0:00:00.200,0:00:02.160 Do you know that, Cinderella in Grim's version 0:00:02.160,0:00:04.780 had no glass shoes. 0:00:05.220,0:00:06.980 Hi, I'm View from Point of View channel. 0:00:06.980,0:00:08.320 Recently, 0:00:08.320,0:00:10.400 I believe that everyone is staying at home 0:00:10.400,0:00:12.760 to stop COVID-19 epidemic. 0:00:12.760,0:00:15.560 I'll tell you that, it has one thing happend 0:00:15.560,0:00:17.580 someone doesn't have videos to watch 0:00:17.580,0:00:20.340 so they have been watching very very old clips 0:00:20.340,0:00:22.380 in Point of View channel. 0:00:22.380,0:00:24.320 And of course, at that time 0:00:24.320,0:00:27.220 very very long time ago 0:00:27.560,0:00:30.280 the clips were ahh, not so fun like they should be. 0:00:30.280,0:00:32.180 So someone comments that 0:00:32.180,0:00:34.360 ahh, could you take those videos to remake? 0:00:34.360,0:00:36.660 So today, I will pick one story that I had told 0:00:36.660,0:00:39.520 since starting this channel. 0:00:39.520,0:00:41.860 That story is Cindellera. 0:00:41.860,0:00:42.540 Today, 0:00:42.540,0:00:44.820 the Cindellera version that I will tell you is 0:00:44.820,0:00:47.360 Brother Grim's version. 0:00:47.360,0:00:49.480 It is different from another version 0:00:49.480,0:00:51.820 owned by Charles Parrow. 0:00:51.820,0:00:53.400 However, I can tell that 0:00:53.400,0:00:55.620 this version is very fun, and the important point is 0:00:55.620,0:00:57.580 in this Grim's version 0:00:57.580,0:00:59.080 there is no glass shoes! 0:00:59.080,0:01:00.320 Do you want to know that 0:01:00.320,0:01:02.340 what will happen if there are no glass shoes? 0:01:02.340,0:01:04.480 Are you ready to listen to the story that 0:01:04.480,0:01:06.140 is fun and educated? 0:01:06.140,0:01:07.920 If you are ready, let's go! 0:01:11.960,0:01:14.300 The Cindellera in Grim's version 0:01:14.300,0:01:16.100 started with a woman. 0:01:16.100,0:01:18.520 Of course, that person was not the main charactor. 0:01:18.520,0:01:21.075 Since starting the story, she died 0:01:21.080,0:01:22.780 we could say she was not Important. 0:01:22.780,0:01:25.260 However, she was not useless(555) 0:01:25.260,0:01:27.840 because before she died, we know that 0:01:27.840,0:01:30.640 she was a rich man's wife. 0:01:30.640,0:01:33.340 And the important thing is, she had a daughter. 0:01:33.340,0:01:36.480 At the moment that she knew that she would die 0:01:36.480,0:01:39.000 she had called her daughter 0:01:39.000,0:01:40.695 to exhort. 0:01:40.700,0:01:44.160 "My sweetie, now I know that I will leave soon. 0:01:44.160,0:01:47.620 However, I believe that you can live by yourself. 0:01:47.620,0:01:50.800 But I want you to hold on to two things 0:01:50.800,0:01:53.240 first, you need to hold on to the goodness 0:01:53.240,0:01:55.920 and the second thing is faith. 0:01:55.920,0:01:57.520 If you have goodness and faith 0:01:57.520,0:01:59.880 you can live by yourself." 0:01:59.880,0:02:02.560 after she stops talking, her hand flops. 0:02:02.560,0:02:05.000 She has died. 0:02:05.000,0:02:07.255 It makes her daughter very sad 0:02:07.260,0:02:09.540 but her daughter only cries. 0:02:09.540,0:02:12.620 She goes to her mother's grave every day 0:02:12.620,0:02:13.840 she cries, utill 0:02:13.840,0:02:16.920 her tears flood everywhere. 