This message is dedicated to my fellow
who get alarmed or even offended at the
thought of eliminating French
as one of the official languages of the
Republic of Haiti.
I am speaking today as a Haitian who is
truly madly in love with the French
I confess that my fascination for not only
the richness
of the language but also for those who
master it without boundaries.
However, these days, I reject the
I look down on it as much as some of my
fellow Haitians
look down on the Creole language.
Thus, I have a lot of trouble expressing
myself in French.
Some may even say that I'm losing my
I think it is sad how Haitians always think
they are able to lose something
that in no way and at no point in time
belonged to them.
I say all that and still today I'm pushing to
deliver this message in French.
It's because I'm targeting those of us who
would be hard-pressed
to take me seriously if I had chosen to
share my ideas in my maternal language.
I want you to understand the damage you
are causing to your country,
to be fully aware of this damage and I
hope I'll manage to do that, in French.
What I observed especially from the
Haitians living in Haiti is that
French isn't a tool for communication that
allows the exchange of ideas,
the passing of customs and culture or the
expression of convictions.
On the contrary, it strips away the most
remarkable and precious
of human experiences from us,
It has become nothing more than one
more way
to segregate the Haitian population.
To be able to tell from the get-go who
deserves your good manners
and who you will snub, who you will barter
with, and who you will charge double.
So it really doesn't help us to communicate properly.
I've also witnessed the mistreatment
Haitians receive in Haiti
simply because they cannot speak
French; a colonial language,
a language that we don't even teach to
most of our people,
a language that is so foreign to us,
a language that despite the fact that it
has dominated our educational system
for over two centuries is still lost among
our people who are far from mastering it.
So that is rather deplorable.