WEBVTT 00:00:08.880 --> 00:00:13.250 Hey guys, I hope you’re ready for another crazy Hollow Knight lore video! 00:00:13.250 --> 00:00:15.380 So what fun topic are we going to talk about today? 00:00:15.380 --> 00:00:17.630 Well, it’s a good one. 00:00:17.630 --> 00:00:22.050 You and everyone you know and love is going to die. 00:00:22.050 --> 00:00:23.520 Now I know what you’re thinking. 00:00:23.520 --> 00:00:26.950 Oh great, here comes another one of mossbag’s crazy conspiracies. 00:00:26.950 --> 00:00:27.950 What’s next? 00:00:27.950 --> 00:00:31.520 Is he gonna argue that Silksong is prequel again? 00:00:31.520 --> 00:00:36.120 Well, how about I give you an example of a beloved character from Hollow Knight that 00:00:36.120 --> 00:00:38.610 actually does die: Quirrel. 00:00:38.610 --> 00:00:43.390 The last time we see Quirrel ingame, he is sitting at the Blue Lake after the Knight 00:00:43.390 --> 00:00:45.650 kills Monomon the Teacher. 00:00:45.650 --> 00:00:50.100 After that, Quirrel disappears, leaving behind his nail sticking out of the ground and his 00:00:50.100 --> 00:00:53.890 ultimate fate left uncertain. 00:00:53.890 --> 00:00:57.390 Except not really, because Quirrel is definitely dead. 00:00:57.390 --> 00:01:02.130 Now technically, the question of “What happened to Quirrel?” is left open to interpretation. 00:01:02.130 --> 00:01:07.100 And Team Cherry even said as such in an interview with the reputable news source Kotaku. 00:01:07.100 --> 00:01:08.500 Kirk Hamilton: Okay next question. 00:01:08.500 --> 00:01:10.140 What happened to Quirrel? 00:01:10.140 --> 00:01:10.910 William Pellen: We don’t know. 00:01:10.910 --> 00:01:12.200 Ari Gibson: Yeah, we’re not sure. 00:01:12.200 --> 00:01:13.200 Kirk: Okay. 00:01:13.200 --> 00:01:18.580 But if you are a regular to my channel, you know that Team Cherry are a bunch of liars. 00:01:18.590 --> 00:01:22.450 And William and Ari know damn well what happened to Quirrel. 00:01:22.450 --> 00:01:27.369 But even still, once we look at the evidence, having Quirrel die makes the most sense both 00:01:27.369 --> 00:01:30.150 logically and narratively. 00:01:30.150 --> 00:01:31.580 So what I am saying? 00:01:31.580 --> 00:01:35.909 That Quirrel killed himself in some sort of reverse-Jeffery Epstein maneuver? 00:01:35.909 --> 00:01:38.159 Did he drowned himself in the Blue Lake? 00:01:38.159 --> 00:01:43.189 Well, I can’t really say how he passed away, but when looking at the evidence, it’s clear 00:01:43.189 --> 00:01:45.359 that Quirrel was ready to die. 00:01:45.359 --> 00:01:49.420 So before we start talking about what’s actually in the game, it’s worth pointing 00:01:49.420 --> 00:01:54.679 out something particular about the art asset for Quirrel’s nail that we see after he 00:01:54.679 --> 00:01:55.679 disappears. 00:01:55.679 --> 00:02:00.509 Within the game’s files, this piece of art is called “quirrel_death_nail”. 00:02:00.509 --> 00:02:05.100 Now obviously, there are a lot of different ways you can interpret what this means. 00:02:05.100 --> 00:02:10.090 But if I were to hazard a guess, I would say that Team Cherry thinks Quirrel is dead, or 00:02:10.090 --> 00:02:12.990 at least they thought so at one point. 00:02:12.990 --> 00:02:15.400 Now of course, this evidence isn’t canonical. 00:02:15.400 --> 00:02:20.030 But as we dig into what is canonical in the game, I think most of you will end up agreeing 00:02:20.030 --> 00:02:21.790 with Team Cherry. 00:02:21.790 --> 00:02:27.430 There are two main reasons why Quirrel is probably dead: his age, and the fact that 00:02:27.430 --> 00:02:28.940 he abandoned his nail. 00:02:28.940 --> 00:02:31.340 Let’s start with his age. 00:02:31.340 --> 00:02:35.990 When Quirrel first arrives in Hallownest, he has completely forgotten about his past. 00:02:35.990 --> 00:02:40.280 He doesn’t remember being Monomon’s assistant or her participation in the sealing of the 00:02:40.280 --> 00:02:41.820 Hollow Knight. 00:02:41.820 --> 00:02:45.970 He is exploring Hallownest as a traveler, drawn to the kingdom by stories of wonder 00:02:45.970 --> 00:02:47.330 and horror. 00:02:47.330 --> 00:02:51.480 Eventually, Quirrel arrives in the City of Tears, remarking on how he’d like to see 00:02:51.480 --> 00:02:53.720 the source of the rain, saying: 00:02:53.720 --> 00:02:57.580 I'd like to see where it all comes from before I leave this Kingdom. 