0:02:16.920,0:02:19.745 However, the time needs to pass. 0:02:19.745,0:02:22.795 Since she died, winter came and went 0:02:22.800,0:02:24.880 then spring came. 0:02:24.880,0:02:27.280 In spring that year 0:02:27.280,0:02:30.380 the girl's father takes something to their home 0:02:30.380,0:02:32.740 it is a new wife. 0:02:32.740,0:02:34.840 Ahh the ex-wife has died less than one year 0:02:34.840,0:02:36.040 have a new wife now. 0:02:36.040,0:02:38.640 And the important thing is, this new wife 0:02:38.640,0:02:42.360 has two daughters!!! 0:02:42.580,0:02:45.640 These two daughters are very beautiful. 0:02:45.640,0:02:47.860 However, they are 0:02:47.860,0:02:51.340 very cruel and callous. 0:02:51.340,0:02:53.520 So when they live in the same house 0:02:53.520,0:02:55.760 the father needs to appeases the new wife 0:02:55.760,0:02:57.900 and he appeases the new daugther. 0:02:57.900,0:02:59.440 It makes their conceited 0:02:59.440,0:03:01.360 and they force us to work our heroine 0:03:01.360,0:03:03.900 that we will know her name later 0:03:03.900,0:03:06.240 they force us to work our heroine like a villain in the drama. 0:03:06.240,0:03:07.800 Approximately "hey you 0:03:07.800,0:03:10.300 a worthless person like you should starve 0:03:10.300,0:03:12.940 why a worthless person like you need to have food ? 0:03:12.940,0:03:15.120 And you shouldn't have a beautiful dress. 0:03:15.120,0:03:17.205 You should work for food." 0:03:17.205,0:03:20.120 After that, they stell her beautiful dress. 0:03:20.120,0:03:22.680 Take the servant's old clothes for her to wear. 0:03:22.680,0:03:25.215 Stell her jewels and diamonds. 0:03:25.215,0:03:26.480 Stell all things.(like a valian) 0:03:26.480,0:03:27.655 Finaly, 0:03:27.660,0:03:30.220 our heroine doesn't have anything. 0:03:30.220,0:03:32.980 She has to be a servant in her house. 0:03:32.980,0:03:36.140 And she doesn't have even her bed. 0:03:36.140,0:03:37.360 So everyday 0:03:37.360,0:03:39.760 after she works a lot 0:03:39.760,0:03:42.500 she will sleep in front of the fireplace. 0:03:42.500,0:03:44.780 Because the weather in Europe is very cold 0:03:44.780,0:03:46.660 if she sleep in the place that doesn't have fireplace 0:03:46.660,0:03:48.760 doesn't have the warm object 0:03:48.760,0:03:50.020 she can die. 0:03:50.020,0:03:53.660 So she sleeps in front of the fireplace every day. 0:03:53.660,0:03:55.240 Until her body 0:03:55.240,0:03:57.820 dirty and have a lot of ashes. 0:03:57.820,0:04:00.200 Everyone call her 0:04:00.200,0:04:03.340 Cindellera and this is Cindellera our heroine. 0:04:03.340,0:04:05.580 Cindellera lives like this every day. 0:04:05.580,0:04:08.040 She does chores and lots of things in her house. 0:04:08.040,0:04:10.800 But one thing that she never lost 0:04:10.800,0:04:13.660 is goodness and faith that her mather exhort. 0:04:13.680,0:04:14.860 One day, 0:04:14.860,0:04:18.300 her father needs to go to the abroad. 0:04:18.300,0:04:21.380 Of course, if going abroad need to have a souvenir. 0:04:21.380,0:04:23.960 So her father asked his three children 0:04:23.960,0:04:26.680 "Who wants souvenir" 0:04:26.680,0:04:28.720 The first step-sister said 0:04:28.720,0:04:30.640 "Oh father, I want gems and daimonds 0:04:30.640,0:04:32.180 and I want lots of decoration 0:04:32.180,0:04:34.040 a lot, like very very much of decoration 0:04:34.040,0:04:35.640 it needs to be very expensive. 