For an art project, a pentagon
made of construction paper is
cut into five equal slices.
Two of the slices are removed.
Write the remaining portion of
the pentagon as a fraction.
So let's draw ourselves
a pentagon.
A pentagon is just a five-sided
figure, so
it looks like this.
It's also where the Department
of Defense is located, a
building that's actually
in this shape.
That's why they call
it the Pentagon.
Let me draw it a little
nicer than that.
It looks something like this.
My pentagon drawing skills
need some work.
There you go.
That's a pretty decent
shot at a pentagon.
So that's the pentagon made
out of construction paper.
Notice it has one, two, three,
four, five sides.
That's why it's called
a pentagon.
And it's cut into five equals
slices, so we could do that.
Maybe that's the center
of the pentagon.
Here this is one slice
right there.
That is two slices, three
slices, four slices, and then
a fifth slice, so you
can imagine these
are all equal slices.
Now, they're saying two of
the slices are removed.
So let's get rid of two
of these slices.
Let's say we remove that
slice up there.
Let's say we remove the
slice right next to
it right over there.
And then they want us to write
the remaining portion of the
pentagon as a fraction.
So what are the remaining
Well, I have this slice right
there, that slice right over
here and then this slice.
So you have three slices
remaining out of a total
possible of how many?
How many slices are in
the entire pentagon?
So if you look at the entire
pentagon, if you consider all
of the slices, we have
five slices.
So if you consider the entire
pentagon, it is made up of
five total slices.
So it's three remaining out of
five total slices, so you
could say that 3/5 of
the pentagon remain.
Or you could say 2/5
were removed.
That's two of the five slices
were removed, and then three
are remaining, or 3/5 of
the pentagon remain.