0:00:00.000,0:00:01.811 My name is Tabatha Coffey, 0:00:01.816,0:00:03.086 and I am a bitch. 0:00:03.086,0:00:04.414 (Laughter) 0:00:04.419,0:00:06.581 That's right, you heard it here first. 0:00:07.355,0:00:08.175 So ... 0:00:09.280,0:00:11.927 Show me your hands,[br]who thinks they are a bitch? 0:00:12.414,0:00:13.427 (Laughter) 0:00:13.427,0:00:14.787 Oh, we need to work on that. 0:00:14.787,0:00:15.957 By the end of this talk, 0:00:15.957,0:00:21.063 I want every hand up and proud[br]in this audience, all of you. 0:00:23.046,0:00:24.393 So ten years ago, 0:00:24.550,0:00:28.665 I was lucky enough[br]to fall into television, 0:00:29.032,0:00:31.609 and I say I fell into it[br]because I really did. 0:00:31.616,0:00:36.164 I tried out for a competitive show[br]that put hairdresser against hairdresser. 0:00:36.579,0:00:38.020 And it was rough; 0:00:38.026,0:00:41.740 it was 12 weeks[br]living away from your business, 0:00:41.954,0:00:43.578 away from your family, 0:00:43.761,0:00:47.446 locked in a house with 11 strangers. 0:00:47.917,0:00:51.000 You were with them 24/7. 0:00:51.554,0:00:54.624 It was an amazing experience; 0:00:54.624,0:00:55.774 I loved it. 0:00:55.775,0:00:58.942 And I am incredibly competitive,[br]like most of you. 0:00:59.535,0:01:00.575 When it was over, 0:01:00.901,0:01:01.791 I went home, 0:01:02.040,0:01:05.013 went back to my business,[br]went back on with my life. 0:01:05.498,0:01:07.831 And a couple of weeks went by, 0:01:08.356,0:01:12.856 and my clients were all thrilled[br]that I was on TV and I was competing. 0:01:14.005,0:01:16.238 Couple of more weeks went by, 0:01:16.867,0:01:20.556 and probably around four weeks in, 0:01:20.558,0:01:24.236 I was in Nordstrom[br]buying a pair of shoes. 0:01:25.124,0:01:28.126 And across the mall, 0:01:28.428,0:01:32.244 a woman looked and went,[br]"Oh, my god! You are that bitch on TV!" 0:01:32.244,0:01:33.524 (Laughter) 0:01:37.474,0:01:40.889 I did not laugh as all of you are - 0:01:41.267,0:01:44.856 I do now, but not then,[br]it was not so funny. 0:01:45.288,0:01:48.598 I was absolutely mortified, 0:01:48.598,0:01:49.605 and - 0:01:49.605,0:01:52.198 Look, it's not the first time[br]I've been called a bitch, 0:01:52.198,0:01:54.465 it is definitely not[br]going to be the last time, 0:01:54.879,0:01:59.086 but from a stranger that recognized me 0:01:59.095,0:02:03.827 and was yelling across the mall[br]that I was the bitch on TV 0:02:03.827,0:02:05.587 really stopped me in my tracks. 0:02:05.587,0:02:07.562 It was just amazing. 0:02:08.362,0:02:10.993 Well, it did not just happened once;[br]it kept happening, 0:02:11.334,0:02:12.381 and happening, 0:02:12.559,0:02:13.859 and happening 0:02:14.013,0:02:15.373 and happening. 0:02:16.500,0:02:21.687 And I went down the rabbit hole[br]of reading the blogs 0:02:21.964,0:02:24.388 and reading what people[br]were saying about me. 0:02:24.589,0:02:31.087 And there were literally thousands[br]of people that were calling me a bitch. 0:02:31.635,0:02:35.611 And to say that it was paralyizing[br]is putting it mildly. 0:02:36.099,0:02:38.610 I was paralyzed by it. 0:02:39.011,0:02:40.241 Because ... 0:02:40.248,0:02:42.258 I am tough, 0:02:42.300,0:02:43.528 and I am honest, 0:02:43.568,0:02:45.447 and I am strong, 0:02:45.447,0:02:50.826 and I am all the qualities[br]that we all should have 0:02:50.826,0:02:54.586 to be a successful business woman. 0:02:55.264,0:02:59.013 But I did not view myself[br]as a bitch whatsoever. 