WEBVTT 00:00:00.724 --> 00:00:01.609 Her smile! 00:00:02.204 --> 00:00:06.707 The way her face wrinkles up when she smiles is really cute. 00:00:07.095 --> 00:00:09.623 She makes people happy. 00:00:09.931 --> 00:00:18.168 [COSTCO SUBS PRESENTS] 00:00:18.168 --> 00:00:25.203 [Interview with a member who's leaving] 00:00:26.276 --> 00:00:28.004 When living in the house... 00:00:28.984 --> 00:00:32.359 I thought there'd be more disagreements 00:00:32.585 --> 00:00:34.365 or that we might not get along. 00:00:34.536 --> 00:00:39.241 I thought we'd have more quarrels with the girls, 00:00:39.410 --> 00:00:43.914 and that the guys' room would be a total mess. 00:00:44.310 --> 00:00:45.438 But in reality, 00:00:45.698 --> 00:00:49.978 I was able to make friends who are like family to me, which made me really happy. 00:00:50.326 --> 00:00:53.357 [YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION OF THE GIRLS] My first impression was that... 00:00:53.569 --> 00:00:55.834 none of them really hit the spot for me. 00:00:56.300 --> 00:01:02.924 My initial reaction was, "Oh, I probably won't fall in love here." 00:01:03.186 --> 00:01:06.253 All three of them seemed very nice and they're all beautiful, 00:01:06.578 --> 00:01:08.906 but I didn't feel drawn to any of them. 00:01:09.752 --> 00:01:14.024 So I decided to just enjoy my time there. 00:01:14.780 --> 00:01:17.732 [ABOUT RUKA NISHINOIRI] Well... 00:01:18.118 --> 00:01:24.678 At the time I was having doubts about the path that I'd chosen. 00:01:25.156 --> 00:01:31.531 People of the same age usually face similar problems in their lives. 00:01:31.842 --> 00:01:34.634 While I was dealing with concerns I had about my work, 00:01:34.634 --> 00:01:37.574 he didn't even know what he wanted to do. 00:01:37.774 --> 00:01:43.437 I regret that I wasn't able to motivate him the way I thought I could. 00:01:43.710 --> 00:01:47.310 He wanted to enter a field he doesn't know anything about... 00:01:48.972 --> 00:01:54.100 He knew so little about it that he didn't even know if he wanted to do it or not. 00:01:54.425 --> 00:01:58.681 I just told him to give it a try, and then see if it's for him or not. 00:01:59.739 --> 00:02:05.675 Haruka and Kaori told him to be more specific, 00:02:06.258 --> 00:02:09.138 but there's hardly anyone who knows right away just what they want. 00:02:09.420 --> 00:02:12.817 I think people like Ruka just need to try different things 00:02:13.057 --> 00:02:22.337 and find out for themselves if they like it or not. 00:02:22.825 --> 00:02:25.546 [SHOHEI MAKING DATE PLANS ON THE FIRST DAY] I liked the way he just went for it. 00:02:25.546 --> 00:02:27.843 But he stopped doing that soon after. 00:02:27.993 --> 00:02:33.369 I was surprised to see that he wasn't usually that straightforward. 00:02:33.534 --> 00:02:34.478 Actually... 00:02:37.414 --> 00:02:42.732 Out of the three girls, Kaori, who's an illustrator, 00:02:42.732 --> 00:02:44.868 was probably the one I wanted to talk to most. 00:02:45.210 --> 00:02:47.250 But since Shohei sort of called dibs on her, 00:02:50.264 --> 00:02:53.392 I was hesitant to ask Kaori out. 00:02:53.717 --> 00:02:57.253 [THE GIRLS' COMPLAINT: "THE GUYS WON'T ASK US OUT"] In my opinion, 00:02:57.499 --> 00:03:00.475 asking someone out isn't the only way to let them know you're interested. 00:03:00.475 --> 00:03:05.339 Like when eating together at the house for instance-- 00:03:06.740 --> 00:03:14.244 I thought it'd be better to convey it through small gestures on those occasions. 00:03:14.373 --> 00:03:17.836 Also, in case I fell in love with a girl, 00:03:18.006 --> 00:03:22.329 I'd want to make her understand how I feel about her. 00:03:22.671 --> 00:03:25.553 If I went out with the other girls 00:03:25.793 --> 00:03:27.578 and was nice to all of them at the same time, 00:03:27.768 --> 00:03:32.536 it's like I only chose her because out of the three she was the one I liked best. 00:03:32.690 --> 00:03:35.690 And the girl I fell for won't get that I really like her. 00:03:35.840 --> 00:03:40.040 But if I don't actively pursue any of them, 00:03:40.954 --> 00:03:44.026 I'm exaggerating a bit, but if there's no kissing 00:03:44.382 --> 00:03:47.174 and no messing around with the other two girls-- 00:03:47.294 --> 00:03:51.197 If I only have eyes for her, she's gonna be like, "Oh, he really likes me." 00:03:51.197 --> 00:03:53.781 "He's acting differently now." 00:03:53.941 --> 00:03:55.910 I think that way it's easier to understand. 