And now back to Steven Mittens Science Theater. I'm uh, I'm glad you could make it tonight (Chip bag being opened) Just tell me already. I, I can't wait! (Chip back crinkling) (Crunching on popcorn) You see when, uh, a man and a woman get together, something very special happens (crunching cereal) You see, there is something inside of me, Desiree. Something inside of me I want to get out (Mumbling with a mouth full of burrito) Oh shnoodles, it's ok! I think I know what you want to say already! Don't rush me. Just say it! Just tell me how you feel I (apple crunching) I can't wait any longer! Can you just please tell me what you want to say? Mumbling: this is so hard. You look so handsome eating. (Crunching carrot) (Slurping watermelon) I'm pregnant. Hello, my name is Steven Mittens the third Are you pregnant? (Mispronouncing the word pregnant) Are you with child? Being with a child is one of the most common forms of eating excessively. Don't eat excessively! Please, we don't want to make more people in this world, bigger. We want to make 'em smaller! So please, don't eat excessively. I'm Steven Mitten's the third. (music) DAMN! (random noises) Hey! You might be asking yourself, what did I just watch? A random funny, internet video. and if you don't like it, then you can just (forboding music) Ouch! Ouuuuch! Charlie! what's goin' on man? Who are you? I'm Batman. Like (singing batman theme song). Why do you got your finger in my sidekicks mouth? They're just random. Yeehaw! Way to go cowboy! I get it now. I like horses 'cause they go clipity clop. If you guys want to see another skit that me and mora did, click here. (clicking noises) It's not working. Lighting Round! Your're awesome Thanks, you are too. What's your favorite band ever? Creed! Duh! (singing a creed song) hahahaha! Are you serious? It's probably Blink 182. Think I can do a handstand for 5 full seconds? Just grab my feet. Just grab my feet. I don't think this counts. It's gonna work! Alright! They don't know. Just count to 5. Do you go big or go home? I go home 'cause it's cold outside and I have a fireplace that keeps me warm with sheets. Wow! That was fun! Yeah, except we didn't get struck by lightening. (lightening strike) Anyways, guys, thanks for watching and be sure to check out the video I did with my friend from breakfast for dinner right here on my second channel. I play coffee drug lord and we explore the world of gourmet cooking. (kissing sound) Thanks for watching the show, everybody! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook and Google+. whooooo! Hey, if you can fly what would you do? (music)