[children yelling and laughing] THE HOUR OF CODE This is so cool! Hour of Code The Hour of Code The Hour of Code [different languages] Your teacher says you guys are into it! We are, it's VERY awesome. [upbeat music] [announcer] Code.org has partnered with 30 public school districts across the country including New York, Chicago and Denver to provide lessons and teacher training in writing... [announcer] the largest education events in history. [announcer] Organizers set what they called an ambitious goal reaching ten million students this week. Almost 15 million signed up. [President Obama] This week I'm proud to join the students, teachers, businesses and non-profit organizations taking new steps to support computer science in America's schools. [music] They've been so excited about it! You're learning and you're playing. I got it! I ran an hour of code, it's easy to do. They're learning how things are created in a technological world, and that's their world and their upcoming world. Every district should do, every district can do it. I'm actually seeing the kids in elementary school start coding and this is amazing. I'm doing it, I'm actually going to code! [voice] You love it? Yes, I LOVE it. [voice] Is coding super-fun? YES! If you can change technology, you can change the world. [Malala Yousafzai] I challenge girls in every single country to learn one hour of code. [Satya Nadella] Computer science can unlock the best opportunities in the world no matter where you are. [Hadi Partovi] Please help us get the Hour Of Code to 100 million students this year. And my school's doing it! [singing] Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you take us for?