1 00:00:16,463 --> 00:00:20,303 This right here is a photo of me when I was 14 years old. 2 00:00:20,303 --> 00:00:22,028 Now, I know what you're thinking, 3 00:00:22,028 --> 00:00:24,225 'Dylan, mate, 4 00:00:24,513 --> 00:00:26,823 are you sure that's not Ryan Gosling?' 5 00:00:26,823 --> 00:00:28,512 (Laughter) 6 00:00:28,512 --> 00:00:31,507 But, unfortunately, no, this is a photo of me. 7 00:00:31,507 --> 00:00:34,936 Now, for a long time, I tried to delete this photo from my memory, 8 00:00:35,246 --> 00:00:37,756 and to be honest, do you blame me? 9 00:00:37,756 --> 00:00:40,792 Firstly, what the hell is going on with my hair there? 10 00:00:40,792 --> 00:00:42,440 I remember my mum's a hairdresser. 11 00:00:42,440 --> 00:00:46,080 I used to sit in the front seat of her car with a tub of gel and a hairbrush, 12 00:00:46,080 --> 00:00:48,840 and on the way to school every day, I'd sit there thinking, 13 00:00:48,840 --> 00:00:50,723 'Dylan, you have absolutely nailed it!' 14 00:00:50,723 --> 00:00:52,333 (Laughter) 15 00:00:52,333 --> 00:00:55,328 I still don't understand why she let me leave the car. 16 00:00:55,328 --> 00:00:56,886 Also, secondly, 17 00:00:57,580 --> 00:00:59,170 where the hell are my eyebrows? 18 00:00:59,170 --> 00:01:01,220 (Laughter) 19 00:01:02,551 --> 00:01:03,641 Now, 20 00:01:04,211 --> 00:01:07,000 unfortunately for me, 21 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:09,690 I didn't grow any eyebrows until I was 17 years old. 22 00:01:09,690 --> 00:01:12,958 Now, I understand that I had completely no control over that, 23 00:01:12,958 --> 00:01:16,503 but, as you can imagine, it wasn't really helping my cause, was it? 24 00:01:16,873 --> 00:01:18,190 I also had braces. 25 00:01:18,563 --> 00:01:20,313 I also had my bed in the pantry, 26 00:01:20,313 --> 00:01:22,483 and I was a little bit on the overweight side. 27 00:01:22,937 --> 00:01:24,887 This was really the first time in my life 28 00:01:24,887 --> 00:01:27,857 that I was really struggling with my disability. 29 00:01:27,857 --> 00:01:32,391 Up until this age, I'd never really cared about the fact that I was in a wheelchair. 30 00:01:32,391 --> 00:01:35,096 Everybody was young, nobody really noticed it, 31 00:01:35,096 --> 00:01:37,556 and everything just went along pretty smoothly. 32 00:01:37,556 --> 00:01:42,116 But, at this time, things started to change. 33 00:01:42,116 --> 00:01:44,212 People started going to house parties. 34 00:01:44,212 --> 00:01:47,598 Boys started kissing girls, girls started kissing boys. 35 00:01:47,600 --> 00:01:49,010 Girls starting kissing girls, 36 00:01:49,010 --> 00:01:51,830 and occasionally, boys started kissing boys. 37 00:01:51,830 --> 00:01:54,450 But, absolutely nobody was kissing Dylan, 38 00:01:54,450 --> 00:01:55,890 I can tell you that much. 39 00:01:56,281 --> 00:01:58,121 And it was also about the first time 40 00:01:58,121 --> 00:02:03,531 that I really thought about myself as being weird because I had a disability. 41 00:02:03,540 --> 00:02:05,630 And, to be honest, that really sucked, 42 00:02:05,630 --> 00:02:09,560 and had a really big effect on absolutely everything that I did. 43 00:02:09,560 --> 00:02:11,722 I started having a crap time at school. 44 00:02:11,722 --> 00:02:14,392 It really started affecting my sporting career as well. 45 00:02:14,404 --> 00:02:17,544 For the first time in my life, I was really, really down on myself. 46 00:02:17,876 --> 00:02:21,236 And then, the next year, in Year 9, something happened. 47 00:02:21,236 --> 00:02:23,167 A mate of mine was having a house party. 48 00:02:23,167 --> 00:02:25,810 Now, this was a really good mate of mine. 49 00:02:25,810 --> 00:02:29,231 And previously, I'd never really been invited to that many house parties, 50 00:02:29,231 --> 00:02:32,383 and I thought, 'What a perfect opportunity to go to your first one. 51 00:02:32,383 --> 00:02:33,920 I'm absolutely going to kill it, 52 00:02:33,920 --> 00:02:37,350 and everybody will invite me to all the parties coming up ever since'. 