0:00:02.110,0:00:07.810 NARRATOR: The cardiac conduction system consists of the following components: 0:00:07.810,0:00:11.315 the sinoatrial node, or SA node, 0:00:11.315,0:00:16.405 located in the right atrium near the entrance of the superior vena cava. 0:00:16.405,0:00:19.730 This is the natural pacemaker of the heart 0:00:19.730,0:00:23.870 that initiates all heartbeat and determines heart rate. 0:00:23.870,0:00:27.170 Electrical impulses from the SA node spread 0:00:27.170,0:00:31.130 throughout both atria and stimulate them to contract. 0:00:31.130,0:00:35.270 The atrial ventricular node, or AV node, 0:00:35.270,0:00:38.390 located on the other side of the right atrium, 0:00:38.390,0:00:40.360 near the AV valve. 0:00:40.360,0:00:45.015 The AV node serves as electrical gateway to the ventricles. 0:00:45.015,0:00:49.680 It delays the passage of electrical impulses to the ventricles. 0:00:49.680,0:00:53.145 This delay is to ensure that the atria have ejected 0:00:53.145,0:00:57.555 all the blood into the ventricles before the ventricles contract. 0:00:57.555,0:01:00.180 The AV node receives signals from 0:01:00.180,0:01:05.005 the SA node and passes them on to the atrioventricular bundle, 0:01:05.005,0:01:08.405 AV bundle, or bundle of His. 0:01:08.405,0:01:12.020 This bundle is then divided into right and left 0:01:12.020,0:01:17.420 bundle branches which conduct the impulses toward the apex of the heart. 0:01:17.420,0:01:21.830 The signals are then passed onto Purkinje fibers, 0:01:21.830,0:01:26.660 turning upward and spreading throughout the ventricular myocardium. 0:01:26.660,0:01:32.840 Electrical activities of the heart can be recorded in the form of electrocardiogram, 0:01:32.840,0:01:35.585 ECG, or EKG. 0:01:35.585,0:01:38.840 An ECG is a composite recording of 0:01:38.840,0:01:44.020 all the action potentials produced by the nodes and the cells of the myocardium. 0:01:44.020,0:01:47.760 Each wave or segment of the ECG corresponds 0:01:47.760,0:01:51.710 to a certain event of the cardiac electrical cycle. 0:01:51.710,0:01:54.500 When the atria are full of blood, 0:01:54.500,0:01:56.510 the SA node fires, 0:01:56.510,0:02:02.185 electrical signals spread throughout the atria and cause them to depolarize. 0:02:02.185,0:02:06.745 This is represented by the P wave on the ECG. 0:02:06.745,0:02:10.560 Atrial contraction or atrial systole, 0:02:10.560,0:02:15.225 starts about 100 milliseconds after the P wave begins. 0:02:15.225,0:02:22.230 The P-Q segments represent the time the signals travels from the SA node to the AV node. 0:02:22.230,0:02:25.530 The QRS complex marks the firing of 0:02:25.530,0:02:29.580 the AV node and represents ventricular depolarization. 0:02:29.580,0:02:35.390 Q wave corresponds to depolarization of the interventricular septum. 0:02:35.390,0:02:41.650 R wave is produced by depolarization of the main mass of the ventricles. 0:02:41.650,0:02:48.550 S wave represents the last phase of ventricular depolarization at the base of the heart. 0:02:48.550,0:02:52.825 Atrial repolarization also occurs during this time, 0:02:52.825,0:02:57.640 but the signal is obscured by the large QRS complex. 0:02:57.640,0:03:03.850 The S-T segment reflects the plateau in the myocardial action potential; 0:03:03.850,0:03:08.120 this is when the ventricles contract and pump blood. 0:03:08.120,0:03:12.265 The T wave represents ventricular repolarization 0:03:12.265,0:03:18.275 immediately before ventricular relaxation or ventricular diastole. 0:03:18.275,0:03:22.910 The cycle repeats itself with every heartbeat.