0:00:00.000,0:00:05.000 (English captions by Andrea Matsumoto, University of Michigan.) This program will explain how the gram stain procedure is able to distinguish between gram-positive 0:00:05.000,0:00:10.000 and gram-negative bacteria by representing[br]the staining events at the ultra-structural level. 0:00:11.000,0:00:16.000 This is one animation, from a series of two,[br]that specifically shows the staining of gram-negative 0:00:16.000,0:00:21.000 bacteria with the critical structures of the[br]bacterial surface represented schematically. 0:00:21.000,0:00:25.000 The circle at the lower right tracks how the[br]bacteria would appear in the microscope if 0:00:25.000,0:00:29.000 they were examined during each step of the[br]staining procedure. 0:00:29.000,0:00:33.000 Prior to staining the bacteria would be transparent[br]and invisible. 0:00:33.000,0:00:38.000 After heat fixing the slide, it is first flooded[br]with crystal violet for one minute and then 0:00:38.000,0:00:39.000 washed. 0:00:39.000,0:00:44.000 The stain colors the bacterial cell wall blue[br]and the bacteria would appear blue in the 0:00:44.000,0:00:47.000 microscope if examined at this point in the[br]procedure. 0:00:47.000,0:00:52.000 Next the slide is flooded with iodine solution[br]for one minute and then washed again. 0:00:52.000,0:00:56.000 During this step the iodine and crystal violet[br]combine to form a larger complex within the 0:00:56.000,0:00:59.000 layers of the cell wall. 0:00:59.000,0:01:03.000 Microscopically the bacteria appear dark blue[br]or black after this step. 0:01:03.000,0:01:08.000 The slide is now rinsed with a decolorizing[br]agent, an acetone alcohol solution. 0:01:08.000,0:01:13.000 Because of the relative simplicity of the[br]gram-negative cell wall, the crystal violet-iodine 0:01:13.000,0:01:18.000 complexes can be washed away with this treatment[br]and the organisms once again appear transparent 0:01:18.000,0:01:23.000 at this stage because the dark stain has been[br]removed. 0:01:23.000,0:01:27.000 Finally the slide is counter-stained with[br]neutral red or safranin for one minute and 0:01:27.000,0:01:29.000 then washed for the final time. 0:01:29.000,0:01:35.000 The red stain confers red color to the bacteria[br]and this color dominates the microscopic appearance. 0:01:35.000,0:01:40.000 So by virtue of the simpler structure of the[br]gram-negative cell wall these bacteria appear 0:01:40.000,0:01:43.000 red in the microscope after this staining[br]procedure.