53 00:02:37,350 --> 00:02:41,242 Now, the invites for the party came out, and what do you reckon happened? 54 00:02:42,116 --> 00:02:43,296 I didn't get one. 55 00:02:43,791 --> 00:02:45,251 I didn't get an invite. 56 00:02:45,540 --> 00:02:47,346 And I remember thinking to myself, 57 00:02:47,346 --> 00:02:49,036 'That is bullshit. 58 00:02:49,036 --> 00:02:51,520 Like, I'm actually really good friends with this guy, 59 00:02:51,520 --> 00:02:54,197 how could I not be invited to his party?' 60 00:02:54,467 --> 00:02:56,463 I was sitting at home the day of the party, 61 00:02:56,463 --> 00:03:00,143 and I went to myself, 'I just really, really want to go'. 62 00:03:00,537 --> 00:03:05,097 Now, back in the day when you're 15,16, it was super uncool and lame 63 00:03:05,097 --> 00:03:07,694 to text the person to ask if you can come to the party. 64 00:03:07,940 --> 00:03:11,940 The far more badass thing to do was simply turn up and jump the fence. 65 00:03:11,940 --> 00:03:13,360 (Laughter) 66 00:03:13,360 --> 00:03:15,750 Now, as you could imagine, 67 00:03:15,750 --> 00:03:18,130 jumping, it's not really my forte. 68 00:03:18,475 --> 00:03:21,811 And unless I had some kind of crane or, like, trampoline device ... 69 00:03:21,811 --> 00:03:22,861 (Laughter) 70 00:03:22,869 --> 00:03:25,923 there was no way in hell that I was getting over that fence. 71 00:03:25,923 --> 00:03:26,973 The only way to get in 72 00:03:26,973 --> 00:03:29,303 was to knock on the door and go through the front. 73 00:03:29,303 --> 00:03:31,489 Anyway, I sat at home and I'm like, 'Stuff it. 74 00:03:31,489 --> 00:03:33,299 I'm going to go and see what happens'. 75 00:03:33,299 --> 00:03:36,442 I go to the front door, knocked on the door, and my mate answered. 76 00:03:36,442 --> 00:03:40,222 And he had this really weird, shocked look on his face, like I was there. 77 00:03:40,222 --> 00:03:42,852 I remember thinking to myself, like, 'What have I done? 78 00:03:42,852 --> 00:03:46,592 Why didn't I sit at home and play N64, like I did every other Saturday night?' 79 00:03:46,592 --> 00:03:48,351 Anyway, he looked at me, and he said, 80 00:03:48,351 --> 00:03:51,261 'Dyl, mate, I'm so glad that you came. 81 00:03:51,261 --> 00:03:54,426 I didn't know if you could get in my house because of the stairs, 82 00:03:54,426 --> 00:03:56,061 so I didn't invite you'. 83 00:03:56,061 --> 00:03:58,411 I remember thinking to myself, 'Is that it? 84 00:03:58,411 --> 00:04:01,921 Is that genuinely the only reason that I wasn't invited?' 85 00:04:01,921 --> 00:04:03,606 Anyway, I went in that house party, 86 00:04:03,606 --> 00:04:05,993 absolutely crushed it, had an awesome time. 87 00:04:05,993 --> 00:04:07,573 (Laughter) 88 00:04:08,193 --> 00:04:12,733 I remember the next day, I woke up, and I was really bloody mad at myself. 89 00:04:13,021 --> 00:04:14,291 I was really mad at myself 90 00:04:14,291 --> 00:04:18,061 that I let my insecurities and my embarrassment about my disability 91 00:04:18,061 --> 00:04:20,572 dictate the previous year of my life. 92 00:04:20,572 --> 00:04:23,294 I was really mad at myself that I believed this thing, 93 00:04:23,294 --> 00:04:25,599 this negative stigma that having a disability 94 00:04:25,599 --> 00:04:27,674 makes you weird, makes you different, 95 00:04:27,674 --> 00:04:30,768 and that's the only reason people don't want to hang out with you. 96 00:04:30,768 --> 00:04:34,548 I'm really mad at myself that I didn't just grow a set of balls, 97 00:04:34,548 --> 00:04:38,706 have some confidence, talk to my friends and educate them about my disability. 98 00:04:38,706 --> 00:04:40,956 Now, the only reason I wasn't invited that night 99 00:04:40,956 --> 00:04:42,736 wasn't because they didn't like me, 100 00:04:42,736 --> 00:04:45,461 but it was because I didn't tell them about my disability. 