WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.047 Subtitles by sho 00:00:46.445 --> 00:00:50.730 マフィン食ってスコーン食って目を覚ませ! ブランチのPWN ZWNの時間だ。 00:00:50.730 --> 00:00:53.813 Brought to you by Brunchables, Brunch Crunch Cereal. 00:00:53.813 --> 00:00:57.059 Whether for breakfast or lunch, munch on a bunch of Brunch Crunch! 00:00:57.059 --> 00:00:59.108 Brunchables. Brunch up your brunch! 00:00:59.108 --> 00:01:02.712 Our top story: Crunch went Brian D's underdog dreams, 00:01:02.712 --> 00:01:07.066 as the one shot wonder of VGHS was completely o'bruncherated 00:01:07.066 --> 00:01:09.731 in yesterday's FPS scrimmage by The Law. 00:01:09.731 --> 00:01:15.306 Peep this replay of him going "eggs Benedict Arnold" on teammate Jenny Matrix. 00:01:30.629 --> 00:01:33.823 Brian,見て。キーがブランチ用のピザを開発したよ! 00:01:33.823 --> 00:01:36.837 Brian,見て。キーがブランチ用のピザを開発したよ! これの名前ね「”キー”ッシュ」! 00:01:36.837 --> 00:01:39.168 I already told you, it was just a coincidence! 00:01:39.168 --> 00:01:41.439 ちょーすごくない? 00:01:41.439 --> 00:01:46.506 You guys are great together. You would never betray one another. 00:01:46.506 --> 00:01:51.568 Oh, man, I suck. You're still beaten up over that Jenny Matrix thing? 00:01:51.568 --> 00:01:54.325 いやっ もう乗り越えたよ 00:01:54.340 --> 00:01:58.468 その調子! 「今この瞬間を楽しめ」だよ 00:02:00.406 --> 00:02:02.631 「今この瞬間を楽しめ」 00:02:03.662 --> 00:02:05.681 「今この瞬間を楽しめ」 00:02:09.496 --> 00:02:11.215 さ、授業に出ましょう 00:02:17.353 --> 00:02:21.543 That last pun felt a little half baked, shot bot. But one thing's for sure: 00:02:21.543 --> 00:02:27.878 Any way you slice this melon, Brian D's chances of making JV at tryouts are over, easy. 00:02:27.878 --> 00:02:31.862 私、Scott Slandersが酔いながらお送りしました。 00:02:48.234 --> 00:02:52.142 Ki, 4000hitコンボよ 00:02:57.443 --> 00:03:00.192 I helped my parents design this game.このゲームの開発に携わりましたからね 00:03:00.761 --> 00:03:01.818 もういっかいやりましょう 00:03:01.818 --> 00:03:04.308 いやいやいやもう…もう十分よ 00:03:04.308 --> 00:03:07.848 もう打ちのめされちゃったわ。Brian Dみたいに 00:03:10.725 --> 00:03:12.931 やりましょう 00:03:16.030 --> 00:03:23.243 Brian DじゃなくてBrian Zだな!アルファベットの最後の文字だぁ!おもしれえぇええ! 00:03:23.243 --> 00:03:25.607 聞く価値もないな 00:03:25.607 --> 00:03:29.523 Ted, please, I don't even.know what that means. 00:03:29.523 --> 00:03:34.236 Well Z is the la... You know I don't even have time to explain to you how sick of a burn that was -- 00:03:39.673 --> 00:03:43.187 Ted? Ted! 00:03:43.187 --> 00:03:44.470 あれ? 00:03:44.470 --> 00:03:46.966 あなた大丈夫?27分間も気を失っていたのよ? 00:03:46.966 --> 00:03:50.337 I'm fine. I just... 00:03:50.337 --> 00:03:52.662 You've seen them haven't you, Theodore? 00:03:52.677 --> 00:03:54.865 Hi Drift King. 00:03:54.865 --> 00:03:57.169 The visions. What are they? 00:03:57.169 --> 00:04:02.318 Merely a side effect...of drift fever! 00:04:02.318 --> 00:04:05.400 You've got the blood, Ted! You can't escape this now! 00:04:05.400 --> 00:04:11.316 Cast off that silly little plastic guitar, and grip the steering wheel of destiny! 