33C3 preroll music Herald: Welcome to this lecture from, I have to look up here, but it's Nika, I know. Nika, I hope I pronounce your name right, it's Dubrovsky. Nika Dubrovsky was born in the U.S.S.R. I think it was U.S.S.R. at the time? Yes, still. So not the Soviet Union but the U.S.S.R. And she moved over to New York, I understood? And then, last six years living in Berlin. She's an artist. And luckily, artists make our life better, and try to give certain color and feeling to this world. Next to being an artist, she's engaged in projects like this one: "Anthropology for Kids". And there is a project here that's going to be related in an open-source book called "What is Privacy?". I'm gonna give you the stage, I think. Right? applause Nika Dubrovsky: So, I'm working on this project for a couple years already. And I'm very happy to be here. I'm not an experienced speaker. So, I'm nervous. I'm going to describe this project, and hopefully get some advice or maybe find collaborators. So, I started to work on this because I bought a book about pilots to my six-years old son who was learning to read. And I was hoping it would be a dramatic book about ??? communities and all kinds of images and events But it was quite the opposite. It was a very closed product. Sugary, and kitchy, and completely, like, nothing true. So, I was thinking: "OK, actually, it's really great to do books for kids, but books that will talk about what Dostoyevsky called '??? questions', something that every human being has to decide for themselves - what is family, what is death, what is money, for example, and what is privacy as well. And then I started to do these books. I understand them as hacking the social codes because, when we get our education, and when I saw my son getting his education, we're presented again these closed products that we have to rehearse and repeat. And it's very rarely that the kids, and adults as well, are allowed to really take apart the major important social ideas and then reconstruct them for themselves. And I want to say that one of the important influences for me was Soviet children literature in the 1920's that was very important also for the beginning of construction of the revolutionary identity of the Soviet people. Because that identity of the Soviet people didn't exist. So before 1937, Stalin's crackdown, Soviet children's literature was really, really progressive, and there was a lot of qualities that, I think, are very important now. So the "Anthropology for Kids" is supposed to be a web project. With really downloading books. That's also a (?) wiki-edu (?), "Wiki Kids". This is a Ludo books (?)