0:02:59.786,0:03:02.906 So, I had to sit down and really reflect 0:03:02.906,0:03:07.005 on what happened and why people[br]were calling me a bitch 0:03:07.005,0:03:10.636 and why people were thinking[br]that it was okay 0:03:10.636,0:03:13.861 to go up to a complete stranger[br]and go, "You are that bitch!" 0:03:13.861,0:03:15.610 (Laughter) 0:03:16.576,0:03:20.005 I know now that it is kind of cool 0:03:20.781,0:03:22.717 to be a bitch.[br](Laughter) 0:03:22.717,0:03:24.800 Right? Now it is kind of cool. 0:03:25.701,0:03:27.850 But even though it is cool now, 0:03:27.850,0:03:30.400 and we say to our friends,[br]"Hey bitch, how you doin'?" 0:03:30.400,0:03:32.354 (Laughter)[br]Right? 0:03:33.045,0:03:36.644 We "hashtag" on Instagram:[br]"Bitch an outfit," right? 0:03:36.647,0:03:39.470 We throw the word around 0:03:39.855,0:03:42.970 like it means nothing. 0:03:43.208,0:03:46.139 But if any of you have been called a bitch 0:03:46.625,0:03:47.835 by someone - 0:03:47.835,0:03:48.955 whether you know them, 0:03:48.955,0:03:51.504 whether it is a colleague,[br]whether it is a friend, 0:03:51.504,0:03:53.425 whether it is a random stranger - 0:03:53.705,0:03:55.096 it hurts. 0:03:55.348,0:04:00.534 There is a moment that it feels[br]like a knife going into your heart. 0:04:01.075,0:04:02.488 And it hurts. 0:04:03.497,0:04:06.736 The thing that's interesting,[br]and we talk about it all the time; 0:04:07.140,0:04:08.530 there are books about it, 0:04:08.916,0:04:10.530 there are songs about it. 0:04:10.873,0:04:15.733 If you are a strong woman, 0:04:16.545,0:04:19.779 if you speak with authority, 0:04:20.114,0:04:22.944 if you don't bow down to people, 0:04:23.090,0:04:24.855 if you speak your mind, 0:04:25.141,0:04:27.124 if you have a healthy dose of ego, 0:04:27.387,0:04:31.580 if you are really confident[br]and really, really passionate, 0:04:33.058,0:04:34.462 you are a bitch. 0:04:36.076,0:04:41.217 But those qualities in a man[br]make him a go-getter, 0:04:41.635,0:04:43.081 a great executive, 0:04:43.356,0:04:45.008 someone you want on the team, 0:04:45.274,0:04:48.934 someone really dependable[br]that would take care of a problem. 0:04:50.044,0:04:52.034 Maybe even the president. 0:04:52.696,0:04:53.936 (Laughter) 0:04:55.196,0:04:56.206 Yep. 0:04:56.206,0:04:57.766 (Applause) 0:05:00.761,0:05:06.612 But those qualities in us,[br]as women, get us called bitches. 0:05:07.812,0:05:12.282 The bigger problem to me with that[br]is that we do it to each other. 0:05:12.878,0:05:14.792 We call each other bitches. 0:05:15.218,0:05:19.004 And it is not in the cute Instagram way[br]of "Bitch an outfit!" 0:05:19.004,0:05:20.544 "I am with my bitches." 0:05:20.544,0:05:22.017 It is not in the cute way. 0:05:22.017,0:05:23.358 (Laughter) 0:05:23.358,0:05:30.215 It is in the mean let-me-tear-you-down-[br]and-put-you-in-your-box kind of way. 0:05:30.470,0:05:31.971 Because that word - 0:05:32.334,0:05:35.030 and I've looked, and I've searched - 0:05:35.532,0:05:38.150 there is not an equivalent for men; 0:05:38.150,0:05:39.554 there isn't. 0:05:40.785,0:05:43.761 And it is supposed to dim your light, 0:05:44.065,0:05:46.199 and make you not as confident, 0:05:46.199,0:05:49.362 and make you stop and second-guess[br]yourself a little bit, 0:05:49.362,0:05:51.431 and wonder if you[br]are doing the right thing: 0:05:51.436,0:05:54.009 "Should I be doing[br]something else? I don't know." 0:05:54.009,0:05:56.422 That's what it does to your head. 0:05:57.358,0:06:01.111 And we can laugh it off,[br]as we are now, 0:06:01.300,0:06:03.096 but we still now it hurts. 0:06:03.230,0:06:05.737 And when we do it to our sisters, 0:06:05.915,0:06:08.494 and I mean our sisterhood of women, 0:06:08.625,0:06:10.063 it is wrong. 