16,787 --> 00:07:20,453 They then get their individual orders and walk it home to their farms. 156 00:07:20,453 --> 00:07:23,315 It's kind of like Amazon for rural farmers. 157 00:07:23,315 --> 00:07:28,394 Importantly, realistic delivery also includes finance, a way to pay. 158 00:07:28,394 --> 00:07:33,624 Farmers pay us little by little over time, covering most of our expenses. 159 00:07:33,624 --> 00:07:36,073 And then we surround all that with training. 160 00:07:36,073 --> 00:07:39,720 Our rural field officers deliver practical, hands-on training 161 00:07:39,720 --> 00:07:41,285 to farmers in the field 162 00:07:41,285 --> 00:07:43,522 every two weeks. 163 00:07:43,522 --> 00:07:47,024 Wherever we deliver our services, farmers use these tools 164 00:07:47,024 --> 00:07:48,949 to climb out of poverty. 165 00:07:48,949 --> 00:07:51,956 This is a farmer in our program, Consolata. 166 00:07:51,956 --> 00:07:54,175 Look at the pride on her face. 167 00:07:54,175 --> 00:07:57,991 She has achieved a modest prosperity that I believe is the human right 168 00:07:57,991 --> 00:08:01,314 of every hardworking person on the planet. 169 00:08:01,314 --> 00:08:05,933 Today, I'm proud to say that we're serving about 400,000 farmers like Consolata. 170 00:08:05,933 --> 00:08:09,371 (Applause) 171 00:08:12,115 --> 00:08:14,747 The key to doing this is scalable delivery. 172 00:08:14,747 --> 00:08:17,476 In any given area, we hire a rural field officer 173 00:08:17,476 --> 00:08:20,501 who delivers our services to 200 farmers on average, 174 00:08:20,501 --> 00:08:23,987 with more than 1,000 people living in those families. 175 00:08:23,987 --> 00:08:27,374 Today, we have 2,000 of these rural field officers 176 00:08:27,374 --> 00:08:28,854 growing very quickly. 177 00:08:28,854 --> 00:08:30,771 This is our delivery army, 178 00:08:30,771 --> 00:08:32,899 and we're just one organization. 179 00:08:32,899 --> 00:08:35,669 There are many companies, governments, and non-profits 180 00:08:35,669 --> 00:08:38,441 that have delivery armies just like this. 181 00:08:38,441 --> 00:08:40,233 And I believe we stand at a moment in time 182 00:08:40,233 --> 00:08:45,511 where collectively, we are capable of delivering farm services to all farmers. 183 00:08:45,511 --> 00:08:48,026 Let me show you how possible this is. 184 00:08:48,026 --> 00:08:50,135 This is a map of Sub-Saharan Africa, 185 00:08:50,135 --> 00:08:52,153 with a map of the United States for scale. 186 00:08:52,153 --> 00:08:55,968 I chose Sub-Saharan Africa because this is a huge delivery territory. 187 00:08:55,968 --> 00:08:57,420 It's very challenging. 188 00:08:57,420 --> 00:09:01,263 But we analyzed every 50 mile by 50 mile block on the continent, 189 00:09:01,263 --> 00:09:06,854 and we found that half of farmers live in just these shaded regions. 190 00:09:06,854 --> 00:09:10,044 That's a remarkably small area overall. 191 00:09:10,044 --> 00:09:12,417 If you were to lay these boxes next to each other 192 00:09:12,417 --> 00:09:14,105 within a map of the United States, 193 00:09:14,105 --> 00:09:16,785 they would only cover the Eastern United States. 194 00:09:16,785 --> 00:09:20,402 Well, you can order pizza anywhere in this territory 195 00:09:20,402 --> 00:09:24,759 and it'll arrive to your house hot, fresh, and delicious. 196 00:09:24,759 --> 00:09:27,851 If America can deliver pizza to an area of this size, 197 00:09:27,851 --> 00:09:30,988 then Africa's companies, governments, and non-profits 198 00:09:30,988 --> 00:09:34,227 can deliver farm services to all of her farmers. 199 00:09:34,227 --> 00:09:36,363 This is possible. 200 00:09:36,363 --> 00:09:40,541 I'm going to wrap up by generalizing beyond just farming. 201 00:09:40,541 --> 00:09:42,629 In every field of human development, 202 00:09:42,629 --> 00:09:46,542 humanity has already invented effective tools to end poverty. 203 00:09:46,542 --> 00:09:48,233 We just need to deliver them. 204 00:09:48,233 --> 00:09:50,587 So again, in every area of human development, 205 00:09:50,587 --> 00:09:53,777 super-smart people a long time ago invented inexpensive, 206 00:09:53,777 --> 00:09:56,060 highly effective tools. 207 00:09:56,060 --> 00:10:00,237 Humanity is armed to the teeth with simple, effective solutions 208 00:10:00,237 --> 00:10:01,374 to poverty. 209 00:10:01,374 --> 00:10:04,804 We just need to deliver these to a pretty small area. 210 00:10:04,804 --> 00:10:08,411 Again using the map of Sub-Saharan Africa as an example, 211 00:10:08,411 --> 00:10:12,341 remember that rural poverty is concentrated in these blue shaded areas. 