0:00:00.000,0:00:04.380 I had a lot of fun dancing last night[br]but getting home so late and not falling 0:00:04.380,0:00:08.900 asleep until one thirty in the morning[br]means that my schedule for today 0:00:08.910,0:00:13.170 got a little bit messed up. I mean I got up[br]early and i upload my vlog after doing 0:00:13.170,0:00:16.470 captions and stuff but then i was just[br]tired! 0:00:16.470,0:00:19.980 I was so tired in the middle of the day, I[br]took another long nap in the middle of 0:00:19.980,0:00:22.260 the day, which kinda messed me up. 0:00:22.260,0:00:31.170 Did, however, do some work on my patreon[br]video and i watch this really cool video 0:00:31.170,0:00:36.870 that Kevin Gisi shared about conscious[br]titling in videos. 0:00:36.870,0:00:41.969 So I'm going to try to do some titling[br]in my video, i think. I watched a lot of 0:00:41.969,0:00:42.989 Gilmore Girls again, 0:00:42.989,0:00:46.829 but I also caught up on a lot of YouTube[br]vlogs which is good, but I don't have a 0:00:46.829,0:00:50.489 lot of substance to add to this vlog, so[br]I'm just going to add-- I'm just going to answer 0:00:50.489,0:00:54.000 the We Vlog Collective's prompt for[br]this day. 0:00:54.000,0:00:58.140 I'm recording this on thursday but it's[br]going to post on friday and the prompt 0:00:58.140,0:01:01.890 was: if you were given a million dollars[br]what would you do with it? 0:01:01.890,0:01:05.700 These days, a million dollars isn't[br]enough to do something significant 0:01:07.600,0:01:10.100 because it's like the whole dr. evil[br]waking up and asking for a million 0:01:10.100,0:01:13.670 dollars and it just not being an[br]impressive thing that's just true. 0:01:14.600,0:01:17.920 So, if I had $1,000,000 dollars, i would 0:01:17.920,0:01:23.080 pay off my credit card. I would move to a[br]place that's very similar to my current tiny 0:01:23.080,0:01:23.830 apartment, 0:01:23.830,0:01:29.380 exactly would have a full kitchen and[br]built-in air conditioning probably. And 0:01:29.380,0:01:33.310 then I would just use the rest of the[br]money to be able to spend my days doing 0:01:33.310,0:01:39.100 what I'm doing right now while unemployed:[br]Which is doing whatever I want, 0:01:39.100,0:01:42.520 youtube stuff-- If I had more money, if I[br]could somehow invest that million 0:01:42.520,0:01:48.520 dollars and make it start to grow, then i[br]would take the, uh, the dividends that came 0:01:48.520,0:01:53.530 back and I'd invest those in various[br]charities like the YWCA or something for 0:01:53.530,0:01:57.850 RAINN or something to fight the homelessness[br]problem in the uh Los Angeles area. 0:01:58.390,0:02:04.539 I think that's what I would do. So[br]that's my very simple vlog for today. It is 0:02:04.539,0:02:07.270 friday the 5th? 0:02:07.270,0:02:10.810 If you have any requests for other[br]things I can do in my vlogs for this 0:02:10.810,0:02:13.900 month, for Vlogging Every Day August,[br]please let me know in the comments below. 0:02:14.709,0:02:18.549 Otherwise you will see me tomorrow and, uh... 0:02:19.500,0:02:21.500 Tomorrow will be even better!