101 00:04:45,461 --> 00:04:47,581 I didn't tell them I could get up the stairs, 102 00:04:47,581 --> 00:04:48,721 and it'll all be fine. 103 00:04:48,721 --> 00:04:52,220 I sat at home for a whole year thinking these people didn't like me. 104 00:04:52,220 --> 00:04:56,211 The only reason that they did was because they weren't educated about disability, 105 00:04:56,211 --> 00:04:58,841 and I really didn't do anything to educate them on it. 106 00:04:58,848 --> 00:05:01,928 So, after that night, things really changed for me. 107 00:05:01,936 --> 00:05:03,556 I started being more social, 108 00:05:03,558 --> 00:05:05,059 I started getting a lot fitter, 109 00:05:05,059 --> 00:05:06,729 I started going out a lot more, 110 00:05:06,729 --> 00:05:09,330 and I even started kissing the odd girl or two. 111 00:05:09,330 --> 00:05:11,190 (Laughter) 112 00:05:11,504 --> 00:05:13,734 After that night, I made a pact with myself. 113 00:05:13,734 --> 00:05:14,983 I made a pact with myself 114 00:05:14,983 --> 00:05:19,717 to never, ever let my disability get in the way of what I wanted to do. 115 00:05:19,717 --> 00:05:22,803 I made a pact with myself to not be scared of my disability, 116 00:05:22,806 --> 00:05:25,836 but rather to embrace it in everything that I did. 117 00:05:25,836 --> 00:05:30,500 Because of that, I've been able to live a truly, incredibly awesome life. 118 00:05:30,500 --> 00:05:32,048 In 2008, I was lucky enough 119 00:05:32,048 --> 00:05:34,739 to win a gold medal at the Paralympic games, 120 00:05:34,739 --> 00:05:38,698 playing basketball for Australia - wheelchair basketball, believe it or not. 121 00:05:38,698 --> 00:05:40,241 This was incredible for me. 122 00:05:40,241 --> 00:05:43,191 Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to go to the Paralympic games. 123 00:05:43,191 --> 00:05:45,235 The Paralympics - for those who don't know - 124 00:05:45,235 --> 00:05:48,105 is the pinnacle of elite sport for people with disabilities. 125 00:05:48,106 --> 00:05:49,501 But a lot of people 126 00:05:49,501 --> 00:05:52,596 don't know the true meaning of the word 'Paralympic'. 127 00:05:52,596 --> 00:05:54,252 The word is actually split in two: 128 00:05:54,252 --> 00:05:56,633 the 'Olympic' part - which represents the Olympics, 129 00:05:56,633 --> 00:05:57,845 the pinnacle of sport - 130 00:05:57,845 --> 00:05:59,391 and the 'Para' part. 131 00:05:59,391 --> 00:06:00,818 There's a common misconception 132 00:06:00,818 --> 00:06:04,706 that the 'Para' part actually means paraplegic or paralysed, 133 00:06:04,706 --> 00:06:06,194 but this isn't the case. 134 00:06:06,194 --> 00:06:09,096 The 'Para' actually represents 'parallel', 135 00:06:09,096 --> 00:06:12,931 meaning the Paralympics runs parallel, or alongside, the Olympics. 136 00:06:12,932 --> 00:06:17,222 Same gold medals, same venues, same elite athletes, same time. 137 00:06:17,225 --> 00:06:20,841 The only difference is obviously we all have disabilities at the Paralympics. 138 00:06:20,841 --> 00:06:23,101 Now, this was awesome in Beijing for me. 139 00:06:23,101 --> 00:06:24,871 I was 17 years old at the time, 140 00:06:24,871 --> 00:06:29,024 so I was still doing my HSC or VCE while I was over there. 141 00:06:29,254 --> 00:06:33,495 To be 17 years old and sit on top of the podium with 12 of your best mates - 142 00:06:33,495 --> 00:06:36,011 guys that had lost limbs to cancer, 143 00:06:36,011 --> 00:06:38,721 other guys that had horrific accidents on their worksites 144 00:06:38,721 --> 00:06:40,331 so were left up in wheelchairs. 145 00:06:40,331 --> 00:06:43,293 Other guys who had car crashes and never be able to walk again 146 00:06:43,293 --> 00:06:45,277 and lost loved ones in the process. 147 00:06:45,277 --> 00:06:49,177 To sit on top of that podium and so proud of what we had done, 148 00:06:49,177 --> 00:06:51,677 singing that national anthem with tears in our eyes - 149 00:06:51,677 --> 00:06:53,863 it was the best thing that ever happened to me. 150 00:06:53,863 --> 00:06:56,678 It really was incredible and something I'll cherish forever. 