1 00:00:00,117 --> 00:00:03,788 ♪ [music] ♪ 2 00:00:16,074 --> 00:00:18,696 [Alex] Now that we know how money is defined, 3 00:00:18,696 --> 00:00:22,878 we'll learn how banks can affect the supply of money 4 00:00:22,878 --> 00:00:25,397 through fractional reserve banking. 5 00:00:25,881 --> 00:00:28,467 Let's imagine that you graduate from college 6 00:00:28,467 --> 00:00:31,980 and your grandma gives you $1,000 in cash -- 7 00:00:31,980 --> 00:00:37,142 that she's been saving under her mattress since the 1970s. 8 00:00:37,142 --> 00:00:40,348 And you deposit this cash in your checking account. 9 00:00:40,348 --> 00:00:42,223 What does the bank do with your money? 10 00:00:42,613 --> 00:00:45,451 Does it sit in a vault with your name on it? 11 00:00:45,802 --> 00:00:46,821 No. 12 00:00:47,251 --> 00:00:52,289 Banks lend most of your money to people who want to borrow. 13 00:00:52,759 --> 00:00:57,634 Banks keep in reserve only a fraction of your money -- 14 00:00:57,634 --> 00:01:00,396 money they keep in cash for the ATM 15 00:01:00,396 --> 00:01:02,681 or to meet withdrawal demands. 16 00:01:02,681 --> 00:01:07,402 This is why this system is known as "fractional reserve banking." 17 00:01:07,730 --> 00:01:11,131 So what fraction of your deposit do banks keep in reserve? 18 00:01:11,982 --> 00:01:14,417 Well, large banks in the United States 19 00:01:14,417 --> 00:01:20,118 must keep in reserve at least $1 for every $10 in deposits. 20 00:01:20,759 --> 00:01:23,779 Or we say, large banks are required 21 00:01:23,779 --> 00:01:27,998 to have a reserve ratio of at least 10%. 22 00:01:27,998 --> 00:01:31,584 But banks often have higher reserve ratios 23 00:01:31,584 --> 00:01:34,942 depending upon how liquid that they want to be. 24 00:01:34,942 --> 00:01:36,158 If a bank is worried 25 00:01:36,158 --> 00:01:39,282 that its customers might withdraw most of their money 26 00:01:39,282 --> 00:01:42,492 or if bank loans are just not that profitable, 27 00:01:42,989 --> 00:01:45,647 banks will hold more reserves. 28 00:01:45,874 --> 00:01:49,183 So the reserve ratio can be greater than 10% 29 00:01:49,762 --> 00:01:52,214 and it can change over time. 30 00:01:52,214 --> 00:01:54,496 Because of fractional reserve banking, 31 00:01:54,496 --> 00:01:58,190 the banking system has a big effect on the supply of money. 32 00:01:58,190 --> 00:01:59,496 Let's see how. 33 00:01:59,496 --> 00:02:04,332 Suppose that your bank keeps 10% of your $1,000 deposit, 34 00:02:04,332 --> 00:02:06,884 or $100, as reserve. 35 00:02:07,335 --> 00:02:12,832 And suppose it lends out 90%, or $900, 36 00:02:12,832 --> 00:02:15,939 say to Tyler, who's interested in starting a business. 37 00:02:16,560 --> 00:02:21,990 That $900 loan is credited to Tyler's checking account. 38 00:02:22,459 --> 00:02:27,458 So now there's $1,900 in new deposits. 39 00:02:27,458 --> 00:02:31,855 And since checkable deposits are part of the money supply, 40 00:02:31,855 --> 00:02:34,716 the money supply has increased. 41 00:02:35,290 --> 00:02:36,966 And it doesn't stop there. 42 00:02:36,966 --> 00:02:41,786 Suppose that the bank holds 10% of Tyler's deposit in reserve 43 00:02:41,786 --> 00:02:46,992 and it lends out 90%, or $810, 44 00:02:46,992 --> 00:02:48,222 say, to Janet. 45 00:02:49,084 --> 00:02:54,003 Now deposits have increased by $2,710. 46 00:02:54,003 --> 00:02:57,352 And suppose that 10% of Janet's money is held in reserve 47 00:02:57,352 --> 00:02:59,050 and the rest is lent out. 48 00:02:59,333 --> 00:03:01,484 And so this process continues. 49 00:03:01,952 --> 00:03:04,610 And as the banks make more loans -- 50 00:03:04,610 --> 00:03:06,779 that increases the number of deposits, 51 00:03:06,779 --> 00:03:08,283 which increases the number of loans, 52 00:03:08,283 --> 00:03:10,251 which increases the number of deposits. 53 00:03:10,434 --> 00:03:13,967 So how much money do we ultimately end up with? 54 00:03:14,400 --> 00:03:15,947 You can figure that out 55 00:03:15,947 --> 00:03:19,124 using what's called the "money multiplier." 56 00:03:19,427 --> 00:03:21,068 The money multiplier tells us 57 00:03:21,068 --> 00:03:24,620 how many dollars' worth of deposits are created 58 00:03:24,620 --> 00:03:27,637 with each additional dollar of reserves. 59 00:03:28,149 --> 00:03:30,271 And the money multiplier is simple. 60 00:03:30,671 --> 00:03:34,815 It's just 1 divided by the reserve ratio. 61 00:03:34,815 --> 00:03:37,000 So if the reserve ratio is 10%, 62 00:03:37,414 --> 00:03:42,011 the money multiplier is 1 divided by 0.1, or 10. 