0:04:35.640,0:04:37.640 The father say "OK my child" 0:04:37.640,0:04:39.700 "Second child, what do you want" 0:04:39.700,0:04:42.920 So the second child said "I want a dress 0:04:42.920,0:04:46.400 I want high fashion dress 0:04:46.400,0:04:49.140 and very expensive. 0:04:49.140,0:04:51.680 Prada, Chanel, or Hermes or another brand" 0:04:51.680,0:04:55.040 The father said "OK you will get it" 0:04:55.040,0:04:57.440 "How about Cindellera, what do you want" 0:04:57.720,0:05:00.500 Ahh Cindellera is a only child 0:05:00.500,0:05:02.320 another is a stepdaughter. 0:05:02.540,0:05:03.400 However 0:05:03.400,0:05:05.340 Cinderella look up to her dad 0:05:05.340,0:05:06.140 and she say 0:05:06.140,0:05:08.720 "Dad, I don't want any thing. 0:05:08.720,0:05:10.740 the only thing that I want is 0:05:10.740,0:05:13.400 when you in the way back home 0:05:13.520,0:05:16.760 if it has some stick fall down and touch your hat 0:05:16.760,0:05:19.335 and it make your hat fall down 0:05:19.340,0:05:21.760 I want that stick." 0:05:22.060,0:05:25.280 So the father said "OK" after that he 0:05:25.280,0:05:27.360 went to abroad 0:05:27.360,0:05:29.060 Of course, when he went to aboroad 0:05:29.060,0:05:32.480 he bought gems and brand name things 0:05:32.480,0:05:34.820 for his 2 stepdaughter, and he 0:05:34.820,0:05:36.440 forgot Cindellera. 0:05:36.440,0:05:39.560 However, when he in the way back home 0:05:39.560,0:05:41.140 there was a stick falling down 0:05:41.140,0:05:43.940 it touches his hat and makes his hat fall down 0:05:43.940,0:05:46.915 he thinks that "Ahh this is Cindelllera's souvenir " 0:05:46.920,0:05:50.140 so he break the stick 0:05:50.140,0:05:52.295 and give it to Cindellera. 0:05:52.295,0:05:55.565 When he comes home, Cindellera take this stick 0:05:55.565,0:05:57.620 to her mather's grave 0:05:57.620,0:06:00.380 and she cried for her mather like everyday. 0:06:00.380,0:06:02.300 She cries a lot 0:06:02.300,0:06:03.320 cries very much 0:06:03.320,0:06:04.560 cries untill 0:06:04.560,0:06:07.700 her tear flood her mather's grave. 0:06:07.700,0:06:10.425 Of course, her flooding tear 0:06:10.425,0:06:11.720 touch the stick. 0:06:11.720,0:06:15.480 It makes that stick has a root magically. 0:06:15.480,0:06:18.540 It change to be a tree 0:06:18.540,0:06:19.565 Cindellera 0:06:19.565,0:06:22.415 use her tear watering her tree. 0:06:22.420,0:06:24.760 Of course, after Cindellera 0:06:24.760,0:06:26.600 plant the tree 0:06:26.600,0:06:28.580 it should have fruitful 0:06:28.580,0:06:30.480 but the fruit from this tree 0:06:30.480,0:06:31.960 is not a normal fruit ! 0:06:31.960,0:06:34.075 Because one day, this tree 0:06:34.080,0:06:37.020 has two pigeon live in side 0:06:37.020,0:06:39.620 and the special thing of this pigeon is 0:06:39.620,0:06:41.700 if Cindellera wish what thing 0:06:41.700,0:06:43.460 thing two pigeon will 0:06:43.460,0:06:46.020 help her dream to succeed. 0:06:46.020,0:06:47.540 So it likes 0:06:47.540,0:06:49.840 there was Genie's lamp in the house !!! 