151 00:06:56,678 --> 00:06:58,594 I've also got a bit of a name for myself 152 00:06:58,594 --> 00:07:01,654 as the dude that crowd surfs in his wheelchair at festivals. 153 00:07:01,666 --> 00:07:03,183 (Laughter) 154 00:07:03,183 --> 00:07:05,383 I've been very lucky to travel around the world 155 00:07:05,383 --> 00:07:07,203 attending different music festivals. 156 00:07:07,203 --> 00:07:08,259 Everybody knows me as, 157 00:07:08,259 --> 00:07:10,749 'You're the guy that crowd surfs in his wheelchair!' 158 00:07:10,749 --> 00:07:13,135 To be honest, the first [time] that I ever did this 159 00:07:13,135 --> 00:07:14,821 was completely out of necessity 160 00:07:14,821 --> 00:07:17,404 because I was sick and tired of sitting in the mosh pit 161 00:07:17,404 --> 00:07:19,217 and looking at all your asses all day. 162 00:07:19,217 --> 00:07:20,321 (Laughter) 163 00:07:20,321 --> 00:07:22,941 You don't understand how much that sucks after a while. 164 00:07:22,941 --> 00:07:25,951 But from the first time I did it, I was absolutely hooked. 165 00:07:25,951 --> 00:07:28,624 It's an incredible feeling, sitting on top of that crowd 166 00:07:28,624 --> 00:07:31,782 in what I like to call the best seat in the house. 167 00:07:31,782 --> 00:07:32,928 It really is incredible. 168 00:07:32,928 --> 00:07:36,408 I think it's a really cool metaphor for people with disabilities as well, 169 00:07:36,408 --> 00:07:37,557 what they can really do, 170 00:07:37,557 --> 00:07:40,887 getting out there, breaking the mould, doing what's unexpected of them. 171 00:07:40,887 --> 00:07:42,902 On a side note, I've only fallen out once. 172 00:07:42,902 --> 00:07:45,851 And don't worry, I didn't get any more disabled from the fall, 173 00:07:45,851 --> 00:07:46,851 so it's all good. 174 00:07:46,851 --> 00:07:48,556 (Laughter) 175 00:07:48,556 --> 00:07:49,746 Now, 176 00:07:50,381 --> 00:07:53,041 when I reflect on my life, I think back to when - 177 00:07:53,041 --> 00:07:54,950 I'm really happy that I can sit here now 178 00:07:54,950 --> 00:07:59,041 and think that all this stuff almost didn't happen to me. 179 00:07:59,041 --> 00:08:02,783 I remember back when I was 14, I think of 14-year-old Dylan, and I think 180 00:08:02,783 --> 00:08:06,710 I had these really low expectations of myself of what I could achieve. 181 00:08:06,710 --> 00:08:09,803 And I let that dictate what I did in everyday life. 182 00:08:09,803 --> 00:08:11,379 I think back to 14-year-old Dylan 183 00:08:11,379 --> 00:08:16,006 who thought of his disability as this really shitty burden 184 00:08:16,006 --> 00:08:18,201 that was really hard to overcome. 185 00:08:18,201 --> 00:08:19,830 I think back to 14-year-old Dylan, 186 00:08:19,830 --> 00:08:22,540 and I think I'm so lucky doing what I'm doing these days. 187 00:08:22,540 --> 00:08:25,020 I'm so glad that I could challenge my own perception 188 00:08:25,020 --> 00:08:27,040 about what I thought about disability. 189 00:08:27,040 --> 00:08:29,953 And to be honest, I can sit here in front of you all today 190 00:08:29,953 --> 00:08:31,521 and tell you 100% honest truth: 191 00:08:31,521 --> 00:08:33,781 if I ever had the chance to go back in time 192 00:08:33,781 --> 00:08:36,336 or eat some kind of magic pill and walk again, 193 00:08:36,336 --> 00:08:39,042 there's no way in hell you could pay me enough to do it. 194 00:08:39,042 --> 00:08:41,712 Because I absolutely love everything in my life, 195 00:08:41,712 --> 00:08:42,719 wheelchair or not. 196 00:08:42,719 --> 00:08:44,339 I wouldn't change it for the world. 197 00:08:44,339 --> 00:08:49,926 But, unfortunately, there are so many kids across the world, all around Australia 198 00:08:49,926 --> 00:08:53,373 that are really struggling socially because of their disabilities. 199 00:08:53,713 --> 00:08:57,753 Disability remains this thing that nobody wants to talk about. 200 00:08:57,753 --> 00:08:59,377 There's still this negative stigma 201 00:08:59,377 --> 00:09:04,867 that having this disability is this weird, unlucky, really ugly thing. 