0:06:10.819,0:06:14.292 How many times[br]have you walked out of a meeting, 0:06:14.548,0:06:17.332 walked away from[br]maybe doing school pickup, 0:06:17.505,0:06:20.395 or going out to a cocktail party,[br]and there is woman there, 0:06:20.395,0:06:23.377 and walked away and said,[br]"Oh, she is such a bitch!" 0:06:25.178,0:06:27.961 When really, maybe she wasn't. 0:06:28.677,0:06:33.089 Maybe she was just a little bit[br]more honest than you, 0:06:33.547,0:06:36.326 maybe she just demanded what she wanted 0:06:36.326,0:06:39.269 and made no apologies or excuses for it. 0:06:39.887,0:06:43.260 Is she a bitch because she has[br]a better pair of shoes than you? 0:06:43.934,0:06:45.983 Is that why you are calling her a bitch? 0:06:46.192,0:06:49.564 Is that why we do it to each other,[br]because we are a little jealous 0:06:49.814,0:06:52.169 and we want to cut each other[br]down a little bit? 0:06:52.693,0:06:56.115 Because we are not helping each other, 0:06:56.849,0:07:01.318 we need to promote[br]growth and gain over gossip. 0:07:01.804,0:07:05.782 We need to stop cutting[br]each other down as women. 0:07:07.272,0:07:09.694 When I look at every single woman, 0:07:09.694,0:07:12.544 and I have met hundreds of thousands 0:07:12.544,0:07:15.336 because I've been[br]a hairdresser for 36 years 0:07:15.916,0:07:20.327 and had women in my chair[br]every single time. 0:07:20.334,0:07:24.424 And the reason I am[br]so passionate about what I do 0:07:24.822,0:07:27.834 is because I understand. 0:07:29.258,0:07:31.068 I don't understand men as well, 0:07:31.068,0:07:33.005 because I am not one. 0:07:34.307,0:07:35.398 But women, 0:07:35.665,0:07:39.396 I understand us,[br]I understand our insecurities, 0:07:39.408,0:07:41.471 I understand how hard we work, 0:07:41.471,0:07:44.695 I understand that everyone wants us[br]to be perfect all the time, 0:07:44.703,0:07:47.422 and it is really, really exhausting. 0:07:48.029,0:07:50.929 I understand that when we go on a date,[br]or we go to a party, 0:07:50.929,0:07:52.249 or we go to a work event, 0:07:52.249,0:07:54.733 or we just get up in the morning, 0:07:55.134,0:07:57.078 there is pressure on us. 0:07:57.434,0:08:00.907 And that's without[br]adding children and husbands 0:08:00.907,0:08:04.763 and all the other people[br]that are grabbing at us all the time. 0:08:04.763,0:08:06.307 I get that! 0:08:06.448,0:08:09.687 So when I look at one of my sisters, 0:08:09.687,0:08:12.676 why am I going to call her a bitch? 0:08:12.969,0:08:14.938 It's like calling me a bitch. 0:08:15.524,0:08:17.483 You are doing it to yourself. 0:08:18.103,0:08:21.143 When you look at another woman,[br]you are looking in the mirror. 0:08:21.572,0:08:23.227 And let me tell you, 0:08:24.034,0:08:26.878 the fact that we are women, 0:08:27.821,0:08:30.586 and we can produce life - 0:08:30.883,0:08:35.318 because there are literally wouldn't be[br]any of us sitting here without a woman ... 0:08:37.294,0:08:38.114 True! - 0:08:38.408,0:08:40.079 is extraordinary. 0:08:40.434,0:08:42.347 That is extraordinary. 0:08:44.031,0:08:47.632 To overcome being called[br]a bitch all the time, 0:08:48.817,0:08:50.586 I like to face my fears. 0:08:50.865,0:08:52.362 The way I dissolve them 0:08:52.463,0:08:55.883 is to look right down the barrel at them[br]and just take care of them. 0:08:56.485,0:08:57.935 So after my reflection, 0:08:58.193,0:09:03.793 I came up with an acronym[br]for what my version of bitch is. 0:09:04.728,0:09:06.208 And it's Brave, 0:09:06.277,0:09:07.437 Intelligent, 0:09:07.512,0:09:08.592 Tenacious, 0:09:08.654,0:09:09.724 Creative, 0:09:09.776,0:09:11.053 and Honest. 