0:06:49.840,0:06:52.220 However, becuase Cindellera's thinking 0:06:52.220,0:06:54.640 or what thing, she haven't use it. 0:06:54.640,0:06:56.720 instead of using a pigeon like "I don't want to stay here 0:06:56.720,0:06:58.220 let me go out! " 0:06:58.220,0:06:59.320 She haven't use. 0:06:59.320,0:07:01.580 So Cindellera needs to 0:07:01.580,0:07:03.520 live like this every day. 0:07:03.520,0:07:06.640 Until one day 0:07:06.640,0:07:07.940 her sisters 0:07:07.940,0:07:10.160 scream a lot, like 0:07:10.160,0:07:12.980 "Where is Cindellera. Come here. Help me. 0:07:12.980,0:07:14.200 Comb my hair. 0:07:14.200,0:07:16.540 Put on my makeup. Do my hair. 0:07:16.540,0:07:18.280 Dress up a beautiful dress for me. 0:07:18.280,0:07:19.300 So Cinderella said 0:07:19.300,0:07:21.575 "What happened, sisters? Why you want me 0:07:21.580,0:07:24.040 dress up you beautiful like that?" 0:07:24.040,0:07:26.180 So Cindellera know that 0:07:26.180,0:07:29.515 now, it has a very big event in the city. 0:07:29.520,0:07:32.460 The event is 3 days long. 0:07:32.460,0:07:34.820 That event is the event that the king 0:07:34.820,0:07:37.220 make a party. A dancing party. 0:07:37.220,0:07:39.280 For the prince to 0:07:39.280,0:07:41.500 saw every women in the city. 0:07:41.500,0:07:44.160 Sometimes the prince will choose someone 0:07:44.160,0:07:45.900 to be his groom. 0:07:45.900,0:07:49.060 So the sisters aim that 0:07:49.065,0:07:51.635 I need to join this party 0:07:51.640,0:07:53.920 and I need to be a prince's groom. 0:07:53.920,0:07:55.960 Cindellera think 0:07:55.960,0:07:58.160 hmm, I want to went to the party too. 0:07:58.340,0:08:00.440 So she asks her stepmother 0:08:00.780,0:08:04.800 "Mother, I am a good girl. Do chores a lot. 0:08:04.800,0:08:06.660 Can I go to the party with you?" 0:08:06.665,0:08:09.040 Of course, step mother won't let Cindellera go to the party. 0:08:09.040,0:08:10.720 "No Cindellera. Are you crazy? 0:08:10.720,0:08:12.360 You don't have the dress, don't have anything. 0:08:12.360,0:08:15.680 You are an only filthy girl that lives in front of the fireplace. 0:08:15.860,0:08:18.060 If you go, you will make us shamefaced 0:08:18.060,0:08:19.480 that we need to walk with you. 0:08:19.760,0:08:21.040 No Cindellera." 0:08:21.040,0:08:23.760 However, Cindellera wants to go to party 0:08:23.760,0:08:26.200 a lot. So she 0:08:26.200,0:08:28.360 ask her stepmother a lot. 0:08:28.360,0:08:31.895 Finally, the stepmother gets a plate full of peas 0:08:31.900,0:08:34.380 and walk to the fireplace. 0:08:34.380,0:08:37.380 She pours all of the peas into cinder. 0:08:37.380,0:08:39.060 And she said "Cindellera 0:08:39.060,0:08:41.760 now, the peas and the cinder it's all mixed up. 0:08:41.760,0:08:44.020 I'll give you 2 hours 0:08:44.020,0:08:47.080 If you can get the peas out of the cinder 0:08:47.080,0:08:48.600 , and separate the good pills 0:08:48.600,0:08:50.700 that can be eaten 0:08:50.700,0:08:52.895 and the one they are sloppy 0:08:52.895,0:08:54.800 in just 2 hours. 0:08:54.800,0:08:57.120 I will let you go to the party!!! 0:08:57.120,0:08:59.215 When Cindellera heard that 0:08:59.220,0:09:01.160 , she was in shock. (she may doesn't know a sieve) 0:09:01.160,0:09:02.820 So she walk to her mother's grave. 0:09:02.820,0:09:04.400 And she cries. 0:09:04.400,0:09:06.460 "wah-wah what should I do" 0:09:06.460,0:09:08.580 Of course, when Cindellera goes to cry 0:09:08.580,0:09:09.720 and entreat. 0:09:09.720,0:09:11.460 Two pigeons that live 0:09:11.460,0:09:13.545 on Cindellera mother's three 0:09:13.545,0:09:16.280 come to help Cindellera. 0:09:16.280,0:09:19.880 The pigeons flied to the fireplace 0:09:19.880,0:09:21.800 and started to pick 0:09:21.800,0:09:23.460 and separate the peas for Cindellera. 