WEBVTT 00:00:03.391 --> 00:00:10.122 Myomas are small or benighn tumors arising from the smooth muscles of the uterus myometrium 00:00:10.122 --> 00:00:19.990 usually arising from a single cell or proliferation and 00:00:19.990 --> 00:00:25.664 usually the risk factors or exact eitiology of myoma is not known 00:00:25.664 --> 00:00:29.585 but there are so many risk factors 00:00:29.585 --> 00:00:32.005 associated with myoma 00:00:32.005 --> 00:00:36.147 to mention some somewhat high estrogen exposure 00:00:36.147 --> 00:00:39.011 chromosomal abberations, 00:00:39.011 --> 00:00:43.014 genetics and race 00:00:43.014 --> 00:00:45.101 for example it is common among blacks 00:00:45.101 --> 00:00:48.020 So myomas, depending on the location in the uterus 00:00:48.020 --> 00:00:54.064 may be classified as submucus, intramural and subserosal myomas 00:00:54.064 --> 00:01:00.237 and there are also subclassification from this major classification 00:01:00.237 --> 99:59:59.999 Pedunculated submucus myoma 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Pedunculated subseros Myoma 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Pedunculated Myoma 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 intragametous myomaHAVE TO LOOK UP OTHER WORDS