00:04:11.316 --> 00:04:14.565 Forget it DK. Us Wongs are bred to shred. 00:04:14.565 --> 00:04:16.982 I'm signing up for rythm gaming and there's nothing you can do to stop me! 00:04:16.982 --> 00:04:22.071 Confound it! Why must you Brian D your future away on this dying sport? 00:04:22.071 --> 00:04:24.342 Look at me in the eye. 00:04:24.342 --> 00:04:32.121 Tell me that hammer-ons and pull-ups can possibly compare to the G force pull of an A+J turn? 00:04:33.065 --> 00:04:37.922 The thrum of a rumble chair as you careen past the checkered flag. 00:04:37.922 --> 00:04:43.451 The churning in your chest as you hear those three magical words: 00:04:43.451 --> 00:04:48.417 NEW LAP RECORD! 00:04:51.340 --> 00:04:54.309 い…行かなくちゃヨガの授業に出ないと… 00:04:54.309 --> 00:04:57.117 - ヨガは木曜日よ? - そんなのいいよ行こう 00:04:57.132 --> 00:04:59.945 Okay! 00:04:59.945 --> 00:05:05.165 Ted, even a man as fast as you can't run away from himself forever! 00:05:07.334 --> 00:05:09.588 Hey buddy, look, I got you ...uh. 00:05:09.588 --> 00:05:15.279 Ah, my thanks Ted's vassal. Though in the future, I prefer, sour cream and onions. 00:05:15.279 --> 00:05:17.908 あんた誰? 00:05:28.530 --> 00:05:32.530 "ヌーブは家に帰れ" 00:05:44.517 --> 00:05:46.977 よおチャンピオン。なにやってんだ? 00:05:46.977 --> 00:05:50.566 うん、うん大丈夫。めっちゃ大丈夫 00:05:50.566 --> 00:05:54.617 前の学校に比べたら屁でもないね。こんなんいじめでもなんでもないよ 00:05:54.617 --> 00:05:59.713 まじかあ。じゃあもっといじめる必要があんな? 00:05:59.713 --> 00:06:03.372 うっそだよびっくりした? 00:06:04.911 --> 00:06:07.209 で…大丈夫なの? 00:06:07.209 --> 00:06:12.662 ええ?いやいや大丈夫どころかサイコーだよサイコー 00:06:12.662 --> 00:06:16.190 僕は最高だよ。君もThe lawといるし。最高最高 00:06:16.190 --> 00:06:22.425 僕は一人だけどそれが最高だよ。すべてはサイコー 00:06:22.471 --> 00:06:28.660 そう。良かった。けどもう練習しに行かなきゃ…その良かったわ… 00:06:28.660 --> 00:06:31.150 最高だからな! 00:06:33.730 --> 00:06:36.710 また後でな 00:06:38.864 --> 00:06:40.197 いや僕本当に最高だから… - オラァ! 00:06:44.160 --> 00:06:47.391 Brian D! 今すぐに私のオフィスに来い! 00:06:52.103 --> 00:06:55.741 学校はリスクを冒し過ぎたようだ。 Brian. 00:06:55.741 --> 00:07:00.470 失望させてくれたな。座りたまえ 00:07:02.208 --> 00:07:08.263 校長先生たしかに試合では負けましたけど. But I figure with try-outs still right around the corner -- 00:07:08.279 --> 00:07:12.049 VGHS try-outs are streamed across the world. 00:07:12.049 --> 00:07:14.294 お前は即退学まであと1ポイントだ 00:07:14.294 --> 00:07:16.981 経営陣は気に入らないぞ 00:07:18.704 --> 00:07:20.614 つまり…どういうことですか? 00:07:20.614 --> 00:07:23.128 つまりお前は死期が近いということだ。 00:07:23.128 --> 00:07:26.536 We don't need some kid Brian D-ing all over our reputation. 00:07:26.536 --> 00:07:31.856 That new catchphrase is the exact reason why administration is asking you to ragequit on your own accord. 00:07:34.012 --> 00:07:35.225 つまりお願いしてるんだ 00:07:35.225 --> 00:07:36.852 コーヒーうまっ… 00:07:37.936 --> 00:07:42.230 自分からVGHSを退学するんだ 00:07:52.659 --> 00:07:54.740 ホバーボールキックして返して! 00:08:25.907 --> 00:08:27.882 辛い一日だなBrian? 