0:09:23.460,0:09:24.780 Of course, the skillful 0:09:24.780,0:09:26.380 pigeons can finish all of the work 0:09:26.380,0:09:28.800 that the stepmother request cindellera 0:09:28.800,0:09:30.400 in just less than 1 hours 0:09:30.400,0:09:32.780 (stepmother gives 2 hours) 0:09:32.780,0:09:34.500 0:09:34.500,0:09:36.860 0:09:36.860,0:09:39.000 0:09:39.000,0:09:40.640 0:09:40.640,0:09:42.020 0:09:42.020,0:09:45.100 0:09:45.100,0:09:48.000 0:09:48.200,0:09:50.000 0:09:50.000,0:09:51.540 0:09:51.540,0:09:53.955 0:09:53.955,0:09:56.485 0:09:56.485,0:09:58.400 0:09:58.400,0:10:00.940 0:10:00.940,0:10:04.340 0:10:04.340,0:10:06.640 0:10:06.640,0:10:09.420 0:10:09.420,0:10:11.460 0:10:11.460,0:10:12.660 0:10:12.660,0:10:15.720 0:10:15.720,0:10:17.620 0:10:17.620,0:10:20.440 0:10:20.440,0:10:22.160 0:10:22.160,0:10:24.820 0:10:24.820,0:10:27.680 0:10:27.680,0:10:30.320 0:10:30.320,0:10:32.640 0:10:32.640,0:10:35.960 0:10:35.960,0:10:38.380 0:10:38.380,0:10:40.880 0:10:40.880,0:10:42.980 0:10:42.980,0:10:45.220 0:10:45.220,0:10:46.500 0:10:46.500,0:10:48.540 0:10:48.540,0:10:51.080 0:10:51.080,0:10:52.460 0:10:52.460,0:10:55.240 0:10:55.240,0:10:57.060 0:10:57.060,0:11:00.100 0:11:00.100,0:11:02.220 0:11:02.220,0:11:04.660 0:11:04.660,0:11:05.560 0:11:05.560,0:11:08.720 0:11:08.720,0:11:11.100 0:11:11.100,0:11:14.300 0:11:14.300,0:11:16.200 0:11:16.200,0:11:18.235 0:11:18.235,0:11:21.605 0:11:21.615,0:11:24.565 0:11:24.565,0:11:26.440 0:11:26.440,0:11:30.040 0:11:30.040,0:11:32.640 0:11:32.640,0:11:34.040 0:11:34.040,0:11:37.320 0:11:37.420,0:11:39.260 0:11:39.260,0:11:41.420 0:11:41.420,0:11:43.940 0:11:43.940,0:11:46.160 0:11:46.160,0:11:48.620 0:11:48.620,0:11:50.540 0:11:50.860,0:11:54.260 0:11:54.260,0:11:56.520 0:11:56.520,0:11:58.080 0:11:58.080,0:12:00.240 0:12:00.465,0:12:02.100 0:12:02.100,0:12:03.320 0:12:03.320,0:12:05.060 0:12:05.060,0:12:07.080 0:12:07.080,0:12:08.680 0:12:08.680,0:12:09.980 0:12:10.260,0:12:12.280 0:12:12.280,0:12:14.540 0:12:14.540,0:12:17.040 0:12:17.040,0:12:19.880 0:12:19.880,0:12:20.720 0:12:20.720,0:12:23.880 0:12:23.880,0:12:26.280 0:12:26.280,0:12:28.200 0:12:28.200,0:12:32.140 0:12:32.140,0:12:34.620 0:12:34.620,0:12:37.320 0:12:37.320,0:12:40.520 0:12:40.760,0:12:43.140 0:12:43.140,0:12:44.200 0:12:44.200,0:12:46.700 0:12:46.700,0:12:48.960 0:12:49.240,0:12:50.820 0:12:50.820,0:12:52.740 0:12:52.740,0:12:55.300 0:12:55.300,0:12:57.015 0:12:57.020,0:12:57.940 0:12:57.940,0:13:01.020 0:13:01.020,0:13:02.720 0:13:02.720,0:13:05.440 0:13:05.440,0:13:08.800 0:13:08.800,0:13:10.075 0:13:10.080,0:13:12.140 0:13:12.140,0:13:13.720 0:13:13.720,0:13:16.520 0:13:16.520,0:13:19.820 0:13:19.820,0:13:21.760 0:13:21.760,0:13:23.780 0:13:23.780,0:13:25.680 0:13:25.680,0:13:28.120 0:13:28.120,0:13:29.740 0:13:29.740,0:13:32.100 0:13:32.100,0:13:34.820 0:13:34.820,0:13:36.955 0:13:36.960,0:13:39.640 0:13:39.640,0:13:42.440 0:13:42.440,0:13:45.540 0:13:45.540,0:13:47.340 0:13:47.480,0:13:50.800 0:13:50.800,0:13:52.840 0:13:52.840,0:13:54.400 0:13:54.400,0:13:55.900 0:13:55.900,0:13:57.120 0:13:57.120,0:13:59.560 0:13:59.560,0:14:02.560 0:14:02.560,0:14:04.740 0:14:04.740,0:14:06.800 0:14:06.800,0:14:09.480 0:14:09.480,0:14:11.340 0:14:11.340,0:14:13.360 0:14:13.360,0:14:15.480 0:14:15.480,0:14:17.160 0:14:17.160,0:14:19.740 0:14:19.740,0:14:22.860 0:14:22.860,0:14:25.660 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