0:09:11.710,0:09:14.039 And I defy anyone in this room, 0:09:14.039,0:09:17.827 men or women, that does not[br]want those qualities in their life. 0:09:19.023,0:09:23.023 Every single woman in here,[br]and every single man, 0:09:23.023,0:09:25.873 we are brave; you don't need to[br]go and slay dragons, 0:09:26.091,0:09:29.122 sometimes it is just brave[br]to get out of bed in the morning 0:09:29.417,0:09:30.863 and face your day. 0:09:31.427,0:09:32.902 We are warriors. 0:09:34.138,0:09:39.158 Intelligence to me is not about[br]college degrees and book-smarts, 0:09:39.494,0:09:42.681 that's part of it,[br]but there is also intuition; 0:09:43.025,0:09:44.555 there is understanding; 0:09:44.854,0:09:48.364 there is nurturing and knowing[br]when to nurture and when to pull back. 0:09:48.709,0:09:52.214 They are qualities[br]that, women, we excel at. 0:09:53.616,0:09:55.795 Being tenacious, obviously, 0:09:56.218,0:09:59.998 have you ever messed with a woman's kid? 0:10:00.932,0:10:02.971 I mean, seriously? 0:10:03.266,0:10:07.073 We are tenacious;[br]if we want something, we don't stop. 0:10:07.265,0:10:09.835 What about that pair of shoes[br]you are lusting after? 0:10:10.072,0:10:11.362 And you can't afford them, 0:10:11.362,0:10:15.282 but miraculously, the money shows up,[br]and you got new kicks on. 0:10:15.282,0:10:16.272 (Laughter) 0:10:16.669,0:10:19.105 That's tenacity, right there! 0:10:21.625,0:10:24.455 Creative is just[br]looking at things differently; 0:10:24.455,0:10:26.925 we are great at that as women. 0:10:27.255,0:10:31.165 We are the best multitaskers[br]there are: we are creative. 0:10:31.441,0:10:34.589 We find ways to not only[br]find this money for that pair of shoes - 0:10:34.589,0:10:37.109 creatively, to come out of nowhere - 0:10:37.109,0:10:41.084 but also how to juggle different[br]schedules, take care of things; 0:10:41.343,0:10:43.955 that's innate in most of us. 0:10:45.363,0:10:49.467 And honest is how I think[br]we all should live our life. 0:10:49.817,0:10:52.615 And to me that honesty[br]is being honest enough, 0:10:52.890,0:10:55.889 instead of turning around[br]and calling one of my sisters a bitch, 0:10:56.173,0:10:58.222 is to look and say, 0:10:58.558,0:11:00.679 "You know what?[br]I am a little jealous of her. 0:11:00.679,0:11:04.347 Because what she has going on[br]is a whole lot of fabolous, 0:11:04.758,0:11:06.338 and I want a little bit of it." 0:11:08.137,0:11:09.237 "You know what? 0:11:09.730,0:11:11.308 I didn't get that job, 0:11:11.317,0:11:13.856 or I didn't get that gig[br]that I really wanted. 0:11:13.856,0:11:17.335 She did. Kudos to her.[br]How can I learn from that? 0:11:17.335,0:11:18.748 How can I be better? 0:11:18.751,0:11:22.892 How can I learn from what she did[br]to elevate myself, 0:11:23.457,0:11:26.012 instead of looking and go, 'Bitch.'" 0:11:26.953,0:11:29.506 That is not going to elevate any of us. 0:11:29.857,0:11:34.853 That is not going to solve the problems[br]that I believe we as women can solve. 0:11:35.319,0:11:37.569 So, if you take my acronym 0:11:37.569,0:11:41.116 of being Brave, Intelligent,[br]Tenacious, Creative, and Honest, 0:11:41.545,0:11:46.051 I encourage you all[br]to think about that in every choice, 0:11:46.519,0:11:49.796 and the next time someone[br]says to you, "You are a bitch," 0:11:50.024,0:11:53.631 smile and say, "Yes,[br]thank you very much. I am. 0:11:53.913,0:11:56.543 And I am the best damn bitch I can be." 0:11:57.063,0:11:58.531 Thank you, Saint Louis. 0:11:58.531,0:11:59.581 (Applause)