00:08:28.711 --> 00:08:31.776 よお, Games! なんなんだよ 00:08:31.776 --> 00:08:34.910 いや、ただこれお前が落したんじゃないかなって 00:08:34.910 --> 00:08:36.870 どこで拾ったんだよ 00:08:36.900 --> 00:08:38.604 これが面白くてさ 00:08:38.620 --> 00:08:43.727 I told you. Stick to Games. I'm totally a catch. 00:08:43.727 --> 00:08:46.042 That's my favorite game! 00:08:46.042 --> 00:08:50.442 No baby. That's our favorite game. 00:08:55.427 --> 00:08:57.395 すごいね。ゲーム楽しんで. 00:08:57.395 --> 00:09:00.761 Oh I will. But not as much as Jenny will enjoy your cute little: 00:09:00.761 --> 00:09:06.261 [Mimicking in a weak voice] "Oh, I like you, but I don't have the balls to say so" note. Or per chance, the Law will succumb to your... 00:09:06.261 --> 00:09:09.104 ..."Don Juan-tay" marksmanship. 00:09:10.827 --> 00:09:12.302 からかってるの? 00:09:12.302 --> 00:09:13.151 ばっかみたい 00:09:13.151 --> 00:09:18.473 もう俺が主役なんだ。主役は二人もいらない 00:09:18.473 --> 00:09:19.968 It's Game's time. 00:09:19.968 --> 00:09:27.465 うわああ。いいねそりゃ。ちょっとしたブランドの名前みたいじゃん 00:09:27.526 --> 00:09:30.337 注目を浴びたいんだろ? 00:09:30.337 --> 00:09:33.175 You can have it! But first here's what we're gonna do. 00:09:33.175 --> 00:09:36.074 Alright, we're going to throw it down. I'm gonna stomp your face. 00:09:36.074 --> 00:09:41.580 I'm gonna make you cry, in front of your two...stupid friends whose names I don't even wanna know. 00:09:41.596 --> 00:09:45.673 退学まで1ポイントだ 00:09:46.919 --> 00:09:49.873 3人のヌーブのためにつかってあげるよ 00:09:49.873 --> 00:09:52.737 そうこなくちゃな 00:09:55.648 --> 00:09:59.011 - アサルトライフルでいいか? - あ~、サブマシンガンで 00:09:59.011 --> 00:10:01.144 お前の最後だからな. 三点先取でどうだ? 00:10:01.144 --> 00:10:03.551 - 5点先取でいこう! - 試合開始だ 00:10:44.307 --> 00:10:46.429 あれれ?おかしいね? 00:11:01.935 --> 00:11:04.427 死体撃ちしちゃうもんねぇ~ 00:11:19.777 --> 00:11:22.833 - 何しにここへ? - あなたを助けによ 00:11:27.284 --> 00:11:32.463 もう遅いよ 00:11:45.137 --> 00:11:49.172 ふざけないでBrian!何してんのよ!? 00:11:49.172 --> 00:11:50.575 VGHSを退学するんだよ 00:11:50.575 --> 00:11:55.492 Yeah, I set you up. But you know what? You wanted to be in that game, and you screwed it up. 00:11:55.492 --> 00:11:58.139 So you can blame me. You can blame the whole damn school.だからあたしを責めてもいい!学校を責めてもいい! 00:11:58.139 --> 00:12:04.994 But right here, right now, it is all on you.けどあなたがここにいるのは。あなた自身の選択でしょ 00:12:11.425 --> 00:12:13.283 やったろうじゃない 00:13:23.425 --> 00:13:28.805 そんな…ありえない… 00:13:28.805 --> 00:13:33.500 これで終わったと思うなよBrian D。行くぞ 00:13:39.704 --> 00:13:42.037 助けてくれてありがとう 00:13:42.037 --> 00:13:48.986 そのどういたしまして. You should play like that more often.今みたいなプレイをもっとすべきよ 00:13:52.785 --> 00:13:56.570 じゃあまた明日 00:13:56.570 --> 00:14:01.481 You can kiss your high scores, good bye! 00:14:01.496 --> 00:14:05.224 Yeah, good luck with that captain. 00:14:06.985 --> 00:14:09.464 Hey, Jenny, thanks for giving me a shot. 00:14:09.464 --> 00:14:15.534 And no matter how cool your are, better practice those 5-star songs if you plan on taking me on. Brian.