00:03:56.382 --> 00:04:01.837 But until it goes from just being romantically interested to being in love, 00:04:03.824 --> 00:04:07.936 I didn't think I should be hitting on anyone. That's not my style. 00:04:08.471 --> 00:04:12.301 The thing I said about wanting to be open about my love life-- 00:04:12.541 --> 00:04:18.197 Risako was giving me a hard time because of it, 00:04:18.894 --> 00:04:21.245 saying I wasn't taking any action at all. 00:04:21.475 --> 00:04:29.807 But what I meant is not making eyes at everyone or anything like that. 00:04:30.009 --> 00:04:35.539 I meant that once I fall for someone, I just want to be open about how I feel. 00:04:35.669 --> 00:04:39.278 And once we become a couple, I don't want to hide my relationship from anyone 00:04:39.278 --> 00:04:43.679 and I want to be able to tell people, "This is the person I love." 00:04:44.728 --> 00:04:48.002 That's what I meant with being open about my love life. 00:04:48.002 --> 00:04:50.452 But I was somehow misunderstood. 00:04:50.690 --> 00:04:53.508 The girls were like, "Kenny, why don't you make a move already?" 00:04:53.508 --> 00:04:56.144 But hitting on girls and being open about your love life, 00:04:56.144 --> 00:04:58.444 I think these are two different things that should not be confused. 00:04:58.444 --> 00:05:01.772 For me, falling for a girl, and then telling her how you feel-- 00:05:01.772 --> 00:05:05.196 that's what I think being open about your love life is about. 00:05:05.468 --> 00:05:08.632 That's just how I feel. 00:05:09.202 --> 00:05:11.858 [ABOUT KAORI WATANABE] I'm not really someone who believes in 00:05:12.254 --> 00:05:14.708 friendships between men and women. 00:05:15.146 --> 00:05:16.903 But with Kaori, it was like... 00:05:18.712 --> 00:05:24.776 We'd often drink together at night, just the two of us, 00:05:25.528 --> 00:05:33.620 and we talked about work, our outlook on life and so on, in a very relaxed manner. 00:05:34.671 --> 00:05:37.913 I'm not sure if Kaori feels the same way about me-- 00:05:38.407 --> 00:05:42.423 Actually, she's said before that I was the easiest to talk to. 00:05:43.617 --> 00:05:45.937 Maybe the fact that we're close in age played into it. 00:05:46.115 --> 00:05:47.263 But... 00:05:47.582 --> 00:05:50.538 even regardless of age, 00:05:50.772 --> 00:05:53.744 the things she was dealing with regarding her work, 00:05:54.799 --> 00:05:57.753 like issues with her clients and so on-- 00:05:57.753 --> 00:06:03.200 Well, she's an artist, and I consider myself an artist as well. 00:06:03.200 --> 00:06:04.373 Like... 00:06:05.246 --> 00:06:09.735 how to deal with a client's request 00:06:09.735 --> 00:06:15.187 without bending who you are, while still considering their ideas too. 00:06:15.187 --> 00:06:20.549 We had similar issues we could talk about. 00:06:21.525 --> 00:06:25.592 There was a lot of stress that had built up in those three months, 00:06:25.592 --> 00:06:28.531 since my life was changing a great deal. 00:06:29.077 --> 00:06:33.180 She was like an oasis for me during that time. 00:06:34.137 --> 00:06:37.089 [ABOUT HARUKA OKUYAMA] Haruka has her own unique style. 00:06:37.089 --> 00:06:43.541 And I always felt that we wouldn't be a good match. 00:06:43.883 --> 00:06:47.143 I'm not saying that I don't think of her as a great person, 00:06:47.673 --> 00:06:51.822 but it's like I'm the south pole of a magnet and she's the north pole. 00:06:53.122 --> 00:06:58.303 I instantly felt that we wouldn't get along if we became a couple. 00:06:58.741 --> 00:07:02.217 [WHAT HARUKA SAID AT THE OKINAWAN RESTAURANT] It made me happy, and my heart kind of skipped a beat. 00:07:02.217 --> 00:07:06.024 Most people wouldn't say this for fear of being disliked by the other person. 00:07:06.114 --> 00:07:09.501 Maybe she just told me because we were living together. 00:07:09.707 --> 00:07:12.293 She pointed out to me what she thought was bad behavior on my part-- 00:07:12.494 --> 00:07:15.282 I was drunk, so I really don't remember what I said. 00:07:15.412 --> 00:07:19.036 I even questioned for a moment if that was really what I'd said. 00:07:19.339 --> 00:07:24.782 I thought maybe I'd just said something like, "Getting up at 5 am sucks!" 