202 00:09:05,087 --> 00:09:07,953 And for kids with disability that don't have any confidence, 203 00:09:07,953 --> 00:09:10,063 it's really hard for them to get over this 204 00:09:10,063 --> 00:09:12,613 and get into the world and do what they want to do. 205 00:09:12,613 --> 00:09:15,693 And it really restricts everything that they want to achieve. 206 00:09:15,693 --> 00:09:17,659 There are heaps of problems in the world: 207 00:09:17,659 --> 00:09:21,728 poverty, refugees, same-sex marriage, gender equality. 208 00:09:21,728 --> 00:09:24,330 They're all very, very important things. 209 00:09:24,330 --> 00:09:27,560 But when the hell do you ever hear anything about disability? 210 00:09:27,568 --> 00:09:29,188 Or when do you ever turn on the TV 211 00:09:29,188 --> 00:09:32,088 and see the first news story about somebody with a disability? 212 00:09:32,088 --> 00:09:35,239 Or when do you turn on your TV and see a wheelchair TV presenter - 213 00:09:35,239 --> 00:09:37,438 sorry, a presenter in a wheelchair? 214 00:09:37,438 --> 00:09:39,917 Or somebody with cerebral palsy in our parliaments? 215 00:09:39,917 --> 00:09:43,577 Or an actual blind actor playing a blind actor, 216 00:09:43,577 --> 00:09:46,055 as opposed to some bloke who's just closing his eyes? 217 00:09:46,055 --> 00:09:47,135 (Laughter) 218 00:09:47,135 --> 00:09:48,875 Now, I remember when I was a kid, 219 00:09:48,875 --> 00:09:51,165 when I was struggling, when I was 14, 220 00:09:51,165 --> 00:09:53,501 I just wish I could have turned on my television 221 00:09:53,501 --> 00:09:55,781 and seen a guy in a wheelchair achieving. 222 00:09:55,781 --> 00:09:57,841 Because it would have made me realise that, 223 00:09:57,841 --> 00:10:01,941 'You know what? I could do that too! That, one day, could be me'. 224 00:10:01,941 --> 00:10:04,130 I wish I had a positive role model in the media 225 00:10:04,130 --> 00:10:06,709 where I could have seen somebody absolutely killing it, 226 00:10:06,709 --> 00:10:08,959 and that would've instilled the confidence in me 227 00:10:08,959 --> 00:10:11,499 to get out there and do whatever I want. 228 00:10:11,499 --> 00:10:14,985 I think it's really important moving forward that we, as a society, 229 00:10:14,985 --> 00:10:17,771 change our perception of disability away from this idea 230 00:10:17,771 --> 00:10:21,251 that it's this really bad, unlucky, weird thing, 231 00:10:21,251 --> 00:10:23,456 and stop being so scared to talk about it. 232 00:10:23,456 --> 00:10:26,814 We need to realise that it's okay to have any disability, 233 00:10:26,816 --> 00:10:31,116 and we need to further our expectations of what people with disabilities can do. 234 00:10:31,116 --> 00:10:33,252 Moving forward, I think in order to do that, 235 00:10:33,252 --> 00:10:35,141 we need to mainstream disability. 236 00:10:35,141 --> 00:10:38,351 Get people with disabilities into our mainstream media, 237 00:10:38,351 --> 00:10:41,345 and that will increase the visibility in a positive light. 238 00:10:41,347 --> 00:10:44,349 We need to make disability heaps more commonplace. 239 00:10:44,349 --> 00:10:46,349 We need to start the conversation about it, 240 00:10:46,349 --> 00:10:48,831 which will go a long way in normalising it. 241 00:10:48,831 --> 00:10:50,718 And then, who knows? 242 00:10:50,718 --> 00:10:52,645 Maybe one day, if we can do that, 243 00:10:52,645 --> 00:10:55,255 these kids, like me, like I used to be, 244 00:10:55,255 --> 00:10:57,685 won't be going through such a tough time. 245 00:10:57,685 --> 00:11:00,975 They won't be embarrassed about their disability ever again. 246 00:11:00,975 --> 00:11:04,425 They'll have the confidence to go out there and do whatever they want. 247 00:11:04,425 --> 00:11:09,963 But, as a society, we really have to hope they pick a much better haircut than that. 248 00:11:09,963 --> 00:11:11,401 Thank you. 249 00:11:11,401 --> 00:11:14,331 (Applause) (Cheers)