00:02:57.580 --> 00:02:59.080 What a sight it must be! 00:02:59.080 --> 00:03:02.340 Now, Quirrel mentions that he plans on leaving Hallownest here. 00:03:02.340 --> 00:03:05.790 But we have to remember that Quirrel doesn’t remember his past yet. 00:03:05.790 --> 00:03:09.610 He’s going through what we would call a “character arc”. 00:03:09.610 --> 00:03:14.360 And we can see that his mood will drastically change once he makes it to the Teacher’s 00:03:14.360 --> 00:03:15.360 Archives. 00:03:15.360 --> 00:03:19.670 Quirrel mentions how he remembers the Archives and how he helped Monomon become a seal. 00:03:19.670 --> 00:03:24.220 After the Knight smacks Monomon with the magic stick thing and murders her, Quirrel mentions 00:03:24.220 --> 00:03:26.560 how he begins to feel his age. 00:03:26.560 --> 00:03:31.690 Finally, at the Blue Lake, we see Quirrel quietly looking out over the waters. 00:03:31.690 --> 00:03:33.850 He mentions how he feels at peace. 00:03:33.850 --> 00:03:50.310 Even his voice lines here reflect how old and tired he is. 00:03:50.310 --> 00:03:54.190 At this point, Quirrel has no more reasons to continue his exploring. 00:03:54.190 --> 00:03:59.490 He’s lived an age and seen the glories of Hallownest twice over, which I assume includes 00:03:59.490 --> 00:04:00.940 Flukemarm. 00:04:00.940 --> 00:04:03.590 So he’s basically seen Flukemarm twice. 00:04:03.590 --> 00:04:06.090 Anyone would be ready to go after that. 00:04:06.090 --> 00:04:07.700 And now we come to the second argument. 00:04:07.700 --> 00:04:11.550 Why in the fuck would Quirrel leave his nail behind? 00:04:11.550 --> 00:04:16.259 As we will see, Quirrel is constantly talking about the importance of having a weapon. 00:04:16.259 --> 00:04:20.709 For him to just leave one behind implies he had no intention of walking out of Hallownest 00:04:20.709 --> 00:04:21.970 alive. 00:04:21.970 --> 00:04:25.870 In the Temple of the Black Egg, Quirrel mentions that the Knight’s old nail is too weak to 00:04:25.870 --> 00:04:28.190 handle the challenges awaiting in the kingdom. 00:04:28.190 --> 00:04:32.400 While in Greenpath, Quirrel also mentions the importance of the Knight getting a better 00:04:32.400 --> 00:04:34.320 nail when he says: 00:04:34.320 --> 00:04:38.290 Your nail looks a fine instrument, but it's showing signs of wear. 00:04:38.290 --> 00:04:40.870 I'd wager up there it would take you far. 00:04:40.870 --> 00:04:45.590 Down here however, I suspect you'll soon meet dangers the surface world can't match. 00:04:45.590 --> 00:04:50.380 In fact, in the very first encounter we have with Qurriel, he strongly foreshadows his 00:04:50.380 --> 00:04:52.120 own death, remarking: 00:04:52.120 --> 00:04:56.740 Plenty have come before us and most have met their grisly end, many more equipped than 00:04:56.740 --> 00:05:01.160 you and I. I'm sure they wouldn't mind were a fellow explorer to relieve them of their 00:05:01.160 --> 00:05:02.180 tools. 00:05:02.180 --> 00:05:03.740 It's a kindness really. 00:05:03.740 --> 00:05:06.400 The dead shouldn't be burdened with such things.” 00:05:06.400 --> 00:05:11.660 So at the end of his journey, Quirrel is choosing to leave his nail behind so that he may not 00:05:11.660 --> 00:05:13.840 be burdened by it in death. 00:05:13.840 --> 00:05:19.990 He knows very well that abandoning his nail spells certain death, but he doesn’t mind. 00:05:19.990 --> 00:05:25.340 And while there’s nothing we can do to stop Quirrel’s passing, besides just not talking 00:05:25.340 --> 00:05:29.550 to him at the Blue Lake I guess, we can still remember him. 00:05:29.550 --> 00:05:34.280 At the heart of every red-blooded human being is an adventurer's spirit. 00:05:34.280 --> 00:05:36.710 The same spirit embodied by Quirrel. 00:05:36.710 --> 00:05:40.830 Let’s keep that spirit alive, for his sake. 00:05:40.830 --> 00:05:43.310 So go ask that cute girl out. 00:05:43.310 --> 00:05:46.650 Go push that coworker you hate down the stairs. 00:05:46.650 --> 00:05:48.580 Go Go Power Rangers. 00:05:48.580 --> 00:05:52.110 Let’s remember to explore the world in which we live. 00:05:52.110 --> 00:05:55.470 Let’s remember to appreciate the wonders that surround us. 00:05:55.470 --> 00:06:01.560 And most importantly, let’s remember to always remember that we should remember Quirrel. 00:06:01.920 --> 00:06:30.000 [♫Appropriate Music for Honoring the life of Qurriel♫]