00:07:24.952 --> 00:07:29.249 But when she told me flat-out that she disagreed with me, 00:07:29.579 --> 00:07:33.761 I started falling for her a bit, or rather I thought she was really awesome. 00:07:34.247 --> 00:07:37.249 She really made an impression on me during that scene. 00:07:38.002 --> 00:07:44.349 Maybe if it'd been like that every night, I might've fallen for her. 00:07:45.024 --> 00:07:47.560 [HARUKA AND RISAKO'S FIGHT] Looking back, I definitely should've 00:07:47.560 --> 00:07:49.666 gone after Risako at the time. 00:07:49.666 --> 00:07:51.622 I really regret that now. 00:07:52.458 --> 00:07:59.238 But I thought that going after her would throw the house into chaos. 00:07:59.570 --> 00:08:02.620 I tried to be the grown-up but didn't make the right choice. 00:08:03.368 --> 00:08:05.608 I thought way too much about it. 00:08:05.917 --> 00:08:11.529 I really regretted not taking action in a situation in which 00:08:11.776 --> 00:08:15.156 I should've shown her how important she is to me. 00:08:15.156 --> 00:08:19.348 I realized that when watching myself on the show. 00:08:20.226 --> 00:08:23.938 In that moment I was just... panicking. 00:08:24.231 --> 00:08:27.712 And what I ended up saying was "This got kind of crazy." 00:08:27.956 --> 00:08:33.533 And Haruka readily picked up on that and repeated it again and again. 00:08:33.982 --> 00:08:37.982 It was a very bittersweet night. 00:08:38.702 --> 00:08:40.847 [ABOUT RISAKO TANABE] I can't really say myself 00:08:40.970 --> 00:08:43.455 what it was that attracted me to her. 00:08:43.640 --> 00:08:47.168 There wasn't anything in particular that made me start liking her. 00:08:47.781 --> 00:08:55.621 That thoughtfulness she showed everyday towards Shohei or Ruka, 00:08:55.621 --> 00:08:58.473 or her thoughtful behavior towards Kaori or Haruka-- 00:08:58.473 --> 00:09:05.002 seeing that, I realized more and more that she's a really good person. 00:09:05.426 --> 00:09:07.343 When everyone was feeling down, 00:09:07.791 --> 00:09:10.409 even if there was something that bothered her, 00:09:10.777 --> 00:09:15.111 she'd always try to cheer everyone up without letting herself get dragged down. 00:09:15.454 --> 00:09:17.525 She never talks bad about anyone. 00:09:18.421 --> 00:09:26.052 Even as an observer, you'd expect her to say something about Haruka. 00:09:26.052 --> 00:09:29.203 But she never complained or badmouthed her. 00:09:29.483 --> 00:09:32.926 I came to respect her for those traits. 00:09:33.846 --> 00:09:36.387 And when we went out together, 00:09:36.843 --> 00:09:39.150 I realized how cute she is. 00:09:39.150 --> 00:09:44.179 All of that eventually made me fall in love with her. 00:09:44.323 --> 00:09:46.067 [THE SONG YOU WROTE FOR RISAKO] Even though I was rejected, 00:09:46.067 --> 00:09:48.306 I still want to support her the best I can. 00:09:48.698 --> 00:09:51.062 I want her to be happy, 00:09:51.062 --> 00:09:55.288 and the best way I can express that is with music. 00:09:55.415 --> 00:09:58.148 I wanted to give her a shout-out, 00:09:58.348 --> 00:10:01.122 since she was worrying at the time about what she should do, 00:10:01.762 --> 00:10:04.436 and maybe she still is, I don't know. 00:10:04.436 --> 00:10:07.154 She had a lot on her plate, 00:10:07.154 --> 00:10:10.871 and work wasn't always great. 00:10:11.079 --> 00:10:12.527 And because of that 00:10:12.527 --> 00:10:18.190 I thought I could give her some kind of shout-out on my platform. 00:10:19.342 --> 00:10:27.646 So I... asked our fans to join me in that. 00:10:28.230 --> 00:10:31.190 [YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH RISAKO FROM NOW ON] Until she tells me flat-out, 00:10:31.190 --> 00:10:36.374 "Not gonna happen. Stop liking me," 00:10:38.274 --> 00:10:40.837 I think I'll keep on pursuing her. 00:10:41.110 --> 00:10:44.324 But I don't think we have to rush into a relationship. 00:10:44.324 --> 00:10:47.347 I want us to have a close relationship, 00:10:48.247 --> 00:10:51.708 without getting in each other's way while we pursue the things we want to do-- 00:10:51.898 --> 00:10:55.065 If we can motivate each other while doing so, 00:10:55.245 --> 00:10:57.171 I think we don't have to be a couple. 00:10:57.868 --> 00:11:00.451 But, I do want to be with her. 00:11:02.086 --> 00:11:07.200 [Translated & Timed by mrschap] [Reviewed by koma]