63 00:03:42,295 --> 00:03:47,621 And what that means is that $1 in new reserves 64 00:03:47,621 --> 00:03:52,019 will ultimately lead, through the multiplier process, 65 00:03:52,019 --> 00:03:55,718 to $10 in additional money, 66 00:03:55,718 --> 00:03:59,015 as measured by, say, M1 or M2. 67 00:03:59,015 --> 00:04:02,013 Now let's clarify our previous example 68 00:04:02,013 --> 00:04:06,259 and why it was key that Grandma was pulling cash 69 00:04:06,259 --> 00:04:07,912 from under her mattress. 70 00:04:07,912 --> 00:04:11,964 If Grandma had instead given you a check for $1,000, 71 00:04:11,964 --> 00:04:15,682 she'd simply be transferring money from her account to yours, 72 00:04:15,682 --> 00:04:19,567 which would not be creating new reserves -- 73 00:04:19,567 --> 00:04:22,368 and so we wouldn't see this multiplier effect. 74 00:04:22,368 --> 00:04:26,596 And, actually, the key player here isn't Grandma -- 75 00:04:26,596 --> 00:04:28,207 it's Uncle Sam. 76 00:04:28,586 --> 00:04:32,787 The Federal Reserve can, with the click of a computer button, 77 00:04:32,787 --> 00:04:34,757 create new money, 78 00:04:34,757 --> 00:04:39,515 new money, which it can use to buy financial assets, 79 00:04:39,515 --> 00:04:44,598 thus injecting new reserves into the banking system. 80 00:04:44,849 --> 00:04:46,034 But the Fed's control 81 00:04:46,034 --> 00:04:48,839 over the money-supply process is indirect. 82 00:04:49,471 --> 00:04:52,528 If banks hold the minimum amount of required reserves -- 83 00:04:52,528 --> 00:04:54,998 10%, as we assumed earlier -- 84 00:04:54,998 --> 00:04:57,902 then the money multiplier will be close to 10. 85 00:04:57,902 --> 00:05:02,014 And if this is the case, the Fed will have a lot of leverage 86 00:05:02,014 --> 00:05:07,223 to move M1 and M2 with a small change in reserves. 87 00:05:07,223 --> 00:05:09,591 But in normal circumstances, 88 00:05:09,591 --> 00:05:12,544 the actual money multiplier is closer to 3. 89 00:05:13,182 --> 00:05:14,254 How come? 90 00:05:14,602 --> 00:05:19,566 Well, remember, banks can't hold less than 10% in reserve. 91 00:05:19,937 --> 00:05:21,744 They can always hold more. 92 00:05:22,104 --> 00:05:26,871 And the more banks hold in reserve, the lower the money multiplier. 93 00:05:26,871 --> 00:05:28,607 So it's important to understand 94 00:05:28,607 --> 00:05:32,274 that the money multiplier isn't a fixed number. 95 00:05:32,274 --> 00:05:36,996 And the multiplier process isn't a mechanical relation. 96 00:05:36,996 --> 00:05:38,550 Here's another factor. 97 00:05:39,067 --> 00:05:41,899 If Tyler had stashed some of his loan 98 00:05:41,899 --> 00:05:43,748 under his mattress 99 00:05:43,748 --> 00:05:46,870 instead of depositing it into a bank, 100 00:05:46,870 --> 00:05:48,292 then his bank -- 101 00:05:48,292 --> 00:05:51,568 it wouldn't have had the money to lend out his deposit, 102 00:05:51,568 --> 00:05:54,271 and the money multiplier would have been lower. 103 00:05:54,271 --> 00:05:55,814 And during a recession, 104 00:05:55,814 --> 00:05:58,420 both of these things can happen at the same time. 105 00:05:58,883 --> 00:06:01,230 Banks may be reluctant to lend 106 00:06:01,230 --> 00:06:03,910 and they'll maybe put more cash in reserve. 107 00:06:04,310 --> 00:06:06,547 Plus people tend to hold more cash 108 00:06:06,547 --> 00:06:10,082 and not deposit their money in banks during a recession. 109 00:06:10,082 --> 00:06:13,852 Both of these factors cause the money multiplier to fall. 110 00:06:14,844 --> 00:06:18,668 So the Federal Reserve may have to push harder 111 00:06:18,668 --> 00:06:22,083 to increase the money supply during a recession 112 00:06:22,083 --> 00:06:23,613 than during a boom. 113 00:06:23,961 --> 00:06:25,279 We're going to dive further 114 00:06:25,279 --> 00:06:27,605 into how the Fed controls the money supply, 115 00:06:27,605 --> 00:06:30,653 and how that's changed since the Great Recession 116 00:06:30,653 --> 00:06:31,966 in our next video. 117 00:06:33,425 --> 00:06:35,505 [Narrator] You're on your way to mastering economics. 118 00:06:35,505 --> 00:06:38,982 Make sure this video sticks by taking a few practice questions. 119 00:06:38,982 --> 00:06:41,123 Or, if you're ready for more macroeconomics, 120 00:06:41,123 --> 00:06:42,539 click for the next video. 121 00:06:44,397 --> 00:06:45,398 Still here? 122 00:06:45,398 --> 00:06:48,492 Check out Marginal Revolution University's other popular videos. 123 00:06:48,754 --> 00:06:51,274 ♪ [music] ♪