WEBVTT 00:00:00.224 --> 00:00:05.079 Hi, this is Li Xiao, a health manager 00:00:05.844 --> 00:00:28.701 Today I am going to share a few points of the spleen meridian, they can strengthen the spleen 00:00:30.036 --> 00:00:46.379 Taibai acupoint, it is located on the inside of the foot below the ball of the big toe 00:00:50.249 --> 00:01:46.541 Press into the depression at the base of the big toe. It relieves a variety of spleen problems and it also regulates blood sugar 00:01:47.069 --> 00:01:59.723 Gongsun, it is located in the depression distal and inferior to the base of the 1st metatarsal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin. 00:02:00.357 --> 00:02:32.446 It can relieve vomiting,gastric pain, abdominal pain and distension, diarrhea, dysentery, borborygmus, some gynecological diseases 00:02:33.386 --> 00:02:38.530 Shangqiu, it is in the depression distal and inferior to the medial malleolus, midway between 00:02:38.530 --> 00:02:43.674 the tuberosity of the navicular bone and the tip of the medial malleolus 00:02:44.158 --> 00:03:01.196 It relieves cystitis, pelvic inflammatory disease and urethra 00:03:02.326 --> 00:03:15.725 Sanyinjiao acupoint, it is located medially four-finger wide above the ankle 00:03:17.465 --> 00:03:31.485 It is thought to offer relief from gynecologic disorders, including dysmenorrhea 00:03:31.635 --> 00:03:46.319 Lougu acupoiont, it is located 3 cun above sanyinjiao 00:03:47.319 --> 00:04:11.394 It can relieve some male diseases, especially prostate problems 00:04:12.494 --> 00:04:24.772 Diji acupoint, it located on the medial aspect of the lower leg, 3 cun below yinlingquan 00:04:25.314 --> 00:04:37.830 It regulates gastrointestinal motility, pancreas and blood sugar 00:04:39.324 --> 00:04:55.310 Yinlingquan, on the medial side of the shank, at the depression posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia 00:04:55.630 --> 00:05:16.806 It regulates the spleen and resolves dampness, opens and moves the water passages, benefits the lower jiao 00:05:18.556 --> 00:06:14.836 The important acupoints on the spleen meridian are almost all located on the inner side of the calf, we can push this line with our hands