[Script Info] Title: [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:03.15,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,(English captions by Trisha Paul from the University of Michigan) Dialogue: 0,0:00:03.15,0:00:06.53,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,The Patellar Grind Test assesses for patella\Nfemoral syndrome. Dialogue: 0,0:00:06.53,0:00:11.39,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,With the knee extended, push the patella into\Nthe trochlear groove of the femur. Dialogue: 0,0:00:11.39,0:00:12.79,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Pain is a positive test.