212 00:10:12,341 --> 00:10:17,059 Urban poverty is even more concentrated, in these green little dots. 213 00:10:17,059 --> 00:10:20,021 Again, using a map of the United States for scale, 214 00:10:20,021 --> 00:10:24,442 this is what I would call a highly achievable delivery zone. 215 00:10:24,442 --> 00:10:26,613 In fact, for the first time in human history, 216 00:10:26,613 --> 00:10:30,082 we have a vast amount of delivery infrastructure available to us. 217 00:10:30,082 --> 00:10:32,631 The world's companies, governments, and non-profits 218 00:10:32,631 --> 00:10:35,377 have delivery armies that are fully capable of covering 219 00:10:35,377 --> 00:10:37,927 this relatively small area. 220 00:10:37,927 --> 00:10:41,001 We just lack the will. 221 00:10:41,001 --> 00:10:43,401 If we are willing, 222 00:10:43,401 --> 00:10:46,182 every one of us has a role to play. 223 00:10:46,182 --> 00:10:49,518 We first need more people to pursue careers in human development, 224 00:10:49,518 --> 00:10:52,115 especially if you live in a developing nation. 225 00:10:52,115 --> 00:10:55,174 We need more frontline health workers, teachers, farmer trainers, 226 00:10:55,174 --> 00:10:57,672 sales agents for life-improving goods. 227 00:10:57,672 --> 00:11:00,073 These are the delivery people that dedicate their careers 228 00:11:00,073 --> 00:11:02,594 to improving the lives of others. 229 00:11:02,594 --> 00:11:04,760 But we also need a lot of support roles. 230 00:11:04,760 --> 00:11:08,869 These are roles available at just my organization alone, 231 00:11:08,869 --> 00:11:10,613 and we're just one out of many. 232 00:11:10,613 --> 00:11:14,180 This may surprise you, but no matter what your technical speciality, 233 00:11:14,180 --> 00:11:17,174 there is a role for you in this fight. 234 00:11:17,174 --> 00:11:20,462 And no matter how logistically possible it is to end poverty, 235 00:11:20,462 --> 00:11:22,741 we need a lot more resources. 236 00:11:22,741 --> 00:11:25,001 This is our number one constraint. 237 00:11:25,001 --> 00:11:28,273 For private investors, we need a big expansion of venture capital, 238 00:11:28,273 --> 00:11:32,532 private equity, working capital, available in emerging markets. 239 00:11:32,532 --> 00:11:35,623 But there are also limits to what private business can accomplish. 240 00:11:35,623 --> 00:11:39,963 Private businesses often struggle to profitably serve the extreme poor, 241 00:11:39,963 --> 00:11:42,893 so philanthropy still has a major role to play. 242 00:11:42,893 --> 00:11:45,865 Anybody can give, but we need more leadership. 243 00:11:45,865 --> 00:11:49,402 We need more visionary philanthropists 244 00:11:49,402 --> 00:11:52,048 and global leaders who will take problems in human development 245 00:11:52,048 --> 00:11:55,732 and lead humanity to wipe them off the face of the planet. 246 00:11:55,732 --> 00:11:59,133 If you're interested in these ideas, check out this website. 247 00:11:59,133 --> 00:12:01,305 We need more leaders. 248 00:12:01,305 --> 00:12:04,447 Humanity has put people on the moon. 249 00:12:04,447 --> 00:12:06,570 We've invented supercomputers that fit into our pockets 250 00:12:06,570 --> 00:12:08,554 and connect us with anybody on the planet. 251 00:12:08,554 --> 00:12:12,470 We've run marathons at a five-minute mile pace. 252 00:12:12,470 --> 00:12:15,264 We are an exceptional people. 253 00:12:15,264 --> 00:12:19,260 But we've left more than one billion of our members behind. 254 00:12:19,260 --> 00:12:21,794 Until every girl like this one has an opportunity 255 00:12:21,794 --> 00:12:23,816 to earn her full human potential, 256 00:12:23,816 --> 00:12:28,699 we have failed to become a truly moral and just human race. 257 00:12:28,699 --> 00:12:31,413 Logistically speaking, it's incredibly possible 258 00:12:31,413 --> 00:12:33,217 to end extreme poverty. 259 00:12:33,217 --> 00:12:36,082 We just need to deliver proven goods and services 260 00:12:36,082 --> 00:12:37,562 to everybody. 261 00:12:37,562 --> 00:12:41,952 If we have the will, every one of us has a role to play. 262 00:12:41,952 --> 00:12:44,828 Let's deploy our time, our careers, 263 00:12:44,828 --> 00:12:46,671 our collective wealth. 264 00:12:46,671 --> 00:12:49,705 Let us deliver an end to extreme poverty 265 00:12:49,705 --> 00:12:51,604 in this lifetime. 266 00:12:51,604 --> 00:12:53,166 Thank you. 267 00:12:53,166 --> 00:12:57,046 (Applause)